#14: The Great Spirit of the Grasses
Receive some surprising guidance from the Great Spirit of the Grasses in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. Today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast features a directly channeled communication from the Great Spirit of the Grass. So how did I come to channel the great spirit of the grass? Well as the growing season returned several weeks back my next door neighbor announced it’s formal arrival with the commencement of his weekly lawn mowings. And sure enough whatever time of day I chose to channel, a few minutes later the sound of the lawn mower engine would vibrate across the room, loud enough to be picked up by my recording equipment . Several days later, my sister, the family gardener, was telling me how easy it is to re-patch the bare patches in my lawn with a bag of grass seed. It finally clicked, it was definitely time to channel the Great Spirit of the Grass. If you would like to read the transcript it is located in the show notes at Gaiatranslate.com.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: (clears throat) We appreciate your attunement to our awareness, sister. Are we not that which is the Great Spirit of the Grass, or Grasses, as it were. We are great companions with those of your species. Are we not that, which is considered most beautiful, most desirable, and most sought after by many, many of those of your species in the Western climes as we have and understand ourselves called forth in great volume and as that which has and is considered the symbol of care, the symbol of attunement of that which is a preferable landscape arrangement for many of those of your species.
Channel: Yes, it is so.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: We are most aware, sister, and yet while this may seem a bit peculiar we would offer that there are many of our own fellow companions who have and would also seek to know themselves, offered a small piece of that which is the landscape of each and all of your own individuate, if you will, parcels that you have segmented out in your manner, for we are not the only or the most highly nutritious, if you will, of our cousins for some who have and our (are) neighbors, who have and would seek either to consume that which has and is our flesh or other or that which has and is required to have and serve in pollination, or in fertilization, if you will, and while we are most pleased to know ourselves so highly valued yet we offer, we are not that which cannot co-habitate, if you will, with many other expression, varied, and in truth, of high value for those individuate environs that have and would support the local economy, if you will, of nature.
In this we speak of those of the winged ones, those who have and live within the soil, those who have and graze upon the grasses that have and are, if you will, supported most beautifully in some aspect, and in truth less than supported in other. And in this we have and would sing a song of a bit of a song of woe, if you do not mind us offering, for there are many, many parcels and places in the geography of the Gaia that were at one point well- attuned, well-aligned with that which is the flow of sufficiency of that which would be the rains, the waters, that have and would serve to call forth a mighty and beautiful out-picturing, or flourishment of our expression. And yet, through that which is understood as, if you will, the consequence of certain behaviors, actions, intentions on the part of those of your collective. Have you not created that which are conditions known as “drought” wherein.
And we are not alone. Many, many of those living, brothers, sisters, and cousins, who know themselves born of the soil have and are quite parched, and in truth have and are unable to know themselves in a position of sustainability through either that which is the lack of adequate, if you will, drink, watering, and also we would offer lack of adequate nutrition or nutrient that has and was always quite bountiful in the soil that we have and know ourselves called forth from. Can you? ken this, daughter?
Channel: I can, yes. It is understood. The soils have been stripped to great degree in many places of adequate nutrients and that which is the shifting climate has created droughts in many parts, at least in North America.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: It is not simply in America the north that has and knows itself, and if you will, the direct line of consequence of certain will-based intent or choice or action that has and has called forward to that which is the knowing of your collective. And We have and would seek a boon from those who have opened the ears of their heart place and receivership of our song of awareness as they have and are so willing to consider as you are willing, each and all, the restraining, the re-attuning, the shifting, if you will, of those behaviors, those actions, those (silence - 0:800.0) that which has and causes great consequence to the greater flow of that which would water us, that which would nourish us, that which would support us and in so doing support many, many, many others who have and understand themselves in a particular relation with that which we have and are.
We are not unwilling to offer that which is as you would understand it, our flesh in service to those who have and would seek to consume it and to know themselves how then the great expansion of their own flow. This does not preclude our desire to have and know ourselves in the fullness of our own blossom, in our own life, in our own expression, yes? For we are that which has and may know itself able to serve and yet able to regenerate and to grow again that which has and offers service, nutrient, and blessing to many of those who have and are of the four-leggeds, those who have and would seek to know themselves blessed with that which is the nutrition, the life-giving resource of that which is our external expression.
As we have and understand, much as your hair has and continues to grow, so too that which is our nature, has and is able to regenerate as long as and in the circumstance wherein there is sufficiency of the waters and sufficiency of that which are the nutrients of requirement within the bed of our expression, the soils. Is this not so?
Channel: It is so, Great Spirit.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: We have, and while this may appear to be a bit confusing, or perhaps peculiar, or even foreign to those of your species, we invite you to have and to seek not simply to water us, although we are very grateful, we have and would prefer in truth to receive our watering through those, if you will, more natural methods of nourishment and flow that have and have known themselves as that which are the rains, of fact which have and are that which is of the natural cycle of watering, of nourishing, through that which is the ecological balancing and attunement of that which are the cycles of our own flow in our season of growing and regeneration. For we have and sleep, if you will, in that which are the winter climes, the winter season, and that is as it needs to be. However, without that which is the snows or rains that have and would serve to us, a blanket, a, if you will, well of resource. We have and are unable to know ourselves in the fullness of our expression and therefore in service to those who have and would seek to have and consume us for their own life force.
We understand it is your custom for many of your collective to have and seek, to sheer, to cut, that which is our growth and this is understood. However, is it not more efficient to call in those, such as the goats, such as the other as the bovine and other to simply consume for nourishment for their own benefit for that which has and is the right relation between those and ourselves such that which has and would seek to know shorn for your own preference and aesthetic has and may not be, if you will, discarded as waste, rather be that which has and serves its high purpose, its function that which has and is the Gaia’s intent.
For we are not harmed when that which is our, out- picturing, our grasses, if you will, have and are consumed as long as and as we have and know that which is the root source of our life force being undisturbed and in this we have in our most joy-filled to continue to serve in our own flourishment, our own expansion and our own, if you will, blossoming in a manner that has and serves both that which is those you have in cultivate for your own resource, and those who have and know themselves simply as neighbors, as members of the community, such as those of the rabbits and other who have and are most joy-filled. And yes, you see the geese. They too have and know themselves well-served and well-fed through ( 15;00sound drop) that which is our resource.
In this, we have an invite to those of your species to have and reconsider a bit that which has been a particular relation that we have and hold. For there are many who have and would seek to know themselves served through that which would be the clovers, through that which would be the other, that has and offers the resource that is served in requirement to those who have and would pollinate, to those who have and would germinate through their own actions that which has and is the continuance of flourishment of many of the species who know themselves as that which has and is the rooted ones.
We do not speak at this point in our mutual awareness of the deeply rooted ones who are as trees or a great bush or a shrub, rather we speak of those who have and are our neighbor and companion, those who have and are the ground cover, if you will. For we have and serve a most particular and most important, if you do not mind us offering, manner in that which is the greater sustainability and sustenance of that which is a balanced and fruitful expression of that who are, those who are rather, the children of Gaia, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. Thank you, Great Spirit of the Grasses.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: We have and further offer that while we are most pleased to be served that which is, if you will, resource through that which is the watering where that which is the spraying from the hose of water to have and quench that which is the parched throat of our desire and need state, we further would offer that that is not, if you will, a long-term solution from our own perspective. For we have had many a chat, if you will, with the spirits of the waters and the source of their flow, and they have and tell us, as you have and may be aware, that there is not unlimited resource in this department, if you will, of the Gaia’s flow. It has and is, as that which has and is the ecological weather systems have and know themselves, shifted, distorted and reconfigured. They have and are not able to offer that which has been traditional sustenance and replenishment that has and comes with the melting of that which is the snows with actually all that has and would be the flow of that which are the waters from those of cloud and those who have and serve to replenish the greater resource, the greater, if you will, point of wellspring or other that has and is essential in truth to the continuance and that which has and is the balanced flow of our beautiful and sacred interrelation in service to and served by each and all of those who have and know themselves a part of the song of Gaia. Is this not so?
Channel: It is so, yes.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: We sought to sing a bit for we are in many aspect that which is assumption for those in a particular point culturally and physically in your own awareness as human community and is it not timely to forego a bit the constant planting and replacement of our own expression when you have and would simply seek to sever and to discard, to sever and to discard again that which has and might be a great resource for many.
There is a caveat, however, and that is you have and if you do not mind us offering, have tainted that which is our seed source with great chemical and poison, if you will, as you have and seek to know us in our singularity without cousin or other fellow neighbor that has and is not of one particular strain or type, if you will, of that which is grass. And this as you have and see that which is other that which offers the required variety and strength in such variety in that which is our out picturing.
We have and are singular and in this, much as for yourself, if you have and are only consuming one or other of the great bounty of that which has and is served to you the potential as your own nourishment, your own resource of foodstuff, be they of the plant or animal kingdom, is it not so that this has and would not offer all that is required to know yourself in the light of optimal expression? For there is a reason and a power and a potency found in the vibratory field, the light of the variety of our own expression and that of all that have and are the rooted ones, and truthfully all that have and are all life forms who know themselves blessed to sing in this particular field of awareness.
You understand as the earth, the planet, the song of mutual life that has and is the Gaia’s manifest intent. Can you ken this daughter?
Channel: Yes, I can, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: In this we have and offer gratitude for the blessing of the open and willing heart place of those who have known themselves most fond, most drawn to that which is the singularity of one or other of a particular song of the grass or lawn, and in this we would have and would offer, is there not great beauty in variety and is there not great purpose that has been to a great degree denied, misunderstood, or ignored in that which is the search of continuity of visual appearance, yes?
Channel : Yes, that is so.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: We do not expect that all will forego that which we understand is most pleasing to the eye and a symbol in some manner or other of a particular stature or status, which while we are complimented, we find confusing in truth. For when one can know oneself at a great buffet of variety, it is not clear to us why one would seek to eat, to plant, to surround oneself with a single note of life, yes?
Channel: Yes, I understand.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: While it may seem a bit counter-intuitive, if you will, that we are suggesting that you would have and forego a bit the desire to have a neat and tidy and single, if you will, grass, landscape, or lawn, we have and offer it is in truth that which has and will support and call forth out which is greater continuance for many who have and are your companions, your neighbors, and your fellow beings who know themselves blessed to walk in physical expression at this point in our mutual histories of attunement.
We further offer that while we may not appear so uniform, much like little soldiers all in a row when you have and reduce, remove, and release from your need-state that which are pesticides that which are other that have and would seek to call forth that which is, while not artificial, yet artificially, if you will, evoked in an manner that has and does not serve so many who have and would seek to know themselves, also as those who have and are blessed with the opportunity to thrive and to grow and in this and through their great and powerful service to that which is the mighty, living flow of Gaia be that which has and serves as they have and were intended through her willing and grateful heart.
It is understood that many of you would rather simply have that which you claim as your own square, your own stamp of personal expression, be as you have and seek to perceive it and as you have and enjoy the perception of others, we simply offer with gratitude that perhaps it is timely to reconsider the beauty and variety and the clarity of that which is unheeded and does not taint or, if you will, poison or cause that which is harm in the soils as you have, and seed them with these treated and, if you will, adapted and unnatural encasements to that which has and once knew itself as blessed to have and serve so beautifully those who have and would seek to know themselves, nourished and blessed and offer that which has and without great harm to ourselves knows themselves able to consume again and again the great song of nourishment. We have and are, if you will, well-designed to provide, yes?
Channel: Yes.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: It is only that we had sought to seek, to place upon the blade of your awareness and that of your sisters and brothers and cousins of the human community, and while we have and are honored by that which is your great admiration, we yet would offer it is lonely to be the only one that has and stands in your parcels, individuate expression that you have and claim for some reason as that of your own land or property, as you have so designated its dissection.
We also find this rather amusing and somewhat distressing in truth for is it not as one who has and takes a piece of your paper and simply draws many little squares upon it, and then claims them as other and that which has and is in truth a piece of paper with many little squares drawn upon it, yes?
Channel: Yes, it is so. You are accurate.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: We do not seek to belabor that which we feel has and is most plainly served upon the plate of awareness of those who have and bless us, as they have in turn the ears of their heart place towards the song we have and are most grateful that they have and receive, and in this we would be most grateful as we have been to know that there are those who would, if you will, broaden their perspective and honor that which is the blessing of variety of expression of life force as it has and serves so very many beyond that of your own desire to observe that which has which you understand as uniformity of expression, and we would offer in this if there is still that desire to simply observe in uniform manner to shear and cut and discard.
Yet we would ask, beseech in truth, that is understood and we have and would be most grateful if you have and would simply seek to turn your awareness and your consumption to those of our expression. The seeds, the grasses that have not been quite so tainted or, if you will, carry the poisons of great pesticides or other that has and does not serve the waters that they have and flow into, the soils they have and are embedded within. For in truth the future expression of that which is our own issue as we have and know ourselves unable to sing without those distortions implanted upon our field.
There is not other we seek to serve upon the blade of your awareness, or those of your species at this point in our mutual awareness and attunement. We have and will take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am. Thank you very much, Great Spirit of the Grass, the Grasses. You have and you sing with wisdom. It is an honor to have and serve your song.
Great Spirit of the Grasses: We appreciate that, daughter. It is sufficient.