#232 The Great Spirit of Hawk

Photo credit: Jeremy Hynes/ Unsplash

The Great Spirit of the Hawk delivers a powerful blessing for those who are ready to claim the power of their hawk nature in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends this is your host, Tracy Shoolman. A few months ago I reached out to the Great Spirit of the Hawk for clarification as to the meaning of a hawk  flying overhead with a small creature carried in its beak- all of a sudden the hawk lost its grip and the creature fell to the ground alive. Instead of seeking to reclaim its prey the hawk flew off without  a backward glance. What the great spirit of the hawk revealed to me is the subject of this episode of Gaia Translate.


Great Spirit of the Hawk: You seek clarification, daughter. Have you invoked us? We are that which is the Great Spirit of the Hawk. We have and are old companions, are we not? We have and are that which seeks to offer you the blessing of our attunement, our wisdom, and our light as you have and walk this earth-walk, yes? 

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Hawk. I have and feel you most deeply. You are a great and powerful guide for me. 

Great Spirit of the Hawk: That is not inaccurate, daughter. What confuses you from that which you witnessed on that day? 

Channel: I heard the cries of the hawk as it flew and circled and continued to cry, and then became closer and was holding in its claw … I’m not really sure. A mouse, some sort of a rodent, some sort of small creature, and yet it dropped it and it flew away. It did not seek to return or gather it again. 

Great Spirit of the Hawk: That is a fairly accurate recollection. And what part of what you have witnessed confuses you, daughter? 

Channel: I can attach what I feel are the meanings to it. I simply sought clarification to confirm that I was not conflating my own meaning when there was another message that you sought, or those of your nature sought to deliver. 

Great Spirit of the Hawk: That is wise of you. For there are many who simply read the title of a book and presume to understand what lies within the pages. Is this not so? 

Channel: It is so, yes. 

Great Spirit of the Hawk: We would offer it is a metaphor of sorts, one that is offered not only to you as a singular awareness, but that which has and is a song of hope, we would offer, for when that which appears to be far greater and, if you will, blessed with many physical attributes that would suggest there is an impossibility of an even match, so to speak, such as the hawk and that of the chipmunk, or the mouse, or the rabbit, or the vole, or in truth, the offspring of other winged ones – and we could continue. And yet, are you not as a species in that place where what you understand as the great hawk of this imbalance in the climate would appear to be carrying all possibility, all hope, all potential for safe release away in its grip? 

And yet, not [0:05:00.0] all is written in stone, if you will. And we offer you this small out picturing as a gift of hope. Is it not wise never to surrender and to seek to rest yourselves from the grip of that which is the hawk of your own denial, the hawk of your own resistance, the hawk of your own ignorance, the hawk of your own fear, the hawk of that which is another’s willing intent. And to understand that while there are many hawks that would appear so great and with such power that it would be useless to struggle. What have you born witness to, daughter, that even when things are really imbalanced in appearance, there is still hope if one has and claims it.  

That was not that complicated. We feel you just needed a little bit of guidance to find your way out of the woods of your confusion. And in this we would offer it has and is a blessing to understand that even that which has and is mighty and powerful raptor, mighty and powerful energy may know itself with an empty belly should that which has and is the will of the one held within the claw is great enough to continue in hope of survival, yes? 

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Hawk. That is a beautiful clarification and one I accept with joy and gratitude. 

Great Spirit of the Hawk: We invite you not only to accept it, but to consume it fully and to invite those of your clan, your species, your awareness, your collective knowing to embrace that which is the potential, the possibility that all is not lost, however things may be or appear, however you may feel the claws of the current circumstance gripping at your neck. 

We feel there is a sense of inevitability that much as a malaise has and crawls across the plane of your awareness, and we would suggest that it is that, that sense of helplessness that has often filled the belly of one or another of our kin. 

There are those who surrender to what has and appears as an insurmountable obstacle or challenge, and there are those who acknowledge the great force of this challenge and yet do not surrender. We would invite you to claim this aspect of your own nature. It is not that which you are not imbued with. Rather, it is that which you have and much as one no longer seeks to claim, you [0:10:00.0] have forgotten a bit that it remains within your heartplace and it is a mighty and powerful tool that you may employ. It is both your right and we would offer, that which you might consider in your best interest, should you so choose to claim that which has and may be described as indominable will, as that which will not give up so easily as that which will struggle to reclaim that which is understood as your own continuance in your own flow. 

Do not seek to look outside of yourselves, for you, each and all, hold on to that and vibrate with that which is the hawk nature and that which is the nature that may understand itself as potential victim or as victor, one who knows themselves unwilling to succumb whatever the out picturing or challenge may appear to be. 

Can you know yourself as one who has and is willing to claim the will, to overcome that which would appear to be insurmountable. We invite this, we seek to awaken this aspect, and while many have and would far prefer to claim their hawk nature, we would invite you to embrace that which is the interchangeability of one’s nature as it has and rides upon the wings of one’s intent. 

There are those who simply allow themselves to be carried away by the great claws of fear, of despair, of hopelessness, and they are easily consumed and do not struggle. We invite you to call upon the great power within your own heartplace that would rise up and awaken that which is your own hawk nature to have and meet the challenges of the day, that which is the nature of your will to survive, to thrive, and to continue to seek freedom from all that clutches at your heart. 

You are not helpless, brothers and sisters. You are in truth both the hawk and that which is held within the claws. It is up to you to choose how you seek to be in relation with these aspects of your own nature and that which you perceive as the great and powerful claws of this imbalance in the climate as that which has and would consume you without struggle, or that which has and will be unable to consume you as you have and reclaim your own sovereignty of will. 

You have great power, each and all [0:15:00.0] of you, within you. You are simply guided to claim it. And to receive the blessing that no matter how overwhelming or powerful current circumstance may feel, those who surrender are the next meal, those who struggle and refuse and seek to claim their freedom often do. This is your choice. This is your blessing. We simply sought to serve you that which is the opening of the eyes of your will, and the reclaiming of that which are the wings of hope, that which are the eyes of attunement, that which is the heart of will in alignment with intent. 

You may perceive yourselves as those little being that are for us, a morsel, and yet you have and are guided to understand that for many it is your species that is perceived as the mighty and persistent hawk. We do not deny this aspect of your nature, for we resonate deeply with it. We would seek to tease apart the difference, however. We do not seek to kill more than we can consume. We do not seek to destroy the source of future meals. We do not seek to despoil the soil from which all who have and are to our liking are required to know themselves held within as home upon seeking their own sustenance or living in that which are the branches of a deeply rooted one, or tree, if you prefer. It is not wise, we would offer to consume or destroy not only that which would be the resource from which to garner your own sustenance, but the seeds of future blossom, such that you have none, and there are none left to plant into the soil of continuance. 

We apologize for the shifting around a bit of analogy, of metaphor, and yet we sought, if you will, to offer a variety of resource, not only of understanding, but we hope that we have inspired a bit that aspect of your own heartplace that has and is foreign to surrender, that has and is unwilling to remain in statis and be consumed when you have the ability [0:20:00.0] and in truth, the integrity as you choose to claim it, to know yourselves in a place of powerful and in truth, effective resistance and reclamation of your own field of flow. 

In this particular point in our mutual histories there are many other species, other life forms, that also know themselves held in the claws of your own choices, held in the beak, if you will, of your own distortions that there is not relation with consumption or contamination of that which is a limited resource. 

You are a most interesting species, and one who stands at that which is the precipice of flight or falling. It is your free will that may seek to guide you in one or another direction. We serve you that which is the gift of hope, and if you will – and we are aware that this word and confuses some – the faith that you may prevail in the turning of your will into that which is the fair winds of rebalancing. Have we offered adequate explanation, daughter, for you and also those who would seek to consume it? 

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Hawk. I am deeply grateful and I will offer your blessing of attunement to all who would seek to consume it. 

Great Spirit of the Hawk: It is efficient and timely to have and to share this meal of wisdom with all who hunger, and to seek to know themselves awakening in that which is the light of their own evolution. Unless there is other, we have and would seek to take our leave, as you are willing to grant it, daughter. We offer you and all the blessings of great currents of alignment beneath your wings. 

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Hawk. 


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