#229 The Great Spirit of the Speed Bump

Wow! What incredible teachings from the Spirit of the Speed Bump about the nature of spirit and how we are creators in our own right. Learn the secret in today's episode of Gaia Translate. 

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Welcome friends. This is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of Gaia Translate. There is a street in the town I live  which recently became an access point to the new town center. Of course, people who lived on this street were not pleased at this new cut through and in an effort to discourage the tendency of drivers to speed up on this quiet residential street 4 sets of speed bumps were installed every few hundred feet after a few round trips I knew it was time to channel the energetic imprint of the Great  Spirit of the Speed Bump.


Great Spirit of the Speed Bump: Let us address semantics, for this we feel is necessary to clarify exactly what it is that has and steps forward to offer our alignment to those of your clan, daughter. You have and call us that which is The Spirit of the Speed Bump, and many of your clan will scoff and find this amusing. And that is for a simple reason; when one has and uses the word “spirit,” we would perceive in your cultural understanding, you consider that which has and would be a part of, or float out of, a living being. It is difficult to perceive that that which is from your perspective, inanimate or constructed as that which has and serves a particular intent, would have that which would be independent from the construct. 

And so, we seek to edify; we are an energy field. We are an energy field that has and was called forth into a bundle of coherent alignment or vibration by the thought-form of one of your clan. And then that which was the intent combined with the manifest construct in service to that which was the intent has and was accepted, replicated, and if you will, codified in a manner as an acceptable member of the awareness of your clan at this particular point in the history of your unfoldment. 

Someone thought it would be useful to mitigate or slow down the speed with which those of your clan have and journey in your vehicles to protect a certain peacefulness or the safety of the members of a particular community through which you have and commute. The intent of the physical speed bump is to cause a small obstruction in which if one were to continue at the current rate of speed or acceleration, it may cause damage to your vehicle, and this seems to be an adequate incentive for many, although not all, we would observe. 

The energy of that which is designed to slow down the forward movement or acceleration of another’s intent is a spirit, if you will, of what you call speed bump, or hump, or however you might describe it. The great expansion and use of these particular mounds of physical construct you build into or place upon your highways, your roads, your byways, and so forth have become as physical symbol as that which might be understood as the intent of another to, in some small manner, cause a slight delay [0:05:00.0] or slowing down of the forward movement or acceleration of another’s intent. 

There are many who seek to journey in a direction in your belief state, in your actions. Perhaps you may understand this as – and we will look towards the Channel’s own history – your own country, that which you call the United States of the America, where there not those who sought to call yourself into what you call independence from that which is your origin country, and in so doing where there not many, initially small and then much larger things that have and were, if you will, expressions that carry the intent to slow down to delay and to cause a decrease in the acceleration of your growing collective intent towards that which would be and independent construct or country. 

To move forward a bit, you have and face the imbalance of the climate and there are those who have and most earnestly desire to have and reclaim the balance to have and heal and curtail the increasing damage that is created through the continual consumption and use of certain natural elements in a particular manner that has and does not agree with this particular atmosphere or environment in terms of the maintenance of what you have and may understand as an optimal environment for the wellbeing of all. 

There are members of certain industries that have for years sought to throw in little speed bumps that have and would slow down certain intentions to cause a diversion from the current state of affairs, or in truth the increasing consumption of that which has and would be understood as say, fossil fuels or others. One may look to the industry that has and offered that which was and most desired, which you would inhale, the plant objects you would inhale into your lungs known as cigarettes, or cigars or, um, other forms of tobacco that you would breathe into your bodies, which perhaps in measured use would not cause such great damage to your functionality or even the death of your physical form. And for many years there were many speed bumps we would describe as misleading stories or articles or information about the health risks of the smoking that were hidden away or buried or denied. 

The intent of a being to slow down the release of information in service to their own need state or their intent, be it a need state or simply a desire, has and is and has created many [0:10:00.0] obstacles. Some are of the speed bump size; some are of the great avalanche that has and would seek to greatly delay, or in truth, deny forward progress. 

To be aware that the energy of that which has and is in its intent, designed to slow down the acceleration of another, is not linked to the purpose that the being has and seeks to employ the energy of what we have and would identify as speed bump. Have there not been in certain of your office politics a fellow office mate who may be coveting the same position in advancement as another. And perhaps there are little actions that would act in the manner of, if not overt aggression or warring, those small things that have and might create a bit of delay, such that one may reach the destination of the advancement prior to the other. 

The energy of that which has and is designed to slow down may be applied with mal or beneficial intent. One may seek to slow down those cars that drive too quickly and there are many young children who might be playing in the street or nearby and that would cause potential and severe injury or worse to one of these of your offspring who had yet to learn the boundaries of safe egress. 

And there is also that which has and would seek to be, if you will, a speed bump energetically speaking with the intent to slow down, and that might be understood as those who have and declare certain waterways as in requirement of only a certain forward motion of acceleration during seasons of migration of other species, such as the whale and other as they have and would seek to follow their ancestral pathways of migration. And while it may not look like a speed bump that is on a road, the intent to serve for the benefit of another or of all concerned, that which has and would slow down a bit the dashing and rushing about by one or another who has and is not armed with mal-intent, yet simply seeks to arrive at the destination that they have set for themselves without awareness, or perhaps in spite of the awareness of the potential consequence to another who may be in the area. 

To understand that there are vibrations that have and are and exist and may be claimed that have and are the energy of the purpose, the intent of the construct that may or may not express itself in a physical form is useful and we step [0:15:00.0] forward as this example. Consider perhaps in your current legal systems you have that which has and would be a delay, request for continuance, that which has and would be the calling forth of a retrial or so forth, that which has and would also seek additional time or the capacity to pursue information in a manner that has and, if you will, slows down the progression of this or that. In many of your current governments, your systems have many speed bumps built into them and they serve a useful purpose and they also may serve that which has and simply meets the intent of this or that political party or construct or belief form, not to slow down for safety simply to slow down until the next election, wherein those who have and align more, [nonverbal - 0:16:37.5] more intimately with the beliefs or the desires of certain sub-groups may be served. 

To perceive what it is that has and is the intent behind the claiming of and the application of the energy of that which is a speed bump is to be in high discernment. To accept that these are viable energies that exist as coherent bundles of thought that are available to all, as they have been established and are called forth however they may physically manifest the energetic vibration has and is independent of needing to be encased in a physical expression. 

And there are those, much as with the fashions that have and are and come and are so accepted by this or that epoch of your history that they multiply or expand, much as many fish or schools in the sea of potential. And then they have and fade as others take their place as new designs, as new thought forms have and align more fully with that which is the collective agreement of the day. 

We would invite you to hold the awareness with that which has and appears to be only a thought form, that which has and is expressed to have and describe a particular relationship in service to intent is not that which has and is unable to be and to grow as an independent organism that holds a vibration of expression [0:20:00.0] and yes, as I have and express through the Channel an awareness of our nature and how we may and are applied. 

We are aware that the blessing of this attunement to that which is the independence of an organism that was born of thought applied in this or that physical manner, and yet has and knows itself in what you would call a life of its own, if not in a physical form with a tail, swinging through trees or blooming with a flower, or crying for its mother’s arms. Yet it has and is a thing and that which is a thought holds a particular vibration field and the intent behind it to claim this thought, this energetic form in the use of that which has and would cause harm. In our case, simply as that which is und -- [stammer - 0:21:42.6] undue delay of the birthing of a particular collective desire or independent one, or that which has and avails itself with the intent to create that which has and would be of benefit, has and is another example of how that which has and is the energy is strung together in various relations that do not deny their independent presence in what we would call the field of potential. For we are that which has and may be claimed and taken off of the shelf of the concept that has and, if you will, has solidified into a presence energetically available to all who have and were introduced to and are familiar with either the simple physical expression and eventually that which it has and the vibration holds within it, yes? 

We expect many have and will shake their heads and leave with a bit of confusion, and that is not our intent. We seek to offer what one might call a very pedestrian example that has and is in most cultures in some form or another, and therefore is widely accepted in one form. We simply offer you the light of that which is the understanding, the discernment of how this energy, that which is the intent to slow down another’s acceleration has and exists. You may call it a speed bump, and we invite you to comprehend that that energy is not fully bound within one particular physical outpicturing. 

It is this awareness we feel it is timely [0:25:00.0] to introduce to the plate of the collective meal and as such, we are grateful for your receivership, daughter, for even you have and questioned if this was in truth the knock of a coherent bundle of energy that you identify as spirit in service to the flow of your awareness in this manner. 

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Speed Bump. I appreciate your explanation and I have and I too will need to consume it more than once to grasp it in full. I appreciate your willingness to step forward in this manner. I am grateful for your light. 

Great Spirit of the Speed Bump: You are welcome, Channel. It is complete. As you have and would not offer any speed bump to our dis -- [stammer - 0:26:11.4] to our departure, we have and would take our leave. 

Channel: Blessings be.


#230 Great Spirit of Antarctica


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