#5: The Great Spirit of the Dandelion

In this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast you will receive a newly channeled communication from the Great Spirit of the Dandelion.

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Welcome to today’s episode of the the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host,Tracy Shoolman. Today’s episode brings you newly changed communication with the Great Spirit of the Dandelion. At the beginning of May I came across a story on instagram about why dandelions offer an important early spring nutrient source for bees and other pollinators, and as if right on cue, my walk that afternoon was sprinkled with dandelions. I casually lifted my cell phone to take and image and sure enough a bee was already enjoying this important food source. I am honored to bring you today’s channeling of the Great Spirit of the Dandelion.

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Dandelion. I have since updated my recording set up and the newer sessions are of much higher quality.


Great Spirit of the Dandelion:  We have and are the Spirit of the Dandelion daughter. Have you not seen our smiling face as we have and are called forth in that which is the season of our new bloom in those which are the fields, the lawns, the places that have and are yet undisturbed by the mowing machines, the other that has and would seek to turn us over or those of your species who have and seek to diligently remove us from where we have and would seek to offer the blessing of our form as that which has and offers mighty service to your species and many other we would offer. Perhaps essential to some for have we not  been that which has and provides an early meal if you will for those who know themselves, the pollinators, the bees and other who have and would seek to find that which would fill their belly and their life force in the early aspects of a particular season of flow.

 We have been with your own species that which has been much revered, much sought after for our blessings of healing grace that which you have and make into tincture or tea, that which you have and consume most readily and many still have and do that which is our green, our leaf for your own sustenance and yet there  are those who have and see us as blight, who have  and understand us as simply that which has and is to be removed, to be pulled out, extracted and if you will extinguished in our own life force. We have and are aware that there are seasons that have and go as that which has and is the awareness and the relation of your own species with ours. We would however offer that we do not only seek to serve your own need state or to be that which is bother, or pest, or unattractive neighbor in your own yard, or that which is unwelcome relation if you will. For there are many who have and are in requirement of that which is our hearty and powerful life force, that which has and knows itself unbowed by particular environmental circumstance that has and does not suit the calling forth in the physical form of many of our own cousins who know themselves of the rooted ones those of plant or other realm that has and grows and drinks that which is the sun and knows itself held steady by the great soil, the great breast of Mother. 

We would offer at this point of our mutual awareness a word of guidance which may be perceived  as self interest by some of that which is our species in our own personal continuance while we would not deny this we would simply offer that there are many, many of our fellow participants in this particular point in our mutual history other life forms who have and are in requirement of that which we have and know ourselves in our nature able perhaps singly in some aspect to serve that which has and is food source resource life source for may that you understand as pollinator and for other who have and would consume us for their own life force. Be they those who have and are plant eaters, those who have and would be held in delight and in the light of our mutual interrelation. While we are not simply that which seeks to call  ourselves both into  

physical form in order to simply be placed upon the plate of another consumption we have and offer that we serve in many, many ways and are most willing to do so and we feel that there are those of your own species that have perhaps forgotten or not considered that we have and are not only there as, if you will, blight upon your green lawn  if you will that which has and persists that which has ad calls forth its own expression in places that might be for your own aesthetic less than optimal.

We would offer that while in it may appear as you have constructed it that this or that or other piece has been parceled off through your own cultural creations of property or land ownership  yet there are those who have and are not able to understand these man made constructs of division and in truth they are less than serving for the greater song of our flow. We are aware that that is as it is for many of your species and we have and have chosen this point in our mutual awareness to offer that which is perhaps a broader perspective about the value, the worth, the nature, the service of those who you have and understand only from that which is, if you do not mind us offering, a mighty and limited perception. In this we would take that which is the blessing of your willingness to perhaps reassess not only your relation with our own expression but your relation with all who have and would seek to avail themselves of the mighty service that we have and are honored to provide.For is there not that which has and offers that which is the sustenance of your own need state through the growing, cultivation and harvesting of those of the vegetable or fruits or other that you have and would seek to consume in service to your own continuance. And yet are you not aware of that which is the essential relation of those who are the pollinators who would seek to know themselves in a place of continuance for it is their service that has and in truth supports your own expression. 

We have and are, if you will, grateful for being that which while we may appear as weed to some we have and in our nature know ourselves as a great and healing song, as a great sustainer of many, many lifeforms and in this we are proud and joy filled to serve. It is simply that we would ask that you have and reconsider that which is a narrow, if you will, understanding of our attributers or our characteristics and in truth of our service to the song of our life and yours if you do not mind us offering. For as we have and turn ourselves into that which is the wind of right relation we have and will know ourselves in a place of blessed flourishment, continuance, growth and benevolent companionship. For are there not those, we  speak of those seedlings or sprouts if you will, your children who have and delight and make that which is a chain of our bloom that which has and is a crown of our light  that which has ad is a blessing and delight of making a wish and blowing upon that which is our seeds and serving in that manner to spread our light and serve those who have and would seek to drink therein.

We may appear common for some, we may appear as pest or that which is to be discarded or rooted out for other, as the interruption in that which they take pleasure in visually and we do not hold any sense of judgment we simply seek to offer that which is the wisdom of the greater aspects of our service which we understand as beautiful and in truth essential to many of our cousins in other form as we have and dance the merry song of our interconnected alignments in service to that which has and is- the great bloom of life in form in this particular ecosystem or, if you will, the body of this planet, the Earth as you have and commonly express it. We are that which has and knows ourselves joy filled to sing the song of our expression. Joy filled to serve the many, many physical life forms that have or would seek to consume or heal themselves with that which is our physical nature and we have and would turn our awareness in gratitude for that which is the alignment with our greater nature in our own heart place such that you the ad consider all that his los you have and would pluck us, all us or seek to remove us from that which is the flow.

We speak on behalf of others who have and understood and are understood rather as weed, as unwelcome guest and we offer there is no unwelcome guest at the table of flow of life that has been set by our Mother. Each and all in all expression have and were called forth with great finesse, mastery and intent and are we not that as if you will, unweaned child who does not understand the relation of those others of their siblings who have and sit at the table of the family alignment. We are by nature in truth that which and and sings the song of returning life. That which as hand is joy filled and filled with that which is the will to have and serve and so we have and serve. We have offered that which is the song, the request of our heart to have and be understood in a greater fullness of all the we have and are as we have and understand  there is that which you have and are which has and serves in manifold manner that to some degree is foreign to our awareness and yet we do not deny it while we may not perceive it.  

It is simply that we sought to offer and we have and would seek that which is the blessing of the turning of the eyes and ears of your own heart place those who have and are of the human community, the collective our brothers and sisters and cousins in the light. We have and offer you this- the blessing of this great spring, this great season of your own bloom in all that you have and are in your own service that which is the great flow, the great song of life. We have and offered our song and we have and know it to be sufficient. We are grateful for your willingness to receive it. We have and take our leave as you have and are so wiling to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am. Thank you for your beautiful song Great Spirit of the Dandelion. I have and receive it with gratitude.

Great Spirit of the Dandelion: That is all we have and sought. We are grateful. We serve our blessings to each and all of those of our family who know themselves in human form. We take our leave.


#6: The Great Spirit of the Coral


#4: The Great Spirits of the Winds of the West/Northwest