#221 The Great Spirit of Fox

The Great Spirit of Fox steps forward serving as emissary of the natural world with a salient message for our human family. Learn the secrets of claiming your fox nature in this episode of Gaia Translate. 

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Welcome friends the Great Spirit of Fox steps forward as emissary of the natural world with a salient message for our human family in this episode of Gaia Translate


Great Spirit of the Fox: We greet you, daughter. We feel you have and are in willing receivership of our light. You are accurate. We are that which has and vibrates as the Great Spirit of Fox. We are most pleased with the one we sent as emissary of our light, for it was well-served to draw forth that which was the analogy we seek to bring forward into the awareness of your clan. How is it you came to be aware of that which is the vibratory field of fox, if you would be so kind as to share this attunement with your clan?

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Fox. I heard a strange noise, kind of an alarming noise, um, between kind of a scream and a bark, or a, yeah, sort of a barking, screeching, scream that was coming from the woods across the street from my house one night. It was so loud that I actually got up and walked over to the door to see what was going on. I was – it almost sounded to me like, like someone was being hurt, or an animal was being hurt.

Great Spirit of the Fox: You did not find the song of our expression pleasing to your ear, did you? You will not offend.

Channel: It had a quality of it that was enough like a human’s sound, of someone being in pain, that no, it did not make me feel comfortable. It made me curious and a little bit concerned.

Great Spirit of the Fox: And that is accurate. And then, what have you discovered in your investigations as to what creature might have been creating this uncomfortable sound in your field?

Channel: I discovered that it was a sound of a fox, either one that was declaring territory or one that was actually in the season of mating and calling for a mate.

Great Spirit of the Fox: We would offer it was the latter. And once you understood, daughter, that this was not that which was the vocalization of a wounded being, or one in threat of life or limb, but yet one who has and was seeking suitable mate in the season of mating, how did this shift your relationship – and we speak from an emotional expression of your heart, rather than only intellectual – as you are willing to be the one who is called forward to stand at the front of the class and offer what you experienced as it perhaps will resonate with others of your clan?

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Fox. I immediately felt a great sense of relief and it was as if and my fear diminished greatly, as I did not personally feel that it was something that was seeking to hunt or stalk my own species, um, or my dog. And I was also honestly a bit surprised as I had never heard the sound of a fox before. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I did not expect it to be quite so, so harsh sounding, if you would pardon my expression.

Great Spirit of the Fox: We do not mind at all. There are reasons that one might speak in a certain manner and that that sound when not understood the language therein would be experienced by someone or something that has and receives that vibratory frequency of audible noting as similar to a different kind of message a different type of message that would be expressed through the vocalizations of your own clan, yes?

You may wonder why we have sought, and in truth with a bit of planning to offer you this particular example of what a human may receive that would trigger an almost instinctual fear response or state of alertness simply as point of unidentified reference. In such, is it not the nature of your clan and many others to immediately hold yourself in a relationship of potential threat or distrust when that which has and would vibrate in a manner that is both foreign and a bit unnerving in its similarity to different vocalizations that carry different assignments or meanings as within your own clan.

Channel: Yes, this is very accurate, and that is exactly what happened to me. And I apologize for my misunderstanding.

Great Spirit of the Fox: Daughter, we do not seek apology. It was in truth that which we had sought to illicit from you as example for you and all, that it is while perhaps somewhat instinctual to receive and to respond biologically in a threat-state when that which is the unknown or that which has and may in some manner feel, if you will, not unrelated to that which you have already identified with a certain meaning state, feeling state, or warning state.

We are not suggesting that you behave as some other species and when you hear that which you do not understand, you simply put your head in the sand. That is not our nature, nor is it our recommendation. We offer you this as it is always wise to greet the unknown from a place of curiosity, yes, from a place of discernment, yes, and from a place of one who is willing to follow the tracks of the source, not in a manner that has or would seek to claim revenge on that which has yet to seek anything other than a shared environ with you, yet that which has and would seek understanding of what has and is being communicated and even more directly to whom.

There are many examples in your current societies where there is much that has and is tossed about in either the visual or frequencies of sound waves, of thought forms that have and are often not designed to be consumed directly by those who happen to come upon them through your various devices wherein there is a great amount of communications being shared, although not necessarily as that which was intended to be consumed by the one who is receiving them, yes?

We are not suggesting you do not continue to enjoy these pass times of observing that which is the behavior and nature of your own clan and that of all others. We simply would offer there is a, a wisdom, if you will, in that which has and would claim your fox nature as one who has and does not presuppose from your own, if you will, experience what it is that someone or something is seeking to communicate when it is not directed for your consumption personally.

There are many life forms on this planet. There are many life forms in this dimension. Many are in a physical expression and there are a great number that have and vibrate in the bands of wavelengths, if you will, of various nature that have and contribute, and yet are not perceived visually. We would offer that for many we are rarely seen, and in truth rarely heard, yet that does not mean that we are not present. We simply choose not to be observed. It also does not suggest that we do not seek to communicate when we have something of value to say, and we do acknowledge that our vocalizations have been known to cause a bit of fear in the heartplace of your clan.

It is not our intention. There are many sounds that are created both by the human vocal cords and by all of your contraptions, your machineries, your devices that have and cause quaking in the heartplace of those within the waters, those who live upon the land and within it, and those who have and fly above and in those which we understand as the currents of the air. In this we invite that which is the great awakening of how that which each of us, whatever our clan or species, has and generates in this field in terms of our soundwaves, yes, and how without intending to, they may cause a negative consequence in the feeling state and for many in the physiology or the actual wellbeing of those of other.

It was not our intent, nor is it ever to upset other members of other clans other than to warn them from approaching us with intent to harm with that which is the sound of our vocal cords as we seek to offer a particular type of communication that has and may be required to cover the distances of which our clan is known to reside in relation to each other. There are many other sound vibrationsthat have and occur across the species that your species, your clan has and creates not only in the actual frequencies of what you would call audible sound waves, but the actual vibrations that they have and ascend through the earth and in and through the waters, and in and through the air.

There are those other life forms who are most sensitive to these frequencies and who receive them and are not in truth as adaptive to tolerate them, and in this it causes them great discord of their systems, and for some such confusion that it calls them towards that which would be disastrous, rather than to send them away.

It is also so with that which is those artificial light sources that you have and are so fond of at this point in your history. For, if you will, the genetic constructs of those who are the winged ones while they journey in many of their migrations when there is no light, they have and are, if you will, confused and thrown off course a bit and drawn to the artificial lights that have and populate so many of your cities and towns. We are not telling you not to use your artificial light source, we are aware they serve you well. We bring these examples forward not to suggest that one is of more value or more valuable than another, but rather to invite a place of collaboration wherein your clan and all other life forms may know themselves in a new season of collaboration, such that we all may cohabitate in a manner that serves the wellbeing of the whole.

As we believe and feel deeply in our heart that much that has and is occurring that may cause wounding or discomfort, confusion, or in truth the destruction of the physical form or death of millions of species as a result of these interactions is not the intent of your clan, and nor is the causing fear in the heartplace of your species, the intent of ours. Is it not that which has and would serve all well to seek, to find, and to walk along the path of respectful cohabitation as each and all have and would honor that which has and inadvertently may cause destress in some aspect or another to another clan?

There are those of your clan who have and are awakening, and who have and lift the throats of their heart and will in that which is a willingness to address and to seek methods of acceptable adaptation in a manner that has and is respectful and honoring those who are in human form, and those who do not hold human form, and yet who are neighbor and friend. Is it not that which has and would perhaps dim the lights of those great shopping malls, or great towers or skyscrapers in the evening when there is no one who is within them or is in requirement of such a blazing light that has and is great distraction for those who have and are in migration.

It is also that which has and is well-received when you have and those who have and are so willing create a bridge or tunnel that has and allows those who are not human and actually those who are who would seek to cross your great highways or your busy thoroughfares, either in a manner that allows them to go beneath or go above and not to have to accommodate or account for the great speeds with which your vehicles have and pass across those lanes. This is particularly useful as you have and discover it in those points where there are natural flows of migration, if not in great measure yet simply from one residential landmass – we speak of those of the natural world – to another that is in our own understanding of one piece and that has been bisected by that which is your own roads or highways, your buildings, your constructs. And in this there are many who may know that which is their spawning place, that which is the place they would lay their eggs as on the other side of the road, of the hallway, of the canyon, yes? And how may they find their way there without placing themselves in direct line of potential negative consequence, yes?

We are not suggesting this has not come to the awareness of those who study such things, and for that we are most grateful. We call forth that which is the gentle request as we serve, if you will, as emissary of those non-human life forms who seek to be in respectful relation with your own and would be most grateful to be in receivership, not of the full reclamation of that which you have and have come to reside upon, have spread yourselves in your great expansions to claim where you would seek to create your dens, yet to simply be in a place of great allowance that does not demand that you change so very much that it would cause negative consequence to your clan, and yet in these small changes, such as the turning off of your artificial light sources or dimming them down when they are not in use, and when and in particular it is the season of great migratory flow.

It is further and would be greatly appreciated that your clan has and] would consider the setting aside or the resistance of the full development of your own -your own villages or towns or cities a place where that which has and is of nature may continue and may be a member of your community, rather than that which is in the requirement of a day’s journey to enjoy.

You may not perceive it fully, yet we do not seek to work at opposite ends only to serve our own need states. In truth when I speak of “we,” I speak of life in flow that is all other than human. In truth we are all one, and in truth we have and all serve as we have and are in a great place of allowance that offers the blessing of cohabitation and these small respects where a small shift in behavior or habitual patterning, a small creation of that which has and would return, a broken link in the migratory patterns of those who cross land to seek other grazing grounds or who have and seek to go from their bond over to the field in which to lay their eggs, or those who seek to journey great distances from one climate to another upon the breast of the turning season. These have and serve you, yes? Are you not well-served than those who have and seek to pollinate what you have and would seek to consume are offered the blessing of ability to do so without so many obstructions?

And as we have and would observe, it is difficult to have and make long journey without having a few rest stops in which to rest and to refuel your vehicle and yourselves along the way. In this, as you are most diligent in the awareness and the placing of these rest stops along your own highways for your own need state and that of your vehicles, it would be most appreciated as your scientists and other members of the community have and would consider as you have begun to – yes, we do not deny this – the increasing, if you will, of additional rest stops that have and serve those of the natural world that may be in the setting aside of certain watering places, setting aside of certain fields and forests from that which is the constant development or consumption of the component elements of this or that habitat or environ for other use.

To create much as you have for yourselves upon every so positioning a certain number of miles that which would be adequate rest stop for refueling and regeneration of those of the natural world wherever their migration or in truth simply their habitual paths of grazing have and are, you will be surprised and pleased at how this has and is in truth the most efficient, and we speak in terms of your financial investment as well as that of your resource of time and labor, of that which has and would be the stabilization in some measure of much that is out of balance and therefore, in a point of potential deconstruction in this plane.

To call upon that which is the mantle of your fox nature in this aspect is to call upon that which has and acknowledges that which is the biological response, the fear response of the unknown or the otherness, or of that which may sound as a threat, or scare you, or cause you to be afraid and to acknowledge that when you hear something, be it from one of your own or any other, and yet not to consume it as truth or as that which has and is so by your own initial reaction and to be in stillness and to acknowledge without judgement that which is unusual, that which is unknown, and that which you have and are well served to investigate a bit further, such that you may come into greater discernment of what has and is truly being communicated.

While we have and sing a song in truth not for your ears but for our own species, which has and causes a bit of fear within your own clan until you are aware of what it has and is, there are those of your species, daughter, who very much seek to create these various conditions or sounds that have and are in truth intended to create fear in the heartplace and therefore, if you will, a knee-jerk or an instinctual  reaction or reactivity, and then much as one that makes a loud noise behind that which you seek to claim for your dinner and you create it in a manner that has and causes – we will use the example of a hare – to jump and startle and to dash in the opposite direction with great speed. There are those who do this with great intent and skill and into their nets you have and stumble, you have and race, and you have and are caught most easily.

And what are these nets? They are the nets of those who seek to control, who seek to have their will be that which is fed by the fear of many to have their desire to manipulate and to control your own clan as that which is served through that which is the net and the vibratory field of fear.

We will not judge if this has or is of benefit for I imagine it depends on if you have and are one of your clan and who is seeking to create this fear in the collective or parts therein. And for those who have and seek it we would offer it has and serves them well. And for those of you who have and are unaware that this is the manner you are being herded into the nets of their own desires, we offer you this point; wherein as you claim your fox nature, you are wise to stay in stillness and we have been known to be described as cunning. We are not cunning because we simply react without discerning what has and is truly being spoken and to whom and from what intent that which is the vibratory field of this or that communication, be it through actual words or language that you would perceive through the feeling state through that which is an environmental condition, through that which is the entanglement of other’s wills amongst themselves.

There are many sources and we have found it is incredibly efficient to acknowledge that which we hear and then to remain in stillness until we have had the opportunity to discern the source and the intent behind it, and in truth to whom it was served prior to choosing to take action of one sort or another.

These are the blessings that we seek to serve upon your clan, daughter. For we feel they are the greatest gift we may bestow upon you and we also have and invoke with gratitude the willingness of the heartplace of all who receive this song of our hearts to consider as you are willing the ways in which we and all other life in flow in this plane may accommodate a bit that which has and would serve the need state of all without great compromise or, if you will, creation of great lack for one another.

I appreciate your willingness to receive the song of our light. We are grateful, daughter, for that which is the sharing of this particular form of communication, those of your clan in a timely and discerning fashion, yes?

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Fox. I have and receive your request on behalf of all other life forms in this plane. Thank you for delivering it and also the wisdom and blessing that you offer us in the claiming of your fox nature. I am honored to be in receivership of your light.

Great Spirit of the Fox: We do not disagree. It is complete, daughter. As you have and grant it, so we have and take our leave.


#222 The Great Spirit of Kale


#220 The Great Spirit of the Otter