#234 Great Spirit of Chamomile

Claim the blessing of grace bestowed by the Great Spirit of Chamomile channeled in today's Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in this episode of Gaia Translate. Sometimes I think about how frustrating it must be to alert me to the knock of a sentient awareness when it is a part of my every day-to-day  existence. If you look in my pantry you will most often find a cheery yellow box of chamomile tea as I often treat myself to a cup winding down before bed. One evening apparently I wasn’t watching what I was doing and the entire box tumbled on to the floor. I took the hint - time to channel  the Great Spirit of Chamomile


 Great Spirit of the Chamomile: Our vibratory field is felt most deeply by members of your clan, daughter. We would step forward in our knowing. We are that which has and is The Great Spirit of Chamomile. It is not unknown, our nature as that which has and is described by many as soothing or settling, as calming or gentling. And it is this aspect of healing grace that has and is of our vibration.  

We are that which through our nature has and offers the settling of agitation in one’s field. We are the stilling of the waters of your own emotional state. We are that which has and serves as gentle and willing embrace as we have and hold your field and caress it a bit through the ingestion of the extracts that have and are drawn out through the steeping in the manner of your teas and other. You have and are consuming those physical attributes that have and relate in a manner to settle and to, if you will, turn down a bit your volume of imbalance that you have and experience at this or another point in your existence in this plane. 

We are a healing vibratory field, one that has and vibrates with that which is the node of peace as it has and is served in this small manner. It has and is that which calls forth the stilling of the agitation in the heart. As you are aware, and many of your species have and in their inner awareness, one has and there is no separation between the state of your vibrational field and the expression of your physical one. Therefore, it is wise to call our service through your willing intent. And while you many not, and those who consume these tinctures would say, I seek peace in my heart, it is what you have and understand will be served in that which is a willing relationship with our expression. [0:05:00.0] 

We are joy-filled to serve your clan in this manner and we have been known by many who are healers for many, many seasons and we are welcomed and honored by many who have and are in attunement with that which is the vibration of peace that we have and hold within us. Is it not a great blessing to call forth and claim the mantle of your own chamomile nature, such that you are not always in requirement, although we would not deny it, of seeking outside of yourself what you have and may know as part of your own nature, yes? To claim one’s chamomile nature is to claim your own capacity to hold and to experience your life in a resonance with that aspect of your nature that has and vibrates in peace. Is this not a beautiful, and we would feel most desired, alignment and one that is not beyond your claiming. 

You have and choose in your greater awareness, sons and daughters of [0:07:03.9] Eve. Yes, yes we have and acknowledge that this is not in reference to this or that particular recounting, as it has been explained. Rather to that which is your clan as human as you know yourselves in the great song of your nature as those who have and are blessed with the freedom of will and the delight and potential to choose how you have and are as a being in this dimension. 

It is this blessing we sought to bring forward today, and we have and bestow it with joy upon that which is the shoulders of the heartplace of all of your clan, daughter. We are not in limitation, such that each and all of you have and may call forward and wrap yourselves again and again in your chamomile nature as one who has and always has had that which is the capacity to vibrate in a place of profound peace and to call forth this attunement whenever you find yourselves in a place of agitation or imbalance in your own field. 

We are not suggesting that you do not also consume that which is the gentling, the physiology through the consumption of our physical form or the extractives therein. Simply that you have and know it is not the only manner that you are able to attune to your chamomile nature as that which vibrates the gentle waters of peace and that which has and is blessed upon each and all [0:10:00.0] of you through your willing claiming therein. 

As you have as a clan, daughter, and have most eagerly sought expand your field, to step forward in your own evolutionary process, we are mightily and pleased and joy-filled to support this through the wisdom of greater awareness of all that you have and hold within you that you have thought unavailable or as outside of your nature. This is not so. As you have and seek again and again to call forth and to companion, to walk with your chamomile nature, you have and will. You are simply at a place of great potential and great blessing in your knowing that this is so. 

We are not the only vibratory field that you have and may claim. There are many that you have and comprehend as healing, as beneficial resource. It is timely now to understand and discern, if you will, that while you may avail yourselves of these vibratory fields from a manner of external consumption, they are not unavailable to you through that which is the consumption of your intent and your open and willing heart. Many will doubt and many more will feel and resonate deeply with this truth that is served without distortion into the field of your clan’s awareness. 

Is it not a beautiful and joy-filled place in your awakening, Children of Eve, that you may know yourselves empowered as you have been to call forth that which is your alignment with our field with peace embodied? 

We are aware, daughter, that you vibrate in concert with this knowing and it has been a joy to rest within your field as willing conduit for our own. 

We feel there is no more that we may place that would offer greater clarity or other benefit, and so we have and would seek to take our leave, as we hum and sing again and again our own prayers of joy-filled gratitude for the great claiming of the mantle of our peace, one’s chamomile nature as it has and is so claimed by your clan in greater and greater abundance. 

And so, we have and would take our leave and we have and will hold the ears of our heart open with joy-filled anticipation of all who have and would seek to enrobe themselves in the mantle of our field. 

Channel: Blessings and gratitude, Great Spirit of Chamomile. I had not understood you as such. I am honored and joy-filled to be [0:15:00.0] that which is the conduit of your wisdom and your grace. 

Great Spirit of Chamomile: You are welcome, daughter. It is complete. 


#235 The Great Spirit of Clan of Bee


#233 The Great Spirit of the Eel