#235 The Great Spirit of Clan of Bee

TIME SENSITIVE: Today's episode of Gaia Translate delivers an urgent request from the Clan of the Great Spirit of the Bee seeking the boon of collaboration. 

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Welcome friends  this is tracy shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. This may be the most time sensitive channeling I have ever received.  The Great Spirit of the Bee invokes our assistance in an effort to save the species from the increasing threat of extinction due to the rapidly rising global temperatures and extreme weather events.  The Great Spirit of the Bee  recommends immediate  measures  we can easily implement to protect the integrity of a sustainable hive environment. Simple and inexpensive, these  emergency adaptations are intended to increase the survival rates for these vital members of our community.  According to bee experts at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Association (FAO)  a whopping one third of the worlds food production depends upon bees. The Great Spirit of the Bee invokes our human family to take immediate action helping  this keystone species to survive.



Great Spirit of the Bee: We step forward with that which has and is an urgent request, one in which we had not thought we would be in requirement to serve. We are that which has and vibrates as The Great Spirit of the Bee. We are the over-soul, if you will, the vibratory field that has and encompasses all that have and know themselves as species of bee in this earth plane.We have always held a place of honor, of willingness of heart, and duty in service to the Gaia as one who has and is caretaker and beneficiary, those of the plant kingdom. You understand us as pollinators, and that is accurate. And we are and seek to continue our service to the wellbeing and that which has and is the nourishment of our own clans. And in so doing through our various activities, our various interface, we serve many. Your species is but one.

However, we would offer that without us neither your species or many other of various kingdoms we would observe, will know themselves able to withstand the various weather systems of increasing imbalance and circumstance we all have and find ourselves within. We are that which is a worthy and industrious and well-intended species. What, you may ask, are we offering when we suggest we are well-intended? We would simply describe this as that which has and holds our intent in alignment with that which has and is the intent of Gaia. We have been honored to be selected to be caretakers and tenders, to serve and be served by those of the plant kingdom, and yet while it is their primary requirement, that of the waters, we are not without our needs. As those environs in the various geographies of this earth plane have and know themselves undergoing such rapid shift, the increasing of temperature, the increasing of great wind, and the increasing intensity and volume of deluge of rain has and challenges us as it challenges you and all others.

We step forward and reach the hands of our heart out to seek a collaborative relation, one in which we feel you have and are aware of, one in which there are many who have and seek to honor us as essential, as more than keystone, we would offer. For without us there is little that will know itself in continuance of flow. That is not to say that there are some life forms which have and not in requirement of members the plant kingdom of which we have and serve. And yet there are others – and we would look to your own as example – who are quite dependent upon that which is the pollination, the fertilization of those members of the clans of the plant kingdom who have and provide great and vast quantities, not only of that which has and would nourish your own bellies, but that which has and nourishes the bellies of those you seek to consume, yes?

This is not unknown to you. We have and reach out with a small requirement. We would offer it is a request, and yet without it we feel that on the whole our continued presence in this plane is less and less promised, if you will. As the temperature rises and available water source decreases, we would seek to be provided simple forms of sheltering from the sun and ample access to untainted waters in a manner that we may consume and also gather to cool our hives. We would further suggest that those who are the keepers of the hives consider creating that which has and offers us greater protection from the increasing heat of the day, and one that has and also offers us access to water in a manner that we have and may avail ourselves with our own physical limitations, such that we may cool the interior of our own environs in a manner to have and protect that which is our hive, that which is what you call the bees’ wax. For even that is not immune to certain temperature increments. Is it not so that many have and understand this through the burning of candle made of beeswax or other? If we are unable to have what I would call the integrity of our hive architecture, more than you can imagine will be lost and unattainable.

t is not a great request, and yet it is more and more essential, not simply for those who are the keepers of the bees, but for those who have and seek our services to pollinate that which you seek to grow as you have and ration forth the waters to nourish your agriculture, it is also required, we would suggest, to provide points of shelter, points of access, not to great deluges of rain in which we would find it difficult to maneuver and have yet shelter us from such intensity of expression on the part of those that have and are the rain clouds and also that which has and offers us ease of access to water, both near to our hive and near to that which you have and would seek to know pollinated.

It is no longer sufficient to depend upon that which would be moist soil. For when the temperature is of a nature to evaporate within such a short point of clock-time, there is not for us to access in certain climes. Consider the manner in which you shelter yourselves from the heat of the day. And while we do not require air conditioning, it may not be unwise to construct that which has and would offer us shade and also movement of airflow in one manner or another, yes?

We are aware this may appear to be an unusual request, and yet we do not doubt that all will be in agreement. We are in an unusual season that is unfolding. Should there be a great awakening and shifting in the will of your collective clan, daughter, towards that which would be the immediate cessation of a single drop of consumption of that which has and calls forth the greater and greater imbalance, we may know ourselves able to continue with these various adaptations in service to our wellbeing along with your own. We are not unwilling to know our hives placed in part in the cool soils as long as that which has and would be our common egress is and remains open. You may consider this much as the termite mound wherein the mud has and is built up around us, protecting us as it is able from that which is the unmitigated heat of certain points in the day or the season.

We feel there is great love for our species and a certain level of understanding of how we have and are essential in our service and our willingness to be in collaboration with the need state of so many, including ourselves. You may not speak our language, and we may not speak yours, and yet we feel you have and are at the brink of comprehending just how complex, intricate, and designed our society, our function, and in truth the elegance of our design, yes? We do not seek a response from the channel. We would, however, seek the boon of a most timely accommodation in all manners of those who have but the smallest garden plot or the greatest vast acreage of that which is your cultivated agricultural in a manner that has and offers us that which you offer yourselves in part, adequate shelter from that which is an external environment, which in truth we have not and are not able to adapt to in that which is the shortness of clock-time through which it has and is shifting.

We are most grateful to have and continue as we are able to serve in this manner, as you have and would accommodate with shelters, shed, if you like, we will find our way. If you place us beneath the shed, the shade, with water in a manner that is safe for us such that we do not and are not overly burdened. Those who tend and caretake will understand what is required. This is not that which we would offer lightly. This is that which is in high requirement with timely attending to. We further offer that there are points wherein the great increasing of the wind and extremities of temperature and weather system are also that which we would gently ask for some protection from. Shelter is all we seek and adequate access to water and air flow as is feasible from those who are able to serve such.

We are not interested in stinging or harming those of your clan. It does not serve either, and yet as is the nature of all, when we would feel a threat we would try to protect the queen, our hive, our community, and ourselves. We reach out as one intelligent species of life on this plane to another. It is, of course, that which would be the greatest blessing for your clan to pay attention to just how much may be melting in that which is the beeswax of your own society and structures as you have designed them under current environmental conditions.

We have knocked rather insistently, we would offer, to the Channel and she has kindly placed us at the forefront of the queue, for we would seek this boon from your clan, daughter, in service to all and in that which has and is the potential for what might be understood as a tolerable plane of mutual existence. We are aware that the majority of your clan does not feel you have the individuate agency to call forth adequate change, and this is inaccurate, we would observe. For much as us if you were to know yourself about to be stepped on, or to be hit, or to be crushed, we feel you would do all in your power to remove yourself from such threat.

You have and are increasingly aware that you are facing this and it is your own boot or hand, the hand of your will that seeks to crush the other members of your society beneath that which is what we would identify as its own greed. We do not speak of all, for there are many who have opened their hearts and their eyes and many more that have and are. It is simply there is a season for consideration. There is a season for planning. There is a season for rumination, and there is a season for timely action. It is that final season that we are aware of, and so we turn with great respect and gratitude for each and every single one of your human family, daughter, who has and will serve in ways great and small. There is nothing that will not be appreciated. There is not that has or will not be greatly accepted as a blessing of grace bestowed.

When you have and find us in places that are not common to you, consider why we have chosen them. Perhaps they offer greater shelter from the elements. Perhaps they offer that which is an aspect of human construct that we ourselves may take advantage of, protecting ourselves from that which we have and are unable to control. To offer us these additional shelters from the heat for whatever the external temperature is within the hive, it is greatly expanded, as you can well imagine.

We do not step forward with other in this most essential request, the boon of collaboration. For we seek these small adaptations from those who have and are the tillers of the land, from those who are the tenders of the garden, from those who have and seek to honor that which gives life, nourishment, and food stuff to your clan, that which gives life and continuance to those of the plant kingdom, as they have and serve our own.

One final request; those who have and are the bee keepers we would ask that you allow us the grace of keeping, perhaps, a greater amount of our own honey in service to our need state, much as you have and keep your canned goods or other stores in your pantry or your root cellars for the off-season, or should you have that which would be an extended point of time and you are unable to access available resource in other manner. This has and will serve us well and in truth if we are unable to sustain ourselves through our own ability to create self-nourishment, it would be quite impossible for us to sustain another.

It is a somber song we sing and it is one that we offer prayers of profound gratitude for being that which is taken up with the joy and eagerness, for there are none of you who could not contribute in some manner to this request, be it the simplest shelter, be it the smallest container of water in which we could have and access, be it a single plane of intent upon which you plant the seeds of a willing heart. This we have and would pollinate with great joy.

It is this request we would have and place in the heartplace of your clan, daughter, through you, and therefore we would seek to know ourselves as that which is and served with some efficiency upon that which you have and would offer into the public square, as you have and are so willing.

Channel: I have and I am very willing, Great Spirit of the Bee. I have and will share your message and your requests, and you will and know yourselves placed at the front of the line in terms of that which I share in the public square, as you put it. I am grateful for your serving of your wisdom and your requirements. It is my intent to share them as I am able.

Great Spirit of the Bee: We appreciate that, daughter. We feel you are quite industrious, much as we are when you choose to be and therefore, we are grateful for that which is your service of our small request in a timely fashion. As you grant it, we have and listen with great joy and gratitude in our heart for the song of many. We feel you will rise to this occasion, to serve in great and small measure that which has and serves the hive of human awareness. We take our leave, as you have and would grant it.

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Bee. Thank you for your attunement. I will share it with the urgency with which it was delivered.

Great Spirit of the Bee: We can seek no more than this. Blessings to your clan. For as they serve us, in truth they serve all.

It is complete.


#236 The Great Spirit of Aphid


#234 Great Spirit of Chamomile