#209 The Great Spirit of the Osprey

Receive a rare gift granted by the Great Spirit of the Osprey in today's episode of Gaia Translate.


Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. The Great Spirit of the Osprey bestows the blessing of the timely claiming of our Osprey Nature able to perceive with great acuity and from a great distance that which gives us great perspective of the landscape of potential.


The Great Spirit of the Osprey: We have and are not unwilling to open the wings of our wisdom, as you have and offer us that which is the unobstructed expanse in which to fly, yes? We would introduce ourselves. We are that which has and is known by many names, for we are members of the community of life across most of the geographic plane of this planet. For those in your sphere, we are understood as the Osprey. We do not mind the many names that we are given. It is simply that which is understood as the expression of one or another community wherever we have or may be known.

Unlike many of the other life forms in this plane, we are those who have and know ourselves in shared communities across what you would understand as the continents other than one, and yet you are not also those who have and in great measure claim that which you call Antarctica as a habitat of choice, yes? We have and would serve you that which is the catch of our wisdom upon the plate of your awareness, those who have and know themselves in that which is the field of the human awareness, yes?

We have and are powerful hunters. We are known for the sharpness of our sight, for the accuracy of our flight, and these are useful tools when there is adequate catch, fish, yes, that swim within the Great Waters. Our skill sets are only as useful as when there have and are that upon which to employ them. As we have a greater perspective, perhaps although not completely, as to the ebb and flow of life within the waters for these members of the clan of fish, or water-breathers, are essential to our own continuance. Therefore, we are highly sensitive to their presence or lack therein in this or that corner of the Great Waters, the seas, the oceans, yes?

It has come to our awareness that there are great shifts, not only within the atmosphere above the Great Waters, but within the Great Waters themselves that have and are creating an imbalance, a diminishment of that which we would acknowledge is essential to our own flow. It is not so extreme that we are unable to continue in any aspect, [0:05:00.0] and yet it is the direction of the current and the current is swiftly flowing, we would offer.

We have understood ourselves as not unwelcome members of your local communities, and we appreciate that. We further acknowledge that some communities of your species have and would invite us from the creation of adequate nesting sites, and that too is appreciated, and we offer our gratitudes for your willingness to cohabitate in a respectful and honoring manner.

We are not the only species that looks to those who have and swim in the Great Seas, those of the fish and other, to meet their need state as a food stuff to sustain us, as you also seek and in great quantities would scoop up many, many, many – thousands and millions in truth – of those various species of fish and other that have and know their home beneath the waters.  We do not deny that you have and are able and, of course, serve that which is your own need state for sustenance through the fishing, if you will, of this resource. We would simply observe there is a great aspect of waste that has and is not efficient in the manner in which certain members of your community, those of the human awareness have and are depleting the stock, the available resource.

We would seek to guide you a bit, not simply from our own desire to have adequate resource remaining within the waters, yet offer for you that when one has and in a manner  that does not respect the preservation of potential for future resource through one’s actions, you have and claim that which would be the catch for your children and your children’s children, whose bellies may rumble when there is nothing that is brought up again and again and again from their great nets.

Preservation, and in truth cultivation, of adequate resource for food stuff is a point of high discernment of what we would consider right action, and we feel you do as well. There is a shift required and has been for a bit in the techniques and methodologies that those of your species have and employ such that you have and hold in honored reserve what is extraneous to your current need state as that which you have and claim and cast away as excess or of no use in the thousands and thousands and thousands of pounds of suffocated fish who are lifted up away from that which is their ability to function through their organic structure, if you will.

Many other species that have and reside within the waters, as well as those without are separated from their own dinners, and that diminishes the resource, the population, if you will, of so many more of the species of fish and other who live in the aquatic climes that have and serve each other, and in that manner serve both of us and many other beings who seek to find their resource, food stuff, if you will, in this manner.

We further observe that there are shifts, as you are aware, in the temperatures and in truth, in the great currents of airflow across this plane, the lifting or increasing of the temperatures has and is another aspect that has and chokes, if you will, the life out of many parts of the Great Waters. You may find it unusual that one who is a winged one knows itself as we do, as able to ride the currents of the winds, to speak so continually about what has and is and resides within the waters. And yet, this understanding of the interconnected relationship between that which resides above the waters and that which resides within, is a place of high discernment. It is an illusion, if you will, and we offer a broadly-held one, that what one does in one part of this plane does not affect all other parts most profoundly.

All is not lost, however, that has and requires and we would confer the blessing of our osprey nature, as mantle upon each and all of those of your own species who are so willing to claim it. And in this you claim great acuity of vision from great heights, which offer broader perspective, we would suggest, and in addition the capacity to adjust one’s own trajectory in a manner that has and takes into account, if you will, the shifting of current circumstance, such that you have and may claim the catch of your own desire without, if you will, missing the mark again and again through that  which is an unclear sight of what has and is occurring through your actions as a collective from them, yes, and that which is blown a bit off-course by the winds of current imbalance that are blown and will increase as they have and are should that which has and is calling them forth is not stilled a bit.

For those who are not- comfortable in swimming in the sea of metaphor, we would be most plain. The imbalance that has and is upon this plane issues forth from the winds of the human collective intent. If you do not seek to continue in this storm of sorts, we would suggest you approach with great willingness of heart, the disconnecting, the diminishment of all that has and flows from the source of your own actions, or in truth, lack thereof when that which is the path of potential rebalancing knows itself overgrown with the weeds of resistance.

It is unwise, we would perceive, to lose sight of that path completely. For when one has and loses it, you may find yourself lost in a great sea of dissolution of much as you have and understand is in requirement for your own need state, your survival and that of many others – we would include ourselves, although we may find ourselves more able to sustain than you, for we have and are blessed with great acuity of vision and that which is the ability to adjust our own trajectory to accommodate current circumstance.

It is the blessing of this attunement of your own osprey nature we have sought to bestow upon you, brothers and sisters of the Light, and one that we do not deny holds our own self-interest, as well as yours. In this we have and would offer a prayer of profound gratitude, the blessing of the timely assumption and claiming of your own osprey nature, that which has and perceives with great acuity and from a great distance,one that gives you a larger perspective, if you will, of the landscape of potential in which you have and soar.

And so, that which we have sought to bring forth into the awareness of your clan has been served, and we are grateful for your willing receivership therein. For together we would seek to remain as neighbor and as respectful member of the great flow of life in this plane. It is not that which you are unable to set your sights upon and with great clarity of intent to claim as your catch, most blessed for all who have and seek to continue this song of life in this plane.

And so, we take our leave, as you have and are so willing, and we bestow the great mantle of osprey nature upon all of your species who have and are so willing to embrace it with the arms of an open and attuned heart.

It is complete.


#210 Spirit of the Great Barrier Reef


#208 The Great Spirit of Fog