#192 Great Spirit of the Bone

Today's episode of Gaia Translate delivers blessings of wisdom from the Great Spirit of Bone

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. I was drawn to channel the Great Spirit of the Bone after coming across an article in Scientific American. What intrigued me was the title of the article  which announced a “New Technique  Grows Realistic Bone in a Dish” apparently it turns out  bones are one of the most challenging organs to re-create.



The Great Spirit of the Bone: We are the voice that speaks from the dead, sister. We are that which has and offers reminder that your clan in its current expression is simply a part of a great and long parade of the various life that have known their season and known their decline across the vast plane of existence in flow of this environ. We are the Great Spirit that has and vibrates the frequency of Bone, and we are not limited to those who have and are of human bone. We are that which is and found in its own manner as part of the majority of life in flow in this plane that have and are of certain biology. Is this not accurate?

Channel: It is. Blessings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Bone.

The Great Spirit of the Bone: You have been called to our awareness in a greater and greater common manner, and while it may not be that which is most pleasant to consider, we invite this awareness of the reusing of that which is our essential nature as scaffolding of life in flow for many as that which should be honored and in truth, offered respect. For while that which was the original form that we had and supported, be it human or other, may no longer be that which has and knows itself in the season of its flow. Yet, we are sturdy, yet we have use, and your clan has availed yourself of many, many, many blessings from that which is the Great Spirit of Bone. For you have, and wisely so, found our strength, our suppleness of nature, even without the flow of vital life force of this or that other expression as that which has and offers the blessing of your own continuance and no less than certain epochs of your evolution.

You have and claim that which is the bone of other to serve as tool, to serve as extension of your own physicality, to serve as that which would protect, or in truth be used in a form of aggression either in the intent to wound or destroy one of your own clan for your own reasons, or of that which you would avail yourselves of to have and assist you in the destruction of the flesh of another being, an animal or other that you have and would seek to consume for your own nourishment.

We do not judge how you seek to use us. We simply observe the blessings that we have bestowed upon you in the use therein. There are bones that you have and are quite entranced by, those of those who were the dinosaur as you name them, who were a great civilization for millions and millions of cycles around the sun. And yet, are we not that which is their voice that sings that has and reminds that has and speaks when there is no more a mouth from which to create utterance or vibration in flow. And we are pleased that your clan has chosen to seek to understand through that which is our presence what has come before and in truth, what has and no longer walks in form upon this plane.

There are many who understand the great power of healing and life force that have and flow within the bones of a recently slaughtered animal that has and serves and heals your species through its high nutrients and that which is the capacity to call forth great life and continuance therein in flow. There are other bones that we would gently turn your awareness as a clan to. There are the remnants of the bones, or skeletons if you prefer, of civilizations of your own that have and are no longer in the vitality of flow. And as you have and acknowledge these bones, ruins, if you will, bits and pieces of older civilizations, they have and offer you a song of great wisdom. We appreciate your willingness, not simply to study what has and remains from that which has and is no longer vital in its flow, as you would understand it, this or that culture, this or that language, this or that system or belief. There are many bones that have been scattered and may be found across the landscape of your own understanding.

We invite your current species, those who know themselves in the blessing of manifest expression now at this point in clock time, here in this environ, to turn again and again, and to consider much as you have done with the physical bones of other, how may the wisdom, the learning, and the choices of this or that which no longer has and walks upon this plane as civilization, as system of belief, as construct of control or design of how one has and should participate in that which is the season of your own expression of flow? And to turn that which has and remains, the bones of this or that culture, the bones of this or that civilization, carefully in your hand and to discern how you may best claim that which remains.

We are not only referring to the physical artifacts or remnants of structure that have and are so clearly expressed, but to bones that had and once were enrobed in the great body of civilization, of culture, of wisdom in flow, of choosings by those of your own clan, and perhaps others who have journeyed in prior season and not to simply dismiss them as so much that has and simply blocks the path of your current desire to create new structures and to build the bones of your own body of knowledge, bones of your own understanding, the bones of your own skeletal structure of all you have and seek to define yourselves as a civilization that no longer has and depends upon how you have and are, but that has and seeks to claim and to reconstruct and recreate with the use, rather than in spite of, that which has and remains, much as the channel has and avails herself of a small part of the bone of another to assist in the reconstruction of a part of her own physical form. It is an adequate metaphor for what we offer you, that which is the Great Spirit of the Bone.

While you have and are a curious species – and we admire this trait – we would offer it is wise as you have and seek to unearth the mysteries, the patterns and the choosings of other seasons of your own civilizations, it is wise to companion your curiosity with that which is less often taken upon the journey and that is the vibratory field of deep respect. For there is much that as you would say has been buried in the sands of time, to use a cliché, yet for those who have and seek to search with that which is a non-judgmental and open and willing heart, much that has been buried may find itself rediscovered. And while this may be accurate in its physical expression, we speak of the revisiting of those who study such things and those who will, of that which are the bones of wisdom, of choosing and of patterns, of methods of construction, of methods of agriculture, of methods of relation of those who have walked the path of a human expression in a season prior to your own.

There are some cultures wherein the flame of wisdom has been tended to, wherein the flame that has and is, if you will, the vital life force that flows and is generated from the bones may still be in flow. It is of great discernment, we would gently observe, not simply to approach what you would consider the indigenous clans, less perhaps draped in the current fashion of technology, and yet well-draped and supported with the bones of wisdom, protected and long earthed.

It is the blessing of wisdom that is held within the bone and the power that has and may be claimed. We are not suggesting you seek to recreate and function in a manner that has or was the fashion of the day, yet rather as you done across the seasons of your own evolution as a species across all parts of this physical plane to hold and to align yourselves with that which may be useful, that which may be claimed as useful tool for your own continuance from the bones of all who have and walked before.

It is this blessing we have sought to offer, that which is the song that may still be heard that would appear to be sung from the bones of those long gone. Those who have and are enrobed in wisdom are those who have an approach that which may appear to be only bones of your own past, your own ways of living in relation with this physical plane, your own wisdom’s hard-earned for many, easily lost for many, and you may find that which is great utility it may not be encased in your technologies, and yet it is wise to release the distortion that that is the only container in which wisdom is bound.

It is this blessing that which has and is the alignment of all that has and is the Spirit of Bone in what you perceive as our physical outpicturing in that which we have and would offer is our metaphor, for in this there is a great blessing to be garnered from those who have and claim in deep respect the bones that remain and still sing of what has and may serve that you may unearth when you have and turn once again with eyes that are unclouded by the distortion of judgement of all that has and was of the past being simply by virtue of it having been that which is of little value or usefulness. In this, as you shake off this dust, this distortion, you will be well-served as you have and walk or run with arms open into a point in your history as a clan, or in old wisdom may be found to be the greatest blessing you have and claim in that which is the season of your becoming.

‘Tis this blessing we sought to serve, and so we have. And we have and would take our leave, as you would grant it so.

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Bone. Thank you for your flow and your wisdom. I have and receive it with gratitude and respect.

The Great Spirit of the Bone: We appreciate your willingness [nonverbal - 0:21:31.6] to scatter the seeds of our wisdom across the great fields of your clan’s awareness as you have and are willing.

Channel: I have and I am. Blessings be.

The Great Spirit of the Bone: It is complete. We have and take our leave.


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