#233 The Great Spirit of the Eel

Photo credit: David Clode

Gratitude and guidance is delivered by the Great Spirit of the Eel in this episode of Gaia Translate. 

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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman inviting you to connect with the Great Spirit of the Eel in today’s episode of Gaia Translate.


Great Spirit of the Eel: There are many who are served by our awareness, is that not so, daughter? There are many who have and are unaware of how we have and serve. Is that not also true? We have and as you have invoked our awareness are that which is known as the Great Spirit of the Eel of those who have and carry within them the attunement to our particular frequency, that of the Spirit of the Eel, yes? 

We are, well, a delicacy on the plates of some of your species, a great mystery for those of other of your species, and that which has and serves in many multifarious aspects for those who have and are not of your species, and we have and are willing to have and lift the throats of our awareness, such that they have and vibrate in attunement with that which is the awareness of the species of human, of your own clan or collective, if you will. 

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Eel. I have and am blessed to receive your song of grace. [0:01:49.7] 

Great Spirit of the Eel: That is accurate, daughter. You have and are visited by those who have and know themselves as the pollens, is that not so? 

Channel: It is so, yes.  

Great Spirit of the Eel: It is understood. We have and accept that this is the condition of flow at this point in our mutual histories. 

Channel: Thank you for your understanding. 

Great Spirit of the Eel: You are welcome. We have and have sought your awareness of late, and have untapped yet again, for we felt you had and were not quite in attunement, and yet, here we are. It is timely to have and observe, for are we not that in our own expression, who has and is unlimited in terms of the physical, if you will, residence that we hold in various parts, that which you understand as the waters, as the oceans, as the rivers of that which have and are the flow of Gaia. Is this not accurate? 

Channel: As I understand it, yes, it is accurate. 

Great Spirit of the Eel: We have and would further offer that while there is much that is known, there is much that is still unknown about our nature. However, we have and are most keenly aware of the shifting of the Great Song of, if you will, the temperature, the currents, the atmosphere, not of that of the air, but rather that of the waters that we have and know as our own home, as that which has and sustains us, holds us, blesses us, and caretakes us, yes? For there is that which has and for many, many season served as great ease way or causeway, or if you will, well-traveled road that we have and in our nature seek to flow with when we are called to that which is the act of reproduction or regeneration of those next season of our species.  

And yet, there have been of late and has and continues to be that which is a distortion in this field of flow caused, we [0:05:00.0] are aware, by that of the behaviors, the actions that have been undertaken and continue to be so by those of your species, daughter. You have and disrupt many, many aspects of the great and balanced flow that has known itself called into form through that which is the willing intent of the one we have and understand as the Gaia-light, as source-Mother of our physical expression. And that we have and would offer is very, very inefficient, if you do not mind us being, if you will, unadorned in terms of offering that which is the truth without distortion. 

Channel: It is understood, Great Spirit. 

Great Spirit of the Eel: That is as it needs to be, daughter. For there is that which has and creates great flux, great interruption and disruption of the flow, not simply of the currents, but of that which has and is carried within them, that which is the waste, the discard, the contaminant, that which you understand as plastics, that which you are unaware of as other that have and flow in and through the great gateways or mouths of the rivers, of the estuaries, of the streams, of that which has and flows into the great belly of the sea. 

It is a great and mighty song that which has and knows itself as the sea, yes? However, it has and reached that place where there is not that which has and is able to re-consume, transmute, or if you will, [ 0:07:15.6] disengage the physical construct of those artificial or man-made aspects of manifest intent, those objects, those particles. Some are of the plastics, some are of the poisons, the pesticides, the pollutants, the discharge from that which have and are those aspects of your own creation that have and belch and disgorge great imbalance into that which is the sea of the sky, and that which is the sea of the waters. And in this, you have and create great discord, great upset, great havoc, if you will, for each and all those who have and know themselves as residents of the great seas, the great heartplace of the Gaia. For there is not that which has and is in form so designed to have and be that which would be in receivership therein of that which is this particular physical expression of discharge, waste product and creation you have and call forth through your own will. 

And we are not offering that you are not welcome to and understand oneself in vibratory attunement with the capacity to call forth much in this physical realm. For that is as we understand it what has called many of you to know yourselves in a physical incarnation at this point in your history.  

However, there is not that which has and is called into form through your own intent that has and does not also require, if you will, egress, exit, manner with which to be reabsorbed, reclaimed, and repurposed, if you will, by that which is the great ongoing flow of life that has and is so beautifully and delicately created through the willing intent of the Gaia.  

There is that which had in the recent seasons known itself able to tolerate some aspect of your own discharge, your own waste product, your own [pause - 0:10:21.8] release of that which were toxins and are that which are excess and extra physical vessels and forms that have and are no longer useful to you as you have and understand them. And there was a point when this was insufficient to create that which was a mighty imbalance. It is not that which was encouraged or appreciated in truth, not simply by the Gaia, but by each and all of those of her expression who have and would know themselves in a manner of compromise, of wounding, of destruction of form in one aspect or another. And it is understood, cousins, that there is much that you have and through ignorance or lack of comprehension would and have continued to discharge through your various portals, be they of your own physicality, be they through those which are your machineries, be they through that which is your factory, your manufacturing plant, that which has and would seek to gouge, to consume, and to discharge that which no --or has no surface as you have and are attuned to it, yes? 

And that is understood. However, there is a far greater, if you will, consequence to that which has not been offered ease of egress or transmutation through your own calling forth of this or that in a particular physical expression through that which is the song of your own intent. We do not speak to the individual, although there are those we have and are speaking to. We speak in general, we speak to the collective, we speak to the greater awareness of those of the human species who have and are being called to that which is the great awakening to that which is the great attuning, that which is the great requirement. If you have and would seek to know yourselves in a manner of continuance that has and is not – if you do not mind us offering – quite unpleasant in your physical experience and in truth, in ours. 

We have and represent many who have and would seek your awareness, who have and reside within the waters, the breast of Gaia as we have and would know it, and we have and would beseech, would request, while we cannot demand, yet we have and offer without your, if you will, immediate, as you understand it, timely and most attuned addressing of this great light that has and is, if you will, being served on a moment-by-moment basis through the great portals of your own discharge, not simply in those highly industrialized areas of your own residency, but yet at this place it now has and as a virus invades all aspects of the flow of that which are the great seas of life of that which have and are the seas of air that have and serve so many of our fellow companions and neighbors in this particular point in our mutual awareness. 

We understand and feel it is most peculiar to have that which is not understood in great measure, that which is the Spirit of the Eel or that which has and is simply understood as a convenience, a food source, a snack, [0:15:00.0] if you will, a delicacy or delight for some, and yet we offer your relation with our physical form has little to do with your relation to us in our spiritual awareness, as a fellow member of this community, of this planet, of this living organism. And we have and offer that we have and serve in manners that are yet unknown to you, and that have and are essential to that which is the continuance of a balanced and fruitful flow that has and serves each and all of us, in more ma – [0:15:44.4] in more ways, more manners than you can perceive or comprehend at this point in your history. That, however, does not deny their truth, their vibratory field of expression that has and is being called forth, much as that as the swollen belly of a raincloud has and is unable at a point to hold back that which has been gathering and gathering and gathering within its field. And in this, the rain is not that which has and would quench, delight, or ameliorate that which is the discomfort or need state of another living creature. In truth, it is the rain of dissolution, it is the rain of destruction, it is the rain of taint, it is the rain of poison that has and continues in great and powerful sheets to fall in and through all corners of that which are the seas of life, of that which are airs of life, of that which are the soils of life in this particular plane. 

Is it not timely, brothers and sisters, to have and shake yourselves awake from your own, if you will, stasis of denial? There is not that which has and can afford for all or any of those who have and know themselves a part of this mighty song of life to have and be in the position of receivership of this continual barrage of dissolution, destruction, and deformation of that which has and was and can be the most beautiful and balanced song of interrelated and serving flow that we each have and may provide each other, yes? 

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Eel. 

Great Spirit of the Eel: We are aware that there may have been at another point in our mutual histories a more gentle manner of our acquaintanceship, if you will, and yet we have and seek to call forth that which is your higher awareness, you as in the communal, the family of human, awareness of the human collective. At this point, at this crucial point, we are not being, if you will, dramatic or histrionic. We are simply stating that which has much as when the kettle comes to a boil is that which it is, that which is the kettle of rebalancing has and is reaching the boiling point, and for many it has already occurred. And there is naught that has and is able to call them back into that which they would understand as the grace of their own flow of continuance. 

Is it not timely, brothers and sisters, to lift your hand and to remove that which is the kettle from the fires of your own actions, your own intentions, or [0:20:00.0] your own lack of actions, or your own lack of intention to have and to, if you will, reduce that which is the boiling point that has and is so fast approaching, and as I have offered, has already know itself arrived in and through the physical expression of many, as it has and would continue to boil that which has and would not know itself able to breathe that which is the life force in physical expression, in and through this beautiful planet, as it has and is being held to that which are the flames of destruction, yes? 

Channel: I have and receive your warning and your guidance, Great Spirit of the Eel. 

Great Spirit of the Eel: It is not so much a warning, daughter, as a promise. For without that which is the immediate from your perspective lifting of that kettle from the flame, there is not that can remove that which has been boiled to a point where it has not known itself therein. 

We have and sing a song of gratitude, if you will, for that which is the great awakening, the great attunement, the great alignment of the heartplace of each and all of our brothers and sisters who know themselves in a human expression for that which has and is the collective lifting of the kettle of our continuance from the flame of that which has and is the consequence of the actions and the intentions that have and are close companions to those of your own awareness, yes? 

Channel: Yes, thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Eel: We appreciate your willingness to hear that which is not a common neighbor as we had and knocked upon the door of your awareness, several times we might add, and yet we are grateful for your willingness to attune yourself and to be in receivership of that which we understand is a less-than, if you will, sweet song for the ears of the heartplace of those of your fellows, of your own community, your own clan. And yet, we envision and offer gratitude and joy-filled expectation for a reconfiguration of that which has and is an unattuned relation that we have and would know ourselves held within with your species. We are not suggesting that you cease to consume those of our expression, although we would offer it is perhaps unwise to consume that which is the newly formed, or the unmatured elements of our expression, for is that not, not only the source of our own continuance, but the source of that in future seasons you have and would seek to know in service to your own need state, yes? 

We do not seek your response, as we feel it is an awkward position that we have placed your awareness in. It is understood, daughter. We would however offer that there are many bellies that have and will sing only with hunger and despair as you have and continue to boil that which has and is not able to tolerate such condition in their physical expression. And that in truth includes many of our own species as things have and remain against the flame. 

We [0:25:00.0] have and believe and have and offer joy-filled gratitude for that which is the reattunement, the reconfiguration of your will to that which has and is in high service to the light of continuance to each and all of our own expression, and those of yours, in truth. It is simply that that had and was in requirement of having and flowing from that which is the river of our heartplace into that which is the ear of your own, as you have and are so willing to hear it. 

We have and are well-known to each other in many aspect and unknown to each other in other. Is it not timely to consider the blessing of that which would be the greater attunement and mutual awareness as we have and would seek to offer you that which is not simply a clarion call, if you will, to that which has and is so clear to many, many, many, not only of our own expression, but of the others who have and share this particular environ, this awareness, this knowing, this song of life with your own. 

We appreciate your respectful receivership and your willing one for that which has and is a sacred song of our heart. We have and would most welcome that which would be the attunement of those of your own species, daughter, in alignment with our own, such that we have and may know ourselves as, if you will, merry companions at some point in our mutual history that has and knows itself held in the light of possibility and grace.  

It has and is sufficient. We have and will take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it to that which is the Great Spirit of the Eel. 

Channel: I have and I am. I offer a prayer of profound gratitude for the blessing of your wisdom and your song of attunement, as you have sought to serve it with those of my species. Thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Eel: It is well-served, and we feel, well-received, and for this we have and are grateful. We take our leave. 


#234 Great Spirit of Chamomile


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