#214 The Great Spirit of Land

In this epsiode of Gaia Translate the Great Spirit of Land unearths the seeds of a healing heart.

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Welcome friends, this is Gaia Translate with your host Tracy Shoolman. Today’s podcast delivers channeled guidance communicated by the Great Spirit of the Land.


The Great Spirit of the Land: We are the breast from which you suckle. We are the womb from which you are born. We are the arms that receive you in your return. We are the blessing from Gaia’s will born.

We are that which has and is so greatly abused and so little understood, and yet without us there is no life for those who have and are in requirement to stand upon us, to breathe the sweet air that is required by those of your clan – and many others. We are The Land. We are that aspect of Gaia, the breast of Gaia that has and rises above the Great Waters. We are in your clan, your species of human, and millions of others are held in the cradle of our grace as that aspect of Gaia that has and seeks to offer the breast of life, of resource, of nurturance, of sustenance.

And so, we have and have known ourselves as this mighty and complete blessing bestowed upon your species, daughter. You have been drawn to our awareness, not through that which would be the kicking up of dust on a thirsty road, or the digging of your hands into the soil, rather simply as we perceive it from the joy that you have and derive, as you have and experience the expression of so many other forms of life that have and are your neighbors, that which has and knows itself in expression as a biological force upon the breast of the land.

We appreciate your gratitude for that which is the beauty that surrounds each and all, that which is other than your own clan that has and lifts your heart, that has and soothes your will. And we step forward, for we have and grieve and would declare our grief in the public square, as it were. We grieve for we have and are so little understood in our relation with all that has and is in flow in this plane. We are consumed, we are depleted, we are contaminated and despoiled. We are taken for granted. We are ignored. We are worshiped, and we have and serve the single greatest source of life that has and is in requirement for the balanced flow of the exchange of energy in this earth-plane.

We grieve for our manifest expression, our physical topography, and the elements of which we have and are constructed have and know themselves in intimate relation through the absorption of heat and the release therein, through the relation that which are the Great Waters or that which are their relatives in any manner that you may understand as rain, or snow, or mist, or fog, that which has and is in a constant exchange, that which is served upon us, and that which is released from us, that which has and nourishes the many forms of life that embed within us, and that which has and is returned and as we perceive it, carried to be redistributed in another place of our expression.

Of course, much that has and is of the weather, the climate as you perceive it, is also generated in relationship to our expression by that which is the very consequence of increased or decreased heat and flow upon the Great Waters. It is a system that has and breathes much as your own. As you are aware, if you should be beset by a cold wherein your lungs find it more difficult, the inhalation of adequate oxygen, you have and pay close mind to that which you had not even considered when you were not out of balance with your flow.

There is much that has and is beginning to be comprehended by the many in that which is the depth and severity – it is a harsh word, and yet it is accurate – of consequence that has and bears upon us through that which is the continued … “death certification” is the word you use … stripping of nutrient and despoiling with that which is contaminated, we would clarify. As such, we are that which has and experiences great wounds to our flesh, and many of these wounds are called forth through that which are your agricultural practices, called forth through your extraction of component resource of our flesh and that which is the discharge of toxins into our breast.

Your species has and is awakening, and much as one who hears the sound of the school bus pulling up to carry you off to school, and yet you remain in bed, you will miss the bus. You will miss that which you have and would attend for your own continuance as part of your maturation process. For those who have and are adult, you may choose to sleep and turn off your alarm, and there will and has come a point for some who sleep through their responsibilities, their requirements to attend to work or study who have and will no longer be invited back to participate in that community.

If it were only so simple. For in these examples, it is the individuate who reaps the benefits or other of their choosing in our current circumstance. It is as though all who have and would seek to go to their place of business of productivity, of toil, of service are held in abeyance as those who remain asleep create a great crevasse for all.

We acknowledge that we are yet still willing to offer that which is the milk of life in flow to your clan and to all other life forms that know themselves as children of our grace, and we turn to you for your species, those of human are powerful and it is a great point of opportunity and potential that has and faces you, that has and is as ripe fruit that would serve wellbeing and nourishment, not only of the individuate belly, but of the need state of your clan and that of many others who have and are in truth, your kin. For all who have and exist within the land, all who have and are rooted within the land, all who have and walk upon the land, and all who have and fly above it are children of our heart.

There were points in the greater history of the unfoldment of Gaia when there was no such presence of our form above the Great Waters, and some of that which you understand as land mass through your choices, you are dedicating back into the waters with great rapidity of flow. We, of course, speak not in hour or day, yet in season and century, for those, even to us are smaller than a second in your design of measurement of linear time. And while there is that which has and will remain, we are as a mother a part of Gaia, who has and holds all of the children of our breast in deep love and tenderness, and it is that which wounds us beyond expression to hear the cries of those who have and, if you will, fall off this planet and become extinct through that which is the willing choice of those who know themselves as man.

We do not feel it is the intent of the greater portion of your heart as a species to know yourselves not simply alone, yet unable to survive when all of your fellow neighbors and life forms – or many of them – have been compromised, either in their current expressions or fully extinguished as a present field of coherent energy in this plane. We are all one. That which wounds one, even as small as it may be perceived of, is never held simply within the quadrant of the wounding. It is that which has and ripples its effects throughout all. Much in the same way or manner that should your own flesh experience a gouging that has and holds open all that have and are your vital life forces from within, allowing them to flow out of you without that which would be efficient mitigation, repair, and healing of these wounds, the entire system of your biology would cease to function. Is this not so?

We step before you with this somber and sober song of our heart. For it is our great intent to nurse and nurture, to offer all that has and is in requirement and more for the many and varied forms of life we known ourselves as mother to, as resource for in this particular dimension of flow.

There are many of your clan, daughter, who serve most nobly as we perceive it, as healers, as those who have and call forth the healing arts and are joy-filled to serve in this manner. While it may not be fully comprehended, each and every single one of the billions of your species have within them the seeds of a healing heart. You are our children. You are a blessing and one that we have and would turn to as many who have and have suckled their own to the breast of their will, and we say, we now turn to you to offer the blessing of healing grace upon that which has done only that which has supported and offered you the milk of life in flow. Those of your ancestors have and stand in silent agreement with our request. Those of your children, those of your offspring who have yet to know themselves born into this environ, have and look to you with hope in their eyes, the eyes of their heart. For all that has and rests within you to be awakened and fully claimed through your willing intent to be that which has and offers healing, rather than wounding, to that which is the breast, that part of the Gaia that has and holds so tenderly your flow from a single being to your entire clan.

We are grateful to have and offer this beseeching of our heart, to all who have and would be in receivership. In this manner, we are not known to sing, and yet we sing in every moment of your existence. Wherever you are, however you perceive yourself in your individuated expression with our blessings, our resource, and our serving of the light. And so, as you walk willingly towards that which is your own evolution, we would offer this as a heartfelt request placed gently upon the altar of your knowing.

Do not doubt yourselves, children. I know you well, better than you may know each other, within the heartplace of every single being, there is the seed of great healing, the seed of great tenderness, the seed of deep compassion. Is it not simply the watering by your will of these seeds that will call forth a mighty garden of your rebalancing of the light?

It is this garden we have and envision, and it is with deep and joy-filled hope in our hearts we watch the spouting, the expansion, and the beautiful bloom of your healing light as one who has, as many who have, and caress the breast of your mother source in the manner that has and heals, that has and cleanses the deep wounds, that has and nurtures and sits by the bedside, as it were, tending with great gentleness and deep respect the source of your own life and that which has and would be most joy-filled to know ourselves rehealed and rebalanced, such that we have and may be in greater service to the flow of life in expression upon the land of this plane.

It is song we have and sought to sing, and so we have sung it, and we appreciate your willingness to receive a less-than joyful tune. And yet it is not devoid of hope, for we have and envision a mighty garden that has and wounds with the flowers of your healed and healing hearts.

It is complete, daughter. As you will it, we have and take our leave.


#215 The Great Spirit of Butterfly


#213 The Great Spirit of Methane