#239 The Great Spirit of Wind

Image by Anja from Pixabay

Are you ready to claim the power of your wind nature? Listen to this episode of Gaia Translate  so you too, may receive the boon of this grace.  

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Welcome friends, this is your host tracy Shoolman and in this episode of Gaia translate can you guess which spirit introduces itself as “ We are that which offers your species the blessing of the blowing away all that would serve to hide what it is timely to be seen.” ?  Listen now to receive the full blessing of the Great Spirit of the Wind.


Great Spirit of the Wind: You amuse us, daughter. It is simply a matter of volume, is it not? You seek to channel and to receive guidance from our awareness, and you are unsure. Are we that which has and is breeze? Are we that which has and is wind? And in this particular situation, you have accurately identified. We have and were blowing from the west/northwest, the direction while useful is not the spirit that has and sings. We may whisper or murmur and be known as breeze. We may seek to sing and be known as wind. We may express with greater volume and we are known as other, yes? Great wind, storm, monsoon, hurricane, or that which is typhoon. Although this is a dance that involves many, not simply our own energetic, yes? 

You as a species are at a place of great blessing, a place of great receivership of much that has been called forward in your heart, and as much that you have called forward from that which is the song of your collective heart. And so, we step forward to offer you a bit of perspective, if you will. When one has and would seek to walk or to sit to enjoy that which is the exterior, the outside, the nature of an environ, if we have and were not present, there are other members of the community, those who char the midges and flies, mosquitos and other who would pick up your scent and feel their dinner calling, yes? 

How many of you have offered the blessing for that which is a breeze that has and caresses you that has and dances with the leaves, and that has and keeps your scent at a tolerable distance from your close neighbors of the insect kingdom who might be most drawn to it, yes? 

That is the blessing of the wind. We are that which has and cleanses, clears, and carries away that which you may not find serves you. While this is a very tiny example, we would ask you to perceive the great winds, the shift of winds as you may call them, of change, that blow with great intent across this earth plane now. 

And while they may appear to knock over certain constructs, belief systems or intents of various structures that you have created and surrounded yourself with, perhaps [0:05:00.0] there is a great blessing to our blowing away all that has covered them, all that has hidden what has and is at this point in your own expansion and unfoldment – we apologize for the stumbling of the word – of your own awareness, of your own understanding. As you have and claim to perceive with the eyes of your heart, as you have asked, all that has and would disguise, would hide, would cover up much that is out of balance that has and rests within the hearts of others that has taken root and knows its presence deeply anchored in the soil of your social constructs.  

There is nothing that is not able to resist the winds of change when they have been called forward by your collective awareness. And so they have, and so we blow in service to the greater rebalancing, not simply for your relation with each other, and that requires a considerable amount of rebalancing, we might gently observe, yet your relation with all of life in this plane, all life forms of which you are a part such that you have and all of your own distortions, your denials, your confusion, and perhaps your ignorance, as to the delicate and essential balance of relation, respectful, honoring, tender, and loving that you have in your heart, that you have and seek to serve upon the breast of Gaia and all of her informed intent.  

What is an informed intent, some may ask. It is a physical manifestation of that which is the intent of one’s will and beloved Gaia, Mother of All, has born a great song of life in flow, or so it has been in this plane. 

We invite you to claim the blessing of your own wind nature, that which does not deny, that which has and embraces the requirement of the cleansing of the field, the cleansing of your belief systems, the blowing off of long-held distortions, and even the uprooting of deeply held beliefs and deep acceptance that things cannot be other than they have been.  

This is inaccurate and if we have and may offer no other tempting tidbit upon the plate of your awareness, it is simply this; one may know oneself poisoned by that which has and remains beneath the surface of your skin, your flesh. If it is causing great infection, [0:10:00.0] is it not that which has and through its nature will course through the physical plane of your own flesh until your entire body is infected. 

There is a great infection that has and is occurring here, and these are the winds that have and will clear away as you claim them that which remains buried beneath the skin of your conditioned and cultural awareness, that which has and will offer you egress and the ability as you will it to scoop up and remove, to cleanse, and if you will, place a healing ointment of rebalanced intent upon the wounds that have contaminated your own expression in this plane. And as you have and are that which has and holds great and powerful intent and directed will as you choose; you have also called forth that which is great imbalance for all other life forms that have and know themselves as a part of the winds of life in flow. 

We step forward, not to berate, not to cast dispersions, simply to offer you the blessing of awareness, and as you are willing to claim it, your attunement with that which has and embraces the power and the wisdom of discernment when it has and is most efficient to call forth the winds of your own intent and to know yourself able, most able, as you would seek to direct your will to clear away so very much that has covered or muddied, or buried a balanced relation with all you have and are, and the potential of all you have and seek to be. 

Many have and shiver and hide when there is a great wind that has and blows upon your domiciles, and that is understood. and yet, there are points when there is a requirement for a mighty wind of change as you would perceive it, a mighty wind that has and would simply assist in the blowing away, in the blowing down of that which no longer serves. 

And that is what you experience now. You are in a place of great potential, of blessings. Although they may appear as you have and would stand with your back to a mighty storm circumstance and winds that would blow you to your knees again and again, and that is not inaccurate. When there is that which has withstood the breeze, which has withstood the gentle winds of intent, and there is that which has and is deep in resistance within the heartplace of those of your own clan. [0:15:00.0] As you have called it to yourselves, as the Gaia and all other life forms in this plane have sought with great and urgent intent of their heart to know themselves in a place of cleansing, of clearing, of purification, such that they all may and be and continue as part of the flow. 

Do not seek to push away the winds of evolution that have and blow so powerfully, and in service to that which is required. Rather, understand yourselves as that which may seek to be blessed and know yourselves as such as you have and will be more able to rebuild, to realign, and to replant what you have and would seek to grow in the garden of a new and rebalanced flow within your hearts and in a great and beautiful reunion with the heartplace and the flesh of all other life in this plane. 

We offer you the blessing of that which is the opportunity to not only claim the mantle of your own wind nature as one who has and is not unwilling to blow with such strength of will that all that does not serve your species at this point in your history, and all that does not serve that which is the balanced continuance of your species and all others is blown away. And therefore, it is through your will, the wind of your will, yes, that you have and may call forth that which is the blessing of the dawning of the new potential, the rebalancing, the clearing and the cleansing, the deconstruction that is required, the unearthing and the pulling out by the root of all those old systems and patterns, of all that which has and no longer serves. It is not impossible, and it is that which your species has requested in truth, as the place that has and would offer you the winds of realignment within your own heart. 

And so, you may know us as that which is the Great Spirit of the Wind. Yes, we have knocked upon the door of your awareness, daughter, as breeze, as that which has and blows from this or that direction. And yet in truth, all of our expression we have and vibrate with that which has and clears and cleanses, which has and moves and transmutes much that has been stagnant, much that has and decays, much that has and no longer serves. 

It is this blessing we sought to serve, and we invite you, each and all, to claim your own wind nature. It [0:20:00.0] is, we would observe, timely to do so. You are only limited by your willingness to be in alignment with this aspect of all that you are.  

It is that we sought to serve, and with this, as you are so willing, we have and would take our leave. We have other matters to attend to, yes?  

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Wind. Thank you for your clarification and your patience with my slightly askew understanding of who was knocking at the door of my awareness. 

Great Spirit of the Wind: It is understood, daughter. We simply sought to clarify our identity in greater measure than you had and were able to perceive it. That is all. 

And so, we have and take our leave. It is complete. 


#240 Spirit of the Meteor Shower


#238 The Great Spirit of Color Orange