#200 The Great Spirit of the Walking Stick

In today's episode of Gaia Translate experience the Great Spirit of the Walking Stick and the blessing of high discernment.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. My  next door neighbor sent me a photograph of a shrub between our properties with the words “I Spy” - at first I couldn’t see anything so I went outside to take a look.  after closer inspection I realized I was eye to eye with a large walking stick bug we are talking 6 inches or so standing  absolutely still camouflaged perfectly in the branches. If I turned away and looked back it was nearly impossible to pick out this insect and all I could think of was how many of these walking sticks were all around us without our seeing them. This episode delivers fascinating guidance served up by the Great Spirit of the Walking Stick.


The Great Spirit of the Walking Stick: There is a power in the camouflage of assimilation, is there not? We observe that this is a useful behavioral modification for our expression, which is most aptly identified by your clan as the “stick bug,” or the “walking stick.” We would offer that we have and are blessed to know ourselves as that which in a manner appears to be other than we are, and so we have and are well-served in this aspect of the camouflage of our physical form. And while we are not seeking as some to assimilate our thought-forms or to assimilate in a cultural or societal aspect as those of your own clan may seek or have or do, we have and offer this as a straightforward example.

It is not that you have as a clan, daughter, and truly reformulate your physiologies to mimic that which you have and would seek to blend into for protection. Although there is a bit of that with the outfitting and dressing of this or that uniform or style of dress that has and claims you as this or another, is that in truth not a similar form of the camouflage of assimilation? You may wonder why we seek to draw the analogy between a simple stick bug that is so similar in its physical form that it is most often overlooked, not only by your species, but by those who have and would seek to consume us. And therefore, we are well-served, yes, to know ourselves simply able to go about our business, to mind our own “ps” and “qs”, and to take care as we are able through no more than the camouflage of assimilation.

Of course, we are not truly seeking to become that which we appear to be. We have and never will be so. Yet it has served us well and those who are relative to us to recede, if you will, into the greater song of life that has and may surround us and in truth, be resource for our own need state. As you have and would seek to call forth a higher level of discernment than has commonly been employed by your clan, of one to the other, it is wise not only to stand in the light of high discernment and that which others have and would seek to call forth as their own camouflage of assimilation when it may not be very closely related to the intention of their heart. We would also ask, as you are willing, that you look upon your own selections and the intention behind them. What is it you have and seek to dress yourselves in as camouflage such that you have and may not stand out from that which is commonly accepted as this or that or the other.

You may presume that we are suggesting it is wise to always camouflage oneself in that which is the outfit of assimilation, and that is not the guidance we have and would seek to place in the forefront of your awareness. Rather, we have and would offer it is the season of awakening and as such there is so much that has gone unseen by your own clan of other members therein who have and seek to assimilate using that which is camouflage, rather than that which is like vibration.

We speak of vibration much as you may understand that which has and is the frequency of one’s intent, a song of the heart, if you will. There are many who have and outfit themselves in numerous outfits of that which is, or is perceived to be the camouflage of assimilation, be it with various cultural collectives, or political opinions, or stances, belief systems or denial of other belief systems. The choosing to be of this or that tribe, the choosing to camouflage oneself in assimilation as this or that tribe, and to shake off the leaves of your own unique individuality, as you seek to meld and merge, and while we do not deny that there may be benefit, and we certainly have embraced it in terms of our own wellbeing, we would invite you to consider this is a great season of the claiming of truth without distortion.

This is a great season that has and is bestowed upon those of the human collective, and we step forward not to suggest your continuance as that which has and seeks to hide behind the form of this or that if it is in truth not your nature. For while you may find that you seek refuge or protection, it may be that very camouflage of assimilation, it may be that which no longer serves to offer refuge or protection, or expansion of your own flow.

We are not seeking to create fear. We are seeking to serve you the guidance of high discernment and perhaps the blessing of the mantle of our own walking stick nature in this aspect. We do not deceive ourselves. We do not perceive ourselves as a stick or a part of a tree or plant or other deeply-rooted one, nor have we ever. Yet, it has been of benefit to remain in great stillness and to watch with deep and careful observation, the behavior of that which has and may serve as form of alignment or protection, not by the claiming that we are it, simply by the act of mimicry or camouflage. For while we seek to camouflage our flesh, such that we have and may be protected, we do not seek – nor ever have – to assimilate ourselves and to claim ourselves as other than we are.

We are that which we are. You may call us a stick bug, for that is how you have categorized those parts of the greater trees or other forms of flora in your own perception, and that is another point of blessing we would offer you. We assure you we are not confused between that which is a stick bug and that which is a branch; we are quite aware, however similar we may appear to the other. In this, we invite you to tease apart a bit that which has been the habit of claiming both the outer dressing and the inner belief form or vibratory field. One is not required to toss away your nature simply to that you have and may appear as another, and we would also observe that there are many of you who are quite aware of this and choose with great intent to appear to have and assimilate as this or that, when it is not the intent of their heart either from fear of physical threat or harm, or from desire to camouflage their own intent, and therefore be in a place  of greater opportunity to claim that which they have and will seek.

To claim one’s stick bug nature or walking stick nature is not to claim a weak or small or fragile being. It is rather to claim the power of discernment, that which may seek to camouflage the physical without the distortion of camouflaging one’s own self-awareness, yes? To claim this stillness and capacity to be in great and constant awareness of all that has and flows in and around one, now that is a high blessing we would observe, and one we have felt your clan is deserving of as a grace bestowed by our own upon yours and the greater light of your flow as a species.

To walk in your stick nature is to walk with the understanding of how easily others are fooled or, if you will, unable to perceive the truth of what has and is right before them when it bears even vague resemblance to what they assume they are observing. This is the blessing of high discernment we sought to bestow upon your clan, daughter. For we feel there is a great bestirring of the heart, a great awakening of that which is the heartplace of the truth of the nature of all that you have and are, and that which is the shaking off of many masks that have and are self-deluding, as well as intended to mask the truth from another.

We do not judge. We simply perceive it is timely to honor your own stick bug nature, or walking stick nature, if you prefer, in the manner that has and holds in the forefront of your awareness how you have and may be perceived and how you have and may know yourself as other than not in a place of fear, unless you choose it, in a place of rejoicing. For there are many of you who are awakening to what you have and are without the requirement of the camouflage of assimilation. This may be understood as the claiming and standing fully into the truth of all that you have and know, that you have been a bit afeared, we feel, that, if we may be so bold that has and offers you the greater blessing of connection with that which is the unlimited flow of your own awareness, and that of all others.

The being who is Channel has released a bit of that which is the camouflage of assimilation in sufficiency, we would offer, to receive our song and to offer it upon the public stage wherein it is our deep and joy-filled gratitude that may be received into the heart place of many. You are a beautiful species of light that has remained beneath the cloud of your own distortions and while you may so choose to remain, there is great light that has and shines upon you, each and all, in this, that which is the dawn of your greater remembering.

And so, we sought to serve this small blessing and our gratitudes for your willingness to receive it. We have and listen with the ears of our heart for all who have and would willingly claim their walking stick nature. It is, we would observe, a great and timely season of claiming therein.

It is this blessing and our small wisdoms that which has and is the perception of our heart we have sought to serve upon the plate of the awareness of your clan, daughter, and that is what we had and are grateful to have placed into that which is the flame of awakening that has and is growing with such beauty in the clan of the human awareness.

Channel: Thank you. Thank you for your wisdom and your grace, Great Spirit of the Walking Stick, the Walking Stick Bug. I am honored to be in receivership of your wisdom and your grace.

The Great Spirit of the Walking Stick: You are welcome, daughter. As you are aware, it is not the label that humans have and apply to us that in any manner contains the fullness of our nature, and this is not so foreign from the truth of your own, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Walking Stick: It is sufficient, as you have and would serve it, we will take our leave.

Channel: Blessings be.


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