#228 The Great Spirit of Deer

The Great Spirit of the Deer invokes the boon of reciprocity in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends. This is your host Tracy Shoolman. In this episode of Gaia Translate, the Great Spirit of Deer steps forward with a channeled request for our human family. Learn how we are able to serve this species who has helped us to survive throughout our shared existence on this earth plane.


Great Spirit of the Deer: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, daughter. We are that which has and holds the vibratory field of the Great Spirit of Deer. Yes, of Doe, yes, of Stag, yes of Foal. We have and are a mighty clan. We have and are little understood of late by those of your species. We have been great blessing for those who have and were of your species of prior season. We have and were that which offered with the breath of continuance blown willingly and at times unwillingly into the chest, the breast of your species. Was there any part of our physical form that was not consumed in service to this or that need state of those who walked the earth walk in prior generations and knowing us?  

We have served your clan, and not unwillingly. And now we step forward, seeking the boon of reciprocity, if you will. We acknowledge that we are not seeking that which is tethered to those of your clan who have and experienced an incarnate lifetime when they were dependent upon our flesh and our hides for their own survival. Yet at this place, from clan to clan, from organism of vibratory field of the deer, an organism of vibratory field of human, we step forward and gently remind you of the debt that has and is owed in the field of rebalancing that is the nature of our exchanges. Not only with us as individuate expression with another individuate expression, yet with all that has and is in flow. 

We are not stepping forward to offer lessons in the cosmic lull, rather we step forward to offer that this appears to be a most opportune point in our mutual history wherein the debt of preservation of clan, of nourishment of clan, of protection of clan, of continuance of clan may be returned from the open and willing arms of your species to our own. 

We are not nor have we ever been interested in consuming your flesh, or in truth, wearing it. Those are not our needs. We have and would invoke, however, that which would be the generosity of your own hearts in returning to our clan that which would be adequate foodstuff in the manner of land and physical resource, the forests and woods, [0:05:00.0] the greens and the plant kingdoms that in and of themselves serve most admirably and that have been encroached upon in greater and greater measure through the consumption of your hungry species, as you know yourself in the expansion and the increase in flow of your numbers, your population. 

We are aware that you have your needs and we are also aware that there are many others, not only of our clan, who have known their own needs encroached upon in great measure of late. While it may seem confusing, the honoring of this rebalancing in the preservation or even restoration of greater parts of the land mass back to that which has and were the larger forests and fields wherein those of the natural world know themselves able to flourish a bit, may appear not to be serving of self for your own clan, serving of your greater need state. And yet, this is so. 

What is it you have and perceived when first you heard our knock a bit ago, we might offer, daughter? 

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Deer. I perceived a small foal standing right at the edge of the great highway I was riding on, and my heart was filled with fear for the life of this little foal, as it had not necessarily learned the danger of entering into that part of the highway, or any part of it. 

Great Spirit of the Deer: That is accurate. While you may perceive this as simply a little foal who had wandered away from the mother, we offer you it is as you may accept it so an act outpicturing of all who have and are newly born into this dimension of all species, yours and ours, and all others as they face the great highways of human consumption, the great highways that have and through their very nature offer little by way of protection of life or continuance to those who are newly born into this plane. 

We are aware it is certainly not your intention, daughter, to be that which has and strikes and tosses out the life force in the embodied frame of this or that of our physicality or those who are newly born into a physical plane. And yet it would be and has been a more and more common interaction or interface, not only between your vehicles and the great bisecting and dissecting of our lands – when we say “our” we mean all – by that which is your highways, your roads, your development, [0:10:00.0] your constructs. We are not unwilling to share, we are not unwilling to serve, we are not unwilling to know ourselves as neighbor. For all of this has been so, yes?  

We have and would seek once again to stand forward and open the arms of our heart and to call forth that which is the reclamation energetically of the blessing of continuance that we have bestowed upon various members, tribes, communities, if you will, of your species. And while you may segregate, while you may point finger and say that was not me or my ancestor who fought or needed, was in requirement of the consumption of the flesh of this or that animal, including our own for its survival. Yet, these small separations that you perceive as so great, they are not great. These are members of the clan of the human species, yes, and you have, each and all, however you may deny it, or be unable to perceive it, you are all one. And as an energy field, you are all of a single organism of manifest light. 

And so we reach the arms of our requirement out, and we would invite and state that which is our need through your own willing rebalancing of your relation, the greater relationship, the human species has and is currently engaged with, with that of this earth plane and all that have and contribute, knowingly and yet unknowingly on the part of your own awareness as clan to the continuance of the greater flow of light and life that are so beautifully made manifest, or have been in this plane. 

Your fear, daughter, was received and acknowledged when you bore witness to the newly born fawn stumbling toward the great rush of vehicles on that highway. As you have and perceive that which is of another species, we invite you and all who receive this song of our hearts to simply exchange that of the fawn with that of a human fawn and to consider what horror, or alarm, or both, it would invoke in your heart. 

We are not suggesting you destroy or remove these great access points you have created to carry you and your vehicles from one place to another. Rather, we have and would seek with deep and profound gratitude your abeyance in the continual consumption of all available resource and landmass in a manner that continues to bisect that which is our natural [0:15:00.0] habitat, one in which we are not required to find ourselves having to cross over in order to adequately nourish our physicality or to find adequate water to drink, or place to rest and raise our young. 

In the gifting, in the reparation, if you will, in the honoring and respect and the intent to serve back with gratitude a measure of what has been offered to our clan, and in truth the clan of many who know themselves as residents of the woodlands, the forests, and the fields. You have and bestow this blessing no less upon your own issue and heirs.  

It is the gift of your ancestral rebalancing, the grace of this opportunity we place before you now, and there are those of you who have and are already in the fullness of intent and the reclamation therein, and there are those of you who have lost your way a bit and seek to know yourselves anew in the fullness of your interconnected relation in every direction of your physical flow, and as that which has and serves honorably and in great alignment with the rebalancing of this light.

This may be offered in a language that is outside the comprehension of some. That is to be understood. Yet, we feel there are more and more of your clan, daughter, that have and are most able to acknowledge the veracity and the timeliness of this energetic rebalancing of flow in service to the greater ascension and evolution, protection, and healing of the earth plane and all members of the community therein. 

It is this we have and reach out for the reclamation of. It is the energy of intent and action, yes, which calls forth the full rebalancing of this field of requirement. For we are as you and know ourselves in part in manifest form in this plane. It is this request, this calling forth of that which is a required rebalancing of flow. It is timely to rebalance. 

It is a blessing that has and is returned as it has and is served to those of your clan, those of your future, those of your past, those of our clan, those who have yet to be called forth into physical manifestation, and those of our ancestors. In this we walk in [0:20:00.0] tandem in service to this Light. 

It is that we sought to step forward with, our request, which is most timely and the exchanging and rebalancing therein, most useful and efficient for all involved. 

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Deer. Thank you for this opportunity to rebalance the light in the human collective field with your own. I am in honored receivership of this request, and I will serve it as I am able into the heartplace of our clan. 

Great Spirit of the Deer: That is all we could seek, daughter, and we are grateful for your service to the Light. It is complete. We listen with great anticipation and joy-filled expectation, not for that which you have and unwillingly serve as a clan, daughter. For it is your willing intent that has and is enrobed in your timely action and not other that has and calls forth this great healing in the wound of our flow.  

It is complete. We have and take our leave.


#229 The Great Spirit of the Speed Bump


#227 The Great Spirit of Loon