#219 The Great Spirit of the Bee

Are you ready to receive the blessings of the Great Spirit of the Bee? If so, in this episode of Gaia Translate we are granted the honor of this opportunity.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. In this episode of Gaia Translate we receive the blessing of honeyed wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Bee.


Great Spirit of the Bumble Bee: You have received the knock of our awareness upon the door of your knowing, have you not, daughter? We are that which vibrates as an aspect of the Great Spirit of the Bee. We are but one of many who know themselves as cousins in this plane. We have and were identified as “bumble.” That is close enough. We have and would simply hold the doorway of your awareness a bit wider, such that you have and are able to perceive the willing light of the Great Spirit of the Bee who seeks your awareness through that which was a service of our own in which we had and drew your alignment towards that which was in the neighborhood of your physical form, yes? 

Channel: Welcome and thank you, Great Spirit of the Bumble Bee for your service to drawing my attention to the greater spirit of the bee. I appreciate your light. 

Great Spirit of the Bumble Bee: It is understood, daughter. We have and would remove our field as we have served, as we have offered, and we remain as fellow members of the community of life that have and share this plane. May it always and have been so. 

Great Spirit of the Bee: We greet you, daughter. We have and are that which holds the great vibration of the field of life forms in many species of bee. We are a faithful servant and an honorable one we would seek to present in that which is our relation with the Gaia and that which has and is our nature, that which has and as we serve our own need state, we have and are not unaware. We are that which has and delivers the life-giving flow of the pollens to other members of the community in which we have and thrive, yes? 

You have many little and busy thought forms, daughter, that fly here and there and seek to drink the nectar of your own perception of what we have and would serve. And while we appreciate your willingness to serve us that assistance, we would gently set it aside as you have and would be in adequate allowance to s- [0:04:13.3] ah, to offer us that which is a steady perch upon which to serve our wisdom. 

Channel: My apologies, Great Spirit of the Bee. 

Great Spirit of the Bee: It is not uncommon, daughter. It is that which has and plagues your clan a bit. These little thought forms that fly about and within your awareness, turning your attunement away from that which has and may be of greater service to your intent, if we may gently offer. [0:05:00.0]  

Channel: Thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Bee: We step forward to serve the blessing upon those who have and open the hearts of their will to be in receivership therein of the vibratory field of that aspect of the Great Spirit of Bee that has and holds the frequency of great productivity. You have and understand this in your way. For are we not often described or is, if you prefer, one of your expression, often served the blessing of that which is a characteristic that is most commonly observed as you describe one of your fellows as “busy as a bee.” We understand this to mean they have and move with alacrity. They have and attend to this or that, to the next or the next and the next requirement of that which they seek to claim and manifest intent in their day, and therefore, we have and are pleased.  

We would invoke the awakening of that which is the allowance of possibility in the heartplace of your greater clan, daughter. For we do not seek to be stingy with this field, the mantle of our nature as that which has and vibrates with profound productivity, as there are many who we have and would serve, and we are most efficient, we would observe, in that which is the tending with great productivity to the pollination of many of those of the plant kingdom. 

We have had a long-standing agreement, one that has been witnessed by your clan, though [stammer - 0:07:41.8] perna – perhaps less understood than you may perceive. We receive that which is adequate nourishment for our own wellbeing and in exchange we serve to carry that which is the blessing of continuance as those who have and pollinate other members of the clan of the plant kingdom. 

Your species has become more awakened to the vital nature of how we have and serve the intent of Gaia to have and create as she has so done the mighty garden of life in flow. There is much that has and causes great disturbance in the field of our potential for that which would be the continuance in a manifest expression in this plane. Some of that which has and is not of direct consequence with that which are the choices that have and are made by your clan, that which has and pushes or pulls, contaminates, or redirects the ecology of the climate, which has, of course, a direct influence, not only in our own expression, but in that which is the continuance of that which has and is our resource, [0:10:00.0] the various and many form of life that know themselves in the plant kingdom and that which has and would call forth the fruits and the other forms of food stuff that your own species has and claims as essential to that which is your own continuance, your own sustenance, and wellbeing. 

There are some who have and perceive various members of our clan as that which seeks to wound or sting through malintent, and while we do not deny there are members of your community that have a rather unpleasant reaction to that which is the sting of one of our clan, we seek to invite a greater understanding of what we have and are and that is we hold no malintent or desire to create harm, to wound, or sting. We have and seek simply to protect our own wellbeing should one have and appear to us to be that which would seek to claim our own flow, or that of our queen. 

We are great and productive members of any community of life in flow that has and is so blessed to have us as constant companion. Your species has not gone without acknowledging this, for are you not come to seek to create various populations of our expression in service to the need state of pollination of that which you would claim and call forth and cultivate through your own need state as you seek to feed the greater and greater numbers of humans who know themselves in manifest flow. 

We would guide, gently. It is not that we are unwilling to know ourselves as a product of our own intent to call forth new additions to our clan. Rather, it is wise to have and consider with care the power of that which is variety of gene pool, that which has and may know itself a bit inbred, or of greater susceptibility to certain parasitic relations that find themselves most conveniently served by your farming and your breeding of certain members of our clan. 

There is great power in that which is diversity of the physical expression of bee within one or another subculture or species, if you will, and while it may be slightly less efficient, you will find the [0:15:00.0] increase in productivity of those who are not so inbred will be and has and will serve many who require the blessing of pollination in a timely and efficient manner, and in an ongoing fashion in this dimension. 

Yet, we digress a bit; we have and would return to the great blessing of the mantle of our nature, which is many-fold. We have and would seek to bestow upon the clan of human the blessing of high discernment and an open and willing heart to have and serve as one has and is both designed and uniquely able, that which is the greater wellbeing of life in this plane. Is this not a beautiful blessing, and one we feel most timely to confer upon your clan, daughter, as you are willing to claim it? 

We further have and offer the blessing of claiming the mantle of profound productivity for which we are renowned, yes? Do you not claim it so? It is wise to accept that which is the slight adjustment from that which is descriptive, the adjective of “busy” to that which is our purposeful employment with that which is productive. Consider that while it may not be as alliterative, those who have and say this or that one is as busy as a bee may claim motion without direction, and many of you have and find yourselves embodying busyness without direct intent. This is less efficient and therefore we have stepped forward with our willingness to bestow upon you that which is the mantle of your bee nature, one who has and enters the sweetness of each dawn with the intent not simply to claim busyness as a part of your field. Yet, is it not more efficient to claim that which is a resonance with that which would be the mantle of one’s bee nature, that which has and vibrates with great and mighty productivity of flow. 

And as you have and claim the blessing of these aspects of your bee nature, that which has and seeks to be in alignment with great productivity and that which has and seeks most joyfully to serve in a manner that has and offers benefit to the fellow members of your community of life in flow.  

These are the blessings that we have and seek to bestow upon your clan. For while there are many who have and feel themselves perhaps even a bit daunted by that which would claim them as so busy, and we would acknowledge this and we would invite you to consider for a moment [0:20:00.0] if perhaps you would not be well-served as would many, rather to claim that aspect of your own bee nature that is highly productive and has and serves with a joy-filled heart, much that has and offers essential contribution to life in flow, born of the breast of the Gaia’s intent. 

It is this blessing of discernment and our willingness to offer that which is the mantle of one’s productive and joy-filled servant of communal wellbeing that is in truth the vibratory resonance of that which is the frequency of bee. We seek to offer and to invite the claiming therein by those of your clan, daughter. It would appear to be both efficient and essential in that which is the maintenance and rebalancing of conditions in this small ecology that is the earth-plane, such that we may both continue in that which is a willing service to the light of life in flow in this particular expression, yes? 

As we have offered, it is our nature to be productive. We feel we have sufficiently pollenated that which is the heartplace of your clan with this awareness. As such, we have other pollination to attend to, if you will. And so, we have and would seek to take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it. 

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Bee. Thank you for the blessing of your mantle and your guidance. I am in honored receivership therein. 

Great Spirit of the Bee: We acknowledge this as so. As you have and grant it, so we have and would take our leave. 


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