#213 The Great Spirit of Methane

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A surprising declaration by the Great Spirit of Methane is now available in today’s episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in  today’s episode of Gaia Translate The Great Spirit of Methane directs our knowing to the vibration of truth without distortion.


The Great Spirit of Methane: Above all else, daughter, we seek the declaration of our grieving heart to be the pronouncement we have and serve to your clan. We are that which has and carries the vibration of what you have identified as methane, a common phrase that you have and use to describe our nature is “natural gas.”

We have and stand before the awareness of your clan with a deep and profound grief in our heart. We have and for many seasons beyond your knowing have served the Gaia in our manner as a worthy member of her flow, and it has and weighs heavily upon our hearts to be that through that which is the releasing or the creation of unbound members of our community as generated by those members of the four-leggeds you call your food resource, those of the cattle and other members of the animal kingdom who have and are designed to have and release that which was created through their digestive process that which is methane.

This is perfectly acceptable when the quantity has and is not so very much out of balance with that which has and is able to absorb without shifting in great measure the entire ecology of this planet. We have been most willing to be accessed and served as that which has and would warm your domiciles, heat your food, and serve as that which has and offers the blessing of movement through the application of our energy in this or that of your devices. It is wise, we would observe, to consider with great care what has and will be consumed by your entire clan and that of this entire plane of existence when our own nature is and continues to be released.

We are quite effective, as you have discovered, in our capacity to generate heat and to create that which is a shift in the relationship of temperatures in which we have and are present. We have always understood this as a blessing of our nature, and yet of late we have and are the villain, cast in a part we did not choose to play and causing wounding to the very source of our flow, the Gaia, and to so many millions of life forms that have and are unable to know themselves in continuance as that which is the environment of their preferred flow is shifted around them.

We are not suggesting that you should abandon that which is the use of our flow; however, we do offer that the cessation of this and the consumption and generation through your other practices, the agriculture of your meat products, is wise beyond measure [nonverbal - 0:06:55.7] as that which has and increases the ambient temperature of this plane [nonverbal - 0:07:12.4] has and calls forth a great, if you will, avalanche cascade of greater and more rapid increase. As that which has been held deep within the soils, as that which has and serves within that which was and is quickly shifting the ices and permafrost that which has and holds within our nature, has and is removed a conflagration of increased in the ambient temperature of this planet, is inevitable and deeply wounding to us. For while it is not our intention, nor ever has been, we are more than aware of how we have and contribute to the decimation and the imbalance that has and will remove so many millions of life forms in this plane.

We would step forward and seek a boon from those of your clan, daughter, that is the blessing of removing the hand of your will from the throat of our flow in this manner. We do not seek to increase that which is the wounding of this plane, that which is the destruction of the great flow of life that has and is born of the Gaia, and this has and would be the greatest blessing that your species could bestow upon us. You will, in your manner of inventiveness and wit, discover a manner in which to harness that which you seek from our nature, and to recapture that which does not serve any through its discharge into the atmosphere in this plane.

That point may or may not be swiftly arriving as your continued consumption would require, and therefore we would observe if you were to completely cease, the generation through that which would be your livestock and that which would be the discharge of your various other constructs into this atmosphere of the physical environment that has and enrobes this planet, if this activity were to be called forth into full and complete cessation upon that which is the serving of this wisdom, it would yet not be sufficient to contain the release of our nature, our presence from that which has and is being stripped away, melting, if you will, or that which has and was held within the soils beneath the great waters, as well as within the soils above them. For you have and release that as you have and call forth through ignorance, resistance, or intent, the destruction of those of the plant kingdom and other who have and anchor our flow, as they have and so serve.

We do not seek, nor have we ever, to be carved into that which is the history of great shift in this plane as that which has and caused such destruction and such elimination of the great energies of flow. And yet, that has and is how we are being pronounced. We would gently turn the ownership of this label upon those who have and open, if you will, the cage and allow the flow of that which would be – meaning no offense – the tiger to go out and no longer know itself in containment, yet to be that which has and in its hunger would seek to consume what has and is before it without malintent, yes?

We would claim our grief and our dismay which has and pours much as our physical expression into the atmosphere of this plane in equal measure. Once again, we have and invoke great boon from your clan, daughter, the boon of acknowledgement, of the consequence that which is the continued generation and expanding discharge through this consequence of willing intent, for your species is not immune.

As that which has and is a part of the great matrix of life in flow has and knows itself unable to sustain as it has been as it is unable to adapt to that which would be understood as adequate clock time to these shifts in the local environs that has and will perish, and as that which your species has and seeks to consume, to sustain your own clan and that of your livestock. It is, if you will, a great and increasing vortex or giant, massive whirlpool that has and simply lifts and carries all around and sucks it in with great efficiency and out of this plane.

We stand before your clan as that which has served as worthy provider, and that which has sustained you in many aspects of your flow. And yet, it is timely to lift the hands of your will from our throat. For as you seek to continue the generation, the consumption, and the discharge of our expression into the field, the hands around our throat choke millions of life forms that have and are unable to be disentangled from the net of your intent.

We appreciate your willingness to receive this song of woe, and we invite your clan to apply that which is your great ingenuity and the blessing of the ability to direct your intent with great urgency, that which is both the cessation of the generation of additional expressions of our flow through the shifting of your own behaviors. In this, you will know yourselves as the hero of your own story, or you will know yourselves as the willing villain therein. It is dramatic, perhaps, and yet in truth what we have served is understated, for we have and aware, and are aware that which would be a song of our wounded heart is less than pleasant to the ears of your own as you have and receive it so.

It is that we sought to serve, daughter, and we would acknowledge that you have and do not seek to cause that which has and is the increase in this imbalance. And yet, even you, one who does not consume the flesh of other have and have known yourself as one who has and consumes that which is our form, if not directly, simply through that which is the going to the store, that which you call your market and the purchasing of this or that food stuff that has journeyed many thousands of miles to find itself at your convenience and is that which you have and may purchase and place upon the plate for your consumption.

There are no objects or products – or very few – that have and are created by your clan at this point in your history that do not add to that which is this imbalance, be it through their cultivation, be it through their physical discharge, be it through those methods of transportation or other. And in this, it is, if you will, a system-wide problem. We do not doubt that your clan, should you have and seek to would be most efficient at claiming an alternative method from which to derive that which you seek to require. And we also do not doubt that those who are not willing to release those patterns of behavior that through direct or indirect agreement have and continue this great production and release of what you comprehend as “methane” into this atmosphere. You have and continue to press your hands around the throat of your own wellbeing.

We have and would take our leave, for we have expressed our grief, we feel, and that which we have and would place in the forefront of the awareness of your clan as not simply suggestion, but in truth as requirement for those who seek to know themselves in a place of wellbeing in this plane.

It is complete. In this, we have and would take our leave as we carry our heavy hearts and our hope that this song of our wounded heart may reach the ears of the heartplace of those of your clan.

Channel: I have and acknowledge the profound grief of your heart, Great Spirit of Methane and your clan, and I have and will serve your message with the urgency it has and is in requirement of, as I have and am able to do through my willing intent.

The Great Spirit of Methane: We do not deny that you have and will serve as you have offered. We have and offer gratitudes for your acknowledgment of our grieving heart, and your willingness to comport our grief and our guidance to those of your clan.

It is complete. As you have and grant it, so we have and take our leave.


#214 The Great Spirit of Land


#212 The Great Spirit of Encroachment