#4: The Great Spirits of the Winds of the West/Northwest
Today’s program at the Gaia Translate podcast provides you with access to channeled wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Winds of the West/Northwest.
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Welcome to today’s episode of the Gaia translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. Today’s program brings you channeled wisdom fro the Great Spirit of the Winds of the West /Northwest. There is a saying about March roaring in like a like a lion and that certainly was the case March 1st, 2021 when powerful wind gusts of up to seventy- five miles per hour, knocked the power out in my entire neighborhood and hurled my ninety-six gallon trash and recycling barrels more than fifteen feet down the road. These high wind gusts continued throughout the next day and may be heard in this channeling session with the Great Spirit of the Winds of the West/Northwest.
It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Winds of the West/Northwest. I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are of higher quality.
Great Spirit of the Wind: Ah little one we have certainly knocked a few times most insistently we would offer upon the gateway of your awareness have we not?
Channel: Yes you have and I am very grateful for your patience .
Great Spirit of the Wind: We are not known for our patience however we will indulge you as we would have and seek to share that which is our wisdom and our light with those of your species at this point in our mutual histories yes?”
Channel: Thank you Great Spirit of the Winds .
Great Spirit of the Wind: You are accurate, we have and are the Spirits of the Winds those of the Winds of the West/Northwest which you have and observe. We are not usually prone to expressing ourselves quite so vehemently and yet there is much that has and would, if you will, fuel that which is an increase in our expression for are we not that which has and carries what has and is served into the atmosphere through that of the physical environ and the emotional weather systems that have and are chased across the human heart at this point in our mutual history.
Channel: Yes that is so thank you .
Great Spirit of the Wind: We have and would offer there is much that has and roils and tumbles and is coughed or spit up through the heart place of your species and that which has and we seek to pull away-to carry away such that you have and know yourselves cleansed and a bit more rebalanced in your fields for that is our nature is it not?”
Channel: It is. You bless us, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Wind: That is so daughter and we have and would offer that is timely for those of your awareness, the human collective, to understand much as lake or pond the wind is that which has and can be filled with contaminate and that is not the highest use or alignment with our nature yes?
We further offer that as one is unaware or unwilling to honor the field of another be it another human, be it an animal, be it a pet, be it a child, be it your parental units, be it the greater ones the grand parental units, be it that which is the waters from which you have and would seek to fish, have and would seek to drink, have and would seek to bathe, and yet to treat these as that which is garbage-dump, trash receptacle, a place wherein that which you put in you feel that perhaps it is somehow magically not a part of that which you take out. This is a distortion that confuses us we would offer, and in truth is less than worthy of the great potential of the human species which we have and would lay at the feet of your awareness at this point in your mutual ascension or desire therein yes?
We further offer that we are not so willing to be in receivership of that which you have and would dump into our belly, into the atmosphere and that is why we have and would seek to blow with such intensity for we have and there is much we pick up, we cleanse, we seek to purify, however we offer, it is not that which has and is completely actualized as it might have been in prior histories of our relation. For we are not able to carry all that has and is dumped through the physical devices, machineries, factories, emotions and other that your species has with all others, has and serves into the atmosphere of the Gaia.
We do not offer that others such as the animal, or the vegetable, or the mineral, or in truth the spirit of this plane has and would seek to pollute we simply offer that that each and all have and serve through their heart place that which is discharge of vibration into the atmosphere or the field of the Gaia. And we have and are most efficient at sweeping up if you will, at carrying off if you will and at dissipating that which have and are so able, that which is if you will, discharged from each and all. Much as the cattle, those beings you have and seek to grow and consume for your nourishment and desire have and offer great discharge that is out of balance with the ability of the environ to call forth reclamation and return in a even handed manner if you will, and that is a part of that which we would offer is in high requirement of rebalancing.
It is not that which one can turn and look at those beings who have and are of the bovine nature and say do not, do not function as you are designed for one cannot ask that which is of a certain nature not to vibrate in a particular manner. We would offer however, that your species has great power and light of will based intent upon which to rectify or re-align yourselves with that which would be in the highest alignment with continuance and healing and re-alignment of the Gaia and of your relation with all other sentient beings known and yet unknown who have and share this atmosphere, this planet, this awareness, with and through you. You are not the only ones who hold onto their will and in some aspect we would offer misdirect it to that which is not in the highest potential for your own expansion or evolution and flourishing yes? Have you not been offered that if one has and never allows the soils of which you have and would plant the seeds of your intent to rest and be re-nourished there is little that has and may be called forth in service to your highest design yes?
Channel: Yes.
Great Spirit of the Wind: We are aware of the sound of the trash device- that which has and would gather much as we do that which is the waste product in the physical as we have and collect that which is both physical and emotional yes? We understand however, as you are aware, that which is gathered from place to place to place that has and is of waste or discard is required to be taken and redirected to another point in this field and in that are you not aware that there are fewer and fewer points of receivership that have and may accept the great quantity of waste or discard that have and are manufactured if you will by your species.
We do not offer that there are those of you who have and are turning your awareness to the power of serving Gaia or returning into the breast of Gaia that which Gaia has and understands and is most well equipped to reclaim in a manner that has and calls it forth in a re-known and useful form. You have and refer to it as ‘composting’. We offer that it is simply natural and it is wise to turn your awareness to that which has and would work with the Gaia and all of her mastery rather than to ignore or turn away from that which is the mighty flow that has and is called forth through her wisdom and her grace yes?
Channel: Yes.Yes you are correct thank you.
Great Spirit of the Wind: We understand that this is and has and is that which you have and embrace and we commend you. It is required however, that more than one or two in a community have and would turn their knowing and the face of their will in this direction for it is simply unsustainable to continue as you have done.
Channel: I understand.
Great Spirit of the Wind: We are not here to be stern schoolmaster daughter. We are here to offer that which we would consider a gift of guidance, a gift of wisdom born upon the back of our awareness yes? It is a simple thing for us to disconnect if you will, those little lines or connections that your species has to call forth that which is the heat, the warmth, the light that you have grown accustomed to in those little domiciles, those cubes or squares or rectangles that you have and place yourself within as nest yes? And we have and would offer we are not seeking to serve with mal-intent. We are simply offering that that which has and is the great and mighty wind if you will, that blows across your physical expression is in part, a result of your own discharge in the field, that of your emotions, your grief, your anger, your angst and your delight. Whatever are your emotions they are as a smoke that has and rises from your field and floats up into the greater atmosphere and while you observe us in the physical blowing that which is physically discharged so in the spiritual or non physical if you will we are also that which has and seeks to gather, collect and transmute that which is discharged from your emotional field yes?
Channel: Thank you that’s wonderful.
Great Spirit of the Wind: We are proud and most efficient at that which is our nature daughter. However, we would offer under current circumstance there is more than even our great nature has and is able to return into the flow in a rebalanced and steadying manner and in this we seek your assistance if you will. Your willing turning towards the light of cooperation and of re-configuration of that which you have and would claim as your point of engagement as member of the greater community that has and are the children, the issue of Gaia. It is not required to understand that which is the Gaia who is a great and powerful and aware knowing and spirit of light in order to embrace that which is what we would identify as right action is this not so? For one’s belief in or lack thereof of the consciousness of this particular living organism is neither here nor there in truth.
Rather it is the actions and the intent behind which which have and are required at this point in our mutual histories in order to know ourselves and most particularly your own collective in that place of joy filled expansion, continuance and blooming as you have and would turn yourself towards the light of right relation. As you have and would water yourselves with that which is aligned intent such that you have and seek no longer to deny, ignore, or refute the great power of the cycles that have and exist and have existed prior to your own expression and will continue to exist long after if you do not mind me offering those of your species are no longer in form. This is no threat daughter this is simply an observation from a perspective that is if you will at a greater vantage point and not limited by the tethers of time yes?
Channel: Yes- thank you.
Great Spirit of the Wind: It is not complicated. There and I speak for many as I have been blessed to represent that which is the Waters, that which are the Airs, that which is the Atmosphere, that which is the Land. All have and would seek to no longer be the recipient the- receiver of that which is your pollution, your waste product, your over consumption and dismissing of that or the other that you have called into form that no longer suits, that no longer appeals to that which is your aesthetic, or that which is your desire. Is it not timely to honor and to reduce that which is your great flow of waste that has and is born not from that which we understand as need state per-se, although there are certainly some who have and claim great need and we do not turn away from this truth. Rather we have and would offer, it is the confusion that we feel in the heart place of your species that which lies without yourself outside of your own self, your own will, your own awareness which has and may somehow contain that which you would seek to find, that which you would seek to comfort, that which you would seek to fill the belly of your intent and your desire. And we offer, while we are not denying the necessity of certain aspects of that which you have and call into form, or have and would seek to consume of the natural world ,when we say ‘natural’ we mean born of the soil of Gaia or other. We have and offer it is simply not to be found other than nourishment, other than shelter, other than that to wrap your little, frail bodies in when the winds such as my own have and would chill you. These are all and are understood and requirements for beings such as yourself.
What we have and offer is that there is not outside of yourself that has or will in truth wrap you in the manner that many have and would seek, in that which is the high alignment with the song of their heart. And as you have and are so blessed in this point of your mutual histories to be required to slow down a bit in the great rush to consume, so you have and may turn a bit towards that which has always been there for you within your heart, within your deeper knowing, within your higher awareness. For it is not found without it is only and always found within. In this we have and it is with great joy and gratitude we hold our hope close to our heart that you have and will open the eyes of your awareness, of your heart to that which has and is the great blessing of all that you have and are, if you will, designed to carry within. There is not one of you which has and does not carry that which is the great light of all that has and would seek to soothe, to fill, to guide and to nurture all that you have and know as your need state. It is within not without children. Do not mind my referral but from my perspective your species as an entirety remains -most nascent in my awareness yes?
It is simply that I have sought to lay bare at the feet of your awareness and it is not that which is complicated or impossible to reach out and hold and bring into the light of your willing alignment is it? We would offer that it is not simply our desire but rather that which we have and would desire for your species for we are not burdened by the needs that you have and are embodied with. And we also would have and would offer that you have and are most blessed with that which is the freedom of your own will, that great light that holds and is burning so beautifully within the heart place of each and all of you. And in this, as you have and turn your awareness to the mighty flame of free will that burns so brightly inside of each and all of your awareness you have and may call to yourself that which is the return, or in truth the arrival at the plane of right relation with that which is Gaia, with that which is and are all of her informed intent. Those who are her children, those who are born of her will, those who have and are in a informed presence through her willingness to offer and bear that which is her own flesh to call forth the birthing of each and all of the other. This is not that which is surprise or news if you will on the front page of that which you were not aware of. It is simply that which is unfortunately we feel, for many, unseen as it has become commonplace and therefore it is dismissed as not of value, or of intrigue, or interest to those of the ego self, the intellect and your other informed awareness.
We have and are carrying much that has been placed into our requirement in that which are the deep despairing sighs, the grief, the fear, the anger and these are most heavy for us to carry in our heart and yet we have and serve as we are able. We do not seek to have that sink too deeply into the breast of Gaia, into the soil of her awareness, into that which is the water of her flow and we would simply offer, it is timely as each and all of your lovely species have and are so willing to turn themselves to the truth of all they have and are and to leave off that which is doubt, that which is denial, that which is distortion, and those we have and are most willing to carry with us in the bosom of our intent. For then you may stand in the nakedness of all that you have and are without these other layers that distort, or destroy, that would deny you the grace of the power of your own will in wiling alignment, should you so choose, in that which would be of great and powerful benefit to those of your fellow collective. To those of all who have and walk, swim, fly, crawl in an informed manner in, above, upon, within and below the surface of this great light of Gaia.
That is what we sought to blow into your awareness and those of your fellow compatriots if you will. And while we understand many have and will hear this and much as a wind that flows through them and across them will pull the awareness up and wrap it around them and they will simply hunker down and hide more deeply in the layers of their denial and yet we offer there are those who have and will most joyfully uncover that which has remained hidden from their own understanding for far, far too long in this clock time that you understand. Is it not timely to unearth that which has been buried? Is it not timely to call forth that which is the mighty blossom of the willing heart?
Channel: Thank you Great Spirit, I have and carry your wisdom with gratitude and will share it with those of my kind.
Great Spirit of the Wind: It is accepted. Do not fret for we understand there are those who are not yet ready for the winds of evolution to bear their hearts and hold them into the light of full awareness and yet we would also offer there are many who have and feel the flickering light of this truth as it has and calls them again and again to their greater knowing their deeper awareness and that which is the powerful song of their own will.Yes?
Channel: Yes thank you.
Great Spirit of the Wind: We take our leave for there are others who have and require our winds of requirement yes.
Channel: Thank you great Spirit of the Winds godspeed and blessings and gratitude for your light.
Great Spirit of the Wind: You are welcome daughter. We appreciate your willingness to answer the knock of our awareness. We take our leave it is sufficient.