#13: The Great Spirit of the Owl
Today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast shares powerful channeled wisdom by the Great Spirit of the Owl.
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The first few weeks of April the hooting of owls started up in the trees by my house . I didn’t think much about until one evening there was a call and a few moments later a response from another owl somewhere on the other side of the pond. As The first two Owls continued this ritual of call and response . I slid open the slider facing the pond began to listen. Before long several other owls joined in. I had never heard so many owls so close to the house. Right. probably time for me to channel the great spirit of the Owl.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: We have a lovely and powerful song do we not daughter? We have and sing it with great joy and anticipation as we have and invoke that which would be mate, that which would be partner, that which would be one who has and calls forth that which is tissue of our flesh. You are aware we have and are the Great Spirit of the Owl and we have and sing most beautifully we feel at this season of our expansion, our nesting, our calling forth that which is the issue of our flesh yes?
Channel: Yes thank you, welcome Great Spirit of the Owl I have heard you calling and I have heard the response back and forth forth for in the evenings in the course of the last few weeks. It is quite beautiful.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: We would agree. As we have knocked several times we would offer upon the door of your awareness we are grateful that you have and come to answer the door in a place of gratitude and willing and honoring receivership.
Channel: I apologize for not having and opening the door of my awareness more efficiently in service to your intent.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: It is understood daughter we take no offense. We have and are grateful however, to sit at the hearth fire and spend a bit of our atunement together yes?
Channel: Yes thank you.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: We are not unacquainted for have we not known ourselves held in the grace of each other’s field of awareness several, on several occasions if you will in the last seasons and we have and are most joy filled to offer you the blessings of the spring and those of your collective. For is it not a great time of expansion, of growth, of flourishing, of blooming, of hope, of gratitude for you have and feel the returning of the caress of the sun, you have and feel the stirring of the songs of life as it has and would and has birthed itself in and through that which is the crust, the soil and into that which is the full expression above the ground in the light of manifest- construct. We acknowledge we held off a moment as we searched for the appropriate descriptive in your files yes? We have and would offer there are times when it is wise to rest with joyous and joy filled excitement and anticipation upon the nest of that which holds the eggs of one’s hope that which holds the eggs of one’s desire, that which holds the eggs of possibility for as you have and offer your field in service to the calling forth with diligence, persistence, patience and joy filled anticipation is it not that which has and will call forth that which you have gently laid into the nest of your desire, the nest of your intent if you will.
Channel: Yes that is so thank you.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: You have and perceive that there are many in the physical form who have and are calling to themselves that which is manifestation of the nest building time as they have and seek to serve forth that which are the eggs of their own intent and in physical expression are these not that which holds the potential of issue, the potential of offspring, if you will, of hatchling in those who are of the species of winged ones and we offer many, many other who have and feel the flow of the sap of the coming season in and through their own veins and in this they are called to what you would understand as reproduction of calling forth that which is if you will, the next season’s iteration of the species yes?
Channel: Yes, it is so.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: We further offer that one does not need to sit upon the egg or carry within the womb that which is the physical offspring in order to be one who has and is in the process of calling forth that which is a mighty and new spirit if you will, life form if you will, awareness if you will. We would offer that those of the human collective, not all, for there are some who have and know themselves able to dive deeply in the the deep waters of awareness, however, there are others who are as yet unaware of all that has and rests beneath that which is the mere surface of their cognition, of their sense of that which is, if you will, real by virtue of its physical nature and we offer there is much, a great deal in truth, that is most real as you would understand it as an aware vibration that is not bound or in requirement of a physical form to know itself most beautifully birthed in and through this small dimension yes?
Tracy: That is as I understand it yes, thank you.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: We further offer it is timely for those of your species, your collective, your community to open the eyes of their heart and we hope in joy filled gratitude will seek to rest, to nurture, to call forth that which is and would know itself birthed from that which are the eggs not simply of your physical expression, but that of your intent and as you have and would call forth these eggs of potential if you will is it not wise to care most tenderly and most diligently for that which you would seek to know in full manifestation be it that which is a new system, a new program, a new way of relation between one or other. That which is the ability to have and call forth that which you would perceive in your heart as a rebalanced alignment not simply with those members of the natural world who are not in human form but as deeply in requirement if you will that which is the right relation with each and among each and all of your own various clans, various tribes if you will, various countries, various and singular and quite beautiful soul iterations of the human awareness .
We find it amusing and somewhat distressing in truth that rather than rejoicing in the great variety that has and is called forth in and through your species be it in the plumage, the physical flesh, be it in the creative expression, be it in that which you have and enrobe yourselves within you would know these as your cultural patterns, your cultural habits or manners in which you have and ascribe your understanding of what it means and how one has and might choose to exist or co-exist with the other life forces in this dimension as you have and served these well worn paths that have been tread, in some cases bare by your ancestors who have and call forth that which was the learning, that which served as wisdom at a point where now we would offer is it not timely to honor that which has come before you and yet not to be tangled up in that which no longer may serve you in your current alignments, in your current relations or lack therein with each and all of your own species?
In this, is it not timely brothers and sisters to have and open the eyes of your heart and to have as you are willing and to seek to call forth that which is the hatching, the birthing of that which is new relation, that which has and through your own intent, wise and wiling, open and joy filled has and may know itself in the mighty spring of birthing, of out picturing or manifest expression as you would understand it. For not all that has and is required to be in structure or form that has and is called forth through that which you understand as the natural world, the animal or plant kingdom or other. We would offer that there are great, we would offer you call them institutions, great philosophies, great faith beliefs that have as we would understand and you would coin as ‘a life of their own’ and while you may feel this is simply a metaphor we offer that is is a vibration that has and been so infused by the common and joint awareness and will of the collective consciousness of your own species that it has and is as one no longer required to be carried within the womb, or if you prefer within the pouch of your awareness. Rather it is that which has and knows itself truly independent and able to walk, to run, to sing, to dance, to claim as that which is an individuated vibratory field.
You have and may not fully grasp that which is being offered as blessing of awareness and great honoring of that which has and is the maturation in a lot of aspects of those of your species at this sacred turning point, this spring of potential that you have and know yourselves held within the season of. Is it not timely to call forth that which is your own nest and to have and know that those that you have and would seek to call forth into full manifest expression be they new ways in which to engage, to restore, to replenish, to renew, to know yourself in new relation or in reconfigured relation with other aspects of life that have and are on this planet so you may call this with great efficiency in and through your own will as you have and know it so.
We further offer there has and is that which you have and may place in that which is the nest of your intent. That which would be the egg of possibly. That which would be the egg of that which you have and understand as a mighty and fruit bearing tree where it has and knows itself in the great bearing of a harvest of continuance, of reconfiguration of much that has been held in limitation by that which has been and no longer holds that which is a vibration of relevance or sustainability in this particular point in your collective histories.
To give example we would offer as one has and observes in that which are your cities, your thickly settled environs, there is on occasion, a great sea of cement, sidewalk and on occasion a little opening, a tiny square that has and through which a single tree may know itself allowed to stand and to root and to express itself in physical form and then there is more of the sea of cement, the sea of sidewalk and then yet another little opening, little space through which that which is not of cement, that which is not of sidewalk, may know itself called in and through that which is the relationship that has and serves all and we offer how would it be, how would it feel and why would it not be so that one may know oneself not simply having that which is a single tree-a great expanse a singe tree- a great expanse. We do not speak only of the physical, we offer that each and all of these trees are that which has and grown form that which is the egg of intent and in this you have and may know yourselves as great if you will, foresters that who have and are able to call forth not simply one or other single and restrained tree of possibility, one or other single and lonely tree of new and rebalanced relation, but rather is not timely to know oneself as that which has and may seed not simply a single tree or egg whatever it is that you prefer in terms of analogy but rather that which is a great forest, a sea of potential. Such that you have and call forth through your own joy filled will and willingness to perceive that which starts simply as small, insignificant and seemingly unfilled with life force seed of hope, of possibility, of potential.
In this we offer as you have and know that there is that which is a great and mighty and full grown expanse. That which you would call Oak that which you would call Sequoia that which you would call other that have and know themselves as robust specimen of a deeply rooted and powerful being. So too you have and may know yourselves able to call forth not in a particulars of Oak or Sequoia of one or other Maple or Willow but rather, the great trees of your own future in a sustainable, in a renewable, in a relational alignment with that which is the Gaia, with that which is the brothers and sisters both of your own collective awareness as human and those who have and carry awareness. Do not doubt. While it is very difficult for some we understand and feel most deeply that that sense of awareness that has and vibrates deeply within each and all of the life forces that have and if you will, are woven most beautifully in and throughout this particular dimension, in and through the Gaia, this planet. So too, you have and feel them deeply and it is not much for you to have and embrace fully as there are those of your ancestry who have done and there are those who have never forgotten how to speak and how to listen. How to see and how to be seen. How to honor and therefore be honored. How to walk in the light of respect and therefore how to know oneself respected as a contributing and valued member of this great community of life.
In this, you have and carry with you each and all that which is the egg of great potential, great light, of great fruiting of a new era as you would understand it. As you have and call forth that which is not what has been, and not which is burdened by what you have thought may only be but by that which has and as you know it so, as you hold in your heart place the great vision of that which has and is birthed from that which is the seed of your own intent, your own will. You have and may know yourself in a mighty forest of joy filled grace. Of that which has and is a great sea if you will of powerful, rebalanced, flourishing and expansive life that has and is not held dangling by the finest of threads over the precipice of dissolution. Wherein we have and offer that is not simply what has occurred for there are many who know themselves unable to remain in that place precarious though it may be of potential of continuance for they have been washed away in that which is the great flood of dissolution from that which is a vital and viable, and in truth although you may not understand that does not denude their essential nature from that which has and now knows itself only as memory, only as what was only as that which you understand as extinct, as no longer a viable song that is sung from the heart of Gaia
Is it not timely friends to no longer seek to drop, to release, to hurl if you do not mind us offering, those other, in truth, essential and wounded and grieving aspects of life, of awareness that have and may be in that which is a form that is un-in-not familiar, not known, not valued for some service it may have and offer to your own need state or sense of requirement at this point in your history? For we offer there is much that is unknown, far more than is known here that has and vibrates deeply within that which are the physical forms that you have and identify as living, that you have and understand as a form of flow if you will. We would offer there is naught that does not have flow. You have and in your short life experiences may not be able to perceive it so that does not make it less anchored, less in its own nature as that which has as all has and knows itself in flow. You are aware that we have and understand you and many do as short lived, however we no longer seek to understand you if you do not mind me offering as short sighted. For it does not serve any and you have great and deep wisdom within your heart place brothers and sisters and I have and am and have been willing companion, guide, one who has and may be known as teacher, one who has and listens deeply, one who has and feels deeply, one who has and would serve with deep will those who are of the human family. For am I not described in your folklore, your histories, those stories that are carried forth upon the breast of generation after generation as ‘the wise old owl’?As the symbol of wisdom. And that is not a random selection or identification- it is that which you have and feel and those who have and come before you have and were aware is part of our vibration our vibratory field of awareness yes?
We are aware we have placed a great meal upon the plate of your awareness this particular point of our atunement with each other and that is as it needs to be. For we offer brothers and sisters the time for a patient, methodical and if you will, sluggish pace of calling you forth to the wisdom that you have and would be blessed to know yourselves in receivership therein if we do not say so ourselves and blessed to consume with great gratitude and avidity in that we offer we have and would bless you with. We have and would serve a blessing upon those the sons and daughters and brothers and sisters of the human collective from that which is the great spirit of the owl for we have often and most willingly served as if you will ‘the wise old owl’. And in this if we offered you nothing else that you have and would seek to place upon the plate of your consumption we offer this: It is timely, more than to open that which is the great eyes of your heart and to see not only with the eyes of the head but with your heart and in this we do not speak of a physical vision per se but rather with that which you have and allow to vibrate deeply in and through your awareness an in this as you have and learn to see with those eyes which are most beautiful, most powerful and greatly beloved so you have and will know yourselves born anew. So you have and will awaken that which has been a sacred jewel held deep within your own heart place simply awaiting your willing touch to have it unleash that which is the great power of your own atunement in that which is your higher awareness in concert with your current physical incarnation and is this not a mighty and potent and powerful blessing that you have and may each and all, there is not that is not capable of this, although there are many who may not be willing at this point in their own history of unfoldment to claim this and to place it with that which are the other eggs of your intent into that which is the nest of possibility, that which has and is the egg of your awakening of the eyes of your heart and from that we offer, you have yet to know but will be joy filled and in truth filled with awe at the great expanse that has and spreads forth before you as you have and see with that which is the light of the eyes of the heart.
It is confusing for the mind, the intellect, the thinking ego self to grasp onto this and hold firmly for it does not fit neatly to any of that which you would understand as the pre-existing structures of awareness that you have and carry with you as constant companion and yet we offer is it not timely in this great spring of awakening to be that which has and would seek to call forth a new vibratory field, a new life, a new awareness in and through your own. We offer it is most wise and most powerful for those who have and are willing to release the shackles of their limited awareness that has and is that simply crack of the door that allows that tiny bit of light in and through. Is it not timely to cease the stumbling and bumbling around in the almost dark understanding of your greater perception and capacity that has and is known when one simply does not open oneself to the mighty light of that which is your greater awareness?
We have and understand we have offered much to ponder, such to hold and turn and examine and much we hope to inspire, encourage and invite. For we offer you have never seen a garden, you have never experienced that which has and would fly so beautifully from within and from your own heart place as that which you have and may call forth through that which is the concert of your intent and your willing heart. It is that we had sought to offer as blessing and as wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Owl. We have and are aware that it is, if you will, many lessons we have sought to enfold into one and for that we would suggest one receives our missive and considers consuming it over and over until you have and know yourselves able to vibrate in that which we would call atunement with that which is the grace of our light that we have and confer in open hearted and joy filled gratitude for the receivership and consumption therein upon that which is the heart place of each and all of those who have and know themselves as a member of the community of the human species at this point in your collective history yes?
Channel: Yes thank you Great Spirit. It is a powerful and amazing message. I too will need to listen to it again and again.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: We are aware daughter for are you not a member of that which is the human collective?
Channel: Yes I am.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: And while you have and are that which is the throat that has and opens willingly in service to our will you are still and always and will be a sister of the human family and therefore you have and are guided as you are willing and as all others are encouraged, to consume again and again this blessing of wisdom bestowed upon your awareness and a tap upon that which is the heart place of your will. It is sufficient we have and would take our leave as you have and are willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am blessings in the highest to you Great Spirit of the Owl, thank you for your light.
The Great Spirit of the Owl: You are welcome.