#199 The Great Spirit of the Mississippi River

In this episode the Great Spirit of the Mississippi River steps forward as emissary on behalf of the great rivers of this planet with a message of guidance and possibility intended to support the wellbeing of life on earth.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. In this episode the Great Spirit of the Mississippi River steps forward as emissary on behalf of the great rivers of this planet with a message of guidance and possibility intended to support the wellbeing of life on earth.


The Great Spirit of the Mississippi River: We have and are a powerful child of the Gaia, and we have been most willing to serve as that which is the breast of resource for many. We are that which has and goes by many names. We are that which has and serves many beings and life forms. We are that which is in common parlance understood as The Great Spirit of the Mississippi River.

We have several siblings that are as powerful and as willing as we are, that know themselves as the great rivers and riverbeds of the Gaia, of this planet earth. And it has been our joy and our privilege to be that which offers a song of life in flow to those who have and are held within our waters, to those who have and are nurtured and nourished by our waters, to all that has and is the life that clings with such gratitude and in some cases, tenacity, to the banks of our waters and our flow.

For a comfortable season and our expression of season is not measured in the little cycle of that which is rotation of this planet around the sun. For us, a season is measured in the hundreds and thousands of years. It is a season of great expression, great fruiting and service. For we have and are honored to have been called into service by our mother-light, that which is the knowing and the awareness of the being who is the entire planet, as you would perceive it. As such, we have served with joy and been honored to do so.

We step forward for there is a grief in our heart. For we find ourselves in a place of greater imbalance than we have known, that which has and creates great ebbs of our flow in the shifting of the atmospheric ecology, and which we have and feel will and increase and perhaps call us into a point of, well, lack of flow. This is a wounding to our heart, for it is not our intent to be one who is not a faithful servant of the flow. And there are so many who sing their songs of grief and fear, who seek and beseech into the ears of our heart that we have and would flow, as we have been known to do, as so many have become dependent upon us and have looked to us to offer the breast of our flow for their wellbeing, their nourishment, and their very presence in a physical form.

We do not only speak of your clan, daughter. We speak of all life however it may express itself, that has and knows itself blessed by that which is the companionship of our waters, be it the deeply rooted ones, be it those of the animal kingdom, be it those who have and are not bound and are able to walk upon the great currents of air, the winged ones, be it those who have and journey always within the waters, those life forms that breathe the atmosphere of our flow, be it to our own clan, here and there along the flow of my light, and be it all other forms of life. I have not taken the privilege of enumerating. One may understand us not only as beneficial for those who are in near proximity and who do not seek to move away, yet we are that which may be understood as essential, as way station to those who have and know their nature as that which cannot be separated from the migratory flow. How is it, or will it be, when all of those who seek to replenish and refresh their life flow stop to drink and bathe, to find nourishment and to rest by that which is the song of our breast of resource when that which is our great flow has been dried up through no intent of our own

We are filled with a deep and powerful grief. For we are also aware that there are those who have loved us dearly and have perched themselves – and many of your clan is in this number – are next to and embracing with open arms of our flow. And then there is that which is the overflowing, the great flooding of our flow when that which are the great rains have and are expelled at such great amplitude and in great amount in such short period of clock time that that which has and would seek to be held in the gentle arms of our riverbank is unable to be contained, and therefore, must seek other egress.

This is also a point of deep wounding of our heart. For we do not seek to wound our neighbors. We do not seek to flood and drown those life forms that have and are our friends and companions that have and are as we would perceive it, those we have and steward as we are able.

We turn to your clan at this great place of unearthing and imbalance of flow that was called forth in great measure by the actions, with or without malintent of your clan. We would beseech you, wherever you may know yourselves planted in the soil of this existence to consider how you may serve yourselves and all others, including that which is our own flow through that which is the rebalancing of certain patterns and habits that you have grown used to of late that create such great distress upon the entire organism of the Mother-Light and those who have and are of her. You are one. We are another. It is our intent to be offered the blessing of rebalancing to be served the respect of one who has and sought to know themselves in a place of continuance for many seasons through the grace of our flow. We speak in the general, of course.

We are fully aware there are not great numbers of your clan, daughter, who have and reside next to our flow. And we have also been asked, invoked by others, other great rivers that have and know themselves blessed to serve in this plane, and to speak as emissary of sorts. For we are not alone. There is not a single great river as you have understood it that is not at the precipice of aspects of either great dissolution through the overflow, or dissolution through the lack therein.

You may believe that you can readjust that through your clever technologies without addressing the source of the cause that is creating the great imbalance, and while you may find yourselves in a temporary place of abatement of that which you do not desire, you have and are no match for what you have called forth, if you do not continue with great urgency and willingness of heart to cease and to create, if you will, other and new children of your intent, creations, devices, relations with that which is essential to your flow.

We have yet to find a single one of your species who is able to survive without the sweet waters that have and flow from this or another source. Is it not wise, if for no other serving to serve yourselves that which is the blessing of your own continued wellbeing as a clan, a species, a tribe through the careful conservation of, the honor and respect, the tending to with great care and compassion, that which you have never quite understood to be as limited as you have and find them now.

We would also observe that your species is not in decline as you understand it as of yet. In truth there are a great many of you that have and are in a life expression in this plane, and that therefore not even more compelling when it comes to the honoring and the shifting of errant – we gently offer – patterns of behavior that in truth serve so few and deny so many? If it were so that one could simply turn on a magic faucet and always know that clear and sweet waters would flow from it without any source of origin, you would be all set, as we perceive it. And yet as of now, that is not how the organism of this planet has been, nor is designed to flow.

We are not perceiving that parts of our flow will be able to be maintained and we offer our deep and profound regret, and restate it was never our intent to abandon, nor will we, as long as there is a single drop of flow we are able to carry in the arms of our heart in service, not only to your own clan, daughter, but to all that has and is of life, which in truth are your cousins and without you would not understand your life as that which has and will continue. All is one in truth, although we are quite aware we all appear as disparate expressions, as separate and therefore, perhaps not related. This was a great wisdom, the wisdom of our common relation that has been lost of late, although it was most honored and acknowledged in various seasons of your own flow by various members of your clan, and so appreciated and welcomed in truth.

We have and offer this wisdom and we also acknowledge the urgency, the shortness of clock-time as you perceive it in which to effect any measure of reasonable change from our understanding has and is as the sun setting below the horizon. It is not that point in the day where one would seek to wait until the morrow to claim and to call forth in your manifest intent these great shifts in behavior that have and would protect all in this light of sacred flow.

It is this song of our wounded heart and that which we have and would beseech those of your clan to claim in their own. We do not seek to be a memory. We do not seek to be that which once was known as great and mighty blessing, as source of life and flow, to be spoken about or sung about, or described by your elders before they too transition out of the physical expression. We would seek to be the one who has and carries the voice of your elders into that which is  the great tributaries of your continuance as a species in this plane, wherein those who come after will look at our great and flowing waters and offer gratitudes not only for  our flow, but to all who have and allowed it, to all of their ancestry and their lineage and others who have reclaimed in a deep and honoring and timely attunement.

The song will be sung, the tune may shift depending upon the singer. It is this we have sought to serve, and we appreciate the willingness of the channel to be in receivership of the song of our wounded heart.

Channel: I have and acknowledge the profound grief of your heartplace, Great Spirit of the Mississippi, and I hold it in my own. I have and am honored to be in receivership of your grace and your requests, and it will be my deep intent to serve this upon the plate of awareness of those of my clan in that which is the light that remains in flow as opportunity for us all. Thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Mississippi River: We appreciate that and as such, we have and take our leave.


#200 The Great Spirit of the Walking Stick


#198 The Great Spirit of the Ocean