#193 The Great Spirit of Ginger

The Great Spirit of Ginger has stepped forward with a timely message for our benefit in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. Every Summer I sign up for an organic farm share and it is always fun to arrive each week to a different collection of seasonal vegetables from which to choice. Sometimes I am surprised at how a vegetable I had only purchased from a market actually appears when it is freshly harvested from the soil. One day we were greeted with long elegant stems of fresh ginger plants growing from the familiar roots we see in the stores. In addition to admiring  their slender grace, I was drawn to  channel the Great Spirit of Ginger.


The Great Spirit of the Ginger: We greet you. We are that which carries the vibration for what is understood as ginger, ginger root, and that of the rest of our expression, which is less understood at this point in your history than once it was and when it shall be known again.

We are a powerful and potent vibratory field that may offer great assistance and joyfully so, to the rebalancing of aspects of your physical form, your body, as a clan, daughter, which have and find themselves a bit unsteady, that which has and much as the wind may blow in some leaves if the door is left open for too long upon a windy day, so too the physical forms of your flesh as a species has known itself held in the arms of our tender ministrations as we offer ourselves for your consumption and as that which has and would steady your fields, and that of other life forms we would also observe through the ingestion in a timely manner and fashion of our own.

Many have and are aware and have close relations with the various expressions of our form, as has been cultivated by your own, be us as infusion such as tea, be us as that which has and you pickle and serve next to certain meals that have become quite popular of late, be that as freshly added to this or that recipe, be that which has and is in truth juiced, and that which is the liquid of our flesh consumed in one or another manner.

We would offer a small wisdom; it is understood yet perhaps not fully embraced in the power that has and is held within its potential. Many of you have and seek to season your food stuff, that which is an expression of dried and powdered ginger, and while we suggest this may offer pleasant taste, much as anything that has and is fully dried and ground up into bits, the efficacy of consuming our flesh is greatly reduced, in direct relation, we would observe with the distance from which our fresh and reasonably unearthed root has been claimed for one’s nourishment, rebalancing, or other, yes?

We would encourage that which is the claiming and consuming of our flesh in a manner that has and is in a timely fashion as close as is feasible to the point of our harvest. In this there is an amplification of that which is our potential as anti-oxidant, as digestive remedy, and in any other manner that you have and are yet unaware.

You have and most understand that if you take a loaf of bread from your ovens when it has and is freshly baked to experience it within a relatively short time span from its full bloom as that which is a particular baked good has and is a far more pleasurable experience than to return to it several days or months, or in truth, years hence. It has and will not be that which you will be as pleased to consume and nor will you find it has and offers you the full bouquet of that which is the fragrance of its resource, as healing, and as that which has and blesses those who consume it with nourishment and with a comfort that is often understood, often craved, and yet rarely expressed.

In other words, we are not unwilling to serve as a healing modality for your clan. We simply suggest that for those who are able, the personal cultivation or that which is the obtaining of as fresh as is possible the ginger root and the consumption therein as that which has and will amplify that which has and are the healing properties and the rebalancing that so many of your plane have and are in need of, yes?

We are not suggesting you do not consume our many and varied iterations, yet for those who know themselves burdened by certain physical imbalances, discomfort, or limitations put on by that which has and is this or that circumstance, be it the natural process of aging that you have and presently continue to experience in a great manner, or that which is the upset of the stomach or other. The potency and the efficiency with which one has and may apply our healing field is greatly amplified as one has and, if you will, seeks to drink directly from the source. Is it not so for any living plant or animal that you seek to call forth for your own need state at that which is the release of the vital life force of their own.

We would observe it is useful and recommended to consume that which may be a cherry, that which may be the apple, that which may be the flesh of this or that, should it be your preference. If one has and leaves it as you have pulled it out of its continuance as that which is in a flow, if you have ended that which you perceive as its life willingly with the intent to consume it or to serve it to other, it would not be useful to let it lay out, devoid of resource and in its allowance of the great consumption as it has and seeks to return to that which is the breast of Gaia in the spoiling of, in the drawing out of, and so forth. In truth, the consuming of that which you may understand as spoiled or rotten will require great assistance for your own digestive system, far more than we could offer, a tincture or even in that which is the consuming of a bite or so of our expression.

Many have and they only know themselves able to avail themselves of the purchase of our roots in your markets, and even in this manner it may appear that we have a great shelf life, and yet to put it simply, the closer you are to the time of our harvest, the more powerful the healing effects will be in your ingestion of our root, of our flesh. This is not simply a song of wisdom we offer in relation to our own expression. It is the song we offer for all life that you have and seek to claim in service of your own need state and for your own wellbeing.

How may you understand this? It is, and we are aware, that others have spoken of that which is the usefulness of untainted and unpoisoned soils and water source from which to cultivate and call forth that which you have and would seek to make a part of your own physical form. That being said, the amount of clock time from which you have and purchase that which has and would be found in your supermarket aisles to the time of your consumption, you are well-served to know it has very, very short in direct relation to the nutrients that one has and will receive. For as the vital life force of any has and walks away with greater and greater clock time between the harvest and the consumption, there is less and less of beneficial bite that is held within it.

There are cultures that are born of the convenience of your systems of refrigeration, of your capacity to have and transport across great swaths of landmass this or that plant or animal that you would seek to consume, even that which is the egg of this or that animal, yes? While it may feel convenient to consume that which has journeyed thousands of miles, however quickly, we would suggest you are better in that which is your own physical wellbeing to claim that which has and is native to your lands which has and is grown if not in your own garden, yet in a neighbor’s or one that is not in great distance from you point of purchase and consumption. As that which is the soil is denuded and contaminated, even that which has and is, if you will, locally grown and harvested, is unable to host, if you will, the level of nutrient that its ancestors naturally contained.

As you are aware, we offer you gentle guidance in service to that which would be the increased wellbeing of your clan. We do not seek to dissuade you fully from consuming on occasion that which has journeyed far from its point of origin, yet it is essential, we feel, to bring to the forefront of your awareness as a clan. The consumption of – we will use for example – a tomato, the fruit of a tomato plant when it is grown in your own season of that which has and would be harvested in your local area, contains a great percentage of increased potential nutrient value than that which has and journeyed from those parts of the land and earth that know themselves in opposing season to your own, that which is your winter is their summer, yes? That which has and is claimed and hidden away and severed from its nutrient source however it may out picture or appear to be perfect in its physical expression, it is pale in comparison to that which has and is and is grown in your own or your neighbor’s garden.

We would further observe there is a great amount of additional imbalance that is called forth in the physical plane, that which is the great hauling and carting of this or that from one point of the earth plane or another, across vast distances. And this is not efficient for those who have and truly seek to call forth that which is the healing of this wounded plane. We are not suggesting if you have and desire to eat that which is tomato in the middle of the winter season wherever you have and may inhabit. Are you not in a place in your cultural evolution to simply grow in greenhouse that which you have and would seek to eat wherein you may in your near neighborhoods know yourselves able to consume that which if perhaps call forth without that which would be the blessing of sunlight, yet it has and may know itself acceptable, and in truth in the potential of holding greater nutrient value than that which has and is grown thousands and thousands of miles from your door.

While it may appear we are calling forth that which would be the cessation of a great number of vary lucrative industries, it is not so. We have and would simply offer that this has and is in truth the most efficient to have and rebalance that which is the great wounding of the soils and the great dreaming of essential nutrient and life force from much that has and you consume.

We would further and finally observe that your species is not singular in receiving that which would be understood as assistance or healing or rebalancing of your own physical flow in the consumption of aspects of our expression. And while we will not enumerate which and what those of the animal kingdom would benefit from a bit of our flesh as that which they are blessed to consume, you have the means, we have observed, to call forth that knowledge and therefore the blessing of our healing grace may be served to greater numbers of other aspects of life in this plane, yes?

It is this blessing of wisdom we feel is quite well understood by some and that which has never been fully explained or accepted as more than that which is rumor or inconvenience, that which would be desires of the day. You have and are a great species. You have simply found yourselves a little bit turned about of late. We seek to offer you the blessing of this wisdom and this guidance in that which would be the adequate nourishment of your clan and other forms of life in this plane.That is that which we have and have sought to serve upon the plate of your awareness, Channel, and that of your greater clan. As such, much as we have offered, we would appreciate timely consumption while fresh and still holding that which is the vitality of our wisdom as served upon the plate of your clan’s knowing.

Channel: Blessings and gratitudes to you, Great Spirit of the Ginger. Thank you for your guidance. I am profoundly grateful to be in receivership therein, and I have and will seek to place your guidance in a manner that it has and knows itself consumed while it is still fresh from that which is the song of your heart.

The Great Spirit of Ginger: We seek no more. We have and are complete.


#194 The Great Spirit of the Krill


#192 Great Spirit of the Bone