#222 The Great Spirit of Kale

Don’t miss this opportunity to consume powerful  guidance served by the Great Spirit of Kale in today’s episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman don’t miss the opportunity to consume the powerful  guidance served by the Great Spirit of Kale in today’s episode of Gaia Translate.


The Great Spirit of the Kale: We are most amused, daughter, for we find it a jolly amusement that your species has and knows us as newly discovered in some aspect as “powerhouse,” “super food.” You have many lovely monikers that have and describe our nature, and we are greatly attuned and find it quite amusing, in truth. For have we not been that which has and accompanies you as you have and know yourself that which has and is a member of the greater clan of the tribe of the human awareness? And have we not for many, many – we would offer thousands of that which you understand as years – been a most essential food stuff that has and through our great capacity, our great, if you will, infusion of those nutrients that have and are essential for that which is the great flow of your physical vessel, been most available and willing to have and offer that which is our own flesh in service to your own need state, yes? 

Channel: Welcome, Great Spirit of the Kale, and yes, I am most appreciative of the power of your nutrients in service to that which is the health of our own expression. 

Great Spirit of the Kale: You are welcome, daughter. Are we not that which much as the fashion of the day we have become most in style and we are as we have said amused by this. For have we not known ourselves as that which has been, if you will, a staple and essential, we would offer, for those of your own species for many, many seasons and across many aspects of the physical plane. 

We are, if you do not mind us offering, a great blessing for your own species and others, and we are not unwilling to serve. We have and know ourselves as that which has and whose nature is within us to hold within the great treasure of nutrient, nutritional resource, if you will, that has and is essential for that which is the health and wellbeing and nutritional requirement of your own species. 

We are not unwilling to know ourselves as that which finds ourselves upon your plate, in your soups and stews, and as that which has and is greatly admired by those who have and would claim those benefits inherent within our own nature for their own through that which is the willing consumption therein.  We would, however, offer and have sought the awareness of those of your human collective at this point in our mutual histories that we have and would be serving for many that which has and is not our intent. For as we have and know ourselves able and only to call our own form into full blossom or expression in that which is the soil, the earth, if you will, that has and knows itself contaminated through that which is and what has been carried through the waters that have and are served to us and through that which is placed within us as the fertilizers or pesticides that have and make us most beautiful in our own outpicturing and in truth, somewhat less beautiful within our own physical structure.  

In this we have and would suggest, is it wise to use that which you have and know has and would extinguish the life force of other as that which you have and willingly consume [0:05:00.0], if not directly then through that which is the consumption of our own flesh or that of other who have and are also of the plant kingdom or in truth, the animal kingdom. For in this all have and are, if you will, not blessed by that requirement to have and consume a tainted source for their own nutrient, be it in the soils, that which grows from the soils, be it in the waters, or that which has and is placed within it, flushed within it, discharged in through it, and in truth those chemicals you have and place within the waters to treat them, if you will, and all of these and other have and … you may understand them as required to call forth that which is a pretty version of this or that, or that which is convenient, or that which has and is efficient for the amount that you have and would seek to bring forth through your own cultivation and agricultural practices.  

And yet we offer, one can only offer what one can and call forth through that which has and is offered to you. And for us, we have and are not able to select, as you are that which we have and would claim as our own source of nutrient. And in this it is a great and powerful pain and grieving within our heart to know that our nature, which has and is to be both beautiful, as you have and are aware, and most powerful in our nutrient density, as you also have and are mostly aware, and to know that which is our external beauty held up to the highest accounting and to have that which is the true treasure of our nature, that which is our nutritional resource, have and be so tainted. 

It is this we do not seek to have and know ourselves held within, and yet we, through our nature are unable to lift our roots up and carry our skirts and go and place ourselves in untainted soils. For there are very few, if any, that remain here in this plane of existence, nor are we able, as you are, to go and place a filtration system or to buy that which is, or identified as, if you will, a filtered water or a bottle of this or that that has and makes the claim of purity, clarity, or lack of pollutant within it. 

This is that which you have and know yourselves in your own physical form in truth, able to manipulate. And it is this we have sought to bring to your awareness at this point. For we offer none are served in truth to have and know only that which they may consume to be embodied, imbued with, if you will, the contaminant of that which is pollutant, or toxin, that which has and is sourced from pesticide or from that which is discharged or dumped or left or tossed into the waters that have and then what we have and would know as the life source for our own expansion, and in truth all of yours. 

It is timely, my friends, as you have and are so willing to honor your own flesh as you have and would place within it that which does not bear contaminants that have and all that we have and may offer you in the blessing of our beautiful and powerful compliment of nutrient and vitamin and all other that you have and would know [0:10:00.0] yourselves in requirement of. We have and are unable to internally or through our own intent filter out that which we have and are forced to consume, to claim, to deeply root in, and to drink from that which has and is available resource.  

We would seek, friends, and beseech you, do not consume that which is our flesh in that distortion that you have and are in high attunement with that which has and would bless your form, your physical outpicturing with great resource of food stuff, high in nutrient density. For while we have and are known, we have and are also serving that which has and is served to us, and this is less than adequate, less than blessed, and we would seek to have those who have the capacity in their nature to align that ability with their own will and to have and to offer the sweet and clear waters that are untainted and to know us, if you will, planted or placed in that which is the sweet and pure soil that has the earth that does not know itself filled with contaminant, toxin, and other. [0:11:44.5] 

It is that which is within one has and will find its way into all, that which is within one has and will find its way to all, that which is in one has and will find its way into all. We repeat this and would ask you to consider it a powerful mantra that you have and would repeat to yourselves and hold close to your hearts, for it is so that which is placed within one has and will find its way into all. Is this not so with the air? Is this not so with the waters? Is this not so with the soils? And is this not so with that which is the heartplace? For we have and know the vibrations of many, many of those who have and are in physical form in this plane. And in truth, many who have and are not burdened with such, for they have and know themselves held within the container of spirit alone.  

Do not, if you are willing, continue to confuse that which you place as food stuff or water as that which has and is required to call forth what which you have and would know as your own harvest of nutrients or forms that you have and would seek to consume for your own sustenance as being made of other than what has and is in that which has and is served to it, and for it, and through it. It is not efficient, nor is [stammer - 0:13:59.8] id-is it, if you do not mind us offering, wise to disassociate that which you have and know as the womb that has and would grow that which you have and would seek to be uncontaminated from that which has and grows within it. 

It is not feasible, yes? As you have and seek to call forth that with your own issue to have and know yourself with child, you have and are most aware that which you have and would consume, that which you have and would imbibe has a great effect on the health and wellbeing of this new life you have and seek [0:15:00.0] to call forth in and through this method of your own reproduction. Is this not so? 

Channel: It is so, yes, Great Spirit. 

Great Spirit of the Kale: Why is it then it is not understood that that which you have and would plant into the soil and water with the waters that are already tainted, how can you expect this too to have and know itself in that place of highest potential, wellbeing, and in our physical expression, high service to that which has and is our willing alignment as has and is served to us though the song of Gaia. 

We do not claim that we have and exist simply to fill the bellies of your own or other species. Do not misunderstand; however, much as there are many songs that can be played from an instrument, it is one of the songs that is in our repertoire, if you will, and we would offer that you and your species have many songs that have yet to be played and have and would love to know themselves called forth into the vibratory field of awareness that has and is in this small dimension, and those have and would be songs that are of reattunement, rebalancing, realignment, respect, honoring, cleansing, and if you will, the filtering out of the great number of contaminants that have been placed, willingly and unwillingly, knowingly and unknowingly into all that has and is, if you will, the source, be it the soil, be it the waters, be it in truth the air you breathe, and so do we. Be it whatever has and knows itself called forth through that which is your intent and that which has and is and knows itself claimed within that which is the sphere of your own actions or lack therein, as you have and seek to serve your own need state or that of other. 

We have and would be most grateful to know ourselves filled with that which is the pure and sweet waters, untainted by that which is contaminate, by that which is chemical, by that which is pollution, by that which is other that has and flows and is that which we have, if you will, the inability to filter for ourselves before we have and would consume it. We further offer it is timely, our brothers and sisters, to understand that all have and are a part of flow. One cannot seek to consume that which has and is born from, if you will, the dirtied waters that have and are contaminated with that which is the discharge or other from your own will-based behaviors. 

We have and are a blessing to those who have and enjoy our physical form and we have and are joy-filled to adorn gardens and environs that you have and inhabit. And we have and are not unwilling, as we have offered [0:20:00.0] to serve as that which is food stuff and powerful resource of essential nutrient and to those of your own species through the cultivation and the farming, the agricultural practices that have and cultivate us as you have and are aware. We simply offer that we are called forth though that which is muddied waters. We have and are called forth through that which is contaminated soils, and we have and do not seek to serve this. We do not seek to consume it, and we do not seek to serve it as that which has and is unwelcome companion in and through our own flesh, our own physical form as you have and understand it.  

It is this song that we have sought to sing. It is this, if you will, heart-placed request to have and know ourselves once again able to drink deeply from the sweet, clear, and untainted waters that have and are the blood of Gaia. We have and would seek to know ourselves once again able to rest deeply in the rich and moist soil that has and is uncontaminated by that which has and knows itself called forth through the human awareness. 

There are those who have and follow that which is in greater attunement. There are those who have and would farm or grow our expression in a manner that you have and some call organic, which we have and would highly recommend. And yet, even those who have and do not seek to pollute the soil or to our flesh with that which has and is pesticide, nevertheless they still have and service the waters that have and are and are carried through your own systems, your own filtrations, your own methods of claiming and redistribution.  

We are not unwell - [0:23:13.1] unwelcoming of this, only we have and serve it is not the purity that we have and would seek, not from a place of, if you will … how may we place this? Not from a place of being too picky or above consuming that which all else have and no available for their own consumption. Rather from a place of warning and concern. For we have, and as we have offered, do not hold that which is the resource of filtration or decontamination as part of our nature. 

It is simply that we felt and are grateful for the opportunity to serve, and as you have and know our flesh filled with the great nutrients that have and serve you in such an efficient manner. We have and would hope you would also seek to consume that which are the nutrients of our wisdom, such that you have and we have and all may know themselves cleansed, purified, and blessed as we have and may and with gratitude for your willingness to hold your hearts open, return to that, reclaim that, reconfigure that which has and [0:25:00.0] are the essential resources of the soils, of the waters, of the airs, such that we have and may each and all know ourselves able to consume the sweetness of that which has and was designed to serve all of our need states most perfectly, if you do not mind us offering. 

We have served that which we had sought to prepare and to place this little dish upon the plate of your awareness, such that you have and will, if you will, take a bite or two and we have and are most, most grateful for your willingness to turn that which is the eyes of your heart towards that which has and would be reclamation and redress. And in this manner we have and will know ourselves in that of the spirits of the lands and the spirits of the waters, and all who have and grow in and through and from, all who have and are in requirement to consume that which has and knows itself grown in and through and from, or in truth to swim within, to drink, to flourish, with that which is the great waters. And in this, to know themselves in the potential of the return to that which is the untainted, uncontaminated resource that has and was the blessing bestowed upon all as we have and are called forth into this physical expression. 

We are most grateful for your willingness and receivership of the song of our heart, and we have and would offer blessings to each and all upon this most delicate and fragile places in our mutual histories of physical expression. 

It is complete, daughter. We have and offer you blessings of the evening. We take our leave. 

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Kale. Thank you for your wisdom and your light. 


#223 Great Spirit of the Kingfisher


#221 The Great Spirit of Fox