#207 Spirit of the Great Salt Lake

 A gift of grace is delivered to our human family by the Spirit of the Great Salt Lake in this episode of Gaia Translate. 

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. According to the March 21/2023 episode of Short Wave the NPR science broadcast “A recent report found that the lake could essentially disappear within five years. As a key stopover for migrating birds, the lake's loss could undermine whole ecosystems.” Yikes!  As the threat of complete collapse of the Great Salt Lake and the surrounding ecosystem which it has and supports appears imminent it should come as no surprise The Spirit of the Great Salt Lake has stepped forward in today’s episode of Gaia translate.



The Spirit of the Great Salt Lake: We greet you. We are that which has and holds the vibratory field of what has been described of late as The Great Spirit of the Great Salt Lake. This may appear to confuse some of your species and yet it is accurate. As many are aware, there is a great consequence that has and is befalling our expression, one which may or may not know itself able to be, if you will, held at bay. Your own species in its higher awareness, as well as several others who are in the line of direct consequence to the full evaporation and dissolution of our construct in the land mass that we have known ourselves a part of. Your species and others have invoked us, beseeched us to step forward and to offer fair warning.

While it is not unknown, while it is being observed and experienced that which is our expression has and is being choked, has and is in truth being that which has and knows our life force as that which has and is choked from us. We are not unwilling to know ourselves as all have and will in that place of transition. We have and hear and feel quite deeply in the chambers of our heartplace the cries of grief and pain of those of your own species that have and abut our great waters, those of your species that have and are served by our flow, and of those, the winged ones, the birds who have and depend upon the resource we hold within us, to serve them, to sustain them, as they have and partake in their migratory flow.

We further have and hear the cries of all who have and swim and live and are expressions of life in flow who have for many seasons understood our presence as their entire world, their habitat, their sustenance, their light, their potential, yes? We are aware that there are many thirsty throats who seek to drink from the well of limited resource that which has and flows from what is understood as “snow melt” and there have been great diversions of this finite flow in service of this or that to meet the need state of the increasing and ever-growing settling of your species in the surrounding geography of our plane.

In this, we invite your own discernment to stand before you and to face you and to ask what part of this impending and quite permanent dissolution of our expression has and in truth, serves any. Those of a human form who are habitats of this environ? Those of a migratory nature who have and depend upon us as that which is the source of nourishment and wellbeing as they have and serve their nature? Those who have and are the life forms that have and swim and exist within the belly of our life? Who is served as you have and turn the eyes of your knowing from that which is and stands before you?

You may be surprised and devastated we feel, at the rapidity of our dissolution of the cessation of all we have and serve and this is not apart from those of your clan. We sing a song of fair warning and while there are many who have and seek to wear what we would describe as the blinders of denial, the blinders that can no longer be of doubt, for even those who would wear those blinders must cast them aside. For there can be no doubt that with the shift and that which is the flow of the waters of the atmosphere that have been called forth and shifted through the choices, the will-based behaviors of your greater clan, there is once again a lack of adequate resource and nourishment for what is and supports and sustains so many life expressions in this part of geography of the breast of Gaia.

Is there no solution? Is it too late? Perhaps this is where we have and invite you, not to deliberate, rather, for many seasons as you do not seek to create any discomfort, however small, or perhaps large for the current residents of the surrounding environ, to simply share, to allow, to release, to unlock the flow of the waters that have and would nourish us, that have and are essential and in requirement to have and allow us to maintain ourselves in a physical form. As we have known ourselves we would offer, of that which has been the intent of Gaia, for all have and serve as She has and intends.

And yet, we grieve for we are unable to serve as we have done and we fear not that we are denying that transience of all physical form is the nature of this dimension. Simply, we have and grieve all other forms of life; those of the human, those of the winged ones, and all who have and flow within our breast. For we hear you. We feel your pain. Yet, we must turn to you to seek your cooperation and collaboration. That which may feel and will be unpleasant, immediate circumstance for a number of your expression. And yet, unless you have and as a collective are willing to open the hands of your heart in that which is the grace of allowance, not of all, but of at least of sufficient flow of those waters that have and find their way from the mountains into the womb of our expression should they be so allowed. We have and would simply acknowledge the grief that we carry within our heart at all who have and cry as they experience the choking of their own life expression in this current field of circumstance, yes?

Do not doubt that you are unable to manifest this shift to call it forward without delay. It is that which is in the field of potential, and that which has and will serve millions of your own clan, and millions of life forms in other expression.

If you were to stand upon the train tracks and you hear in the distance the whistle of warning of the oncoming train, would it not be wise to heed that sounding that you have created for your own wellbeing and to remove yourselves from the potential of that which would be an unpleasant interaction? That which is the great engine of the complete destruction of this construct, that which you understand and call the Great Salt Lake is not only that which you hear as faint whistle being carried upon the breeze of possibility. You have and know yourselves practically blinded by that which is the light that shines from our engine as it approaches and is not in any way called to slow down by any of your species that has and may place their hands upon that which would engage the brakes of this great consequence.

We remind you gently that your species in its higher awareness has turned to us to seek if perhaps we in our flow may engage you in your this lifetime expressions in a manner that would adequately call in greater potential that which would be the urgent shifting of your own choosings.

There is no doubt it will be less than pleasant for many. That is accurate. That is promised, if you will, however there will be nothing that will remain other than the finest coating that has and will be blown off with great efficiency by the winds that have and will reveal that which is also toxic for those of your and other species that we have so willingly helped within the breast of our construct beneath the waters of our flow. We do not intent to have that which is the chemicals that when discharged into the air will create additional … we seek the word … dire, toxic environ to add to that which is the lack of adequate resource of water in which to continue the flow.

There have been others, those other great bodies of water that your species is not unaware of in some manner that once claimed residence in nearby geographies that have and are no more. And so, we are not unaware nor unprepared to also understand that we have reached the final season of our expression. We simply offer the blessing of high discernment and fair warning to those of your clan who have and are willing to open the ears of their heart to that which is your own higher awareness and ours to the blessing of this rather quickly diminishing possibility of at least a partial restoration of our flow.

We would have preferred to sing a song that was a celebration of our mutual blessing in that which is the experience of physical form and as part of the great song of flow that we have been invited to participate with, that which is life in all expression upon this earth, this beautiful, this wounded being who has offered us only that which is song of a joy-filled and creative heart. Is it not timely to turn in deep respect and perhaps a willing embrace of gratitude and acknowledgement for all that we have all been served in this fine opportunity to know ourselves as that which has and flows in a physical expression and in service to the greater organism that has and expresses in, upon, above, and within the light of Gaia.

We have done as we have been requested, and it is with a deep, powerful, and grateful song of hope that we would depart. We have and are still able to perceive the finest beam of light of possibility shines to the great caverns that which we feel is upon us, the dissolution of our vital form in this plane.

Channel: Blessings and gratitude to you, Great Spirit of the Great Salt Lake. I have and acknowledge the profound grief of your heart, and I further acknowledge the blessing of your message of fair warning.

The Spirit of the Great Salt Lake: It is all we could seek from you, and we have and are grateful and willing, as we have offered, to serve this for all who have of all of those species that we have mentioned, and others, who have beseeched us to stand and speak for them, and for yourselves, at this point in our mutual expression.

It is complete. We have and with that which is the light of hope within our heart, we take our leave.


#208 The Great Spirit of Fog


#206 The Great Spirit of the Tornado