#2: The Great Spirit of the Whale


Today's program at the Gaia Translate podcast offers access to a special channeled message from the Great Spirit of the Whale.

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This is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast . If you are not familiar with channeling you might find it helpful to listen to Episode number  one to familiarize yourself a bit with what to expect with these channeled sessions. I like to introduce each episode with a bit of a back story about how I was guided to channel a particular awareness or energy. In this case I was first made aware of the Great Spirit of the Whale the week of March 23rd, 2021 when an instagram video of a humpback whale and her calf appeared on my morning feed. I could hear the whale song as she swam slowly towards the camera keeping her calf close to her side. This same week a 200,000 tonne cargo ship had become wedged in the Suez Canal completely blocking  the waterway and closing it off to all traffic. I promise this will all make sense when you listen to today’s  channeling from  the Great Spirit of the Whale. 

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I  decided to release them as podcast  episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Whale. I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are of much higher quality.


Great Spirit of the Whale:  I have and seek a moment of your knowing daughter - I am that which you have and perceive in your third eye as whale as the Great Spirit of the Whale is that not so?

Channel: It is so. 

Great Spirit of the Whale: Did you not listen to the songs of my wounded heart that are so misunderstood by those of the human collective.

Channel: I did the other day.

Great Spirit of the Whale: I am aware. I have and have sought your awareness with that which is the kindness of others  who have offered me the place of primacy in your field as I have and would seek to offer a small translation of the song of my heart such that those of the human species may understand a bit, the depth of my grief, the depth of my pain, the depth of my sorrow, for I am one who hears most clearly the weeping, the wailing and the moaning of the heart place of the Gaia-that who is mother to all, that who is resource to all, that who is the song of continuance for all as she has and bears harsh witness to the decimation it is a harsh word and yet we claim it for its accuracy of the many, many, many of her children as they are torn ruthlessly from her breast. That which she has and nurtured, that which she has and held most tenderly over that which for more season than your collective may be aware for she has called forth with great finesse, with great mastery, with great atunement a multitude of multifarious life forms that are, if you will, sentient from your limited perspective.Those of the mammals, those of the birds, those of the aquatic creatures, those of the reptilian, those of the plant, mineral and other that have and are called forth through her great and mighty will.

 In this, she is a most precise artist of life. One who has and creates with great nuance, great delicacy, great love.The masterful interweaving, the masterful interconnectedness, the masterful alignment of one to the other. Of one who has and serves in ways that are mysterious in the highest to those who perceive only with the eyes of the physical vessel.For then are you not as one who simply  watches that which would be as film or other moving record of expression such as video and simply freezes your frame as you are willing, to one particular still image. How is one to understand the great mysteries, the great complexities, the great power and beauty and light that have and are known only through perceiving in full. Is it not a song of great and potent beauty, of great unveiling and are not those who are of a curious nature, you call them scientist’s or researchers, and are these not the ones who have and understand It is less than efficient or sufficient to simply view that which you perceive through your limited awareness from your own, if you do not mind us offering, diminished perspective that which is the entirety of her will in form yes? 

Channel: Yes you are accurate there are many who simply see that which is in front of them or around them and do not see that which is hidden from their physical sight or from the sight of their heart, that is as I understand it.

Great Spirit of the Whale:  It is not inaccurate daughter we have and come to offer our public mourning, our public grieving, our public wailing-we understand that is a bit of a pun, we are not without our humor,  of the great loss and pain that has and is the constant atmosphere that cloaks  and enrobes  this mighty being of light for how else is one who has cradled in the arms of their will the many thousands, nay millions of living expression, of creative in-formation of that which has and is a mighty and beautifully attuned concert of interrelated life. When one watches with great pain and torment the slow and then not so slow dissolution, removal, extinction, extinguishing through that which is the will of your species and we offer is it not timely bothers and sisters for we are in truth born of the same mother, we are in truth of the same clan. Is it not timely to turn the eyes of your heart  directly towards the winding and bleeding awareness of that which is the source of flow. That which has and is and should be most beloved, most sacred most honored, most blessed. That which is the most conscious awareness the great spirit of this entire plane, this planet, this earth, this Mother Earth that you have and so casually refer to her awareness and yet it is not inaccurate we simply would ask that you have and listen deeply to that which you claim without in truth atunement or alignment to the vibration of truth that has and would be most efficient and compassionate if you do not mind me offering. 

There is other that I have and would offer and that is for we are not unaware of the delight that your species has and takes in observing our majesty, our power, our grace, our joy ,our playfulness and our flow and we have and appreciate that there are those who have ceased to consume our flesh for their own need state when there are other alternatives that have been presented upon the plate of your awareness, yes?

 Channel: Yes thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Whale:  We are that which is, if you will, a bridge being. We are one who lives in both the ocean of air and the ocean of the waters and in this we are blessed or perhaps less than for we have greater awareness of that which is the pain and the grief not simply of the Gaia herself  but of all the creatures, the life forms, the awareness, the knowing, the participants in if you will this great and mighty choir of interrelated life. As they have and seek to be helped, to be held, to be pulled from that which is a vortex of dissolution that which has and is an unsustainable environ in this physical realm. For all has and knows itself with great purpose be it known or unknown  by other members of the community. All have and know themselves with awareness be that known or unknown by members of the community and we offer there are only those of the human species -not all for we acknowledge there are some who are most beautifully in atunement and there are others who are most beautifully and diligently serving to call forth the that which is, if you will, the alarm, the warning, the great distress call for others who are not of their species and we commend you for this.

We do not seek to say that there are not many who have and are not willing and hold a great open and grieving heart in alignment not simply with our own species but with that of the Gaia herself for we have and feel this is so and we have and would call you to your atunement, your alignment and your awareness and in truth the turning of the great bow of the ship not simply  of your individuate will but that of the mighty ship of your collective will such that you do not know yourself wedged as some between that which may neither take you forward nor allow you to retreat to that which you have known as your current informed experience in this plane. Have you not that which is a little out picturing, that which is vessel, container that has wedged itself neither able to go forward or return for it has and did not pay mind to the singing of the great winds of warning to that which is the vibratory field of the sands of dissolution that have and blow, that have and wail, that have and alert those who are able and willing to listen. As you have and may accept this rather clumsy analogy or metaphor if you will of those of the human species, your collective awareness you have and know yourself wedged at this point in your history between a path that is not feasible for your forward continuance and a path that is not available to return to as that which you have and known. Are you not well served to call upon that which is an ease of flow of that which has and would open the channel of potential and allow you to be carried not against the current of possibly but to flow with gratitude and grace along with it.

We would offer a small observation that the mighty vessel that has and knows itself wedged  between the impossibility of forward motion and the impossibility of retreat has and also did not seek to avail itself of those guides, those who have and know those who have and are most willing to walk along side, you refer to them as the tugboats I believe  those who have and would be most willing to guide safe passage in and through that which is a narrow channel of possibility and in this we offer, we the Great Spirit of the Whale and all others have and are, if you are so wiling to receive, it able and joy filled to serve as guide, as tugboat if you will, not simply for the individuate but for the great massive vessel of your full awareness as you have and would seek to traverse the narrow and narrowing channel of potential for continuance of flow yes?”

Channel: Yes thank you great Spirit of the Whale it is a powerful metaphor and I have and will serve it to those of my species, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Whale: We are are aware this is not a pleasant message to place at the feet of the awareness of those who have and would prefer to cover their ears, to cover their eyes, to turn away and not to look, not to see, not to know and yet in truth have these offered that which is ease of egress, ease of flow for your species as it has and would know itself rather than that which is wedged between impossibility and improbability. Rather would you not seek to know yourselves able, willing to accept that which is willing and joyfully offered- the guidance that you have and receive that we have and serve in a manner that is, we feel is accessible to all who have and would seek to understand that there are many, not only who have and grieve at the loss of their own expression in physical form but many who have who are  joy filled willing and grateful for the opportunity, the honor and the joy filled connection of our partnership, our alignment, our willing atunement with one another yes?”

Channel: Yes thank you you offer us a blessing I have and will serve it.

Great Spirit of the Whale: That is accurate daughter and we have and feel most deeply as it vibrates within our own heart the there are many, many of your collective who have and are deeply in atunement  and alignment of that which is the return to that which is known as right relation, honored and honoring, blessed and blessing, respectful and respecting between not simply one or two not simply that which has and out pictures as great and powerful physical expression as my own but for that which has and is the smallest and yet most potent for some. That which would be perhaps a virus, perhaps a molecule, perhaps a grain of that which you call sand. Do not turn away from the possibility and in fact the truth that every object, every life form, every non physical yet contributory resource of atmosphere of that which has  and flows within the breast of Gaia, of that which has and flows upon the breast of Gaia of  that which has and rises above embracing this being and serving her as that has and serves all in for of wind  or rains or could or other that has and is a part seen or yet  unseen. The ability to visually or in other  forms of physical perception be aware of that which has  and is a part of this great matrix of life is not in requirement for it it have and serve out essentially for that which is the highest and best continuance from our perspective for all yes?

Channel: Yes thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Whale:  We have sought to offer this song of our own grief,  our own woe, our own hope and our own invitation to those of your species and we have and are most appreciative for your willing and timely distribution if you will of this song of our will and our heart as we have and would seek to join you in your collective awareness and in your individuate knowing  in a great and powerful prayer of gratitude for the awakening of your own collective and the alignment and atunement of your heart yes?”

Channel: Yes I’m most grateful and honored to sing with you and to serve. 

Great Spirit of the Whale:  That is in truth as it needs to be for there are other potentialities and they may or may not know themselves in the season of their fruiting  and we would offer that while we  may or may not  know  ourselves in physical continuance  yet there are those who will and there are those who will not . This is not a threat it is simply an observation which is not unknown to those of your collective yes?”

Channel: Yes that is so.

Great Spirit of the Whale: We do not seek to end our discourse on such an unpleasant note  and so we have and again open the great gates of our heart to all who have and would seek with joy and awareness to join that which is our deep and powerful intent and expectation and anticipation of our mutual, collective song of re- atunement, of healing and of blessing to our mother and for each other yes?”

Channel: Thank you Great  Spirit of the Whale. Blessings in the highest and my deep sorrow for all that you have and carry in your heart. I acknowledge  your profound grief and I have and bear witness to it as it has and weighs in my own heart place .

Great Spirit of the Whale: We do not seek to have you carry our grief we seek to have you carry our hope. In this ,it is our hope we serve it is our grief we acknowledge. So we have and spoken so we have and listen for we have powerful ears of the heart, we have powerful eyes of the heart  and so do you- each and all those of your human knowing it is simply a matter of choosing through your own freedom of will the capacity, the ability and the knowing that one has and may open them and there is not that can keep you other than your own will from the doing so.That is was we hold ourselves in great hope of potential of joy filled reunion and realignment with those of you species and that which is the return to a balanced and steady relation in honor of the great mastery and light that has and flows from our mutual mother, the great spirit of Gaia so she has and is and so we  have and would  take our leave in great hope and joy for we feel in our hearts the awakening and stirring  of the mighty song of awareness and open hearted and willing alignment that vibrates deeply within your collective and for this we offer prayers profound gratitude and grateful expectation. It is efficient it is sufficient we take our leave.


#3: The Great Spirit of the Horseshoe Crab


#1: What to Expect From the Gaia Translate Podcast