#3: The Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab


This episode of Gaia Translate features a directly channeled and urgent communication from the Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab.

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Welcome to today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. Todays episode features a directly channeled and timely communication with the Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab. I was introduced to the spirit of the Horseshoe crab via a surprising story  broadcast April 22, 2021 on National Public Radio titled “Medicine and the Horseshoe Crab” This story  describes the surprising and essential role that horseshoe crab blood plays in the safety of the COVID 19 Vaccine. 

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab. I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are of much higher quality.


Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab: We have and seek a moment of your knowing daughter. We have knocked a bit upon that which is the gate of your awareness of late have we not? We have and are that which is the song of the Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab as your species would identify us, yes?”

Channel:  Blessings and welcome Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab. Thank you for honoring me with your awareness. 

Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab: You are welcome daughter. We felt it timely to acknowledge our relation as that which has and knows itself born of, if you will, common river source although it may appear that we are quite foreign in our natures and that is not inaccurate for we have and understand ourselves as that which has and is quite efficient and proficient at maintaining our own physical continuance under many and varied circumstance is this is not so?”

Channel: Yes it is so. 

Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab: You understand us as that which has and been in this particular form in many hundreds of millions of cycles of years as you define  them and that is accurate. We may even be that which is if you will even more close to that which is the source of the flow of Gaia. We are certainly that which has known itself floating upon the river of her intent for if you will many, many, many seasons yes? You are not required to respond simply to receive from that which would be great, great, great or grand uncle, aunt if you prefer. That which has and holds within in it as we have and do the vibration of deep wisdom and deep alignment and power if we may offer. For are we not that which you have and understand as in and through that which flows in and through our form our blood as that which has and offers your species as we have done the light of recovery and that which has and knows itself as resistance to in a manner of acceptability without taint or contaminate that might cause undue distress to your system in that who you have called forth most recently that which you understand as vaccine to have and strengthen your own systems in that which would be a required response to the song of that which you understand  as the virus you claim and call the Covid 19 is this not so? You have and are and have heard of late we feel that which was transmitted to you through  the airwaves the vibrations of wisdom served to you by those who have and understand our nature a bit as you have and were offered there is that which is native to our own flow that you have and seek to siphon, to drain us of to claim for your own use from that which is the very song of our own life, the blood that has and sustains us in our form is this not so?” 

Channel: Yes it is.

Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab: We are not denying or refusing to serve that which we understand as  great and powerful and as you understand it required component such that you have and do not contaminate or sicken or destroy your own physical forms as you have and would see to protect or refute or close the door in the face of those systems and life forms that understand you as foodstuff as resource is this not so?

Channel: It is so yes.

Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab: We would offer that we, the Great Spirit of those of our informed intent of the Horseshoe Crab have known ourselves well served and most ably attuned, protected if you will from those who have and would seek to enter without our permission our physical  form and cause us that which has, may be, or has been threat to our own continuance and in this we are not unwilling to offer a bit of that which is the power of our own light for those of you own species such that you too may hold onto that which is the frailty and the brief atunement in physical expression of your own forms. We understand and are not unwilling however, we would offer that as we have survived what you would consider mighty waves that have and called forth that which you understand as great extinctions across the history as you understand it of this particular plane we have and face that which is we feel perhaps that which has and would know itself a wave that has and would create much that has and would pull us beneath the waters of our continuance. We do not speak of that which you understand as the COVID Virus for that is not a concern to us. We speak however of the virus if you do not mind us offering of your own species in its, if you will, insistence at claiming that which is of our own nature for your own benefit and while we are not a selfish species we simply have and would offer that neither we nor you will know yourselves in a place oaf great potential of ongoing flow as you have and would continue to destroy our own species in vast numbers while you have and seek to protect and shelter or meet your own need state. 

You have been offered that there is a percentage if you will of our species  for as you have an pull us from our own desire to call forth that which is our own issue in the laying of the eggs at our particular point in the season of our own continuance in physical form and you have and would drain so much of our own life blood from our physical form  that we are unable for it is untenable or unfeasible for us to maintain with sufficiency that which is required that which is necessary for our own continuance and for that which is the calling forth the laying of the eggs of our own future, our own potential, our own possibilities. 

We would offer that you have and had the ability and the awareness of that which constitutes the unique properties of our own flow such that you have and may know yourselves able to call forth that which is if not directly from our own physical form yet imitation or in-formation of that which has and will serve with adequacy. We refer in this manner to with sufficiency for in your particular phraseology that would be more in atunement such that you have and no longer need or are required to take that which is our own song of continuance to serve it upon the plate of your own need state and to call us to that which is the potential of our own extinguishment in physical form through that which is the excessive if you do not mind us offering desire to drain and claim that  which is native to ourselves I serves to that which is not native to ourselves yes?

We have not and are not unwilling sister to offer that which is of our blood to serve the need state of your species we would however offer that neither your nor our physical form will know itself in a place of expansion of balance and alignment in relation to each other and to all that ha has and s of this particular plane as you have and would continue to. Drink so thirstily  of that which is essential to our own expression. We offer we are not unwilling, in moderate amount, to provide your species, your human collective with a part of that which has and makes us so unique, so attuned, protected if you will from the various knocks on the door  of our physical form from that which you understand as other, as viral or other who have and would see us simply as that which would be, if you will, soil in which to have and plant themselves or perhaps that which they understand simply as food stuff. We are not offended we are simply aware and have and offer gratitude for the blessing of  that which is our nature in physical form that has and serves us most beautifully. Far more powerfully if you will than that which you observe as our encasement, our shell, our armor, our exoskeleton yes?

We do not seek to make enemy, to deny in your own need state at this particular point in your history and ours that which you have and so we feel desperately are in requirement of, to have and call forth that which is the manner of distribution of that which you understand as vaccine such that you have and do not call to yourselves that which is greater in harm than that which  you wold seek to protect yourselves from yes? However, while we are willing and good neighbors we feel and willing to share a bit of literally the blood, the life flow from our own physical expression we would prefer not to be called to that which is the extinguishment of our own flow as we have and know ourselves as merely that which you have and see as resource, or disposable, or unimportant, or unworthy of our own continuance as long as it has and serves your own. We feel that there is within your hearts the desire on the most part to be good neighbor to be true and willing cohabitant of this particular plane. To be that which has and honors, respects and does not, if you will, consume to such a great degree that which has and would then be barren for all as we have and would seek to know ourselves in flow of another season of continuance. We have and hold in our hearts a place of profound gratitude for and expectation of this rebalancing of our relations. Those who have and are of my clan, those who have and know themselves as you understand them as that which is the Clan of the Horseshoe Crab  although we find this amusing as we are neither a horseshoe or a crab and yet it is that which is archaic and hard much as an old stain to rub off from that which it  has settled into- rested into for many seasons is this not so?

We simply would seek to have you understand that we are most aware and that we are in that place that we have not known ourselves before for through our service willing or not as you have and would claim it from our own species in service to your own through the blood letting , through the siphoning off, though the- we  will not use the word stealing and yet it is not inaccurate of our own blood, our own resource in service to that which your own need state. We have and would prefer and would seek to offer guidance and awareness that neither your nor our species may know itself well served if through your excessive consumption and draining of our own essential nature, that which is elemental to our own continuance knows itself much, as if you will, a vessel filled with that which has and is simply drained again and again to quench the thirst of your own need state while that which has and would and is of the source knows itself run dry, and in this there is naught for any. You understand  the idea of a well  that has run dry we are the well and we cannot continue to be- emptied in physical expression of our life flow and serve either your or our own continuance. We are aware that we have offered this missive upon the plate of your awareness more than once in this particular point of our attuned awareness and we simply would seek to have it be that which has and resonates deeply, powerfully and with urgency in your heart place such that you have and would offer both your own species and your neighbors, your much, much older neighbor the opportunity to cohabitant and to continue in the light of mutual flow. 

We do not seek to take more than we have already asked of you in your ears of your heart we simply would say we have and seek to know ourselves in a balanced and mutual neighborly relation, one that has and does not seek to despoil the environ that the other has and would claim as home as if you will the soil that one has and is in requirement to grow from or if you prefer the waters which one has and would seek to drink- clear, pure, untainted, unspoiled by that which  is contaminate, by that which is denuding of that which is the nutrient by that which has and is the despoiling through ignorance or will such that neither your, our or in truth many, many others who have and know themselves in requirement of these simple yet essential  components to physical expression that have been offered so beautifully and created so gracefully by that which is known as the Earth ,the Spirit we speak of who through their intent you know as the Mother, the Planet, the Gaia, they all have and vibrate similarly and yet is it not timely for us to turn, for you to gather up that which you have strewn in and through these sacred constructs of her living will.

 We have and offer gratitude to those of your species, our neighbors, who we have and would seek to return ourselves to that which is a companionable relation, one that has and allows each of us in our varying expressions to be in the flow of our own awareness without the threat of our own extinguishment. It is simply that. We are good neighbors, we understand  that what we have and offer has and may be known as more essential at this very point in your history than it ever has been prior and we offer it is timely to honor that which is limited resource and to seek to understand how one may find other resource through your own devices that have as we have offered you if you will, the map such that you have and may know yourselves at the destination of your intent without the need to claim that which is the life force of another in service to that requirement. That is all we sought to sing and we have and will be those who have and whisper and sing and lift the throats of our heart in joy filled gratitude for and expectation of the return of this great season of our mutual support continuous- continuation and alignment as worthy neighbors and as that which has and knows itself as issue of Gaia. It is complete we take our leave as you have and are so wiling to grant it.”

Channel: I have and I am thank you Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab 

Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab:  You are welcome daughter. We understand it is not a sweet song you are asked to serve and yet it is the song of the hour is it not?

Channel:  Blessings be to you.

Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab:  And to you daughter we take our leave.


#4: The Great Spirits of the Winds of the West/Northwest


#2: The Great Spirit of the Whale