#218 Spirit of Woolly Mammoth

Artist: Leonello Calvetti/science Photo Library

 In today's episode of Gaia Translate the Great Spirit of the Woolly Mammoth offers the gift of grace beyond value. 

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Welcome friends, this is Gaia Translate host Tracy Shoolman and today’s episode of Gaia Translate brings a remarkable channeled communication with the Great Spirit of the Woolly Mammoth.  It may seem impossible to channel a life form which no longer is present in this physcial plane and yet the Great Spirit of this coherent expression of energy in flow is not erased from the field of creation when the physcial expression of an individuate being or an entire species is no longer vital in this earth plane. That is not to say there is not great grieving when the manifest presence of a life form is no longer able to maintain itself in this physcial realm.


Great Spirit of the Wooly Mammoth: We have known ourselves as co-inhabitants at various points in our mutual histories of life in this plane. We are that which has and holds the vibration of what has been called The Wooly Mammoth. As that which is the great shifting of the climate has and is upon this plane, there will be that which is revealed that had held us in a place of preservation within the ice, and that has and now is served to those of your own clan that which we would offer is fair warning. For while there was much that gathered as the seeds of a great storm within the belly of the cloud, to fully eliminate our physical form from this, from the breast of the Gaia, the shift in the climate that we experienced created that which was a cascading relationship, the available resource, or the lack therein, and a diminishment of the potential to sustain our numbers.  

Is this not the scent of what your own species may attune yourselves to, not only for yourselves, but for many other life forms in this plane?  

We serve to your clan well, daughter, and there were various tribes without our flesh and other aspects of our physical form would have known themselves also fully extinguished under that which is the ebb and flow of certain circumstance, yes? 

We have been worshiped by your species, admired, honored for all we have and serve through that which is the claiming of our hide, the claiming of our flesh, the claiming of our skeletal structure, and that which you understand as our tusks in more and varied service from that which you have and would bless, from that which you have and would call forth as foundation for certain shelter, that which you have and would claim to wrap your frail flesh in as the climate shifts and is that which would claim you with great ease and had for some. [0:05:00.0]  

In this place where we no longer as physically dominating as we were, are able to know ourselves in a single continuing sample of life in flow. Yet we serve a final gift to your clan, daughter, that is the gift of example. It is the gift of consequence. It is the gift that shows you what has and may occur to those who are physically more massive and powerful and at one place or another in greater number than your own. 

On behalf of our distant relatives who have managed and are seeking to continue in their manner, those of the elephant, they know themselves slaughtered in great measure, not for their flesh or to fill the belly of the need state of your clan – although there are those who still do and will consume it – rather for the claiming of the tusk as there has and is a market for this.  

We step forward for we have no use for that which is our tusk, for we are no longer able to walk in this dimension. And yet as that which has held many of us in the preservation of the deep ice has and dissolves, if we were to suggest there was at least some benefit, however small, it may be that we may serve those who have and are of our relatives who remain, the blessing of turning the awareness of your clan, those who seek to market this part of the physicality of the elephant, the tusk, the ivory, as you call it, and to turn to the resource that has and will in greater and greater measure be unearthed, be revealed from what has and remains of our song of life in this plane. 

In this way we feel we may perhaps assist in the preservation of those few of our family – we speak of the genetics, yes? Those of the elephant, such that they may know themselves served and offered the blessing of allowance in their own continuance, at least in this measure.  

[pause: 0:09:40.8-0:09:48.3] The circumstances that created the untenable environment for our continuance [0:10:00.0] were not attributable to the actions or intentions of your clan, or any other life form in this plane. And yet, that is not the s - [0:10:17.1] that is not so in this current epoch. The consequence of your own – we speak species-wide now – choosing to deny that which is the disintegration of much that has been balanced in terms of the flow of sustainable life that knows itself in form at this point. This is a choosing that you have and continue to claim. We would observe, and this is of course your will, that you may find that in the choosing of the moment there will be great hardship in the coming seasons of your awareness.  

For many of your species you will find yourselves in similar circumstance to our own. We do not speak of the Great Freezing, that which you call Ice Age or other, but rather the great shifts, that which is the habitats that may sustain you and other, the atmosphere and temperature in many places on this plane that will no longer be able to hold upon the shoulders of their will all that has and knows themselves supported by them. 

You have a small window and one we have and hold forth for you to perceive; that is the window of mitigation of ceasing to pull the giant, [nonverbal - 0:13:00.0] the giant cliff of irreversible consequence upon yourselves and all other life that has and knows itself of this sacred plane born of the Gaia. 

We honor your choosing, and yet we would offer the eternal nature of extinction is an environment that has and is befalling many and many of your own clan. While you may not call forth the full extinction of your species as you continue, it is that whose potential has and shimmers in that which you would understand as the coming seasons of flow in this plane.  

We have stepped forth as that which may no longer know ourselves in the blessing of a physical experience, and it is a grief in our heart. For there is more that you are offered – we speak of all life – in this particular and [0:15:00.0] exquisite, informed expression and can be possibly understood from your own limited perspective. And yet when you have and no longer are, you are granted ample opportunity to evaluate what has and is no longer feasible in that which is the opportunity for certain experience. 

We grieve for ourselves and we grieve for all other life that at this place has and is experiencing that which is the severing of potential for their continuance in any manner. If we were to offer that you may gather up whatever you have and designate as of great treasure, those of the minerals that you are fond of, the metals, that of your own structures or other accoutrements that you have and surround yourselves with this particular age of your expression, all of them gathered together in a giant mountain of unimaginable value from your own claiming therein are not able to purchase a single Wooly Mammoth or that which is any other member of the Great Extinction of the many life forms that have and are as the light extinguished, much as the stars in the skies, one after the other, after the other, blotted out. There is no abating or lifting of the cloud cover that will ever reveal them again, as they have and are simply removed from the purview, from the field of this plane. 

You hold in your heartplace, cousins, the potential of rebalancing in a manner that has and is melting with each and every cycle of the day that you do not seek to claim it as beyond value. The loss of even the tiniest of life forms, be it an insect, a worm, a microbe, a single plant, or a member of the animal kingdom, creates that which is the echo of consequence that will reverberate, as it already has, in and through all [0:20:00.0] other aspects of flow in this small dimension. There is much that you have and are losing that you have no concept of what, much as those tiny grains of sand are slipping through your fingers.  

We would invite you to know yourselves well-served to seek to hold onto every aspect of life in this beautiful song of interrelated flow with great joy and urgency as for those who are unaware. [nonverbal - 0:21:06.2] You are as that which holds the flame upon the woven rope that holds you above that which is the precipice of deep and profound consequence. Is it not wise to remove the flame of your own behavior served through the intent of many such that that which has and has supported you in relation to your continuance and your flow as a species is able to bear the weight of the current circumstance in sufficient adequacy to allow those of your clan to be blessed with the opportunity of continuance in a manner that has and is sustainable and in a manner that has and is a blessing for each and all. 

When you have and would consider that the potential for extinction is farfetched and far removed from a species such as your own which has so many in its current populations, we also had that feeling at one point. And yet, we stand in the irreversible field of extinction and we sing you this song of wisdom that we have and may place upon the plate of your own attunement, as you have as a collective and are willing to consume it. 

We do not seek to have your species or any other join us in the field of that which has become extinct in this plane, for we have and it is becoming a bit crowded, if you will, with all of the recent arrivals. 

As you are willing, we would serve [0:25:00.0] you the wisdom of The Wooly Mammoth and the blessing of the mantle of … we might say “lessons learned,” and yet we did not call it upon ourselves. It was simply the way of the shifts that were occurring. We simply are the consequence that was unable to sustain ourselves as that which was our environment became less and less friendly, or at least a place where we could support ourselves under the current circumstance. 

It is this blessing that we have come to serve upon your species, daughter, as they have and will discover as has and is beginning, all that has remained beneath the breast of the ice and within the soils that would sing a song of potential or even the greatest life forms of great physical construct, and of course we are not alone. This has occurred several times through what we would explain as external circumstance, one that may not have been able to be avoided. And yet, is this not the blessing of potential that has and is placed before your species? It is choosing that you have and are offered the blessing for. It was not that which we were afforded in our point of inhabiting this plane. 

It is this song of wisdom and awareness and we might say, lost opportunity, and yet that is not what we were offered, and yet you are. In truth, we cannot imagine a greater blessing than the ability to choose that which you have and call to yourselves all other life forms in this plane. it was not so for our own. It is your will that has and will direct what has and is called forth. We invite you to understand and to claim the power of your own individuate will and not to feel, as many do from our perception, a sense of inevitability, a sense of that which one has no control over. To stand and to hold what you seek and intend for yourselves and for those generations who rest in the ethers of potential is the blessing that you have and may claim. 

You are not as we, nor will you be able to stand and lift [0:30:00.0] the arms of your awareness and say we could not effect these changes. There was nothing we could do, no action we could take, no choices we could make, for that is inaccurate. It is simply a matter of claiming your willing intent and redirecting it with great efficiency that you have and may claim this opportunity that is before you, yes? 

It is this blessing of awareness and the mantle of our wisdom that we have and now wear, not through the choosing, for that has been chosen by that which is the flow of circumstance. We had no manner to redirect. We feel there are many who have and are seeking to claim this and we encourage you as you are willing to honor the power that rests within you. As beings who have been granted this particular freedom of will and the capacity as you have and lift and turn the great awareness of your collective heart in the direction of great shift of that which is your relation with that which is the earth, the Gaia, the physical construct of this plane. 

We have served that which is the song of our heart, and it is our deep and open-hearted joy that it will be received and embraced by many.   

And so, we have and will take our leave as we have been and are most grateful for the opportunity to hold our awareness once more in this dimension. 

We take our leave. 


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