#210 Spirit of the Great Barrier Reef

  The Spirit of the Great Barrier Reef unveils the blade of truth and the power of the awakened heart in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of Gaia Translate. I was guided to channel the Spirit of Australias Great Barrier Reef when

  On march 26th, 2022 as  NPR news reported “Australia's Great Barrier Reef is hit with mass coral bleaching yet again”. According to scientists with Australian government agencies some parts of the reef are experiencing severe bleaching as a result of abnormally hot ocean temperatures as high as 7 degrees Fahrenheit above average. Yikes, no question, time to channel the Spirit of the Great Barrier Reef.



The Great Spirit of the Great Barrier Reef: We feel your resistance, daughter, and it is understood. And yet, there is a single word that has and vibrates most accurately what has and occurs at this point in our mutual history, yes? And that word is “genocide.” We are that which holds the vibratory field of the Great Spirit of what you have called The Great Barrier Reef, and we have and are undergoing a genocide that is as much decreed by your species as it is denied by some.

We have never sought to be other in that which is a great song of life in flow, as we have and know ourselves a mighty community with a great, great number of neighbors and friends, all who have and know themselves as a part of that which is the ecology of the Great Barrier Reef. In recent points of our history, we feel great love and admiration for those of you who have and peer within the waters or don your breathing equipment to bear witness to our great song of manifest light or physical expression, and we are not unwilling to know ourselves as that which is the object of your admiration. We are, however, not willing to be the receiver of that which has and contaminates that which has and poisons, that which has and boils in its way our life force, leaving only that which is the skeleton, the shell of what we have and were.

You are a conflicted species from our observation and perhaps the word “confused” would also serve. For there are many of you who hold great love and respect for that which you had understood as The Great Barrier Reef, and there are many who claim that which is the desire for our continuance or our restoration, and yet you do not speak, to shift your behavior patterns in a manner that would be in alignment with your stated desire.

Much as we know ourselves in our bleaching, which leaves us as that which is the hollow shell of what we were, there are no words that can contain what is required; however, they are served from the heartplace of those of your clan for the words are not the life force of action. They may contain it, but without your willing to shift your behaviors in great measure, that which has and contaminates, has and pollutes, has and taints, has and tears apart our physical expression, our community, our civilization. For that is what it is. Your words are simply bleached and empty, and they do not and are not able to sustain the life that once you claimed you sought to preserve.

There is a phrase your species has and invokes; it is the time for action. And another; actions speak louder than words. And we would seek to offer there is no word that can vibrate with the healing that is sufficient, rather it is when you align both your will with your intent and seek to call forth the manifest conditions that have and meet your intent and serve it. It is only then that you have and may offer that which is the blessing of manifest shift.

We are not so sure that there is that which is adequate clock time for those who hold deep and open love of all that we have and are in our civilization, in our expression, and in our service to the greater flow. And yet, you have experienced it is not impossible or it has not been to allow a season of renewal when it is and is in alignment with that [0:10:00.0] which is the actions you have and claim. We do not hear the words; we feel the actions. They are the language with which you speak to us. And should you seek to offer that which is the restoration, the healing, and the tender presence of those of great power and potential in service to that which is our own continuance, however diminished. Yet, we would be most grateful to be in receivership therein.

We acknowledge a deep and profound grief in our heart, for there are so many members of our civilization who have already found themselves buried beneath what you understand is the Great Eruption of your whole civilization upon ours. Perhaps you would consider seeking to abate and open the arms of your heart in concert with the action of your will as that which has and would be most gratefully received as it is only that your actions, and these may not come as what you do, but rather as what you cease to do. And that would be a great blessing for all who know themselves as part of the great song of life that is understood as the organism as that which is The Great Barrier Reef.

Do not doubt yourselves. While in our individuate expression in our component elements, we may be quite small. Yet, when taken together, as a greater awareness and physicality we are able to be perceived by those who journey into and through the atmosphere of space, yes? You may understand yourselves as being too small to be part of a great organism of life that has and may claim itself in this or that attunement, and that is a distortion. The truth without distortion, friends, is that your species is most remarkable, and as you have and are willing to turn our place of your collective in alignment with that which is required through your intent, you may surprise even yourselves with what you have and may accomplish as you seek to no longer be carried in the current of your, … unaware in some aspect, behaviors and that which is also claimed from a place of disregard, if not malintent by others.

Know the power of your light, for together as a species all that you have and vibrate with has and is quite observable from great distances in space. We feel there is a deep desire to embrace our life force. It is simply a matter of reaching out without delay and grasping all that has and is necessary to be held in abeyance, to be cleansed, and to be shifted in your choices of lifestyle, of your manners of transportation and locomotion with and through your devices, and of that which is the attunement of your high awareness to all that is being and knows itself as victim of genocide at the hands of your species.

We are not the only parts of the organisms of life that have and are experiencing this relation. We do not feel, however, it is your deepest intent. And so, we offer and we are aware of the sharp edge of this blade of truth, and yet, it is the only blade that has and may cut through the denial of your clan. We appreciate that which is the willingness of the channel who held herself in great trepidation, we would offer, for she had a sense of what might come. And we further have and prior to taking our leave, we would claim in this public square of the deep and profound grief in our heart, not only for that which is the genocide of our own expression, but that which is the decimation of so many of our fellows in this particular and exquisite flow.

We appreciate your willingness to be in receivership of that which is a stark and sharp song of truth. And yet, we have no other to sing. We offer a prayer of gratitude, the blessing of the timely and willing awakening of the heart of those of your clan, most beautiful and most potent, as together you have and may know yourselves as a great vibratory field of light that has and claims the potential of our and your resurrection in relation with that which is the flow of lifeforms in this plane.

It is complete. We have and listen with the ears of our heart for that which is the beautiful song of the collective will as it has and sings through its actions a song of resurrection for all.


#211 The Great Spirit of the Palm Tree


#209 The Great Spirit of the Osprey