#194 The Great Spirit of the Krill

Krill Image Courtesy of Wikipedia

Attune to the wisdom of the Great Spirit of Krill in this episode of Gaia Translate

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. Today’s Episode brings guidance from the Great Spirit of Krill. My awareness was drawn to the Great Spirit of the Krill when I came across an article posted by the Pew Charitable Trust posted on World Krill Day (yep you heard me correctly ) there actually is a world krill day on August 11th. The article informs the reader about the 8 facts we need to know about Antarctic Krill and why they need greater protection .



The Great Spirit of the Krill: We greet you. We have and would honor you with that which is the attunement to our flow. We have and knock upon the door of your awareness and we appreciate your willingness to answer. We are that which has and vibrates with the Great Spirit of the Krill.

It is a matter of perspective, is it not? How one has and perceives another life form in this plane, and for your species we are considered a food stuff, a resource, that which is in great, if you will, availability to serve that which you would require of us. We prefer to consider ourselves as a contributing member that which is the greater organism of flow in this plane. And while we may be from the perspectiveof those who would consume us, or understand us as simply as that which has and meets their own need state for nourishment or food stuff, we understand ourselves as members of a great society of life in flow, and of that which has and serves not simply as what may be placed upon the dinner plate, but as a member of the great and complex interrelationship of life in flow in this plane.

We acknowledge that there is little understood by our species of the particular habits or likes or dislikes of your own, other than that you find us tasty. We also would serve that much that has and is important in our own cultural attunements, and yes, we have that which is our own culture, our own belief systems, our own likes and dislikes, our own preferences that have and are little understood, or perhaps just beginning to be explored by those of your species who study such things, yes?

We feel it is timely to call the awareness of perspective into the forefront of our discourse. For while we may be diminutive in scale, and while our collective may appear large in population, this is both and always has been a matter of perspective. Is this not accurate?

We would observe that the lack of, if you will, a certain depth of comprehension of another life form is much as what one would understand as a handicap of sorts. For if you do not understand the value of a thing, it may lead you to discard that which you may at some point acknowledge is a great treasure or of great value in that which you might consider the vault of requirement for this life as we have and know ourselves in communal flow.

We are not suggesting that we as members of the community or species that is understood as “krill” are to be valued as a rare and much-admired mineral or stone that appeals so greatly to your species, such as emerald or diamond or other. We mean no disrespect, for we have and honor all that has and is in form in this plane, and we simply would invite you to take a seat at the table that has and is not configured in a form where there is a head, but rather that in a mighty circle or spiral is one that has and honors all who sit at it, who has and receives the wisdom and the value of all other forms of life, not only in the manner that they have and relate to one’s own individual and perceived need state as “this is useful to me,” “this is in my way,” “that is not to my liking as a food stuff,” “the other is too small to have much value,” as we have and would claim it in relation to our own understanding and perspective, yes?

We are aware that there are those of your clan who have called forth the power of understanding what it is like to stand in another’s shoes, or if you prefer, not to judge when one is not able to hold an attunement of another’s perspective, yes? We would invite the comprehension, if you will, of the relationship that which you understand as judgement and that intimate relation with the angle or perspective that one has and approaches one’s relation in all matters. We speak, however, of the relation of those members of the human awareness with our particular species, and in truth it is a universal application, should it be so embraced.

When one embraces the power of an expanded vantage point that has and lifts above the individuate need state, either of one or another member of your species, or of your species as an entire organism in relation to this or that in this plane, you have and will find that your perspective broadens and much that has laid in the shadow of ignorance – not that we infer you as a species are ignorant, but rather there is much that remains out of that which is the realm of your awareness – it is a blessing and a gift to embrace that which is not so colloquial in your vantage point to hold yourself as a member of a great system of life in flow, and therefore to appreciate and to accept that each and every member of this system, however they may out picture or appear from that which is and appears to you inorganic in nature to that which has and is the greatest physical form or the most minute.

As you have and accept that it is not only your own intimate relation with this or that life form that has and is the scale upon which to weigh the usefulness or the value or the essential presence of this or that in relation to the whole. All have and are well-served, we would offer. At this place in our history and your own we feel you are able to broaden your perspective a bit and to accept as you are willing that there is great usefulness and purposefulness, great interrelation that has and is a part of all life forms, or they would not, we would gently offer have come forward into manifest expression. There would be no use in the greater machinery of flow. And we would further observe that while neither we or your own species, we would suggest, may perceive or understand, comprehend, if you will, how each and every life form has and serves that does not deny their service, their usefulness, the reason they have and are in a form of flow in this plane, yes?

Yet, we digress. We would return to offering that which is the blessing of your own krill nature. You may perceive this as that which you have no interest in claiming, and that is, if you will, a choice you have and make from your place of limited understanding of what we offer.

Yes, we are that which is and serves as a resource, a food stuff for many, including your own species, and that is a part of the flow, is it not? And yet we also are that which has and is an integral part of the greater ecology of the flow of life within the great waters. And in this, we have and serve most willingly. We are not only that which is consumed, we are also that which consumes, yes? We are a part of the flow, an essential part of the flow for many. It is this perspective and in truth the vibration of respect is what we have and would seek to call forth in your own attunement.

We are that which may appear to be, as I have offered, expendable, replaceable, of little individual worth or use, and we would simply invite you to consider as you are willing, the great waters devoid of our expression. The largest physical animal in this plane knows itself dependent in great measure upon our presence as a reliable food source, yes? We speak of the whale, the blue whale, and others.

We acknowledge that there is much that has and is in great shift and this has and it is felt and experienced by many of our expression. While we may be that which has a great breadth of capacity to exist in various climates, water temperatures, and environments, we are not immune to that which has and shifts the entire ecology of the great seas as the temperatures have and rise above them. And for this we turn to you.We acknowledge you are a clever and industrious species. We also would observe that it would be wise to claim that which is the wisdom of a higher or broader perspective, such that you have and claim a perspective that has and understands you as a part of, rather than separate from this organism of flow.

We are that which does not seek to know ourselves outside of that which may be understood as the song of life. We are most grateful to be a member of the chorus, as it were, and we would offer that should the voice of the krill in a physical expression in this plane be silenced, so too are many, many other members of the choir know themselves unable to sing.

We have and would offer that we are most willing, much as your species in your great numbers, we have and yet admire and respect the individuate light that shines within all, and we would  appreciate and invite you to claim that aspect of your krill nature that has and knows itself in a place of honor and of joy-filled gratitude as a participant in and a member of that which is the chorus that together lifts the throats of their will in a great song of life as it has and flows in and through this plane.

The capacity to lift oneself out of such narrow corridors of perception and to perceive oneself as a worthy, useful, and in this aspect as we understand the ecology at this point in our mutual history, we would offer, essential member of the choir. So too we would bless you such that your own species knows itself as a member of, rather than as one who sings alone.

We are most grateful for the willingness to have and share this beautiful plane of physical life with each and all of you, and we have and hold open the arms of our heart in a manner that has and would embrace your willingness to broaden the avenue of your own perception, such that you have and hold yourself and all others in the deep respect and acceptance that we each and all serve as we have been called forth in a manner that has and contributes willingly and joyfully to the whole.

It is that we sought to sing and we invite you to have and embrace this aspect of your krill nature, one who has and offers the wisdom of respect, the wisdom of balanced relation with each and all of the other expressions, however foreign they may appear. For we are all in truth that which is essential to the mighty organism of the Gaia as she knows herself in this point of flow, yes?

We appreciate your willingness to receive the song of the Great Spirit of the Krill, and we offer the blessing of attunement and of the lifting of your own awareness, individually and as a collective, such that you are able to stand upon that which is the hilltop of a greater perspective, one that has and serves all.

And so, we have offered our blessing and we appreciate your willingness to consume it along with that which is our flesh. It is complete.


#195 The Great Spirit of Bok Choy


#193 The Great Spirit of Ginger