#236 The Great Spirit of Aphid

Great Spirit of the Aphid and the blessing of high discernment

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in this episode of Gaia Translate. I was guided to channeled the Great Spirit of the Aphid  when a photographer friend of mine  expressed concern about an aphid infestation which was stressing out one of the indoor plants he used to decorated his workspace. Having never had an up close and personal encounter with an aphid before this I felt guided to channeled the Great Spirit of the Aphid.


Great Spirit of the Aphid: We greet you, granddaughter. We have placed an image within the inner sight of you as one who has and would be willing to share it with those who have and are in receivership of our light. We are that which has and is and vibrates as what you have and describe as Aphid. We are a species of insect that has and vibrates in its unique characteristics, as Clan of Aphid. And yet, it is not that which is our own image that we have placed within your mind’s eye, yes? As you are willing, would you please describe that which you perceive for those who have and are in receivership of our light? 

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Aphid. I see maple trees being tapped with buckets attached to them for their syrup. I guess it’s their sap. 

Great Spirit of the Aphid: That is accurate. And in such, how is this different from what we have and choose as our method of nourishment? For we have and also consume that which is the nutrient of sap of those of the plant kingdom. And yet, in this claiming of nourishment we do not seek to consume the entire plant. It would not be efficient for them. We would have empty bellies upon the season of our need state. In this, your clan has taught itself of late how to extract the life energy of another living being without claiming it in full, much as that which would be the tapping of the maple tree for that which is the boiling down of the saps to make the syrup many of you are so fond of. 

We do not deny you this. We simply offer it as a useful example, those aspects of our nature that have and are already being called into alignment in the field of your clan. We further invite those of your species, daughter, to fully wear that which is the cloak of their aphid nature. For we do not only take for our own need state. Is it not accurate we leave behind a gift for other species to have and feed themselves upon. In this we are able to serve not only as the final destination of that which would be the plants’ energetic resource. Are we not able to offer through what is called the depositing of our honeydew that which has and then serves as available resource for other members of the insect kingdom.  

We are one who has and is willing and able to serve in a manner that has and meets our need state and that has and meets the need state of others and that further does not seek to [0:05:00.0] completely consume the source of our wellbeing. It would not be efficient to destroy the entire flow of life within a plant in meeting our need state. It is in truth not desirable and avoided as much as is feasible [0:05:31.7] as the conditions would present. 

Your clan has and also seeks to arrest through your agriculture much that has and is the energetic of other life forms. Is it not so you have and grow and harvest the fruits from the tree, the nuts and seeds of the trees, the flesh of the animal, the salts of the waters. Some of these aspects of your own nourishing have and serve you and all as you do not fully deplete the potential of continuance of resource in the process of needing your perceived need state and that of others of your clan. 

It is the blessing of this aspect of the aphid nature that we have and seek to bestow upon your clan, such that you have and honor the grace of one who has and is able to partake of that which is the life force of another without the destruction of the entire resource as you have and serve your own need state, yes? 

There is also that which has and is a part of this flow, which we feel your clan is beginning to fully comprehend. For that which has and would be for us the sap of a plant and member of the plant kingdom, the quality, if you will, of what has and is served to us is dependent upon that which are the nutrients available to our host, that which is the quality of the soil in which it grows, that which is the availability of adequate water from which to drink, that which is the presence of adequate light, of sun from which to garner nutrient. 

We have been present across the span of many shifts in the climate, and we have found our ways to maintain the flow of our expression in form. We invite your clan to have and to reconsider the relationship you have with available resource, that which you have and cultivate, that which has and is in the free and uncultivated land and water and atmosphere that has and is a part of this planet. 

To call forth [0:10:00.0] the power, the longevity, if you will, and the wisdom of one’s aphid nature is to both claim adequate nutrient from another and to leave, if you will, a “thank you” note that has and does not only serve our own bellies but has and is a great resource of nourishment for other species. In this you may think of us of those who are willing to share in our repast in a manner that would be unavailable if it was not passed through our digestive systems and made manifest as what you call the honeydew, which is then accessible in support of other. 

We do not expect you to seek to copy this aspect of our nature, literally, but rather in a manner that has and embraces the gift of sharing, of resource, the gift that has and as you would consume resource for your own need state as a clan, you have and always leave offering or make available nutrient and resource for other members of the greater community of life in flow. And in this you are a welcome and useful member of the community that have and are the breast of Gaia. Some have and are already embracing this aspect of their aphid nature. 

We are aware that our physical expression may not please many, nor may our presence upon our plants that you have and keep as pets within your home. And that is understood. And yet, is there not that which is sufficient for all who have and seek no more or less in the continuance of their own flow and the service to the greater and constant exchange of energetic that has and is what you would call the web of life, as you would in your less-than-complete understanding of that which is the flow of energy in and through living organisms in this plane. 

It is this blessing of that which is the willingness to share, the willingness to preserve the resource although you claim some of it for your own need state and to embrace the wisdom of protection of renewable resource in all manner of your engagement as members of this community and as those who have and do not only take, yet return in a useful manner that which has served your own need state, such that it may be and serve another’s. And in so doing, this is of high discernment, of preservation of resource, of recycling [0:15:00.0] of resource in a manner that does not deny your own, and yet that has and acknowledges the need state of others, be they of your own clan or of other members of life who do not express as human in this great song of flow. 

It is this blessing, the blessing of the wisdom of high discernment, wherein one has and may seek to drink a bit from the lifeforce or resource of another without consuming in entirety the entire source of nutrient, and to leave within it adequate energetic that it may know itself able to thrive and to further serve in a manner that is consumable and useful, what you have and no longer find useful, such that you have and return it to the soils where it may feed and renourish the earth such that you have and serve it in a manner that is of use, rather than to have and cast it away and lock it in a manner of landfill wherein it cannot continue to flow in service to the requirement and the rebalancing and the revitalization of other aspects of the system. 

We do not seek to go into great detail, for we feel it is quite apparent and we have and offer gratitudes, the blessing of the willingness to receive this wisdom and to claim, not as a physical expression, but simply the vibratory field, that which is your aphid nature and in so doing you have and call forth the great wisdom of renewable resource and of that which is a balance of consumption in a manner that protects the greater vitality of the whole. 

It is that we sought to serve, daughter. We are grateful for your receivership and your willingness to share that which you had and perceived from your inner eye. As you would will it, we have and would take our leave. 

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Aphid. That is great wisdom and I have and I am most willing to receive it and to offer it for the consumption of those of my clan. 

Great Spirit of the Aphid: We are pleased, and we are grateful. It is complete. 


#237 Great Spirit of Plankton


#235 The Great Spirit of Clan of Bee