#195 The Great Spirit of Bok Choy

The Great Spirit of Bok Choy invites us to taste its wisdom in today's episode of Gaia Translate.


Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. The Great Spirit of Bok Choy  is today’s  guest serving up plate of channeled  wisdom for our listeners. If you have ever sliced off the end of a bunch of bok choy while preparing your meal you may have noticed the delicate rose pattern revealed at the at the base of  the stem. I have often paused in my preparations to admire the geometrical spiral design known as a Fibonacci spiral hiding inside the bok choy. The next time you cook some bok choy take a moment to enjoy what I call the hidden rose hiding within.


The Great Spirit of the Bok Choy: Greetings, daughter. We appreciate you had a bit of reluctance in calling forth our awareness as you feared we might judge you for your enthusiastic consumption of our flesh, and that is not accurate. We are that which has and is The Great Spirit of the Bok Choy, also understood as Chinese cabbage in your part of this plane.

We have and find it most delightful that you have discovered that which is the rose of our nature, as you have and prepare your own bok choy for your nourishment. It is so. We have and acknowledge that we and all life forms have a rose within them. Some … it is more apparent in their physicality, and yet all carry a rose within their heart. We speak of the light that has and shines so beautifully within each and every living being, all life forms whatever you would understand it, the kingdom from whence they have and may arrive.

As you have chosen to segregate us into that which is the animal, that which is the plant, that which is the fungi, that which is other, yet are we not all one? We have and invite you to understand that your desire to segregate, to categorize, to place in separation for the convenience of your intellect carries with it the burden of distortion or confusion, that there is therefore, a great difference or separation in our natures. While this may be so physically, we would offer that while you may not understand it, all have and hold the rose of light within them. Some are more attuned, some less so, and yet this does not deny it much as if one was perhaps born without the use of the eyes and understood as blind, that does not negate the nature of this being as a human. Much as one who is born without the ability to hear without that which has and offers you the ability to receive and perceive the vibrations of sound, that does not deny that being as human, and so forth.

We do not mean to suggest you are unable as a collective to comprehend this; however, when one has and carries this understanding that there is the nature of a thing within it, whatever it may or may not carry as physical attribute, we invite you to walk over the bridge, if you will, towards that which is what we have and suggest. That while we may and all others may appear quite different in their physical form or attributes as you perceive them, nevertheless we have and all carry the rose of the light of the divine and we use that word with determination, if you will, to have and offer our wisdom. We would clarify a bit, for we feel the concern of the Channel with the word “divine” and we would seek to have and point out much that as there is that which has and is the Light, the Greater Light of that which is the All-That-Is, the God force, that which has and you understand as the Light of the Christ or other within all. These are simply names. These are simply categorizations that have and through the nature of categorizing call forth in your own perception, your own intellect, the need to see as separate as other.

It is simply this small distortion we seek to serve upon the plate of your awareness, each and all, such that as you have and are aware, you may have and choose through your will to accept these constructs of the intellect that have served as you have been and are growing in your awareness as practical, as convenient, and yet they also serve through the very categorizing, the very separating, the very placing in this or that box of understanding of another in another box of understanding, they have and it is that placement that has and calls forth also the potential for, if you will, the inability to see what all, what remains in commonality that is beyond, that is eternal, that is not limited to the brief moment of physical expression.

We are aware there are those who will find it most peculiar to carry on a discourse of this nature with that which you understand as a vegetable, and yet is that not the point? While we have and understand ourselves in a particular vibratory attunement and in a particular aspect of service to that which is the Great Mother of us all, the Gaia-light in this dimension, we have and are more-than, all have and are more-than, and in truth this need to categorize, this efficiency of intellect has and comes with a burden that weighs most heavily, we feel, upon that which is the expansion of your own species as a collective. In this we have and acknowledge that there is some usefulness to this separating of life forms into this or that basket of your understanding of its form and inferring it its function.

We do not deny that these are aspects of the nature of that which is physical, and yet we would invite you to embrace that which is the greater awareness that there is far more that has and may not be severed or separated out in our common nature. We further offer that it is wise as you are willing to seek to revisit how you have understood and what you have placed in this or that basket, this as of use, that as, if you will, without awareness, this as of value through your own claiming therein. There are those that have and may be surrounded with great rooms of gemstone, of mineral, of gold, and of other. And yet we offer you-they would, and you would serve them all up with joy in exchange for a single leaf of our own expression if you had and knew your companion as starvation.

We are not offering to denigrate or to suggest that there is not great beauty, value, and power in those other aspects of this physical plane. Simply that one has and is wise to hold the discernment of what has and is essential in terms of what you truly value, what truly is of requirement for your continuance.

We have and invite you to call forth that which is your own divine nature, your own spark of light. For all is light as we perceive it. All is vibration, all has and simply sings in different keys or, if you will, all has and knows a native vibratory field at one or another point in this physical plane.

This has been brought into the awareness of your collective that all has and is in truth vibrating, however it may appear in physical form. All has and is frequency and understanding this is much as to understand that that which you perceive as rainbow, as a single unit, has and is in truth a series of slightly varying vibratory attunements that you understand with your optical nerves as varying color. This is in the micro in truth, how we all have and are with each other. We all have and are a band of light and we all have and are blessed to know ourselves in the delicacy and the power of unique expression as part of the greater organism that has and is the Gaia, the earth, this plane of aware and conscious expression.

We invite you to open the eyes of your heart in concert with – not instead of – the eyes of your head, to embrace that which are and is your great intellect and to hold it with that which is the great light of your own divine nature. While you may scoff and turn away and consider yourselves perhaps unworthy or lacking in comprehension, or simply seeking to shake off this confusing missive, nevertheless one has and in one’s true nature whatever one’s physical form, you are vibration and we all have and are a part of a mighty song, a mighty vibratory field of that which you would comprehend as awareness, as that which has and vibrates in great … the word you use would be love for, compassion, for itself and all of its varied expression, in all of its creative unfoldment. And we simply invite you to honor this aspect of your own light, as we do. For we have and are so blessed. We have and see this light that shines so beautifully within that rose of vibratory grace that is the song of your own heart.

It is simply a small discourse we serve as we invite you, those of the human family, those of our greater family, those who have and share in that which is the greater vibratory field we all have and are a part of, as you have and are so willing. When you have and would doubt this, we would invite you to gather up one of our own species, a plant of bok choy, and to slice it by the root and there you will see we hold a rose. And when you perceive this rose, we offer, there is that same rose, a vibratory rose within each and all of you. It is a simple gift, if you will, for those who have and require a bit of a reminder of all that sings within their own heart when one has and may forget a bit, when one has and may feel that you do not have the light of the divine within. We invite you to understand all have and are. There is not that is without the slight, for without the light there is nothing, as you have and would understand it.

This is, we realize, a most unusual offering from that which you understand most commonly as on your plate, rather than seeking to hold polite discourse in this manner. And yet we are most pleased and grateful for your willingness to attend to this small awareness that we would also serve for your nourishment in one aspect or another.

We invite you to claim what you may understand as your bok choy nature as one who has a rose within their heart, the rose of light, the vibratory field, the spark of the divine. You may call it spirit or soul or that which has and is the spark of life. It matters not. It is ubiquitous. It is that which has and is and holds us all in deep love, in profound and tender compassion. We simply invite you to release the need to hold on to only the convenience of categorization and to, if you will, forget a bit about all that has and is not able to be categorized. For it is in union. It is a part of all.

We appreciate your willingness to receive. We appreciate the opportunity to have and sing our small song of grace, and we have and bestow upon you, each and all, who have and are in receivership therein of this little message , our blessing, and our gratitude for your timely open-hearted and willing attunement to the light that shines within your own heart and that of all other lifeforms and all other expressions in this and every plane. It is sufficient, daughter. Do not concern yourself with that which is your joyous consumption of our flesh. Simply offer gratitude for the blessing it has and serves you, as you have and are known to do. It is well-received, appreciated, and in truth assists in the rebalancing of the field.

We have and would take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am, Great Spirit of the Bok Choy. Thank you for your wisdom and the blessing of your grace. It is beautiful and profound and I am grateful to be in receivership therein.

The Great Spirit of the Bok Choy: You are welcome, daughter. We simply state that which is the truth without distortion, and yet we find often it is the truth that is cast aside as that which is forgotten a bit in the desire to segregate or separate or claim a thing by a particular aspect of its nature for convenience, if you will, and that is all we sought to offer. We invite all to understand themselves as that which is a part, a drop, if you will, in the well-known clichéd understanding of the ocean of awareness, and yet it has earned its place as a member of the great family of mighty clichés, for it speaks, if you will, or vibrates with truth.

It is sufficient, daughter. We are grateful for your attunement. We have and take our leave.


#196 The Great Spirit of DNA


#194 The Great Spirit of the Krill