#240 Spirit of the Meteor Shower

In today's episode of Gaia Translate The Great Spirit of the Meteor Shower illuminates our human awareness with the grace of this cosmic atunement. 

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in today’s episode of Gaia Translate the Great Spirit of the Meteor Shower offers wisdom from distant worlds.


Great Spirit of the Meteor Shower: There are those of your awareness as those who vibrate in the human expression who study our nature, and we find this most amusing. We are that which has and is a collective of individuate beings that you understand as Meteor or Meteor Shower. We are intrigued by your acknowledgement and that of your scientific community that we have our own cycles of flow, orbit, as you enjoy identifying it. And there are points where that which is our physical expression intersects with that which is your own atmosphere. And on occasion, we come for a visit. One may understand it as a permanent relocation for several of our component aspects. 

What it is we find curious is you have and stare into that which you understand as the sky and beyond your own atmosphere, wondering is there that which holds life as you narrowly define it, beyond our own planet? And yet, you have intimate interactions with several of our own expression, as I have offered. I speak as a representative for a collective of individuate constructs of awareness that you have and identify as the meteor or the meteor shower is a pleasant descriptive. Not as pleasant for some parts of our own expression. And yet, it is part of the flow as we have and interact with the friction of our engagement, yes? 

We step forward to acknowledge not simply that we are what you would perceive as inorganic chunks of rock and ice that happen to be at a point of intersection with that which is your own piece of awareness in a physical form that is the Earth-planet. Perhaps we have more in common with the Gaia than we do with those who inhabit Earth. Yet that does not negate the vibration [0:05:00.0] or vibratory field, as the Channel would prefer us to express ourselves, of awareness. 

If we were to offer a single blessing, it would be the blessing of expanded definition of what has and constitutes life that is not native to this plane. Even within this plane, there is much that through your definition as inorganic – and that is fine – that which may appear to you as a rock, a mineral or other dense constructs that have manifested in a physical expression that do not contain familiar features or qualities and you seek to identify them as inorganic. That is your choice. What we would invite you to entertain is that something may be as it is defined by your categorizations as inorganic. Yet that does not also mean or hold the truth that it is without a vibration of awareness. 

This awareness may not out picture or appear to hold that which you short-lived beings can comprehend as having other than a physical form. That appears in relation to your short life spans as unchanging, unmoving, and unaware. 

We step forward, for we are not unwilling to acknowledge that we are some of that which is not native to your plane and may be understood as otherworldly. Perhaps we are but a small part or particle of the Great Unknown. And yet, we have and know ourselves much as travelers who find themselves engaged in a short interaction, as we have and would continue in our various trajectories of flow. 

We are not seeking to create fear. That is not our intent. We are seeking to offer the blessing of that which may be claimed as a more expanded understanding of what has and is vibrationally accurate. All has and is of vibration. All has and is in constant vibration, even that which has and appears most inert. That is a product, if you will, of your limited senses of [0:10:00.0] information analysis. 

 We appreciate that it is, if you will, a characteristic of those who are very short-lived as human to understand only what has and appears in a form of similarity to your own expression. ‘Tis common, although it is unique in most aspects in what we would call a great blind spot for those of human awareness. There are many others, other life forms in your plane that you have categorized as those who are the plant, those who are the animal, those who are of the mineral, those who are of the bacterial and so forth, who are not so limited in their awareness, who have and are, if you will, unburdened by limitation that is pressed upon you through that which is the narrow field of vision provided to you by your physical senses. 

To eliminate, or at least invite the potential for the separation of what you have conflated, that which has and may present in what is perhaps foreign to your own physical expression, or what appears to be inorganic or inert from how you have and narrowly define what is imbued with a lifeforce from that which may manifest with all of those prior characteristics, and yet which has and holds a particular vibratory field that is in attunement with an awareness. 

It is accurate. There are many ways of perception of awareness and many methods that have and are claimed in service to this attunement. We simply invite your species at this great gateway of potential to consider that which is the removing of categorization of that which you understand as inorganic with that which is unaware. 

This is a very rudimentary description of what we seek to bless your species with, and yet we felt is it not best to start with that which would be understood as foundational to a greater knowledge, a greater relation, and a higher resonance of truth without distortion that has and may know itself held within this plane, held within the human [0:15:00.0] awareness, and therefore being that which opens your own field of attunement to a far greater alignment with all that has and flows upon the current of what you may call consciousness in all planes, yes? 

If we were to be asked to identify that which is the blessing of our awareness and the gift we seek to serve, as it were, it is simply this; that which you do not perceive as being organic or having the required biology to be understood as a living construct is one manner of categorization of all that has and is in flow in this plane and all others. 

We invite you to simply remove the requirement that you have placed upon it so assuredly with that which does not appear to hold or be held within a particular biological structure that you identify as “living” does not necessarily equate to that which does not hold a living awareness, a vibratory attunement, and a great and constant flow. 

As a small suggestion, we invite those of your clan, as they are willing to perceive themselves for a moment as that which is a comet and to comprehend that we hold the awareness as you do in a certain manner that is not limited to be accessed through the physical dimension, but through that which has and is the greater and eternal alignment of knowingness, of awareness, of individuated vibratory alignment in flow that carries, if you will, not only a note that has and expresses itself in a physical manner, but carries that which is a knowing that has and is eternal, that has and may express itself through a physical construct, and yet that has and is not limited to the requirement of a physical construct to carry on with its field of awareness, much as your own. [0:20:00.0] 

It may be that which some understand through the lens of your traditions, your religious constructs, your internal awareness. Yet, the small physical vessels that have and house what you may call your knowing or your spirit, they are simply that the greater vibratory field that is your eternal awareness has and continues as it has and will with or without the opportunity to experience itself in the confines of a physical expression. 

We acknowledge it is unusual, though we would say not unique, to be in receivership of the grace of the awareness, that which holds the vibratory field of meteor shower. And yet, that has and is what we have and are and how we have and would acknowledge ourselves as “extra-terrestrial” and as that which it may be understood for many of us as those who have and visit with each other at certain points in our mutual history in our current orbits, yes? 

We have offered that which we would serve upon the plate of your awareness this simple decoupling, as it were, of that which has and perceives that which is in a certain organic construct that you identify as a living being in whatever kingdom that it may manifest within. And even in these there are many of you who do not assign those that are most mobile and animated as having other than a physical expression. This is a distortion and one we would gently offer is timely to release. 

All has awareness. Perhaps it is the higher awareness, the over-arching vibration of flow of a particular expression of life, a species, as it were, and it is suggested as we may, to decouple again and again the artificial construct that has and is assumed by so many that that which is not of human form or perhaps some animals that are your companions, your pets, or your food stuff that you have and keep for you need state have [0:25:00.0] that which may be understood as something larger in there biology, that which is their spirit, if you will, or their awareness, not only as a specific example of an informed or life in a form expression, but as that which also has, much as you do, as an entire species of human, a particular vibration that is held by all who have and experience themselves in this plane.  

We feel this has confused some and is perhaps a bit of a challenge for others, and we accept that. We will offer there will be a point, as there has been, in your history of evolution where you will wonder to yourselves how it ever was you could conflate the two and how it was ever feasible that you could and were so very unaware of the beautiful and ubiquitous vibratory fields of awareness that have and hold all of life in or out of this plane. Expand a bit as you are willing, brothers and sisters, your own definition of what is life or what may have and hold awareness whether or not it has and meets the checklist of your own definitions. And in their definitions we would offer limitations. What has and may be or holds an awareness, an aspect of the greater awareness of all within them. 

It is this wisdom and slight reattunement of your field we would and sought to offer. And so we place it upon the plate of your consumption as you have and are so willing to take a bite of that which is the truth without distortion and to embrace all that has and serves you, as you have and seek as a collective to awaken yourselves to what has and is the realignment or the alignment for some, of the greater vibratory field of interconnected flow of which we all have and are members of. 

We are grateful for this opportunity for this place of much as we are with that which is your greater planet, interaction and connection and communication. In this manner that which we sought to serve has been laid with gratitude upon the plate of your awareness – we speak of your clan, daughter – and so, we have and would take our leave as you [0:30:00.0] are willing to so serve. 

Channel: I offer a prayer of profound gratitude to you, Great Spirit of the Meteor Shower, the Meteor. Thank you for your attunement, your wisdom, your gift of edification, and your light.  

Great Spirit of the Meteor Shower: You are most welcome, daughter. May all receive such an open and attuned heart. We take our leave. 


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