#220 The Great Spirit of the Otter

The Great Spirit of the Otter and the blessing of a gift beyond measure.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with Gaia Translate.  The Great Spirit of the Otter invites us to claim the blessings of our playful otter nature in today’s episode. My awareness was guided to the Spirit of the Otter during a visit to the post office to pick up some stamps over the holidays. One of the options on display included  series of whimsical images of otters playing in the snow. When I went to purchase them, the postal worker  informed me the otter series of stamps had sold out and were no longer available, disappointed I selected another style and as I was heading out the door a patron who had overheard the exchange reached into her bag and delighted me with several of the otter stamps as a gift.


Great Spirit of the Otter: It is no coincidence, daughter, that you have and hear that which is the engagement of the parent with the children in a form of what you perceive of as “play” in that which is the residence that abuts your own when you have and invoke our knowing. We are that which has and is and vibrates with the Great Spirit of the Otter. And yes, in your neighborhood we are the River Otter. For you are held within the embrace of the land where you have and reside, is this not accurate? 

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Otter. I am honored to be in receivership of your light. 

Great Spirit of the Otter: We have stepped forward as that which is most unusual from your own awareness of the residence of this area. Is that not accurate? 

Channel: It is, yes. 

Great Spirit of the Otter: And we step forward, for it is a season to remind your clan of the power of the value of play. Play that has and through the interaction of that which is the parent with the child has and offers so much more than simply a passing of leisure time or a distraction prior to the evening meal. 

We have been as a species observed to engage in what your clan perceives of as great amounts of play, and this is not inaccurate. There is no need for that which is the acquisition of required skill set to be burdensome or dreary, to be without joy, and a light. For through the act of play, we have and are quite well-equipped to have those of our own issue venture forth in a season of their own independence with those skills they have learned, not through the painful rote and drilling the dull hours that have or passed many of your little ones by as they are [nonverbal - 0:03:19.1] contained in that which is a seat and desk or other. We have and encourage the activity that has and through the play offers that which is the skill to thrive and to survive. 

We do not deny that all clans, all life forms have and may exhibit quite different outpicturings of what you would consider play, and yet there is a power in that which is the joy of engaging one’s nature as that which has and through the engagement therein amplifies and enhances that which is one’s capacity to adapt, to survive, and to thrive whatever the current environ may present. 

Your clan has and – this is not offered from a place of judgement, rather from a place of gentle observation – offers devices to your children in [0:05:00.0] which there is a part of them that is most engaged and finds it quite entertaining, and this is in part a useful skillset, is it not? For much that has and would call forth the acquisition of required food stuff through the manner of your own energy exchange through that which is the service of physical or mental exertion in exchange for that which has and represents an energy that may be then again exchanged for that which one would have and would seek for one’s own nourishment or wellbeing, yes? 

Channel: Yes, thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Otter: There is an additional aspect of play that we would observe is not as common in your current epoch as species, and that is the blessing of enjoyment through the actions and activities of joint play with those who have and are the parental units, and those which have and are the offspring. We are not suggesting there are not many requirements that have and call you to the duty of this or that, the job, the work, the cleansing and purifying of home and those garments one has and in your situation are required to wear, as you are not so blessed to have that which is a coat as we do. 

We offer that there is a bond of light, a bond that has and is and expands the teaching of that which is unspoken, yet is deeply felt, the energy of full connection, of being fully present in the moment, however brief this may be served for those who are your children. They hunger for this, much as they hunger for nourishment to fill their belly and their physicality. This is the food of manifest light, the food of joy and an expression of attunement and union of heart to heart, that while there are many, many, many activities of the day that are in their own manner examples of a loving heart through the preparation of the meals, through the transportation of various methods of your offspring to this or that activity or engagement, and yet we feel a loneliness that has and rises much as a spring flood in the heartplace of many, as they do not feel, we would gently observe, the full energy of the awareness of those who are the caregivers, those who are the ones who hold these little beings so close in their heart.  

All beings, at least of our nature and we would observe, of yours, have and hunger as much [0:10:00.0] for that which is the physical and emotional connection of one who has and sees with the eyes of the heart, the light that is held within these little beings. For their light is never little; it has and is simply contained in a small frame until that frame has and is offered the opportunity of evolution and maturation in physical form. 

To offer even as little a piece of clock time wherein all of those electronic devices that have and so engage and carry your thought-forms elsewhere, have and are set aside for a moment or two as little as 15 clock minutes of pure and present connection of heart to heart with your offspring has and will serve as that which is the watering of the soils of their potential after a period of drought. We are not suggesting there is not great love in the heartplace of many of your species for those that they have and offer the blessing of birthing into this plane. It is simply that it is not experienced as potently, if you will, in that which is the heartplace of these who have and seek to know themselves steadied a bit by that which is the great love that most of you have and are blessed to hold in your heart, as you have and offer that which is the tangible evidence of their primacy, not necessarily in the hours that they require for your total and undiverted attention, yet in a few moments where that is the greatest joy of your heart. 

To listen fully however many chores or distractions that have and may wander across the horizon of your awareness to hear and to bear witness, to these little beings that which is the, uh, [stammer - 0:13:48.0] the joy and sorrow, the anguish and exaltation in their small discoveries. In this you have and offer that which is, if you will, the strengthening of that which has and is always held in intent, and yet has and serves most powerfully the song of those who have and are born through your loins and your intent to call forth that next generation through which your own light has and flows a bit, has and may be carried forward, much as in those periods of your history there was one who would hold [0:15:00.0] the flame of the hearthfire with great responsibility from encampment to encampment, for it was the light that carried the wellbeing of all within it. 

There is much talk of what you have and identify as AI, the Artificial Intelligence of these computers and other containers of this form of coherent energy, and we do not deny these have and are quite marvelous in their capacity to inform, to educate, to entertain. And yet there is that which is the great power of your own field as you have and fully wrap the arms of your heart and your full and undiluted awareness around another. In truth, you may offer this blessing to those who are your mates, your fellow neighbors, and friends to all who have and are a part of the flow of the human expression in this plane. Yet if we were to offer our preferences and you were to feel yourself in any manner limited to priorities, if you will, it would be those few moments, as little as 15 of your clock minutes, wherein you truly disconnect your flow from other distractions or requirements and consider this the greatest blessing and joy of your day when you have and fully offer the arms of your open and joy-filled heart to that which is the acknowledgment of the light within that part of the human expression that has been gifted to know itself as one who is offspring, child. It is not required to have given physical birth to another being to offer this blessing and for the many who have and seek to claim the energetic, that which is the tether of parent, of love, and of desire, to cultivate a great light from that which has and is carried into this next hearthfire of human continuance. 

You may call to yourselves the blessing of your otter nature. For you have observed, we feel, that which is our physical embrace of our offspring, what you perceive as hugging and tending to grooming and allowance of all that is learned through play, and all that is received through physical touch and through that which is our joy in the [0:20:00.0] opportunity to hold close to our heart that which has and is the blessing of continuance of life in flow.  

We are aware that to receive parenting guidance or guidance of any kind from that which is outpictured in this plane as an otter may feel at best quite unusual. And yet, we are most aware that our play and our affection and physical connection with those of our offspring delights, enchants, and inspires those of your own. And so we take this point in our mutual existence to offer you that which is the mantle of your otter nature, one who has and carries the vibration of joy and the delight of that which is the power of heart to heart connection in that which has and is the open and willing alignment with all that we have and are of our energy field in connection with those who have and are our issue. 

It is not an endless service and we would observe as those of your own clan know well. It is a short season in truth. Until those who have and sought to snuggle within your arms are now most well-equipped to venture forth, knowing that the light within them has been seen and burns brightly by the light within you. 

It may feel inconsequential to offer but a few minutes within an hour – and do not misunderstand us – you are welcome to offer a great amount more to which you have and find yourselves most pleasantly in receivership of much that you have and seek to serve. There is great power when one has and offers one’s full attention and the energy that is behind it in the direction of another. It is felt and appreciated. And while there is much that has and seeks to splinter off, if you will, your field such that you may be perceiving yourselves as attending to any number of thought forms, requirements, or other distractions most efficiently, and yet as much as you may perceive yourselves in this capacity, it is a single picture from which you pour. And if you have and place five glasses before you, each representing a different point of [0:25:00.0] distraction or requirement as you perceive it, we would suggest that each glass will only become so full, perhaps only a quarter of the way, or maybe even a third. Is it not useful to have and to place yet one glass before you? The glass of your own children’s heart and to pour most liberally the light of your awareness and energy as you have and would fill their vessel in a manner that has and offers them great sustenance, as they have and feel it within them however far they may venture, however distant they may roam, the heart to heart connection when it is established consistently and fully, even for those few moments, a quarter of an hour, each day is that which has and is attuned that fills the ears of their heart and remains with them as companion and that which has and offers to hold as the arms, the hands that have and would cup around a flame to keep the winds of circumstance from blowing it out or causing it to diminish to a point where it is only a flicker. 

We have and offer you the blessing of calling forth the mantle of your otter nature as one who has and seeks and delights in the blessing of offering undiluted energy of your own flow, attention, and attunement in and with the field of those you love. 

It is this blessing we sought to bring forward, and we appreciate your willingness to turn the awareness of your energy channel towards ours. We would seek to attend to other offspring of our intent as you have and would grant us by your leave. 

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Otter, of the River Otter. I am most grateful for this blessing, and I am honored to share it with all of those of my clan. 

Great Spirit of the Otter: It [0:29:04.6] you will find that it is a most useful claiming and not one that requires great, if you will, additional burden. In truth, when one has and waters the seedling with consistency, one has and calls forth a great flowering of the plant, yes? 

Channel: Yes, thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Otter: We take our leave. Blessings of the evening to you, daughter, and to all of your clan.

Channel: Blessings to you, Great Spirit of the Otter. Thank you for your light. 


#221 The Great Spirit of Fox


#219 The Great Spirit of the Bee