#226 Spirit of Holy Basil

Artist: Leonello Calvetti/science Photo Library

In today's  episode of Gaia Translate the Great Spirit of Holy Basil / Tulsi re-awakens our human family the grace of healing light. 

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Greetings friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and it is an honor to bring forth the healing grace of the Great Spirit of Holy Basil also known as Tulsi in today’s episode of Gaia Translate.

Holy Basil is native to southeast Asia, and has been used for thousands of years in India’s ancient practice of Ayurvedic medicine. Described as “The Incomparable One,” “Mother Medicine of Nature” and “The Queen of Herbs” I knew it was time to channel the Great Spirit of Holy Basil.


Great Spirit of the Holy Basil-Tulsi: We greet you, daughter. We are not unknown to each other, although your this lifetime self is making our acquaintance again in this lifetime. We have and are that which has and vibrates the frequency of healing grace with the frequency of rebalancing light. We have and are understood as that which manifests in this plane as a member of the plant kingdom. We have many names, one of which has and is the Holy Basil, another is that which vibrates in the same manner and yet is expressed in sound frequency as Tulsi. And there are others; however, these will serve. 

To comprehend the naming of a thing in this or that language is merely the attachment of your own categorization or manner that has and offers you the blessing of remembering and it is heard by the vibratory field of this or that as the aligning of one’s awareness. Once one has and through your will or the acceptance of the will of another identified within you the expression of this or that with a particular pattern of sound wave you understand as language, the naming of a thing, it is received by the greater knowing of that expression or spirit as a knock upon the door of our awareness. 

There is not one that has or is the only name, for the name is your own convenience. The alignment with the vibratory field is what has and is called into play in this attunement and tethering or attaching of that which is a particular pattern of sound waves to that which is a physical outpicturing, which is another tethering in its manner to the vibratory field that we have and express with. 

Yet, we digress. We have been and are revered by members of your clan, daughter. We have and are worshipped, and we have and serve with a willing heart great vibratory fields of healing, of realignment, of soothing, and rebalancing of your physical plane, your physical expression or body, and what has and is understood by some what has and is simply felt by the heart’s understanding [0:05:00.0] by others is our vibratory field of healing and rebalancing light. It is this that has and is in truth the source that calls that which is the honor, respect, love, and gratitude that we have felt in varying measure bestowed upon us across the span of your history. 

Channel: [nonverbal - 0:05:44.8] Excuse me. 

Great Spirit of the Holy Basil-Tulsi: It is understood, daughter. You have and approach as a clan a point in your history where we would reinduce -- [0:06:03.4] reintroduce ourselves as a worthy companion, a healing and steadying field that when ingested or applied through the claiming of our flesh in physical form as that which has and is immersed into the waters and consumed and may understand this as an infusion or a tea, as that which has and is dried and powdered and swallowed, or perhaps applied physically. And there are other uses that are yet to be unearthed by your clan. 

We would step forward and offer the blessing of our service as that which does not require great constructs of your own design at great expense we would note, and restrictions of who and how they may be reproduced as they have and are held within what is understood as patent. We comprehend this simply to mean that which is held as a form of energy that is served in an exchange wherein those who hold it seek to receive the energy of financial resource for this blessing, yes? 

We have no need. We have no desire to seek this exchange other than in that form of gratitude in the form of respect. And in this way we are most gratefully in balance of energetic exchange for the healing and rebalancing light. We have and choose to serve through that which you understand as member of plant kingdom. You have in truth discovered and forgotten some of our most efficient healing modalities, and these are simply waiting to be unearthed again by those who have and would seek to align their awareness with our own, and to offer gratitude as they are willing for the blessings of our wisdom revealed which has – and we are not unwilling to serve. 

We are that which is not in limitation [0:10:00.0] or held from those who have and may have need in communities or environs in your plane that are less able to serve forth the exchange of financial resource for the benefits of the various pharmaceuticals that your industries have and generate. 

We further would invite those who have and do not consider the power of the medicinal healing and rebalancing characteristics of those members of the plant kingdom as worthy, as efficient, or as effective as those that are artificially constructed. And this is, if you do not mind us observing, a distortion in the field of your discernment, one in which we invite you to revisit. Is it such the nature of your clan that you do not value that which does not tax your resource greatly? It has come to our awareness and this has served the few greatly and has taxed the many profoundly as we have and would gently observe.  

We do not suggest that those who have and manufacture such product are not deserving of an energetic exchange, rather we invite the many of you who may seek that which we and other members of the plant kingdom are willing to serve without such a steep fee for the blessing of the use of our flesh in service to the need state of your own. You have very little resistance to the consumption of those members of the plant kingdom and animal of course, to meet the need state of your resource or your nutritive nourishment, and we simply invite you to open the door of possibility a bit wider, wherein you have and may relearn and rediscover all of the blessings that those who have and are of the plant kingdom have and would offer you through the grace of Gaia and willingly so. 

We would place a small caveat upon your awareness, and that is a tainting of our field by those who would cultivate or grow that which is the Tulsi or the Holy Basil plant for the addition of toxins that are in the form of pesticides or contaminants, such as the plastics or other in the water, pollutants [0:15:00.0] in the very air that have and diminish the clear flow of light are not in high discernment as, if you will, that which you seek to dress the other members of the natural world within. They are diminishments as you have and infuse that which you seek to consume or to access the service of your own need state with that which is toxin, that which has and creates unwellness within all life forms is a disservice to your own flow and of course, that of others – is it not? 

We would, with some enthusiasm invite your clan to attune themselves to the direct relationship of the efficacy, either in nutritive value or medicinal, of all other forms of life that you seek to cultivate, to consume, to manipulate, or to assign in some aspect of your own requirement. It is less than in high discernment to contaminate the water you would drink or to perceive that that which has and hold contaminant that you would not lift to your own lips is somehow adequate as that which has and reaches the roots of those who are the plant kingdom or the flesh of other life forms, those who have and walk upon the lands, those who have and reside within the Great Waters. None are exempt when you have and contaminate the resource of all. 

We invite this understanding as a blessing, and we have and would serve the mantle of our healing nature, our rebalancing vibratory field, as that which is a blessing we would bestow upon you and your clan, daughter, as you have and claim your own – it matters not to us – Holy Basil, or Tulsi, or other name as long as you have tethered it to our field as you claim this as your nature. Are you not well-served and blessed to call into your own alignment that which is the vibratory field of healing and rebalancing flow? 

We would serve this blessing upon you most willingly. And we hold the ears of our heart open and attentive for all who have and seek to claim [0:20:00.0] it with the throat of your own. 

We invite you to avail yourselves of our great healing, our clearing, and our rebalancing of your physical form through that which is the application and consumption of our own. And to have and amplify that which you would seek to claim from our expression. It is the act of a joy-filled and profoundly grateful heart. 

As you have and serve your gratitudes for the blessing of our healing and rebalancing grace prior to the consumption or application therein, you have and increase our efficacy in service to your own requirement. Is it not the way of things? We feel there are those who have lost that remembering and so we would gently serve it upon the plate of your own awareness as you have and will sing it into the heartplace of your fellow clan, yes? 

Channel: Thank you for the blessings of your healing grace in all aspects, Great Spirit of the Tulsi, the Holy Basil. I am honored to be in receivership and to deliver the song of your attunement. 

Great Spirit of the Holy Basil-Tulsi: You are welcome, daughter. We have and listen with joy-filled anticipation and a bit of excitement for all that has and will be rediscovered in that which is this new season of our respectful and realigned flow. 

It is complete. We have and would take our leave, as you have and would serve it so. 

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit. Thank you for your light. 


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