#231 Great Spirit of the Sea Turtle

Are you ready to accept an invitation from the Great Spirit of the Sea Turtle? Find out in today's episode of Gaia Translate. 

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Welcome friends  this is your host Tracy Shoolman. In today’s episode of Gaia Translate the Great Spirit of the Sea Turtle carries high wisdom upon its back for the benefit of all in the hour of our requirement. .


Great Spirit of the Sea Turtle: There are not many in the animal kingdom, brothers and sisters, who carry such potential for the span of years as do we, and in some cases there are those of your clan who also know themselves graced with that which has and would bridge the hundred-year mark. Is this not accurate? 

We have and are the vibratory field of what is understood as Sea Turtle. We have as, [0:00:47.5] does your clan several variations of form, and of adaptation to the particulars of this or that environ. And so, we are not so different in these manners, yes? 

Channel: Greetings and blessings, Great Spirit of the Sea Turtle. Thank you for your grace. 

Great Spirit of the Sea Turtle: We are not unacquainted, yet we sought to step forward in twofold intent. The primary is that which has and would offer profound gratitude to those of your clan, daughter, who have taken our wellbeing under their wing, as it were. There are those who have been most cared for, who suffered what you would understand as the shock of dropping temperature, and that which your species has and in the tribe that lives locally has opened their hearts most joyfully to the salvaging of those members of my clan who would otherwise know themselves unable to tolerate such great climate shifts as were upon them. And for this we are most grateful. 

The shift of climate is of course another story, as we have and know ourselves, if you will, biologically in high alignment with the temperature as it has and influences the sexual nature of those who we have and would know as our offspring, as that which you may understand as the environ of incubation of those eggs that we have and lay so carefully on the shorelines of our ancestral knowing. 

We have and seek the open and willing heart of your clan, daughter, to have and to continue perhaps to expand the nature of our relation in collaboration and in service to our mutual wellbeing. It is that also we have sought to step forward and to inquire to place as that which would be a great season of mutual benefit. Although your clan may not perceive in a manner that has and is more clear to ours, the benefit your clan will receive as that which is the continuance of the turtle and our habitual strategies for reproduction in efforts to call forth our offspring. For all serves all. It may not be understood, and yet that does not deny its mutuality of relation. 

That which is the open egg casings of our hatchlings is a gift we offer to the Gaia in gratitude for the opportunity to have [0:05:00.0] that which we have and seek to call forth as our issue be held within the breast of the land wherein we have and seek to nurture this potential. 

We are aware that there are those of your scientists who have and understand the benefits of the deposit of our shell casings, offering that which would be nutrient and enrichment of the sandy soils that know themselves at that point where the land meets the waters, yes? And in this it perhaps is a benefit to your clan to know those sea grasses and others of the plant kingdom who are in requirement of these nutrients to have and offer them firm rooting in the sands that have and are not so designed for many. 

There is of course that other of the temperature wherein the general clime has and is increasing as those who study such things are aware our predisposition genetically will call forth a greater number of females when the temperature of the Gaia’s breast, the sands in which we lay our eggs has and is above a certain degree. 

If this were perhaps a singular point we would be most grateful. And yet, as we are through our nature and perhaps you would agree there is a bit of this in your own, drawn back to our roots as it were. We have and are, if you will, imprinted with that which is the birthing ground wherein we have and know ourselves called to deposit the eggs of our potential continuance again and again as we glance across the landscape of potential for that which is the ability of those who have and are of sea turtle nature to know themselves in adequate continuance. We feel this has and is less and less feasible as that which has been our ancestral breeding grounds, as it were, have and know themselves called under the Great Waters that have and rise and continue to do so, creating a dearth of knowable land mass for us to have and plant the seeds of our own continuance within. 

We appreciate that there has been no direct malintent cast upon our species, and yet not to appear ungrateful we further would offer there is a great amount of your equipment that you have and cast beneath the waters to fish with, to harness that which you have and would seek to pull out of the waters to meet your need states as you perceive them so. [0:10:00.0] And we do not deny you this right. Rather, there are so very many of my clan, brothers and sisters, who are, if you will, victims of your fishing practices and that is inefficient and detrimental for the whole we would gently observe. 

While we have served as food stuff for your clan, and while we have served to deposit required nutrient into the shorelines wherein that which is in need therein has and can drink from it to stabilize and steady their own growth and to hold in place the shore such that it does not all fall into the waters encroaching upon those who live upon the land. 

There are other that we have and serve that are yet unknown to your clan. That is neither here nor there other than to offer it perhaps is not so wise to eliminate that whose power and resource is yet mostly undiscovered. It may not be that the presence of sea turtles seems to influence your own clan’s survival, and yet we would offer there is more to your clan’s survival than the simple feeding of your belly from available food source without respecting and honoring that which is the rights and contributions of all other life, either below the Great Waters, or upon them, or those who have, as your species does and rest primarily upon the land. 

We invite you to claim that which is the mantle of your own sea turtle nature as those who have and know themselves as worthy servants of this flow of life in this plane. And while we may not perceive with great clarity all the ways in which your presence in this earth plane have and serve the Gaia, have and offer a continuance of the constant exchange and flow that is her vital will in play. We do not deny it is so. We step forward as that which has and we might remind has been and not without some wisdom, identified as that which has and symbolizes the grace of land, Turtle Island for some of your ancestral legends, would be accurate. 

There was a great period of clock time, brothers and sisters, when there was little land as you understand it, upon or above the waters and we perceive there will be less of the land mass [0:15:00.0] along the edge of the Great Waters as things have and continue in their rate of unabated flow. 

You are a clever species, and you may adapt yourselves, much as we have, to living within the waters and on occasion to knowing yourselves in requirement to rest upon the land. And yet, there is a season of adaptation that has and is so greatly upon each and all. It is to be highly respected, acknowledged, and met with deep and urgent attention, as we perceive it so. 

To claim your sea turtle nature is to claim that which has and works in collaboration in honor and respect, and in acceptance that while we may not perceive the need or purpose of this or that, we do not deny its presence within any other life form we have and are blessed to encounter. In truth, this deep respect for that which is the presence of any life form, either of your own clan within each other or outside of it in this finite organism of flow is a great wisdom we seek to invite you all to claim the mantle of. 

We are not seeking to insult; we are seeking to work together as parts of the greater whole wherein although we may not comprehend the manner in which the smallest or the greatest among us has and contributes, yet we have honor and acknowledge there is not here that does not carry its own weight in service to the greater flow. 

It is this acknowledgement of gratitude we have, for we feel there is an open and willing heart that your clan has, and in truth the majority have no desire or even awareness of that which has and threatens the very continuance of many of our species that have and know themselves in the blessing of physical expression in the season of this earth flow. 

We reach the hand of our hearts out and are most grateful when we feel the hands of our own hearts clasped together with mutual intent, intent to rebalance that which has been careening so quickly out of balance with the intent [0:20:00.0] to honor and to respect all life in flow, whatever it may out picture as, and to acknowledge however unlikely it may appear, the great wisdom that has and is held within the heartplace of all life forms in service to the greater vitality of this ever-flowing energetic, this organism that you call the earth, the Gaia, your mother and ours. 

We have and would complete our engagement with your field with a prayer of gratitude to our mutual Mother for her beauty, her plenty, and the deep well of the heart that has offered so joyfully the opportunity to express as a living organism upon the breast of her willing intent. We invite your clan to lift the throats of their will and their hearts with ours, and in the singing of these gratitudes to accompany them with the dance of action in which your clan has and lifts the arms of their will to embrace the Gaia’s light and to gently rebalance as they are able that which has and creates a great vacuum of extinction in this plane. 

It is this blessing and this invitation we have sought to place upon the plate of your collective fields’ awareness, and so we have done. We listen with eager and joy-filled heart and we have and accept most willingly all of the hands of your clan’s will as they reach out to take ours in unification of our joint intent. 

It is that we sought to offer, daughter. We are grateful for your willingness to share this among your clan. It is a song of our heart, and one we have and will keep singing until we may sing no more. 

It is complete. As you grant it, we have and step back and allow others the opportunity to sing as you are willing to be in receivership of their light. 

Channel: Blessings and deep and profound gratitude to you, Great Spirit of the Sea Turtle. 

Great Spirit of the Sea Turtle:  It is complete. 


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