#202 The Great Spirit of the Puffin

Are you ready to claim the blessing of Great Spirit of the Puffin? Find out in today's Gaia Translate.


Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. I was drawn to channel the Great Spirit of the Puffin after coming across an article The Guardian with the following headline:”Puffin nesting sites in western Europe could be lost by end of century.”   The article is not all grim news as it  describes a guide created by experts designed to help save seabirds from the bleak future caused by global warming. 



Great Spirit of the Puffin: There is much afoot, sister, much afoot that has and causes great distress, much afoot that has and creates great grief at the loss of those of our family members, our cousins, our companions, and our friends. We are that which has and vibrates as the Great Spirit of the Puffin. We are known in many climes, and yet there are certain environments that are no longer able to sustain us as we have become accustomed. This is not unknown, or rather, not unsuspected by members of your species, and we appreciate that you have and bear witness to that which is the dissolution of our greater communities through that which is the shifting of the clime, the climate, if you will.

We have and for many seasons known certain aspects of habitat as conducive, if you will, as home, as our preferred neighborhood where we have and gather, seek to commune, to mate, to expand, and to grow our community. To offer that which is safe passage into this life and the continuance therein for those who are our issue, our offspring. And we feel there is a great and open heart of understanding that has and is a part of your own expression. And in this, we have and would beseech you. It is most heart-wrenching in truth, to watch those of our species, those who are our issue, our children, if you will, those who hatch from our intent, unable to be sustained for lack of adequate food source, and this is, or was, a great confusion to many. For those places, those beds of great fruiting of that which is our preferred food stuff – the sand eel is one – and other smaller fish have and are diminishing or in truth, have vacated fully in certain areas that had and were most trustworthy as resource.

As the Great Spirit of the Puffin, we are aware that as the climate, the temperature of the waters has and rises, it requires the northern migration of that which has and is our preferred resource for sustenance, and that is as it is and needs to be, for that which has and sustains us has and is in deep requirement to sustain its own life expression through the necessary migration into cooler climes where it may know itself in the fullness of its life cycle.

We are not, although we are able to migrate, it is so. There are those of my species that I have and vibrate with who are unwilling to leave their homes behind. It is deeply in the DNA, if you wish, of my species to nest in certain parts of this environment or another, and it is with great grief and confusion they have and face the conundrum, if you will, of that which has and represents the center of a culture, of a society, as being unable to sustain that which has and is the adequate need state for continuance of our species.

We feel that this is not a foreign awareness for many who have and are of the human expression. We understand also our seeking to migrate, to leave their beloved homes, their beloved societies, that which they have always known, the strength that has and comes from the sacred relationship with the physical environ and one’s own expression, as it has and is tethered most beautifully through the seasons of mutuality. And yet, are there not many of your own clans who are forced, not through desire, but through the essential requirement of continuance to migrate in one or other direction?

We observe as has and is with a that which is the sandworm; the migration appears to be that which is northerly in general, although not always, and we find this confusing. For while we are simply placed in a position to be in receivership, of consequence called forth through the actions and intentions of your own species, is it not also so that many of your own clans also suffer, if you do not mind us observing, the negative consequence, the painful uprooting of one’s expression from that which you have known as home, as culture, as society, and as a sacred relation that is born by physical beings and the motherland they have and know.

We often speak amongst ourselves about why it is that those who have both the capacity and the ability through will-based intent to reconfigure their relationship with the greater song of Gaia, such that they do not deny the rights of other members of your clan, be they from the north or southern climes, the east or western climes, or any other point of geography in this sacred plane of physical relation that is the Gaia, such that you do not force the departure, the severing of these deep tethers of relation through acts that you have in certain aspect called forth as that which is a great rain of shifting climate upon all, be they those who have and willingly participate, or those who simply are as we, the receivership of consequence that we have not chosen to create, and yet are required to consume.

We are aware that we also serve as food stuff to feed the belly and to meet the need state of your own species in certain geographic locations, and for certain sub-cultures, if you will, and we do not deny that this is a part of flow. How may you serve those members of the community of your own expression when through that which is the actions and behaviors of a few you have and deny many the right of survivorship, the right of continuance, the right of relation with that which is the home of their heartplace, their ancestors, and their culture.

We do not only seek to sing a song of woe, although we have and offer we hold ourselves and those of all species who know themselves forced to be severed from their native land, ecology and environment by the current shifting of the conditions and we have and are deeply grieving for our own expression and many others. For where that which is the smallest song of life has and is unable to know itself in continuance, all other that have and are as steps upon the ladder of what you understand as the food web have and are unable to hold steady those who are above.

It is an awkward analogy, we acknowledge, and yet it is one that has and is a constant companion of late. We seek to have you as those who also claim the blessing of a heart relation with another being. We are known to mate for life as we are able. We are known to partner with another in the intent and desire to nurture and call forth that which is our own issue to serve the simple blessings of adequate food stuff, of adequate shelter, and of the potential for greater continuance and the freedom of a lifespan that knows itself a part, not apart from the flow.

We sought your awareness through the channel as we have and would seek to awaken you to that which is the companionship of our own grief with many, many of your own species. We have and feel the grief of those whose roots have been pulled up by requirement, rather than by desire, from all they have known, from all that they have loved, in search of that which is the simple capacity to feed their young, the basic desire for adequate shelter, food stuff, resource, and family. Is it not timely, brothers and sisters, to have and reconsider how the needs of a few affect the life condition of the many and in truth to open your heartplace to the wisdom that has and sings in the heart of all? What has and affects one has and in truth affects all.

We consider your species somewhat short-sighted by choice or by lack of awareness. It is a bit of each we would offer, and it is timely to no longer hide one’s head in the sands of denial. For there is little left to have and to hold any, be it a four-legged, be it a winged one, be it those who live within or beneath the Great Waters, be it those who live above or upon them, be it those who live within or beneath the great breast of Gaia, the soils, or those who live above or upon them. For all have and many are understanding themselves in the requirement of migration. And while this is a possibility for some, yet we offer there are those who are not equipped to uproot themselves in such a manner and have and are required to dance with less than pleasant consequence.

It is not timely for us to acknowledge each other, both as resource and resourceful, both as that which has and simply seeks to know oneself held in the light of our own community, our own society, to remain the sacred and beloved relation with the land of our heart, our home, the home of our ancestors, and to have the simple song of grace, of adequate sustenance and the right to know those of our issue in a place of continuance and that which is adequate expression in physical form as a member of this great community that has and is only flow and that has and is so delicately tuned to its own interrelation.

We are aware that many of us may not be able to know ourselves in continuance in that which is the great and rapid shifting of the seasons, the climate, and all that has been known to sustain us in the manner we are used to, and this is not a singular condition, yes? Are there not many of us and you and all who have and are being called into that which is a time of choosing, a time of severing and separation, and of for many, desperation.

We feel that you have and in the heartplace of your awareness you vibrate deeply in the attunement with all that we have and suffer, and you are not willing to cause through your own intention the wounding that has and yet is the result of certain actions and conditions brought forth through that which is your own industrialization, your own over-fishing. Perhaps you may argue this, and yet if there is nothing left to reproduce if there is no water in the temperature that has or allows the continuance of life you have and will be unable to meet the requirements of your own species through that which is the meeting of the requirements of all other.

We are not that which seeks to have a pained relation with any other member of the family of Gaia-light. We simply sought and are grateful for the opportunity to share the wounding of our hearts to offer them in the light of awareness to those of your species who bless us with the willingness to receive it, the song of our desperation. We have and do not only weep tears of despair. We have and reach out at this point in our mutual awareness as an invitation and as an offering for you to have and embrace those aspects of your own nature, brothers and sisters, that have and respect your own native environs that have and seek continuance in those cultures, those societies, those parts of the geography of Gaia that have deep meaning and for which and through which you have and understand yourselves, you have and know yourselves deeply-rooted, if not in flesh in the roots of your heart.

We have and would seek to confer that which is the blessing of our puffin nature upon the heartplace of your species and invite you to claim it, that which has and does not seek to disrupt the great flow as it has and was created in a mighty song of willing grace by our mutual ancestor, the Gaia, mother of all, song of life in flow, as we understand her. And we invite you to reclaim your own intent in alignment with your puffin nature, that which has and simply seeks to be in balanced and right relation in a flow wherein we have and may share the blessings of relation, partnership with our mate, membership in a community, and a loving and deeply-rooted attunement with this or that physical environment that we all have and understand as the root source of our home.

We have and would offer a prayer of hope-filled gratitude for that which is a timely awakening and reclamation of these aspects that are not so far from the surface of your awareness and in truth are born with great and deep grief by many, such that all have and may know themselves blessed to find a manner of continuance through a mutual respectful relation and rebalancing of the physical climate such that all may know themselves in the joy of their own home, society, clan, and family. We are not suggesting there is not great beauty and joy in exchanging and in moving through one’s own desire or willing intent from one point or another, from one clan to another.

These are all welcome and beautiful and offer great songs of attunement. We simply speak and represent both our own species and in truth many of your own and other who do not seek to be forced to know themselves uprooted through drought, through famine, through violence, through destruction, contamination, pollution, or other.

It is a small planet in truth, and we feel many of you, members of the human clan are awakening, albeit a bit late for some to this truth, and we invite you to shake awake your fellow brothers and sisters and to invite them to embrace the love they hold for their own family and simply to bear witness to the greater family of all who have and are a member of the life that has and flows in this small plane of existence.

We have and acknowledge our song has been less than joy-filled, and yet the simple act of the opportunity to open the throat of our heart and to be in receivership of the willing ears of your own hearts, brothers and sisters, is a great blessing and one that we do not deny or take for granted. It is that we sought to sing and we have and will continue to hold in our heartplace the light of hope that you have and in your own awareness seek to return to that which is a rebalanced and respectful relation with all that has and serves, and all that has and is served by the attuned flow of life in this plane.

It is sufficient, daughter. We appreciate the willingness of your capacity to serve as riverbank to the flow of our heart, and we have and will take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it, with gratitudes for your open and willing flow.

Channel: You are welcome, Great Spirit of the Puffin, and I have and acknowledge the profound grief of your heartplace, and I hold it in my heart the pain, and I offer you the blessings of timely transmutation therein that has and knows itself in the potential of our realignment as a species in right relation.

The Great Spirit of the Puffin: We too sing that song. We are not unwilling to release the catch of our hope back into the seas of potential; we hold it tightly as it is that we have and serve our young and that we have and are willing to share with each and all of you.

It is sufficient, daughter. We have and take our leave.


#203 The Great Spirit of Echinacea


#201 The Great Spirit of the Emerald