#198 The Great Spirit of the Ocean

This episode of Gaia Translate delivers the grace of wisdom bestowed by the Great Spirit of the Ocean.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. It should come as no surprise the worlds oceans are experiencing a period of ecological tumult.  The following is a  directly  channeled message from the Great Spirit of the Ocean.


The Great Spirit of the Ocean: Ah, child. Do not overly concern yourself that all I have and seek to sing into the heartplace of your collective, your tribe, your clan is a song of berating, of cursing or other. It is not my nature. I have and am that which is the vibratory field of the Great Spirit of the Ocean.

I am a deep and profound aspect of that which is and holds the Gaia-light, am I not? I am the womb of life and while you have wandered about on the surface of this plane, all has and is born of my womb.

You may observe that many of the human collective are drawn and drawn and drawn again, not simply to ride upon the waters or swim within them, yet to know themselves in proximity where that which you have and know yourselves as in your own nature that of the waters, you have and may feel a greater companionship, comfort, and the heartplace of your origins. It is why there are so many of your species who, unbeknownst to themselves, seek the comfort, and the compassion, the knowing, and the recognition, however different we may appear of those who are in their primary nature, their physiology, that of the same.

It is so. We are that which has great salinity and that is a small aspect of our presence. We are that which has and is the flow of life, and it is the majority of what fills your small frames, although for some you do not honor the requirement of adequate hydration and this does not serve you and causes you imbalance in your flow.

We have stepped forward and it is so. We acknowledge there has been great wounding to those who have and inhabit our field, that of the Great Ocean and Oceans as you would understand them that have and are the primary source of life in flow in this plane. You have come to turn that which are the great waters of life and to abuse them through ignorance or disregard. And while we have offered we would not call you forth in great measure, how are we unable to deny that which has and is in such great imbalance and wounding to our greater awareness, that of the Gaia, and to that which is the waters of life, the oceans, that have and are the signature light of this plane.

At a point in your own evolution were you not able to know yourselves wherever you had and sprouted upon the land mass or journeyed across the waters and rooted yourselves here or there? Were you not able to turn, again and again, to what you have called the bounty of the sea? This is not an endless resource, if one does not tend it, care for it, and respect it. We acknowledge that we are a vast expression, and yet your species in its hunger, in its disregard for its own waste product being tossed into that which is the soil of your resource, as you have and would seek to know yourselves well-nourished, well-fed, well-tended. For we are not only that which is as a supermarket in which you have and may simply go a-fishing.

We are that which has and is a source, a primary source of that which keeps this plane and all life within it in balance. You are no longer in a state of such ignorance that you can be forgiven your choosings. You have and are at a point in your own maturation and evolution where your will is that which has and is what speaks most loudly for you and the potential of a sustainable coexistence and a cooperative relation. For none are separate from the other. While this may appear as quite improbable for your own small senses to perceive, as one has and prodens ( prods) one’s awareness to the vibration of all life in this plane and its relation, not as separate from, but as part of the whole organism that has and is in flow, of which we have and are a part, perhaps a greater part as you would perceive us than your individuate cells.

Yet, we have and would invoke and direct our awareness to that part of yourselves, your presence here in this plane, that is unified in a field. And while this also may feel perhaps uncomfortable, and that is understood, you have and hold a collective awareness or consciousness as a species, as do all. Is it not timely to honor and to through your own great ability to direct your intent and to set it in alignment with your will as that which has and seeks to honor, to respect, to embrace, and to reclaim in a tender and open-hearted attunement your relation with that which has and is the other aspects of the field, the biology of this plane.

We have and are aware of the shifts. We have and receive that which is the waters that are without salt as they have and know themselves transmuted into another form. We do not deny we will open our arms and embrace, as we do with all that has and is placed into the womb of our expression, that which is your waste product, that which is your discharge, that which are your creations as plastics and other that are not created in a manner to be a part of flow.

We would invoke with gratitude that aspect of your greater nature that would consider an alternative. We feel it is quite within your capacity as a species to create that which has and will be a partner to what you have already created in the manner that it has and will know itself able to deconstruct the bonds of the chemistry such as that which has and are the plastics and other materials that have been combined in particular manner have and will know themselves blessed as they are no longer held in the statis of form, but are able to be reclaimed and therefore repurposed and realigned in service to, rather than in resistance to the exchange of energy in this plane.

Do not doubt in your own ingenuity, Children of Eve, and yes, we acknowledge that we do not speak of this or that belief system or construct. That is far too limiting. We speak of all who know themselves as human. It is the vibratory field you have and carry that has and denotes you as such, that which is the blessing of freedom of will, the blessing of directing, and therefore, creating or destroying as you have and would claim it.

We step forward to acknowledge that there is a great blooming in the heartplace of the human collective, and we are grateful for it. For we are and bear witness, again and again, to the millions of other life forms, known and yet unknown, that have and rest within our waters that have and would seek no more and no less in their own right and privilege of continuance. And while you may yet be of a bit in the haze of denial, we feel that for the most part there are only a few who are not truly aware that you have and would claim to consume that which you have and destroy.

In truth, as you have and are learning you must choose and you have and are choosing. It is not that which occurs in a passive manner, as you have and continue to rake and seek to gather up those who have and know themselves as parts of the community and flow of life within the waters, and you have and also continue to remain in the statis of discerning will-based intent, and therefore, action to rebalance that which is the atmosphere of this plane. All will know themselves as they have and are in a place of discontinuance. You may understand it as extinction.

We offer you small guidance and great hope. The guidance is to honor the flow of the systems of the natural world as you understand it. To respect that even that which you find most appealing to put on your dinner plate may only serve you. It is offered both the opportunity to reproduce and to repopulate itself with sufficient grace of patience, such that all are served, not only your dinner. We further would offer that you will have little to choose from as that which is the temperature within our great waters has and continues to rise.

We would acknowledge and through no malintent of our own of course, that there are many landmasses that will find themselves beneath the waters in a period of clock time that may come upon you with more rapidity than you have calculated with your limited awareness of the interconnected alignment of our flow.

You have a unique opportunity. While we will not know ourselves evaporated in full, although some small portions, yes. Much that we have and hold within our belly has and will no longer be able through the design of their physical -- [stammer - 0:19:09.1] physiology to sustain their life force. This is not news to those of you who have and are aware. You have reached a place of choosing and if we were to offer a single blessing upon the plate of your awareness, those of the clan of human, it is simply this; choose as you would have others choose for you [0:20:00.0] if you are not in a place of power of your own intent. Choose for those who are your own issue and their issue’s issue. For they will and carry your choices in the arms of their life experience or of that which has and denies them the great blessings and bounty and fruits, both of the waters and the lands that have been so efficiently placed in a great balance of flow, not only to serve your need state to serve that which is the flow of life in great variety and expression. Is that not what has and claims this small blue planet as that which is beyond measurement, beyond valuing?

Your species has a tendency to consider the parts and not the whole. In truth you do this with your own physiologies, as you have and seek to treat this or that in balance in your own physical systems without – for the most part – considering yourself as one organism in which all has and influences the grace of the vital life force within you. We would serve this blessing upon you to release, as you are willing, the distortion that there is a part that is somehow unrelated to the greater organism that there is a piece that has and is not influenced through its and in requirement of, we would offer, its relation with the whole.

We have and feel the awakening of the heart, and much as one may perceive that which is the smallest part of your own physiology, be it a blood cell or even the atom that is held within, you may understand this in this crude analogy as how you as a species have and participate in this greater flow of life extent in this plane.

There is much that has tainted the waters of your flow. Is it not timely to seek through your intent – it is not more complex than that, children – to cleanse yourself, to rebalance yourself, and to claim the great power of your own will in alignment with what you have and are and how you have and are in relation to it. You may seek to continue to … what is the phrase, yes, cut off your nose to spite your face. It is an unpleasant analogy. [0:25:00.0] We would offer you have and are cutting off more than your nose. The greater organism that is the Gaia will continue the beautiful and intricate flow, the great vastness of life as you know it has and already is departing.

Do not deny yourselves as you are willing, the opportunity of choosing. For that is the blessing you have been served in this dimension. It is not that which has been removed from your field, however impotent or helpless you may perceive yourselves to be in calling forth the great shift of your collective; it is not so. Do not deny yourselves what we have and perceive as the potential for unlimited ability within each of you.  For you each hold that which is the spark of the greater organism, not simply of life in this plane, but of all that has and is in flow.

Honor this blessing as you are willing. Embrace it. And we would suggest should you seek to hold on to, to preserve or reclaim through your own tender and respectful attunements and actions to restore, to heal, to cleanse, and to love all that you have and are, as you have and seek to heal, to cleanse, to rebalance, and to love that which is this plane, the Gaia, the earth. You are an extricable part of this organism of life. You may perceive yourselves as that which now has become less than a pleasant component, one that requires a bit of cleansing.

What has and is the blessing is that you may claim this rebalancing through your own open and willing heart and intent. And as you seek to rebalance, and we feel you do, as you seek to know yourselves in a place of attunement yet again, it is that part of you that has and is invited to step forward and to realign the coordinates of your own intent. We offer that inaction or a sense of un-empowerment is equivalent to – we speak vibrationally or energetically – that which is the surrendering of your power to those who have and claim their own.

It is not necessary, nor is it useful, we would observe, for that which you have and would seek we feel deeply, for the most part, in your heart to simply allow it to slip through the hands and to fall away, not because your hands cannot hold it, but because you are not aware you have hands that have and may. We speak of the hands of your will. You all have them. Is it not time to seek to hold onto what you have and desire to be a part of and to support, to honor, and to offer redress.

This is not, if you will, an opportunity that is outside of this time-space continuum. There is a point in the linear experience of this dimension where that opportunity, that potential, has and will not know itself able to be called fully into the manifestation you may perceive it as being always available to you.

We are not suggesting that there is an immutability, rather that there is a closing of the door of this particular opportunity. What a blessing to know you have and hold within the hands of your heart the capacity to claim, to heal, to nurture, and to nourish yourselves as you have and seek to heal, to reknow, to cleanse into rebalance the rest of this plane. It is a great blessing, a great potential that has been placed before you, each and all. It is as we have acknowledged a point of choosing. We would simply invite you not to watch this opportunity float by on the currents of another’s will.

t is this blessing we sought to serve. We are grateful for your awareness, daughter, and your willingness not to be afraid of receiving that which you felt would be perhaps, and understandably so, a more harsh calling to task by this field of my light.

We have and listen with the ears of hope. We have and watch with our eyes the light of possibility that has and is yours to claim, children.

And so, we have served that which was within our hearts and remain so. We hold great faith, if you will, that you have and are ready and willing in great measure to step forward in your own evolution and to claim the sacred relationship that has always been and will continue in one manner or another that of you as a part of – not separate from – the song of life in this plane.

It is complete, daughter. As you will it, we have and take our leave.

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Oceans. Thank you for the blessing of your guidance. I am so honored to be in receivership therein.

The Great Spirit of the Ocean: That is accurate, daughter. Do not clutch it so tightly to your own breast that it is not that which has and is most joyfully served to all of your clan. We take our leave.


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