#223 Great Spirit of the Kingfisher

The Great Spirit of the Kingfisher grants our human family a 'small' blessing with huge implications in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. 

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with a gift of felicitous counsel  served by the Great Spirit of the Kingfisher in today’s Gaia Translate.


Great Spirit of the Kingfisher: We sing a song of greeting, daughter. We are that which holds the vibratory field of the Great Spirit of what you understand as Kingfisher. We know ourselves as native to several parts of the geography of this plane, and it would appear we share this in common with your own species, for you have and find yourself tucked into all but a few corners of this lovely planet. Is that not so?  

Channel: It is. Welcome, Great Spirit of the Kingfisher. Thank you for your attunement. I am in honored receivership therein.  

Great Spirit of the Kingfisher: We have placed several images within your inner eye, and as you are willing would you be so kind as offer descriptive for those who have and receive this missive of our heart? 

Channel: I am most willing. I perceive on one side of my inner eye that which is a dwelling that has been carved into, or dug into a hillside or hillock, or is simply a mound, like within the mud or the soil. And the roof of it looks like moss or grass. It is a human dwelling.  

Great Spirit of the Kingfisher: That is not inaccurate and the other part of your inner eye … what does it hold? 

Channel: I see a riverbank with several holes carved within it or dug within it and kingfishers sitting in the doorway as it were of your own nests or, I guess, dwelling places.  

Great Spirit of the Kingfisher: There is and was a point in our mutual history where those of the human species had and claimed the wisdom of the dwelling that has and mirrors that of the Kingfisher. We feel it would be a blessing to call this once again into the forefront of your awareness as a group and clan. For as that which is the imbalance in the atmosphere, the climate of this plane has and continues to shift, we would offer you may find it more tolerable to place your dwelling places, rather than upon that which is the soil such that they reach above it, and do not have adequate protection from that which is the increasing presence of the rays of the sun. You may find it more acceptable to place yourselves below the soils where there is a mitigation, that which is the increasing of the temperatures where you have and may know yourselves in the seasons where the presence of the rays of the sun are stronger depending on where in geography this plane you reside. It is a bit cooler. It is able to hold a temperature [0:05:00.0] that is less affected or influenced by the great increase of that which is the solar expression in this plane, as much that has and would mitigate it is being stripped, yes? 

We would further offer that in this way you are also able to resist the great extremes of that which is the colder climate, or season when you have and would seek to keep yourselves better insulated from the chill. While we do not perceive that as imminent, as the requirement by many of your species to know themselves in a tolerable shelter and able to avail themselves of such, for there are and will be points in the cycle of the day as you understand it wherein the rising temperature on the surface of this earth plane will become less and less tolerable for your species, and many others of course.  

We invite you to embrace the wisdom of our ways as we have and claim our shelter within the breast of Gaia in a place that has and offers both protection and accommodation in a suitable environ for that which would both serve as shelter and as that which has and holds us close to the breast of Gaia where we feel her heartbeat and the love that she holds for us as that which wraps us in her grace. 

We would further observe that our structures, while they will assist your species, many of those who do not have access to mechanical or electrical or other means of artificial cooling or heating that you have and avail yourselves of in great … we do not seek to use the word “excess,” and yet that is the closest vibratory attunement that comes to us at this point. 

Not all of course seek to shift the internal environment to such great extremes, and yet we would advise there is prudence in the discerning consumption of those resources that you have grown accustomed to. Much as when one goes to eat the fruit of a tree and there is a season of the fruiting, and if you have and would consume all that is of the fruit of the tree [0:10:00.0] such that there is nothing remaining for the remainder of the season of your need state, you might consider that you would have been well-served to titrate your consumption somewhat and to spread it out with a bit more prudence across the length of the season of your requirement. [pause: 0:10:35.9 - 0:10:43.5] 

We as a physical as you are in this plane are not unaware that the levels of the flow of the waters that have and are the requirement for those we have and would seek to consume for our own need state in great measure, those who have and are within have and are reducing. We are able to perceive that which has and is begun as it has and is allowed to flow in its continuance – we speak of the climate shifting – has and will call forth a great evaporation of the waters of the plain, across all parts of this earth plane. While some may be redistributed, there is other that will know itself unable to be returned to that point where it had and sustained so many members of the flow of life within that which you understand as the rivers, that which you understand as the streams, that which you understand as the pond, or the lake, the marsh, or the wetland.  

We are aware that there are other waters, the great waters of the seas and oceans, that who will know themselves increasing and flowing over the banks or the landmass such that the geography of what you understand as coastlines across this planet has and shifts and will continue to do so. We acknowledge this; it is not that which affects us as much as other aspects of this shift have and do. However, all have and will know themselves in a place of a less pleasant life experience as things have and continue to unfold in this manner.  

We have and would seek the blessing of your willingness to evaluate that which is your own need state to continue to consume in a manner those resources in this plane that as they are discharged and unable to be contained or recycled [0:15:00.0] as we have and are used to. We are merely one of many who has and feels the tremor of what has and is upon us. 

Consider that we offer you the blessing of a potential, a manner to know yourselves sheltered and protected from that which is the increase of the temperatures upon this plane, and we would be most grateful if you have and would consider those who have and consume that which is born of what you call the fossil fuels in service to the artificial [nonverbal - 0:16:20.2] adaptation of your internal shelters. We are not suggesting you forego that which is in requirement, rather that you might consider how much more efficient it would be as you have and place yourselves within the soil and therefore are in less requirement of that which you find within the soil to offer you a sustainable life flow upon and as a part of this plane.  

We are aware there are those who study such things, who have and are beginning to comprehend the power of that which is simply the nature of the Gaia’s flesh. Geothermal is beginning to be that which is spoken of, whispered of, considered. Is it not wise to allow that which is within the earth to serve in a manner that it does not and call it out of and create greater and greater imbalance for all who have and would seek to know themselves in a place of adequate environ in which to thrive? 

We have and would encourage and offer prayers of joy-filled gratitude for the blessing of that of your species, daughter, as they receive this attunement, this small wisdom from our heart to yours, such that you have and without delay seek to reconfigure yourselves a bit, such that you avail yourselves of the power of attunement when you also tuck yourselves within the soils and know yourselves held and protected with your ears upon the heartplace of Gaia and your flesh not offered that  which may be intolerable during the upcoming seasons of your flow. 

It may not be that which is appealing. It [0:20:00.0] may be that which seems extreme, and yet it is useful and it is that which will serve many and a blessing we are willing to impart, both for your own need state and for that which is the greater blessing of the rebalancing through the reduction of consumption of those other aspects and elements that are disgorged from the breast of Gaia in service to the climate adjustments, and of course other uses you have and apply them to, yes? 

We have offered that which we had sought to bring forward at this point in our mutual awareness, and to have you claim that aspect of your own kingfisher nature that has and embraces the wisdom of creating a habitat within the loving breast of Gaia.   

You will be well-pleased and well-served and we have and will know that which we have  offered as that which contributes in its small way to the rebalancing of this plane, and that has and would fill us with great joy. 

We appreciate the opportunity to serve this little wisdom to those of your species and we have and listen with the ears of our hearts, that which has and is the song of your prudence as you have and sing it and companion with it as you walk into the oncoming seasons of flow. 

It is complete, daughter. We have and gratefully take our leave. 

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Kingfisher. Thank you for your guidance. It is gratefully received. I have and am honored to hold it in my heart.  

Great Spirit of the Kingfisher: It is accepted, daughter. Do not hold it so close that you do not willingly share it with all who have and would seek to consume it, for there is sufficiency for all. It is complete. 


#224 Great Spirit of Capsaicin


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