#208 The Great Spirit of Fog

This episode of Gaia Translate the Great Spirit of Fog invites you to see clearly the power within.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. In this episode of Gaia Translate The Great Spirit of Fog is our channeled guest. I was drawn to channel the Great Spirit of Fog  while on a recent business trip from Mass to Connecticut when the highway was blanketed in such dense fog traffic slowed down to crawl as drivers struggled to see the road even a few feet ahead. At times the fog created an almost otherworldly effect as all points of reference such as the landmarks along the side of the road and even road signs a few hundred feet ahead remained obscured until you were practically on top of them. I thought about what  the world would be like if our earth was continually bathed in these clouds of water vapor we describe as fog.


The Great Spirit of the Fog: We offer our greetings, daughter. We acknowledge there was a bit of a delay in the fullness of your alignment in receivership of our flow.

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Fog. I do acknowledge that, yes.

The Great Spirit of the Fog: And as you sat in your structure and called forth that which was your awareness in your intent to align with our own, what has and occurred that created a requirement of movement of your flow?

Channel: The room in which I record the channeling, I had left the heating on overnight and it created a very um, room which was so warm I had to get up and open the window before I could receive.

The Great Spirit of the Fog: It is an adequate outpicturing of what has and is described by your clan as that point in the constant interaction and relationship amongst various forms of energetic that have and create movement in some manner, or an exchange and yet a birthing wherein there is the dance that has and is recombines. It is always and constantly occurring through the exchange of your thought forms with one another through the meeting of various points of temperature as you would measure it, wherein one has and holds liquid, the waters, and as such through this interaction, be it that which you perceive as the fog that has and rolls in from the greater waters of ocean, a fog that has, or some may call it mist, that rises in the morning from the cooler temperatures of the pond or lake or marsh when that which is the warmth that is induced by the presence in greater measure of the thermal qualities of the sun.

We are simply that which has and is made manifest as we have and combine that which is the energetic of the water with the energetic of the temperature, and as such it has and calls us forward into the density of full expression. You will observe that it is not common for us to remain in a point of statis, of flow, as you would perceive it. And when that has and does occur, it is wise not to look towards us, but towards that which has and nourishes us and the lack of great shift in that which is its consistency. In other words, if your species has or is experienced what is considered the presence of fog as a companion for more than several clock hours as you measure them, it is not our nature. It is rather that which we have and consume, which has and determines the alacrity with which we have and know ourselves called out of our full physical manifestation, or back into it.

To comprehend fog, the energetic of fog is not simply to understand us as that which the intersection of particular relationships, this or that physical expression. It is also to understand us as that which is the outpicturing of what is a constant current of an energetic exchange in flow. Theses are common and in truth, ubiquitous. It is simply that we have and serve as - an efficient outpicturing of what has and is occurring. When that which has and engages from one source with another, there is a point where there is the creation of a coherent bundle of energetic that has and knows itself in a singular expression that is of both sources and yet, expresses in its own independent manner.

You may be turning to the concept of that which would be the offspring of the mating. That is not fully accurate. For there is intention in that, or there is, if you prefer, that which is a biological urge, at least upon the part of one or another of the participants. This is rather much as a point wherein there is that which is created, that is of the two, or perhaps more than two. For while we are understood to be that which is the relationship of water and temperature, the manner in which we have and hm, the location of our physical expression may be also influenced and often is by the geography and topography of the plane, of the landmass, or the water mass that have and contribute their own vibratory field as part of the song that we have and know ourselves called forth.

We are simply much as a point in the day wherein you have and would observe, ah, the sun has reached its peak; it must be the noontime or midday. It is not that we have and only arrive at one or another hour. It is rather we are a part of a cycle. We happen to be that part that is observable, and in truth, influential for that which is your human societies. We are further that which has and serves as we have been designed, if you will, for there is the need of some life forms to receive the nourishment of the waters, and we are most able and willing to carry this to that which has and calls to us and is designed to flourish where we have and know ourselves in a community of greater expression. We speak of those of the deeply-rooted ones in the plant kingdom. For there are those who may not receive the waters from that which is the cloud formations with adequate nourishment. And so, we have and know ourselves as most useful and for many a joy-filled presence, delivering that which is essential to the wellbeing of life in flow.

As your species has devised various methods of transportation, you find the presence of the fog as that which simply offers the blessing of a moment of reflection wherein it is useful, and we serve this blessing with great intent to accept there is no cessation of the constant exchange of energy in flow, and there is no separation of how this energy and the circumstances and energetic relations that have and call forth may know itself as, if you will, separated fully from the flow of any other.

We are that which have and may be observed, if you will, much as one who stands on a certain floor of a tall building, and presses the little button that has and would call the elevator to its level. That which is the lifting and return, the moving up and down of the various levels of floors of the elevator simply because you have and are not able to perceive it as that which you would understand as the door remains closed until it settles at your particular floor and opens or offers you the visualization of its existence there.

You may understand us as simply that floor in a great elevator of flow has and lifts and brings down, carries up and returns that which you understand as moisture or water in the form of vapor or crystal, up and through this dimension and back down and delivering it to another point of flow. Unlike your elevators, we are not limited to a vertical experience. We are unbounded and may know ourselves able to move both vertically and horizontally and in all other manner of direction. For we are not that which is contained through these limitations. In truth, we are blessed for we have many companions; the winds, the lands, the sun, the great waters. All of these and other have and contribute, have and, if you will, weigh in on our next expression.

We are that which is a part of the greater flow, yes, as in truth are you. We are that which understands ourselves as that which has and in the fullness of our manifest expression creates, if you will, a canvas of possibility and the blessing of a point of acknowledgment of that which has and is in constant flow that may not be generated by that which is your own platform as a clan, yes?

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of Fog.

The Great Spirit of the Fog: We are aware, daughter, that you hold a certain delight when you have and bear witness to our expression and to that which is our flow. And that pleases us. For many who have and find themselves in close companionship with our expression consider us no more than nuisance and that which has and is of little use or value, as it is only placed upon the scales of measurement by their own individuate intent. It is not our desire to create delay for those who seek to journey with efficiency from point A to point B. It is rather we step forward to offer both that which is the greater discernment of those of your clan as a blessing in the understanding and we would invite an open and accepting awareness that there are many who have and call us to them with great joy and in their deepest yearnings. For while it may not appear to be a great deluge, yet that which are the tiny particles of water that have and are known to be that which is our flesh is that which when it has and meets those with thirst, be it the great redwood, be it the tiniest flower, we receive lovely songs of gratitude for that which has and is our willing nourishment of our expression in service to their own continuance in a physical manifestation of flow.

Your clan has created a rather dramatic relationship wherein your stories, your entertainments often use that which is the fog to hide or to mask that which has and is of malintent, that which has and uses us to enrobe themselves in a manner that has and would create potential harm to those who are unaware of what rest within it. And we can appreciate as we have observed your clan and its interactions with other members of your species that you would be somewhat cautious about that which you could not perceive until it was upon you. And yet we have and would invite the slight release of the distortion of fear, of fog, to that which is fear of the being that may be on the other side of fog, or held within it, and the intent it may hold. In truth, if you have and were to be at that point, would you not also perhaps be in a place of curiosity as to what has and would lay beyond.

We seek to invite your clan to embrace that which is your fog nature, not as that which through intent of will seeks to delay or disrupt the comings and goings of your clan, or that which seeks to willingly mask the potential of harm that may lurk within. It rather is that which is in a constant state of flow, and perhaps to identify your own energetic as that which also has and moves up and down, and that which we would call the elevator of your own frequency of intent. As such, you have and may know yourselves being that which has and sends the great waters of your emotion and your will into that which is the highest form you are able to reach in this manner, wherein you have and embrace a great and vast expanse of view. Perhaps as you have and hold the intent to serve the blessing of good will to those you have and seek to interact with, you will find that you have and move quickly in the direction of your flow.

To claim one’s fog nature, the mantle of your fog nature is not to claim that which is dense and difficult to move through, for we are calling you to claim that which has and holds awareness of the power of all that has and is the energy of circumstance that has and influences you, that has and creates certain expressions from your field. We are not that which has the blessing of free will, and yet you do. In this we are quite unique from each other. We offer you this awareness, to hold the blessing of freedom of will in alignment with that which is your fog nature is to comprehend that you are one of the contributor to that which is the fullness of manifest expression to your own energetic in this plane.

There is a great beauty when you have and are able to call fully into manifestation that which has and is in coherence with your intent and that with the energies of flow that have and are a part and apart from this plane to comprehend yourselves as that which is constantly in flow. Rising and falling in the level of your own vibration is to claim empowerment, for you have and may influence that which you have and know yourselves in expression as not simply as that which has and observes outside of your own expression.

This blessing of your awareness we sought to serve to you as you have and experience the fog. Is it not that which is simply a point wherein all that have and contribute in their physical expression and call forth that which has and is a manifestation of the relationship that is perceivable and also that which you may have and be enrobed within in this plane. There are many fogs; the fog of doubt, the fog of fear, the fog of resistance and distrust, the fog of compassion, the fog of joy, the fog of open and willing heart, the fog of gratitude, the fog of love. It is not that which holds the same effect upon the physical as that which has and would hold you in your place, as nuisance or trouble-maker. Rather, it is simply a point that illustrates, we feel, quite adequately a point of confluence of the external and internal that has and calls forth your expression in vibration in this or other planes.

We have and are not that which is other than the expression of these relations. You have and are that. You may consider yourself, if you will, as the land mass, topography, which has great influence upon that which is the manifestation of the fog. As you have and hold yourselves in the intent of a higher vibration, we would offer profound gratitude or joy, compassion, or peace and grace. You are as a mountain. You have and grow and create with greater efficiency, that point that generates the fog of your intent upon this manifest plane. Can you ken this

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Fog. I feel I ken, yes.

The Great Spirit of the Fog: Do you feel your clan will understand that which is unsimilar or dissimilar in that which is the intent of our analogy?

Channel: I do, yes. Thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Fog: Then we are well-pleased. We invite your clan as they have and perceive fog, be it that which is the morning mists, be it that which is the expression that has and hovers about the land when evening falls, or daylight resumes. And each and every point of this observation, we would suggest is a useful point of remembrance that you have and are able to call forth through your intent, that which you seek to call into the fullness of manifestation through that which is the combination and collaboration of various energetic frequencies of flow in this plane.

Channel: Thank you. Thank you, Great Spirit of the Fog. I’d never considered that. Thank you for your illumination.

The Great Spirit of the Fog: You are welcome, daughter. To perceive fog as that which is simply a nuisance or delay is to perceive the power that has and may be generated by the confluence of another’s intent, yes?

Channel: Ah yes, thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Fog: It is the blessing we sought to offer, and we have and invite those who are willing to embrace your unique aspect, that which has and calls forth your manifestations when you have and seek to align yourselves with that which is the power of your will to invite a particular gathering of energetic at a point that manifests your intent. It is this blessing we sought to serve, and to remind each- it is not that which is a single occurrence that has or may be gifted upon you, but rather that which has and may be called into this plane of manifest vibrational expression whenever the energetic is so aligned that it has and creates it so.

To comprehend the capacity of each and every of your own individuate humans to call forth that which has and does not create a negative consequence for another – although that is possible – as it has and would rely upon the intent, but rather that which has and in relation and reaction with each other may call forth that which has been not quite visible into the fullness of manifest expression in its constant journey of flow and exchange in this plane.

It is this blessing we sought to offer, and we appreciate your willingness to receive us and to allow us the grace of our flow. It is complete. As you will it, we have and would take our leave.

Channel: Blessings and Godspeed, Great Spirit of the Fog. Thank you for your wisdom. It is a blessing I receive gratefully.


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