#201 The Great Spirit of the Emerald

Gachala Emerald image courtesy of Wikipedia

The Great Spirit of the Emerald honors us with the riches of our emerald nature in today's episode of Gaia Translate.


Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman,  The Great Spirit of the Emerald honors us with the riches of deep wisdom in this episode of Gaia Translate. A transcript is available in the show notes for this episode at www.gaiatranslate.com


The Great Spirit of the Emerald: Greetings, daughter. We have had a long relation, have we not? There are not many who understand the depth of our vibratory attunement as you do. We would introduce ourselves. We are that which is understood as the Great Spirit of what is called Emerald. We have a complex, and we would offer, beautiful vibratory field in our physical outpicturing as that form of beryl that has and is so appealing to those of your clan, your species. We offer it is the vibratory field of our nature, that which has and holds an open and willing compassionate, if you will, heart. That which has and is in a symbolic manner the song of life in form in great measure in this plane, that which has and through its life is a great healer and bestower of wisdom through the willing attunement therein.

There are other aspects of our field; however, these are primary, we would offer in terms of our nature and we have and are most willing to confer the mantle of an emerald nature upon each and all of you. It is not that which is out of reach, if you will, when you have and open the arms of your heart and embrace this aspect of your knowing that has and is of emerald nature, that which holds a deep and profound and joy-filled compassion for life. And as one has and embraces this compassion it would be impossible in truth to select where you have and shine this light when you are in full attunement. It is simply your nature as it is ours to have and offer the light of compassion to all who have and are in the presence of our field.

Do not conflate this with that which calls forth which you understand as a romantic love, although that is not outside of our field. It is simply a facet of that which is the open heart of compassion that has and shines much as the light of day without selectivity upon all who have and are in its presence.

We further offer that light offers life and that is a point where what you understand as a nature of healing has and calls forth into attunement. You have great healers among you and yet we offer in truth that which has and claims the full mantle of one’s emerald nature by your nature of an open, willing, and compassionate heart you have and heal. They are not separate; they are not that which has and is teased apart, if you will, as wheat or chaff. They simply are that vibrates as emerald nature.

We further would offer we hold resource of great wisdom and rebalancing of that which is a place of high attunement. This is understood in greater measure than you may be aware. For is there not that story, the fable, if you will, that includes The Emerald City, a place of health, of bounty, and of attunement, yes? While it may not be written out as with a great piece of chalk upon the sidewalk in front of you, nevertheless it vibrates deeply within the heartplace of many, that which is the individuate who wrote that story simply was holding one hand upon their own emerald nature in their own heart.

We offer this children’s story as a simple example of how our vibratory field is understood by those of your species. We invite each and all not through the obtaining – it is not required – of a part of a physical outpicturing or expression as in the mineral emerald, but rather to call forward in your own field that which has remained embedded within the soils of your own potential, the full alignment with attunement with and embracing of your own emerald nature.

It is a beautiful song and one that has and shines the light of profound compassion and therefore, healing upon all. This nature has and is not foreign or that which is only obtained through the wearing of that which is either of our own physicality or the color therein. It is rather that which as you have and claim it again and again, the blessing of your attunement, brothers and sisters, with your emerald nature, you have and simply call into forward alignment that aspect of your own expression that is and holds a great vibratory field of unlimited compassion and therefore, it is understood also as a great and healing light.

We do not deny that through that which is your own cultural constructs there have been other valuations, if you will, placed upon our physical outpicturing, that which is the concept of rarity has and is attached, much as one would attach a tail upon a kite, and yet as your species has and understands how to create or synthesize from your own intent our physical expression in great assimilation, we would offer, is it not also that which you have and may call forth in your energetic field your emerald nature, such that you all have and vibrate deeply and beautifully with that which is an open and willing heartlight that has and bathes all in that which is  great and powerful compassion and therefore, healing grace.

Do not misconstrue that it is only that which your heartlight has and shines upon that which is without you that will be in receivership of this grace. For much as you have and are in attunement with your emerald nature, so too you have and heal yourself as you have and offer through your nature with deep wells of open-hearted compassion that do not hold you outside of the gate, as you have and are that, you have and are infused with that which is the great song of the vibratory field of the emerald-light of healing and soothing grace.

To embrace this aspect that has and rests within the soil of your own fields of potential is a high blessing in truth, and one that would be and is denied to none, and one that has and is simply, much as you have and stand and see, if you will, that which is the gleam of a physical emerald placed upon the path in front of you. While it will not jump up into your hands, it is a simple act to reach your hand down and to claim it as your own.

The emerald nature that has and shines within is also rare at this point in this plane of existence, and it is simply a matter of mining a bit and acknowledging that it has and rests as it always has done in that which are the caverns of your heart, yes? All have and know themselves that which is the owners, if you will, of a great and powerful treasure, one that has and when you have and claim it in full and rest fully within it, will call forth that which is in truth an Emerald City beyond your greatest imagining, a place where the attunement of the heart is in full alignment with the attunement of the flesh. Is that not a beautiful new season of the spring of reblossoming life in attunement that each and all have and are a part of as they will it so?

It is our blessing and our delight to confer that which is the mantle and to acknowledge that it has and rests upon the shoulders of every single being in this human family of expression. It is only to open the eyes of your heart to see that which has always resided within and to feel the great power and light that radiates from your own emerald nature in and through you in healing and compassionate grace.

It is, we understand, a different manner in which to perceive oneself than you have and are, for the most part, used to. And yet, how was it when those who first came across the shining light of the physical form of emerald and their great delight, and we offer there are many who have and remain within the physical heartplace of the Gaia, and there are more that have and vibrate in the heartplace of each and all of you. We invite and celebrate the great unearthing, if you will, of the mighty song of the emerald nature of each and all of the sons and daughters of Eve, those of the human expression as we have and understand them. It is that which is and may be the dawn of the beautiful song of unlimited flow of emerald light.

We have offered that which is both invitation and conference, not of the emerald within your heart, simply of that which is the blessing of awakening to its presence, everlasting, and simply seeking to be held up and embraced and fully claimed with joy and gratitude for your own attunement to that which is, and always has been, a song of your mighty unfolding light.

It is complete, daughter. We have and shine the grace of our light upon all in that which is a prayer of joy-filled anticipation for the great unearthing of the emerald nature of mankind, as it has and knows itself in the season of its full awakening, yes?

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Emerald. Thank you for your attunement and your awakening and your conference our emerald nature. It is gratefully received.

The Great Spirit of the Emerald: You are welcome, daughter. Shine the light of this song upon all who have and are so willing to be in receivership therein, and you as species have and will know yourselves greatly pleased. We have and take our leave as it has and is complete.


#202 The Great Spirit of the Puffin


#200 The Great Spirit of the Walking Stick