#10: The Great Spirit of the Volcano
The Great Spirit of the Volcano delivers powerful wisdom in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast brings an important message from the Great Spirit of the Volcano. As many of you may be aware there has been and continues to be a great deal of volcanic activity across the entire planet. Starting with the ongoing eruption of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano which began in December of 2020 my awareness has been drawn again and again by a series of eruptions from all over the world. In February of 2021 Mt. Etna erupted in Sicily followed closely by a March 2021 eruption of a volcano in southwest Iceland for the first time in 6000 years. And on April 13th, La Soufriere Volcano erupted sending plumes of ash twenty thousand feet into the air on the Caribbean Island of St. Vincent. No question, it was time to check in with the Great Spirit of the Volcano
It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Volcano. I have since updated my recording set up and the newer sessions are of much higher quality.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: I have and seek a moment of your knowing sister I am that which is the Spirit of the Volcano. That which is the great step child if you will of the Mother. One who has and knows herself called into service when it is time for birthing that which is the new and powerful and reborn light of Gaia. You wonder if you have and are imposing upon me that which in the small self and I appreciate your willingness to look carefully at that which flows in and through you such that you do not claim from your own ego that which does not flow from that which is source of my intent.
Channel: I am glad to hear that.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We understand there is much misconception of our intent and we offer we have never nor would seek to wound as that which is the act of our creation, seek to destroy as that which is the intent behind which the flow has and occurs from that which is the womb of Gaia. We do offer however that your species has had a tendency of resting rather close to that which is the potential for our flow and in this perhaps it is wise not to settle oneself quite so snugly up against the potential of our flow for it is not unknown sister and there have been those who have if you will been perhaps less than wise in their choice of real estate yes?
Channel: Yes that is so.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We understand that we offer great and fertile land that has and calls forth that which is of your nourishment most efficiently as we have cooled and settled in our primacy of physicality and yet are there not other aspects of the Gaia’s flesh that are less hm volatile if you will and in this it is a blessing to us for we do not seek to wound or harm ,to incinerate or to decimate or to destroy your little villages, your communities, your families and your life as such. However we are unable to lift ourselves up as you are and take ourselves and all that we have and know with our companions and plop ourselves down in a different part of the physicality of this plane and however we would offer that is a blessing that has been bestowed upon you as a species is it not?
Channel: Yes it is we do have the ability to move.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: While we have the same abilities sister for we are most able to move in great and powerful expression we simply are unable to uproot ourselves if you will and take our entire structure and disconnect it from the womb of Gaia and place it a bit further away, afield from that which is your village or, township, your city or your plain. We are not saying we cannot be good neighbors for have we not been so as long as you have and understand accept and do not see as other than our nature, our temperament and that which has and knows itself in the birthing much as when you have and carry that which is a new life within the belly, the womb of your own expression there is a time when it is timely to have and honor the birthing and that is what it is. It is not that which you can offer and say it is not convenient for me to have you born at this point in your expression for that it not how it is yes? While we understand there are those in your species, collective who have and actually make a date or schedule that which is the arrival of one of your offspring yet we offer that should the natural rhythms arise at this point it is if you will, inevitable that the flow has commenced yes?
Channel: Yes thank you, you are accurate.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We have and offer that there is that which has and and we understand would be cleared if you will, re-consumed, realigned, transmuted from one form to another as we have and are in a birthing process. It is simply the way and it is that which we have and follow most willingly the song of the intent the will of the Gaia light for is she not that which is mighty mother to us all? Is she not that which has and calls forth the great flow of new life of new birth of new beginnings and is it not so that there is that which has and knows itself called back into the womb when there is that which is new, that has and flows forth. Is this not the way of things?
Channel: It is the way of things you are accurate.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: Do not fight the will of Gaia. Do not deny the flow of transmutation from one form to another it is in truth a futile exercise although one may, if you do not mind us offering, deceive oneself a bit in the impression of the staying in that which is the great flow of ones’s life cycle in physical form yes?
Tracy: Yes that is so.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We have and would offer that there is much that is in constant rebirth and reclamation in and through the will and light of this great plane of this Gaia who has and sings so beautifully and while she has and acknowledges that there are times when our flow would create the reclamation of those of her intent be they of the animal kingdom the vegetable kingdom or even that which is the base of structure in stone or waters or other of core nature. So yet her heart is wounded deeply and bleeds mightily as she has and feels the decimation and destruction of so many, many of her children at the hand of neglect, of intent, of desire and we do not use this word lightly that which is the vibration of greed that has and is not an uncommon scent among your species. This is not the way siblings, or cousins, or ken of any kind have and would treat one another is it sister?
Channel: No I don’t think so though it has happened in the past.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We offer it is not that which occurs other than in the human collective and in this as we have and would claim and rightfully so that which is the honor and privilege of being elder born we simply offer to you the blessing of our wisdom as younger sibling if you will. In that we would offer it is not in high alignment to wound, or to consume or to waste or lay waste to that which are the other companions, the other siblings, the other cousins, the other life forms as you have and understand them in this the garden of the Gaia yes? For her light is that which breathes the song of light into all. Her will, her open heart is that which offers her very breast sister for us to suckle and without it there is little that has or would be known of any species upon this planet can you understand this?
Channel: Yes I can.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We are not one who seeks to call and point the finger of our heart in blame we simply offer that is time as you are willing, as a collective to know yourselves worthy of our grace or willingness to speak to you as one who has and comprehends not as one who has and is, if you will, unable to discern for that is for the infant is it not and you have and are no infant any more. You have and are remarkable and we are joy filled to claim you as younger siblings in that which is the great family of flow that walks, or crawls, that flies, or flows from the breast of Gaia and as we have and serve each other as one would with older or younger sibling with one who has and recognizes that who is distant cousin perhaps in physicality yet I offer we all return to the same origin however extreme that may appear in your own understanding yes?
Channel: Thank you I appreciate your wisdom and your guidance.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We do not seek to simply be one who wags the finger of experience in the face of one who has and is learning to stand in independent will and yet is it not that which we have offered as older sibling, as much older sibling to those who are newly hatched if you willing the Gaia’s eye and for this it is timely for you to all, as you are willing as a species understand the consequence and the power of resting yourself so close to that which is the great flow of evolution that one may find oneself simply returned into that which is the womb of Gaia without the possibility of continuance as you have known it.
This is not a threat sister this is a blessing of wisdom that we have and confer upon those who have and have learned to stand and to walk upon the landscape of their own will and to choose that which is in right relation with beloved Gaia and all of her informed intent. To clarify, we speak of all life that in her intent has become in a form that is recognizable in this dimensional awareness. We further offer there is much and many who are not burdened by a form as you would understand it and yet never the less have and are most, and have and seek to be as they would have you be, in right relation with all of the others. Be they of the cloud, be they of the wind, be they of the waters, be they of the gases, be they of the rock, be they of the bird, be they of that which has and is the light that shines upon us from within and without.
We speak of it in riddles we are aware and yet we offer it is timely for those sons and daughters of Eve, those who have and are aware of will this who have an have the power of will to have and claim it in right relation with all who have and share the Gaia light and that which has and would offer to each and all of us the most pleasant if you will environ of continuance. I do not worry for I have and am that which is of flow. I do not seek to remain in stasis for that is not my nature nor is it feasible in truth while those who have and are my siblings in volcanic expression may appear to be sleeping if you will or dormant as you prefer. The truth is that is simply what happens when you look upon our closed eyes and yet when you would sleep, your flesh as you know it, your organism, your body has and never sleeps yes? Is it not that there is a constant flow of regeneration of reconfiguration, of healing, of rebalancing and of growth in and through you as one who has and may appear from the outside to rest and be still and yet there is nothing that rests within your great and flowing organism that which is your vessel, your human form and so we offer are we most active, most engaged within that which you understand as the eye of our heart yes? You call it eye of volcano we call it that which simply is as we are yes?
Channel: Yes thank you.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We do not seek to bend the ear of your will we simply offer that you and I and all who have and sing the song of the Great Spirit of the Volcano have within us great and powerful potential sister. We have within us that which is the light of creation do we not? As we have and set our intention, as we have and call forth that which is manifest expression in and through this plane so we have and know ourselves blessed in the highest yes? I have and know that we, those of the spirit and the clan of the volcano have and serve Gaia and that which has and is her intent as the primacy of our service and relation and we offer your species, your collective has been turned a bit from the awareness of your service in right relation. Not simply to Gaia, yet to all who have and are of her flow. And in this you have and please all most greatly as you have and honor your own continuance, as you have and honor all others, for we offer while it may not be apparent to your limited perception one cannot underestimate the essential nature of the great tapestry of life wherein to snip one thread may unravel the entire structure more quickly and more potently than you can envision.
Channel: Yes thank you I receive that wisdom with gratitude and a heavy heart.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano We do not seek to make your heart heavy, we seek to make your heart filled with the light of our relation joy filled and grateful to have and know that you are not and have not walk alone upon this little plane where have we have and all are of one in truth where we all have and sing as one through that which is the essential nature of flow. We simply seek as we would offer to a younger sibling, a younger cousin, the wisdom that we have and carry within our own heart and bestow it upon you as a form of blessing of sorts as a collective, a species, we would offer that you may understand yourselves as approaching that which would be nestling the village of your continuance rather precariously at the rim the volcano of potential yes?
Channel: Thank you, thank you.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We do not wish to complete our engagement with you on such a sorry note for in truth we have and revel in the great light of creation of flow of change and it is simply the way of things yes? And we sought to teach you that which would be as alphabet song in your own awareness, the simple key to the claiming of the greater understanding of the language of will yes?
Channel: Thank you that is an amazing analogy I so appreciate it.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We have and take our leave we have and do not seek to fill the cup of your awareness with yet another analogy we feel it is sufficient and yet we have and would offer we are most joy filled to sing and dance with you in that which is the joint song of the heart of wiling right relation that honors flow and balance and the great song of creation the we have and all are part of the weave therein.
Channel: Thank you, blessings to you.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: And to you sister. Honor that which is the song of your heart as you have and stand without requirement to be carried by those who no longer are able to support your need states as they have and are in current flow with sufficiency yes?
Channel: Yes thank you.
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: We take our leave we are grateful for your awareness and that of your song of wisdom of our light in and through those who are your brothers and sisters in your form, those of the human collective. We have and bestow the blessing of our good will upon the shoulders of your clan as you have and are so willing to receive it.
Channel: I am blessed as we all are to receive it. Thank you Great Spirit of the Volcano .
The Great Spirit of the Volcano: You are most welcome sister. We take our leave, it is sufficient.