#196 The Great Spirit of DNA

Discover what we need to know now from the Great Spirit of DNA in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and the Great Spirit of DNA   reveals the mysteries within during  today’s  episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.


The Great Spirit of DNA: It is not often that we are offered the opportunity to share our unique perspective, and for this we are most grateful. We are that aspect of the vibratory field that vibrates as The Great Spirit of the DNA as you have and would understand it.

We have known ourselves independent of that which is the addition of another “chef,” if you will, in the kitchen. And yet we have found ourselves at a point of intimate relation, not only as that which has and offers these construct of the individuate expression, yet that which has and meets the awareness of the human expression as you have and now seek to be that which is a willing partner in the reconstruction or redistribution, the renovation, if you will, of how we have and have known ourselves to have come into the fullness of the physical manifest form.

We do not seek to suggest that we are unwilling to be in receivership of that which is the tailoring, if you will, of our expression, here and there. Rather we have and would invite you as you are willing, those of you who have and participate in this particular engagement of your will and your skill. As you have and are so willing, is it not wise and highly recommended we would offer, to set an intention prior to the engagement of the tailoring of one or another sequence of genes as that which has and serves the highest good? It is not a large requirement. It is also, we might suggest, perhaps willing, as you are able, those who are active participants and those who are members of the collective who have called forth this point in your own unfoldment to simply also, as you are willing, claim that which has and is a well-known phrase, “to do no harm.”

As we have and enter this new relationship with one another, our awareness and yours, it is timely to start off on what one might simply understand as a collaborative relationship, one that has and may serve greatly, one that has and may be abused greatly depending on how you understand the redistribution, the editing, or the addition which has and may occur of certain sequences of that which is our construct.

It is fully understood that there are but a few of you in your individuate form who undertake this particular relationship with that which is the DNA of this or that being, this or that life form. And yet, while it may appear to be a distant land, the inhabitants therein and their interactions as quite foreign or unrelatable to the collective, yet we offer there is great attunement that is available, and we would invite you to understand it as highly encouraged by that of our own vibratory field, the field of DNA to know itself held in the light of a respectful and attuned relation.

You may have pondered what it is we offer when we claim and would seek an attuned relation, and we understand it is not a term or a phrase that is familiar to many. For that reason, we would seek to clarify a bit. When we speak of an attuned relation, it is one that is honored and engaged in, embraced, if you will, from a place of awareness and alignment of the will with the intent. In this it is not that much, and yet it is all, we would offer, that has and is in requirement of being called forth into the forefront of awareness of all members of your clan, your community, your vibratory field as human, the simple intent that has you have and embark upon the age of that which is this intimate relation with that which is understood as the DNA of a particular life form and your own ability to manipulate, to edit, to shift, to reconfigure that it is simply done in that which is the vibration of serving the highest good of all. Not simply those of your own species, sister, but of all members of life whatever their form of flow may have or appear as and however it is understood in relation at the current epoch with your own.

And we further as we have said, would invite and be most joy-filled to receive that simple song in the heartplace of all that this new era, if you will, of intimate relation has and does no harm to any and all who have and may find themselves downstream a bit from the choices and the actions taken by those who have and are in active engagement in this particular activity.

We do not feel that many of those who are scientists, the researchers, the explorers from our perspective of this new landscape of potential, seek to do harm. Rather, we do feel that there are many who simply in their intent seek to ameliorate or remove what is understood as detriment to the physical life force, the wellbeing of the physicality of one or another through the deletion, if you will, of that which is understood as disease or deformity, or detriment to what has and is perceived as optimal physical life expression. And that is understood.

There are, however, those members of your own human family who perceive this relation, that which is the DNA as an opportunity, if you will, to construct what may be perceived by one or another as that which is understood through your own peculiarities of selection to be that which is a more advanced, a more advantaged, a more appealing variation of the human form and all other aspects of that which is the physiology, the greater brain perhaps, the more appealing features as someone would define them, the heightened strength and so forth. We feel we have offered sufficient example.

We do not deny there is potential in certain aspects. We simply would offer this small caution, if you will, there is much that may be lost that is little understood as there is that narrow span of what is perceived as of greater value in that which you understand as your intellect, your physical prowess, or other aspects of your field. It is simply a matter of prudent flow and one that has, and we invite you to rest a bit in the pool of humility that while one has and is able to cut with a knife, it is always wise to understand what in a greater field of awareness you are slicing into.

We are most willing to be partners in this new era of our intimate relations. It is not that. It is rather to visit and to revisit, again and again, from an individuate and a collective attunement what you have and seek with your intention, with your will, as you have and would take action with your intellect and your skills.

There is other we have and would offer. There is the matter of sufficiency of that which would be an expanse of clock time or season that is often, if you will, the river upon which that which is the genetic structure of code has and may know itself carried and in the carrying there is a flow of adaptation that may know itself able to ride the current of adjustment with the least friction of flow. For many lifeforms in this plane the blessing of this river of clock time is not available. There is no opportunity as current circumstance unfolds to serve that which is a gentle and yet efficient reconstruction in attunement with current conditions of the climate, such that all have or may know themselves able to readjust their stance a bit as a species in relation to a particular ecological environment or habitat they have and understand as their home.

As such, we do hold grief in our heart. While that may be hard to comprehend, we have often been able to serve, perhaps not all of the species, yet the continuance of in a slightly recalibrated form in alignment with current conditions. Without that which is the gentle flow of time in service to these adaptive alignments in the genetic structure of a being who what may be understood as fortunate mutation, there are many whom we, much as one who reaches the hand of their intent down and offers it to another who has slipped over the cliff and hangs most precariously upon the edge, and yet without sufficient length of clock time, it is as our reach is simply not great enough to grasp hold firmly to those life forms that are being pulled off of the cliff of their continuance. As a result, a consequence, or in relation to the great and ongoing shifts in the physical environment of this plane.

We are aware and we are a part of each and every single being in this plane that knows itself in a physical form, so we are as much a part of each and all as we are that which has and helps to inform each and all in general, yes? As a general species and in unique and beautiful manner through the most subtle of shifts in that which is the orchestration of our flow. While we do not deny there are certain conditions or compositions, if you will, that may be missing a note here or there, or may in truth have an extra one that calls forth that which is untenable, perhaps unpleasant, or in truth perhaps a great blessing and an opportunity for continuance.

As you have and seek – we speak of you as a species, daughter – to play in the pool of genetic reconstruction, we simply invite you to do so in a place of high, deep, and profound respect and not to carry on in a manner of a child with a new toy or, if you will, that which they have and are now able to do. For while one has and may be able to stand upon the tiptoes to reach the hand of your awareness, up and without full clarity of your perception start to feel around a bit to see what lays upon that which is the countertop that is not able to be seen, but is able to be reached by those probing fingers of your will. Is it not possible that once in a while one may place one’s hand across the blade of a sharp object that rests just out of your full perception, and you may know yourselves wounded a bit as your curiosity pulls you along where your perception has yet to go.

We do not suggest that all that you have and seek to engage in this new relation is unworthy. We simply serve the blessing of prudence and of full alignment and acknowledgement of the intent as it has and dances with the will of your clan. It is wise to be aware that there may be a single or a few individual beings who are members of your clan who may seek to choose for the collective without any form of consultation and therefore, lacking the wisdom of the collective input as has and might be more useful going along that which is the river of your own unfoldment.

We have and offer a prayer of deep and profound gratitude for the blessing of that which is the high alignment of discernment and the willingness to call this into the forefront of the collective awareness, as you have and seek to have this intimate relation with the potential that may be called forth and understood as blessing or very much less than.

It is that we sought to offer. The invitation to have and collaborate and the request from a great and open place in our heart, that it is the will of the collective that has and is invested in that which is the manifestation of these readjustments, if you will, to that which is the great DNA, the source code, if you will, of the various forms of life that have and are members of the community of this plane.

It is the gift of discernment, the gift of a bit of patience, if you will, that we seek to serve to those of your species, and in this we may know ourselves in high service to the wellbeing of all in a timely and efficient fashion without that which is the loss of much that was sliced off or apart from the reaching fingers of curiosity that have and grasp around where they cannot truly perceive where they have and place the potential of their intent. It is that we sought to serve, and we are most grateful for as we have offered, it is not common we are aware to receive an attuned awareness from that which has and is a spirit in and of its own self, a vibration that is so intimately aligned with all aspects of the flow of life in this plane.

We are powerful and we are benevolent. We further have and are hopeful that as we both continue on that which is the current of time it will be as willing collaborators in service to the common good.

It is complete, daughter. We appreciate the openness of your field to be in receivership of the song of our heart. We have and take our leave.


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