#215 The Great Spirit of Butterfly

  In this episode of Gaia Translate the Great Spirit of the Butterfly grants us the Chrysalis of Evolution.

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Welcome friends. This is the Gaia Translate host, Tracy Shoolman bringing a channeled blessing of grace from the Great Spirit of the Butterfly.  I was guided to channeled the Great Spirit of the Butterfly when a scientist friend of mine texted me a picture of a beautiful Black Swallowtail butterfly enjoying itself in her garden. My friend went on to offer this particular specimen was a female as indicated by the distinct markings across its wings. Of course two days later I also spotted a black swallowtail Butterfly drinking the nectar going from blossom to blossom along the flower beds at the local  farm stand I frequent.


Great Spirit of the Butterfly: We greet you. We are that which has and vibrates as a subset of that which is understood as species of butterfly. We are that which is blessed to express ourselves as that which you call, or have chosen at this point in your awareness, to identify as the Black Swallowtail Butterfly. And we are not unwilling to align with this descriptive, although it amuses us that you have and use one species’ physical characteristics to describe another.  

Be that as it is, we are not here to speak directly to you from our particular awareness, rather to open the gateway as we have been asked to that which the greater vibratory field of the over soul or greater vibration of that which has and is Butterfly. And so, we have and take our leave, as you have invoked adequately this attunement, and we have and are grateful to have served as the song that caught your awareness in the singing. 

Channel: Blessings be and thank you, Great Spirit of the Black Swallowtail Butterfly. 

Great Spirit of the Butterfly: You have received the knock of our awareness in the aspect of our flow that is as Monarch in other season – is this not accurate, daughter? We have and would introduce ourselves. We are that which is the greater vibratory field of what has and is categorized as “butterfly” by your species. We hold a high vibration. This is not a point of bragging; it is a point of accuracy. And as such, we have and agree to serve as that which has and carries the song of the heart of those of your clan from one point to another, from one realm through another, such that those of you who are held with your light in incarnate have and feel the gentle reminder of those who have and companion you, and yet no longer hold a physical form. 

We are blessed to serve in this aspect and we have others that have been understood, embraced, and claimed as that which is the butterfly nature that we have and seek to bless those of your clan with in clarity at this point at your own evolutionary process. 

We would invite you to consider what you have and envision or imagine may occur when one such as our own has and is and goes through the blessing of our own transmutation from one expression, as caterpillar, and into that which is the chrysalis of change, of growth, of evolution that your species has and finds itself held within at this place in your history. 

You are, many of you, held within the chrysalis of great potential, held within the chrysalis of that which you hold in your heart called forward [0:05:00.0] into manifestation in the density of this little plane, and as such you find that it is a place of confusion where you have and stumble a bit as that which you have understood how you have and are and how you have and are in relation is undergoing and has done great and mighty shifts. Do not resist, for that has and simply delays that which you have sought in truth. We invite you to claim that which is the blessing of allowance, of faith, that all has and is evolving in a manner that may appear to be confusing, may feel disorienting, and may offer you that which is and is required the release of much that you have understood as your reality, how things have and must be, how things may only be. And in this, we would suggest that your species has spent a considerable number of seasons consuming that which has and would prepare you in your caterpillar awareness for the blessing of transmutation that you have finally sought and therefore, we have stepped forward with this small wisdom. Do not fear all that has and holds you in the grace of the chrysalis of your own evolution. 

It is no small feat to release all that has bound you in one form and one level of awareness in your caterpillar nature, and to rest in full surrender and joy-filled expectation for that which you may not understand, and yet that which you have sought with great and open heart to know yourselves evolving in and through. The season of the chrysalis is one of deep reflection, one of willingness to release the limitations of what has been and to open the hands of your will, such that all that no longer serves you simply flows out and to allow that which has and calls you to a greater opportunity of expression is blessed with the acceptance and without obstruction of flow. 

We are aware that many of you are held in deep, deep wells of fear and seek to run back into your own caterpillar nature, and yet this is not feasible and while there is a staging process, if you will, whereas some of your awareness has opened the wings of its heart – we speak of your species – and some have yet to finish consuming that which has and would feed their caterpillar nature, this is understood. There are seasons in evolution and not all have and achieve in a single moment that which has and is the birthing of your new alignment, your higher frequency and your attuned [0:10:00.0] vibrational state as those who have and claim their butterfly nature in the season of great becoming, which has and while it may feel as further away from that which you had envisioned as is feasible, nevertheless it is only from that which is the darkness, the womb of potential that all have and are born into the light of manifest expression, yes? 

You are simply guided as you are willing to honor and to be grateful and to accept that which is unknown, unjourneyed territory, if you prefer, does not offer only that which you have known and does not hold fear and unpleasant experience as you have understood in the past. Those are the engagements, the perceptions of one who has and is Caterpillar. We understand this well, for we too experience this, and yet when one has and with the throat of your heart have evoked that which is your own process of ascension, your own evolution as a clan, a species. You have and call great powers of transformation to yourselves, as you have done, and there will be, as there has be that which does not feel comfortable, that which as and shakes and rearranges so much of what you have grown accustomed to in your caterpillar lifetimes. 

And yet, while it may be impossible to perceive, we invite you to perceive with the eyes of the heart that you have and undergo what is required. It is requirement and necessary, and that much that you have clung onto, in truth no longer serves. And all of those leaves that you have and consume with such hunger, leaves of “otherness,” leaves of fear of other, the leaves of anger, and potential threat of these no longer serve and they will only be that which keeps you in statis as it was and is of your caterpillar nature. And some, many perhaps, will have grown so fond or so familiar with the taste of these leaves, however bitter or discomforting they may be that they would rather continue to consume that which fills them with fear, which fills them with doubt, which fills them with anxiety, and with the aggression born of fear.  

And that is as it is. However, there are many of you who have now chosen, most willingly, although perhaps not in the conscious awareness that you have and are burdened with in this lifetime to undergo the great chrysalis and season of transformation that is required to have and know yourselves anew, to have and be born into that which is your butterfly nature, one who has and is no longer limited, [0:15:00.0] one who has and may with the grace of flow be carried upon the currents of higher wisdom and that which has and seeks to drink the sweet nectar of alignment with all other beings in flow in this and other plains. 

You are incredibly beautiful and while many have and admire and feel the resonance that we have and vibrate with when you bear witness to our physical expression, we invite you to know, deeply and joyfully, this is your destiny, brothers and sisters, to have and claim in full your butterfly nature, one that has and lifts above the surface of your old limitations and is carried upon that which are the currents of your destiny. 

We seek to invite you to claim again and again the blessing of the mantle of your butterfly nature as one who has and releases with gratitude all of the patternings, systems, constructs, and deeply embedded fear that has been the walls of your limited understanding. They no longer serve, nor can they be carried as they are in service to one who has and seeks the wings of which to fly, and to lift themselves vibrationally into that which is another dimension of alignment. That is and will be so joy-filled and so beautiful. For we can offer there are no we- [stammer - 0:17:30.4] words that humans have created that can fully hold the waters of joy, of delight, and of wonder when you have and are born anew.  

This is not that which requires great seasons of labor, for we offer that you have invested mightily and more in what has been. This is that which requires again and again the willingness of heart to release what has been known in its familiarity held you in the limitations of the comfort of what has been and to embrace the unlimited potential of what has and awaits you as you have and would seek to release yourselves into that which is the frequency of your own evolution. 

We offer you the blessing that you have and claim your butterfly nature of that which is the willingness to transform, the eagerness to fully release into the unknown, into the blackness and discomfort of that where you have and know yourselves as neither this nor that. For it is only in this passage you have and release what no longer has served you as we offer there is much that you seek to carry upon you and with you that simply is not feasible for those who have and seek to have wings with which to fly. 

We are always companioning you, and we have and serve your species [0:20:00.0] and will continue for those who are in your caterpillar nature. This aspect of their flow are served greatly by the gentle touch of the awareness that we have and are not unwilling to carry of those who have and are no longer pertinent by a physical expression. Those who you have and love, and those who have and love you, though they may have shed, they are physical form in this or another lifetime. 

We are joy-filled to invite again and again that which is the possibility and probability for many of a timely transmutation as you have and willingly accept, and in truth, embrace much that is unknown without that which has and is the taint of fear, mistrust, or doubt. For those are not vibrations that have or may serve you, or that have and will call forth a timely breaking up of that which is the chrysalis of your own transformation of heart. 

Do not doubt; there is a spectacular and beautiful butterfly of light that has and exists in fullness within you. It is simply your requirement, much as there is the requirement to be in that which is the chrysalis of the womb when you have and would grow yourselves a physical form in which to place the light of your eternal aspects. So too, you are undergoing that which is the required transformation, the releasing and the claiming which have and occur only through your willing allowance. And as such, you have and will be most delighted and most astounded and we feel, joy-filled to feel yourselves finally no longer tethered to that aspect of lower vibrational frequency that has been your entire experience for many seasons of your own flow. 

We would seek to clarify as the channel’s thoughts have brought to our awareness, that your transformation in your own blooming, if you will, of your butterfly nature does not require the shedding of a physical form, nor does it require the growing of physical wings – we are speaking of your vibrational field – that is and always is in a point of evolution. We do not speak of this small vessel of your physical form, which has and is chrysalis, in a manner, in which you have and may experience that which is required to know yourselves anew. Is that not a beautiful blessing, and one we felt most timely to bring forward in service to, if you will, provide a bit of comfort, provide a bit of assurance, and encouragement. You are all butterflies in your own vibratory field within. It is simply for many a season of your full transmutation as a species. 

We find this most [0:25:00.0] encouraging and most fulfilling, for we have sought since your expression has found its way into this plane to serve as constant companion, reminder, and invitation to all that has and is available to you, as you have and seek to lift that which is the field of your own awareness beyond the limitations that have and surround you in this plane. 

We feel that is sufficient, daughter, and we are grateful for the opportunity to express in this manner that which is felt deeply by many who have and bear witness to our physical form, and yet are not quite able to touch with the fingers of their knowing the full song of our heart. As you have and would bless us, so we have and would take our leave, for we have other songs to sing and other hearts to warm, yes? 

Channel: Blessings and gratitude. Thank you so much, Great Spirit of the, of the Butterfly. Thank you for this blessing of your mantle and for your wisdom and guidance. It is very gratefully received. 

Great Spirit of the Butterfly: We feel that, daughter, and we appreciate your willingness to share this leaf of wisdom for all who have and would seek to consume it. They will find its taste most sweet and nourishing at this place of great transition. 

It is complete; we have and take our leave. 


#216 Spirit of Highland Cattle


#214 The Great Spirit of Land