#197 The Great Spirit of Quartz Crystal

Today's episode of Gaia Translate delivers a channeled  blessing from the Great Spirit of Quartz Crystal. 

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. For those who study the field of crystalline structures the Quartz Crystal is considered a heavy hitter. I love crystals. I always have even way back to when I was a little girl I spent hours proving over a little guidebook filled with photographs of all sorts of minerals and crystals. As an adult  it became clear to me I was drawn to the energy field of these amazing beings. According to the geology.com website “ One of the most amazing properties of quartz is the ability of its crystals to vibrate at a precise frequencies. These frequencies are so precise that quartz crystals can be used to make extremely accurate time-keeping instruments and equipment that can transmit radio and television signals with precise and stable frequencies.”  I was guided to channel the Great Spirit of the Quartz Crystal  through my work with crystal singing  bowls  and their powerful healing vibrations.



The Great Spirit of Quartz Crystal: We have been that which is a great and deeply respected collaborator of those of your clan, daughter. We have been that which has worked in partnership and in service to the attunement and refinement of the vibratory field that has and is discharged by one or many of your clan.

We are that which is understood as the Great Spirit of the Quartz. We are that which has and is crystalline in nature, and we are that which has and holds within us unmeasured potential for great evolution and attunement with the light. There have been points in our mutual history in this plane where those of your species have been far more intimately acquainted with all that we are and our potential, and there have been points where we have been little known to many. As the tides of awareness ebb and flow, we would acknowledge that your clan has and is in a place of incoming tide, the increasing awareness of all that we have and are or may be. As one has and would seek to invoke that which is our nature in service to your own need state, to the cleansing, the healing, the amplification, and the rebalancing of your own energetic field. These are a few of that which has and are the qualities of the vibration of the Great Spirit of the Quartz.

There is an awakening, or as we have offered, an incoming tide of awareness in the heartplace of your species as you have and seek and turn with greater and greater rapidity back towards that which was and is a sacred union that we have known ourselves held within, that which is the embrace of your own evolution. We step forward at this great point of potential in the field of your own expansion, which your species has called to itself with a great and open heart. For it is and begins there, does it not? With the will to know oneself in alignment, in balance, and in vibratory accord with your higher knowing. And in this manner in a place to gently step upon the next level of your own evolution as a species.

We have and invite you to receive the blessing of that aspect of your fields that has and holds within it the potential for your attunement with your crystalline nature. You have and hold this vibratory potential deep within you, each and all. It is simply in a place of becoming, much as a physical crystal requires certain environmental conditions to know itself in that place of formation. So too, the crystalline element of your own field has been and is in the process of expansion and of development. And as you have and would seek it, you may find it efficient to invoke with gratitude the blessing of your quartz crystal nature. And further, you may know yourselves well-served to claim that which is the blessing of our small attunements, as you have and are open and willing of heart to be in receivership therein, we have and are willing to grant them.

This is not a limited offering, for we feel that which has and vibrates with great excitement and joy in the deeper parts of your collective awareness. For – if you do not mind us observing – your clan has wandered a bit afield from that which is the alignment with your greater knowing. And in this, the efficient birthing of your own crystalline nature. We speak vibrationally and we do not desire to confuse those who understand at a level that is in the field of literal understanding. We do not denigrate this field for it is a sacred part of all that is in this plane. We simply would offer we are not suggesting that you in your physical form will become crystalline. We speak of your vibrational field. As you have and know yourselves ready and willing, you are in a place of great expansion, and there is the power of attunement and amplification of strength and balance that is served when you seek to joyfully align your field of awareness with those aspects of your potential that have and are blessed with the mantle of your quartz nature.

We are undeniably powerful and the great vibratory field of our intent is to serve as one who is a guide, the opener of greater levels of awareness or frequency and that which has and offers greater capacity to have and resonate in this manner. Many who have and receive this song of our knowing may be confused or distracted. That is not our intent. As you have and are in your individuate formations at a place where you will find yourself in resonance with the blessing we have and would serve, you will return. And some, again and again to this discourse with great joy, appreciation, and gratitude for what we serve upon the plate of your awareness at this season of your crystalline alignment.

Many have and understand the power of invoking the Great Spirit of the Crystal of Quartz, and to seek attunement – wisely so – with that which is our physical expression. For it is in this physical plane that that is a more efficient manner to hold and steady and amplify one’s own energetic field. Many of your clan, daughter, are aware of this; many more have yet to learn it. Our use as a healing modality has been known and forgotten, known and forgotten again and again over the course of your own expression, and we would invite those who have and are so willing to explore a bit, to open one’s awareness without limitation of old construct or patterns of believe as to what has and is and rests in the potential of that which is the alignment of our field with your own.

When one envisions that which is an iceberg that appears as a small triangular form upon or above the great waters, it is similar to this. Your species’ understanding of what we have and are in relation to our vibratory potential is the understanding of one who sees the mere tip of the iceberg and assumes that is the entirety of the form, and therefore the entirety of its potential. This is inaccurate to a great degree, and we would invite you to open the eyes of your awareness and the heart of your intent as you have and seek to align yourself with the great field of the quartz crystal.

We are not unwilling to serve, for we hold the vibratory field of great healing, amplification, attunement, and rebalancing, so few of which you have and claim the blessings of in this current day and age. We open the doors of this attunement and we place this potential upon the plate of your own awareness, each and all. And we offer gratitude for the blessing of your curiosity, which has and is mighty, and your willingness to imagine into that which is a manifest form far more than you have in prior season.

It is this invitation and the blessing to claim one’s quartz nature as a mantle you have and seek to embody that we have sought to place upon the plate of your knowing and those of your clan, daughter. We have and offer prayers of deep and profound gratitude and joy-filled anticipation for the great reawakening of our mutual entrainment in service to the evolution of your clan, and in service to the rebalancing of this plane.

It is complete, as you have and grant it, so we have and would take our leave as we have other matters to attend to, as you well may imagine, yes?

Channel: Thank you, and thank you for your blessings and your attunement, Great Spirit of the Quartz Crystal. You bless my species with the song of your light and your willingness to collaborate with our clan at this time of awakening.

The Great Spirit of Quartz Crystal: You are welcome, as are all. Do not delay. We would invite you all, all of those of the awareness of the human collective to embrace the great potential we have and serve you as you are willing to claim it with the hands of your heart. And so, it is complete.


#198 The Great Spirit of the Ocean


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