#11: The Great Spirit of the Spider

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In this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast you will receive timely guidance from the Great Spirit of the Spider.

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Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast. Today’s episode brings you a directly channeled communication from the Great Spirit of the Spider.  A bit of a back story about how I was drawn to  channel  the Great Spirit of the Spider for today’s Podcast. Let me start by saying spiders are a petty common occurrence in a cottage by a pond. And my usual technique for spider relocation is to place a plastic container over them and then gently slip a piece of cardboard beneath them. In this way I can I can gently redeposit the spiders  in the woods outside. A few weeks back  I removed a spider from the kitchen and forgot about it. A second spider appeared  walking in front of my yoga mat so I removed this spider and returned back to my practice . Finally a third spider  had positioned itself on the ceiling directly over my bed! Hmm three spiders in  three different parts of my house in one day? Time to channel the wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Spider.


The Great Spirit of the Spider:  We have and we are well acquainted daughter for have we not known each other for many seasons in your attuned awareness? As you have and are aware, I am that which is the Great Spirit of the Spider.I have knocked a bit upon the door of your awareness of late and I am grateful that you have called yourself into alignment with my knowing at this point in our mutual histories.

Channel: Welcome Great Spirit of the Spider I am honored to receive your light.

The Great Spirit of the Spider:  That is so daughter. I speak now as one who has and spins a tale of a long and respectful history of relation that we have had with those of your kind. For many, many seasons we have sought in our way to guide and to teach you if you will. Through that which is our own nature and through the will of our heart for are there not many, many of your own myths, creation stories and other that have and vibrate with the awareness of the Great Spirit of the Spider? We are aware that you have and are familiar with some and we have and offer that while many may not accept the gift of the alphabet if you will as that which has come forth through our own will and grace we simply would ask that you hold an open place in your heart to consume that which is the possibility of one who has and was great ancestor to those of your own species who have and bore witness to the great delicacy, intricacy, and complexity of one such as myself in physical form who has and spins the web of my own intent. In this we have and seek to have that which we would call into service of our own need state find itself if you will entangled, caught, entrapped in our own will based intent. You have and observe that which is the web of our desire and we have and offer that for you you often consider and in truth weave great webs  through that which is the thread of language through that which has and may catch, may trap, knowingly or unknowingly much in it’s, if you will, capacity to serve as that which has and gathers, that which has and claims that which has and one sets one’s intent for yes?”

Channel: Yes thank you Great Spirit. 

The Great Spirit of the Spider:  We will clarify for we feel it is still a bit clouded in your awareness and therefore perhaps in the awareness of others of your kind. We manifest in a physical expression that which is the desire of our own need state through that which has and is a web a physical weaving, a physical expression of sorts that has and at times glitters, a times is unknowable, at times is irresistible, at times  ( pause  5:45) is unseeable for those who are and would wander by and that is as we require it is it not? And we offer that you, in your own awareness as those of the human  collective have and spin have and spin with  the threads of your own language with that which has and is the song of your own intent. Great webs that capture, hold, contain much that you would call into  manifest expression to serve your own need state and in truth to have and gather simply through the act of your capacity to do so.

It is timely as you have and are willing, sons and daughters of Eve, children of the Gaia and cousins of our own awareness and that of all who have and know themselves in physical form in this dimension to access their placement, the arrangement, the necessity of many, many of the webs which you may understand as structures, as systems, as forms that you have woven through that which is the great womb  loom rather of your intellect where it has and has contributed to that which is destruction if you will, the capture of much that has and knew itself in ease of flow, unaware and unprotected and in this you have and call to yourselves and to all of us in this dimension a great web of imbalance. And we do not seek to have you feel that pang of hunger of one who has and is in requirement of sustenance for the continuance of your own flesh. We have and would seek that you have and would, if you will, deconstruct, unravel and remove those many other webs that have and clutter this little planet that you have woven through at the point of their weaving what may have been considered requirement and yet we offer there are only so many if you will, sources of food stuff that one may catch or capture within the web of one’s own making that you have and may consume  such that you know yourselves in sufficiency, of satiation of your own requirement. Beyond that is it not extraneous, excessive that which has and would simply remove from your future potential the opportunity to know that which is the issue of one who has and is simply caught in the web that has and no longer serves the requirement of sufficiency. Rather it has and is as that which has and constrains the flow of potential for that which would be another season of our unfoldment and yours.

There are many webs, many systems, many constructs that have and are woven at this point in your history sons and daughters of Eve that you would do well to unravel for they do not serve either your own need state as you have and perceive it or that which is the continuance of ample resource for all who have and would know themselves able to sing in another season of flow. We are aware that when one has constructed a web it might seem untoward to seek to deconstruct or reclaim that which one has woven and that which one has offered and exerted one’s own intent through diligences and labor and yet are you not always able to simply call forth that which is a new web of your own intent and to place it where it has and may serve not simply your own need state but where it has and is most efficient in allowing that which is ample capture of the required resource and then to have and reclaim to have and seek to weave a new web has and is the nature of our expression and that of yours we would offer.

  You have and weave with the web of words. You have and weave with the web of thought. You have and weave with the web of intent and we have and are great admirers for we have and are mighty web builders.  We have and would offer that it is timely to remove those constructs those web of your societal structures, those webs of your governmental (pause)  structures, those webs of your cultural structures that have and would catch that which is no longer able to be consumed  by that which is the issue of your intent. In this it is simply time to offer that which we would call a bit of a spring clean up in this season of your expansion. And we would offer it is wise to remove that which no longer serves the highest requirement of those who have and are the weavers therein.Is it not timely brothers and sisters to have and to deconstruct and to, if you will unravel those inadequate, those obstructive forms of your own cultural weave that have and would diminish rather than enhance that which is the  great expanse of your song of unification, your song of expansion, your song of enlightenment.

We understand this is, if you will, perhaps a bit abstract for some and yet for others  we offer it has and will resonate most deeply in the heart place.  As you have and are aware it is not simply essential to have an weave that which is the new form, the new song of life in it’s expansion and unfoldment. It also is required to simply remove that which no longer serves. That which has and is tainted or broken, or splintered or divided. That which has and allows your own resource to slip through or not to be held and in this you have and simply clutter the landscape of your own potential.

We are most attuned and willing to be that which has and continues to offer our wisdom as you have and would seek to consume it for we have great fondness for those of your species in truth It is one of the reasons that you have and find us companioning you in your own domiciles. Where for the most part are we not worthy roommates as we have and simply consume those other visitors invited or not that you have and might  know as insect or pest, is this not so? We understand that there are those who are less than enamored of finding one of our kind in physical form as, if you will, a visitor or a fellow resident of your own construct and yet do we not serve that which has and is most efficiently accomplished for is it not that which has and keeps your own domicile free of what you have and would understand as unwanted guest or unwelcome visitor? 

We further offer it is timely my children, to listen deeply to the song of requirement that has and is being sung not only by those of your own species in great need state and desire to know themselves welcome into the family of your own expression. Not as stranger or foreign for to us there is no difference whether you have and wear that which is the form of one or other shade of skin. Whether you have and walk upon one or other part of the flesh of Gaia. Whether you have and know yourselves as those who have and embrace the northern climes or the southern it matters not for you have and vibrate as human. In this is is it not timely my children to open the arms of your heart and to embrace your fellow brothers and sisters and to hold them gently to the breast of your will such that when you have and weave the web of your own intent you have and weave one that serves all, not some. That has and is a great song of joy filled intent such that all have and know their need state well met and the need state of others who are not in this particular form of vibratory expression who have and are your cousins. Those other life forms such as our own who have and companion you as that which has and knows itself a part of the great web of life. It is a cliche and cliches are born of truths that are undeniable is this not so?

Channel:  Yes it is so Great Spirit. 

The Great Spirit of the Spider:  We have and seek to call you to  the awakening of this great point of creation, of potential, of hope that you have and hold as small and sacred egg in the nest of your heart place. And as you have and seek to weave a mighty nest that has and would hold it and offer it- this egg of hope a place to be nurtured, a place to be cared for, a place to know itself invited with joy filled gratitude into that which is a family of your light so you have and call forth that  which is a mighty, powerful weave of potential. A weave that has and does not trap unnecessarily. A weave that has and rather serves to sustain all who  know themselves as your cousins, as your relatives however distant. As those who have and are the children of the Gaia light. And in this we offer, it is in truth the only web that has and will truly sustain you  as we have and would seek to walk together in that which is the unfoldment of our continuance.

We have offered that which we have and would place in the web of your awareness. That which is a succulent, if you will, meal that we have and willingly offer. And we have and in joy filled gratitude and in truth, delight know that which has and is our wisdom consumed with great eagerness and appreciation by those of your species who have an know themselves able and wiling to join us in that which is the feast of continuance and of growth and of realignment, reweaving if you will of  that which  is the great web of our right relation in and through the s-sacred song of life we have and understand as the Gaia light.

  We have and are grateful for the opportunity to sing our song into the heart place of those who have and lift the eyes of their heart toward the light of our atunement. it is sufficient daughter. We have and offer you and all of your species the blessings of awakening. The blessings of this new season and the blessings of a mighty, powerful and exquisite web of possibility that you have and through your open hearted and wiling intent call forth with great finesse, mastery and grace. We have and take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it. 


#12: The Great Spirit of the Glacier


#10: The Great Spirit of the Volcano