#12: The Great Spirit of the Glacier
The Great Spirit of the Glacier delivers an urgent communication in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast. In today’s episode I channel the Great Spirit of the Glacier. The Great spirit of the Glacier came into my awareness May 6, 2021 when NPR’s morning edition ran a story with the headline“ Researchers Find Glaciers Are Melting Faster Than Expected.” Yikes! I immediately sought to channel the great sprit of the Glacier.
The Great Spirit of the Glacier: We have and are that which you have invoked into that which is your awareness and atunement daughter and we appreciate your willingness to hold that sacred space such that we have and may know ourselves able to flow without resistance in and through your field and to those of your greater family of awareness. We have and as you are aware are that which has and vibrates as the Spirit of the Glacier are we not?”
Channel: Yes thank you Great Spirit of the Glacier thank you for attuning your awareness to my own.
The Great Spirit of the Glacier: You are welcome daughter. We have and know ourselves as that which has and is in a process that aggrieves us mightily. We have and while you may presume that we grieve for that which is our own dissolution, our own melting, our own dissolving, our own transformation from that which has been the life giving form of the Glacier into that which has and is no longer that which is the Glacier, into that which knows itself transformed into that which is the great waters is this not so?
Channel: It appears to be so yes Great Spirit .
The Great Spirit of the Glacier: It may appear and we offer it more than is as it has and is that which much as incoming tide is not to be resisted although we have and offer it is our intent to have and know ourselves in continuance. And while it may appear we seek that simply for own awareness we have and offer that our heart place grieves not only for our own dissolution but for all that has and will know itself no longer held within that which is our physical form. No longer held in abeyance if you will in, we like to consider it that which is hibernation if you will. Those gases those- aspects of the natural world that have and will call forth a great flood. Not simply of the waters that have and are generated as our form knows itself transmuted not another form which has and is a grieving for we have and are aware, more so we believe than those of your own species of all that has and will be, not through our own mal-intent we would offer, swallowed up, covered over, drowned, and lost beneath that which is the flow when we have and are no longer held in that which you understand as the physical out picturing of glacier. And in this we have and grieve and we offer that which is our deep regret for we have not the ability to hold back that which as and we are aware has and will continue as that which has and is our current form is no longer sustainable in that which is the ecosystem of the current climate. We have and offer our grief for all who have and will no longer know themselves sustained by that which are the waters of flow that have and flow down from there which has and is our own heart place in measured amount such that is has and would offer sustenance to many, many, many beings who have and know themselves served by that which is the titration if you will of our flow in measure that we have and are no longer able to sustain.
We have and feel this deep grief within our heart for we have been mighty servant to that which is the Mother force. That which you have and understand as the Earth, as Gaia, as the Mother of all. And we have and it is with deep regret and in truth powerful and grieving heart, we have and seek her forgiveness for we are aware that we are no longer able to serve as was her intent . We are no longer able to serve as that which has and protects, has and sustains, has and offers that which is the great flow of life to many, many beings who have and know themselves informed at this particular point in our mutual awareness or history.
We have not simply come to express the grief in our own heart over that which is and has and will be. We have and would seek to offer a bit of guidance for while it is ( sighs)- as one who has and watched the train leave the station so we have and have watched the train leave the station for many, many of our expression and it is no longer feasible to have and call the train of our dissolution back to us for that has and knows itself in the flow of that which has and is its evolution. Rather we have and would offer that not all has and must know itself in that place of dissolution as you have and are so willing as a species, as a collective, as a family, as a community to have and cease with great rapidity, great urgency, great agency, that which is all that you have and would know yourselves able through your own willing intent to cease to call forth that which is and is causal in the rising of the overall temperature, the overall climate of this particular planetary system. This particular planet if you will. For it is simply that and it is all of that that has and is in deep and if you will delicate requirement and even then we are not convinced that you have and will know in your heart place the wisdom of our guidance. For we have and do not sing for ourselves brothers and sisters. We sing for you and for all who have and would know themselves sustained and able to know themselves in a continuance as they have been called forth through the beauty, design, the intricacy and the balance of the great tapestry of interwoven life that is the song of Gaia.
It is not a tune you have not heard before and yet we are one’s who sing as those upon that which you understand as Titanic. Are we not the band who has and would play as we have and watch ourselves fall into the great waters without hope of salvaging. We have and sing a song of grief for many and we have and would seek that which would be the honoring, the blessing and the atunement as you have and are so willing to grant it bothers and sisters of your own heart place. That you have and would see with the eyes of your heart. Have and would hear with the ears of your heart. Have and would know that which we have and tell you that which we have and vibrate and resonate with most deeply. Most grievingly as we have and acknowledge much as that story you have and would tell about the lad, the youth who placed his finger in the dyke and had and held back that which is the flood. We offer it is not a single human being who is in requirement to place the finger in the dyke of this dissolution of our forms. It is the entire finger of your collective awareness and in that it may already be that it is not feasible to hold back that which are the great rush, the great flood song of that which has been placed in motion.
We do not seek to sing a song only of despair for otherwise what would be the point of our singing at all? We have and offer there is yet that which has and may be held in abeyance, which has and may be returned in balance. However it requires that which is the finger of all of your fellow sons and daughters. Your fellow collective in concert, in union, in your collective knowing as those who have and acknowledge and honor that which is the truth without distortion at this point in our mutual histories.
We have and would seek forgiveness for there is naught we can do to hold back much that will be unleashed that has been by some accounted for and by many not accounted for that has and will exacerbate the conditions that have called forth that which is the melting if you will, the flooding if you will the transformation of our structure our nature in to other. And it is that we have come forward at this point to seek to place upon the heart place of your awareness. For we have, and it is that which we have and truly feel that you have and as you listen, as you receive, as you open the eyes of your heart and the ears of your heart so too you have and will rise and claim that which is your right relation. Your position as one who has and would not simply be that which has and removes the dyke but that which has and would seek to take the finger of your will and to place it firmly, powerfully and we would hope, joyfully such that is has and holds back that which has and would seek to continue in the flooding of all that has an would know itself in the current flow of life expression in this particular point in the history of Gaia and all of her informed intent. Yes?
Channel: I have and receive, I have and offer prayer of profound gratitude for the blessing of your grace and I have and acknowledge your profound grief that has and vibrates deeply in my heart.
“It is appreciated daughter and we have and hope that that atunement that you hold in vibratory alignment with that which is our own wailing and grieving is that which has and will vibrate with great potency in and through that which is the awareness of your brothers and sisters of the human collective. For we have and may know ourselves as that which has and plays while the ship of the continuance of many has and is called forth and reclaimed into that which is the ocean of potential and dissolution for some. It is in truth a somber tune we have and play and yet it is one we hope will have and vibrate deeply in the heart place of all who have and bless us as they have and are in receivership therein. For that is what we have and may serve not simply to your own species but to all that we have known ourselves in gracious serve of through the grace and light of Gaia. And that too, is a great pain in our heart place for we have always been willing and joy filled servants, sons and daughters of Gaia and now we have and understand ourselves no longer able to serve as was her intent and it is that which grieves us deeply among other that we have already enumerated. Yes?
Channel: Yes.
The Great Spirit of the Glacier: There is not much that we have and would seek to serve other than that which has already been placed upon the plate of your awareness however we would seek that which is a song of hope that we have and would offer as the tune and play as we have and know ourselves called back into that which is the womb of potential. We have and will as we have and are able offer that which is a prayer of profound and joy filled gratitude for the blessing of the awakening of the will and the heart of your species sister to that which has and is their ability, their possibilities and their claiming of right relation in that which is the placing of the hand of their own heart through their own willing intent into that which serves as if you will, the closing of the dyke at least in some aspect. And so we have and sing.
It is only that we sought to serve. We have and are grateful for the willingness of each and all of your species to have and receive this less than cheery tune and yet we are unable to hum, to sing or to play another. It is the song of those who have and know themselves unable to resist that which is the great flow of transformation, of reclamation, of dissolution and destruction. It is sufficient daughter. We appreciate your receivership and that of your willingness to offer this song of your heart to all who have and bless us with their open and willing receivership therein.
It is sufficient daughter. We have and are grateful for your willingness and receivership. We have and would take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am Great Spirit of the Glacier. Blessings be.
The Great Spirit of the Glacier: We appreciate that daughter, and to you. It is complete.