#227 The Great Spirit of Loon

The Great Spirit of the Loon calls to you in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friend this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast. The call of the Loon has been described as hauntingly beautiful, to bone chilling. There is no question something in the vibrations reaches into our human heart.  Perhaps you will discover why the call of the Loon feels so meaningful to our species when you listen to this of grace bestowed by the Great Spirit of the Loon.


Great Spirit of the Loon: We are divers, daughter. Through our diving into the waters of this lifetime upon which we float we are able to sustain ourselves in our physical form. We are the vibratory field that you may understand as The Great Spirit of Loon. And we have stepped forward to invite those of your clan to claim in fullness those aspects of their loon nature that have and are not simply manifested in this outward realm wherein the physical actions are the sum total of what has and is being dived for. 

It is so those physical species that have and are loon have and are designed to seek nos -- [stammer - 0:01:18.1] nourishment and sustenance from within the waters upon which we float. And yet, to claim one’s loon nature is to claim the power to dive within another realm, another layer of experience in which one can nourish oneself with so much that has and is within the waters of that which is the higher emergence. 

Your clan feeds its own belly and yet it forgets often, we would gently observe, to dive into the waters of your own deeper awareness and from which to draw forth that which is great nourishment for the body of your spirit.  

There are those of your clan who hear our vocalizations and feel a chord has been plucked upon the feelings or feeling state of their own heart. There is good reason for this, daughter. We have and are calling forth in this physical realm for those of our clan or our mate and we wait, not from a point of fear from a place of expectation for the resounding call, that which has and assures us that we are not alone and that which has and guides us home, if you will, to where we have chosen to nest and to that which has and waits for us in the expression of partner, of mate, and other members of our community with which we have and experience this life flow. 

We turn again to the blessing of claiming the mantle of one’s loon nature, as you have and use the throats of your heart to sing a song, not from fear of being abandoned, but with that which is the great joy of Hi, I am here. I greet you. I may not perceive where you are, yet I know that you have and are should I simply listen and [0:05:00.0] swim or fly in the direction of your song.  

When you have and claim the blessing of your loon nature, you claim the blessing of acknowledgement that that which you many understand as prayer, as a song of the heart reaching out and waiting in joy-filled anticipation to hear the resounding call of greeting from the energies that are of source. You always have and will be in receivership. It is not to fear that you are the only one when you have and offer the call of your heart into the great void of the darkness will be and stand in silence. It cannot be so; as you have and set your intention with open and joy-filled heart to invoke and to embrace and wear the mantle of your loon nature. It is one who has and sustains oneself and one’s wellbeing, as you have and joyfully dive into the waters of your deeper knowing to the waters of stillness wherein much has and swims as you have and join into these waters with an open and willing heart. 

The Channel has and is interpreting this as meditation, and in a manner one may dive into the pool in waters of meditation, and much may swim into and fill your heart and the belly of your desire. Yet, one does not only have to swim in this water, as you have and simply hold yourself in what we would call a stillness of being where you settle the winds of your thoughts upon the waters, allowing a clarity that has and comes through which you may perceive that which has and is always there, that light, that nourishment, that which has and serves your wellbeing, which in this aspect are the fish of guidance, the fish of steadying, the nutrients of a hand, that which is unseen, yet not unfelt upon your field. You are never alone, nor are any. You may experience a physical solitude, yet that is no measure for all who have and surround you and who are simply waiting for you to dive into the waters and to consume the light of their love, of their joy, and of compassion, which is always and fills the waters of your greater knowing. 

There are none who swim upon that which would be a body of water that is devoid of great and unending nourishment of the [0:10:00.0] spirit. And there are none who have and open the throats of their heart and sing a song of greeting, saying I am here. Guide me with your light, your song, so that I may come nearer and we may rest together through the night. This is a song that is always answered. 

There is not but one who has and would respond. There are multitudes and all have and are so joy-filled to sing a song of return greeting. Whatever your faith, whatever the language of your culture, there is no note that is not spoken from the heart that requires interpretation.  All has and is received, all has and is joyfully embraced, and all have and are called forward as they have and are open and willing towards that which is the embrace of that which has and opens the arms of its heart to enrobe all who have and sing. 

We offer you this blessing, this awareness of your loon nature, not only as one who has and is able to feed the physical belly through the diving into the waters and the claiming of that which has and serves as ample nourishment of the physical form, but of one who has and whose nature is to dive, again and again, into the waters of your higher awareness, as you have and offer yourself the blessing of filling your belly with that which is the light of higher knowing. 

It is simply that which has and requires a willingness to dive and to know that when you dive there is the vibratory field of that which has and greets you with great joy, has and nourishes the flesh of your spirit, if you will, in a manner that cannot be fully mirrored in the filling of our little bellies with physical sources of nourishment within the physical waters upon which we have and swim. 

Do not distrust the coming of what appears to be the night. If you are unable to see with your eyes and to locate the many, many beings who have and are always around, who have and love you most dearly, who have and seek to enrobe you in their joy at your presence as a member of the clan of Spirit of Loon, one who knows that as you have and call forth the song of your presence, there are always those [0:15:00.0] who are joy-filled to call you in the direction of their light. 

This is not limited by any particular belief or, if you will, language from which the heart shall sing. The language of the heart is not limited by that which is the vibratory field of the human language, however or wherever it is uttered, however or wherever it is sent afield. All have and are heard; all have and may guide themselves through their willingness and knowing. Many have and wait with open arms of the heart to embrace, to enfold into the greater clan of light and flow. 

It is the blessing of calling forth the fullness of your loon nature, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of Eve, the human expression and in so doing you have and claim an unlimited relationship with all that has or would feed you, sustain you, and embrace you in the light.  

It is this blessing we sought to serve upon your clan, daughter, and we are grateful for your willingness to be in willing receivership of our flow. As such, we have and would take our leave, and we have and always listen in open and joy-filled heart for the song of any who have and seek to be drawn with ease to that which is the embrace of the all-that-is in the evening of your flow.  

It is what we sought to serve and we would clarify, for the Channel considers the metaphor of evening is that meaning the end of the lifespan, and that is not accurate. The evening is when one has and returns to the nest each evening, and as you have and would sleep, there is a part of you that has and calls out for your family, for your kin and light, and they have and always sing their song to guide you a bit and to assure you that you are never alone and you never sing without those who are joy-filled to sing in response to your light. 

It is that we sought to offer. We hope this has clarified a bit the blessing that we have and bestow upon your clan in the full claiming of all aspects of their loon nature, one who has and sings and exchanges the light, yes? 

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Loon. Thank you for your beautiful blessing. I am honored to sing this song of your attunements to my clan. 

Great Spirit of the Loon: We are grateful, daughter. It is complete. We have and take our leave. 


#228 The Great Spirit of Deer


#226 Spirit of Holy Basil