#238 The Great Spirit of Color Orange

Photo & flowers by Aviva

 As emissary of the  frequencies of the visible light spectrum, the Great Spirit of Orange invites us to seek out the hidden power of color in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in this episode of Gaia Translate. A few months after joining a local health club called Orange theory much to my surprise I was guided to channel the Great Spirit of the Color Orange. It might surprise some of you to think about the vibrational field or wavelength of a color as vibrating with a form of sentience and yet every vibration of light wave carries information it is why we are drawn to wear or to surround ourselves with certain colors as they can profoundly influence our emotional state. Consider why we think  of certain colors as happy or cheerful and others as vibrating with other emotional imprints such as when we describe ourselves as feeling blue.


 Great Spirit of the Color of Orange: We have and greet you, daughter. You have invoked the blessing of our awareness and we are willing to accommodate. You have heard the knock several times and in several manners upon that which is your field, your knowing. Is this not accurate? What is it you have sought to connect with in your receiving of the vibration of our knowing? 

Channel: Greetings and blessings, Great Spirit of the Color Orange. I am honored that you have and serve your awareness with my own.  

Great Spirit of the Color of Orange: What is it you understand about that which you perceive in what is called the visible light spectrum of a particular vibration? That is identified as the color orange in this field.  

Channel: I perceive a bright color, um, vibrant and for me, attractive. And it demands attention. 

Great Spirit of the Color of Orange: These are not uncommon descriptives and they have and relate as much to your own inculturation as they do to our field. As that which has and vibrates as a particular bandwidth of the color spectrum of light in flow, we have and carry information as do all of our fellows, other members, other bandwidths of light frequency that are perceived by humans and others as color. 

To perceive with that which is the lens of your eye a particular vibratory field that manifests for your sensory information as a color is to comprehend the certain aspect of this dimension and more often than not as one has and perceives the presence of our field upon that which is a particular manifest object, be it the fruit that you have and call that which is orange, be it that which is the striping of the tiger, be it a particular bloom of flower, and there are other examples of orange – we will not list them all – and in this there is the connection of association with the character traits of that which has and wears or expresses in part or whole with our vibratory field of visible light, yes? 

Channel: That is accurate, yes, thank you, Great Spirit of Orange. 

Great Spirit of the Color of Orange: You ponder why we have and would state what you feel is the obvious. It may not be as straight forward as you perceive, daughter, nor those of your clan. That which is the vibratory field of the light spectrum of orange, or in truth any other, has and carries its own vibration of information. Aside from the associations that you have and draw to yourselves by virtue of your introduction to that which is our color in those external expressions of the manifest [0:05:00.0] plane. You are aware that various colors are assigned to what is called the human energy vortexes or chakras, and that may give you a greater understanding of the depth and complexity of what we have and vibrate with in terms of our own nature and information. One also may observe that the color orange is often applied, at least in many places in your plane, as a color that calls forth caution or pertinent information that is not to be ignored. And this is wise and useful. 

The relationship, the vibratory field of any bandwidth of information known as color for the human expression and for other life forms is in relation to your own engagement therein. For there are those of the insect realm that have and when they perceive our field, for them it is a sign, is it not, to approach. For there is that which would serve in the nutritional support of their physical form. 

This is also accurate for your own clan, as you have come to identify the various sub-species of citrus that bear this or that shading of orange as that which has and is a blessing in forms of fruit and the nutrient vitamins that have and are held within.  

We hold our own independent vibration of information and we are also that which has and is dressed, if you will, with the thought forms of association, with the thought forms of expectation that have and are adorned upon us through your own creations, individuate and collective. The example we have offered prior, we would step forward again with, that which has and is the caution sign, the warning sign, which in great measure has and employes the color orange in service to the amplification of this message. One has and may also observe that which has and is the alignment of the color orange with that which has and brings good cheer, that has and fills the heartplace of your little ones with a stimulation, a vibrancy of flow. This is an accurate engagement or relationship when one has and would wear the color orange. 

We are aware that those who have and would conduct themselves in places of potential danger or the requirement of flagging themselves in a position to be cautious or offer warning of their presence or the nature of that which they have and seek to engage within. Often those who work along the sides of your roads or your other forms of transportation, do they not don the orange vest, the jacket, or other which has [0:10:00.0] and draws attention most effectively to those of the human awareness of their presence and the importance of being mindful of their interactions with the environs. 

It does not surprise us that when you have that which has and would serve as warning or barrier, as information that has and would call to the forefront of one’s awareness, that which is a sense of alertness, of presence. We find ourselves often as that which has and knows itself striped upon those which are your barriers, or your flags, your signs that have and would draw attention to that which has and requires immediate engagement or preparation. 

All who have and are and vibrate as a frequency of light informed with a particular shade or color have and hold their own nature and information. While it is so that certain shades or colors or fields of frequency have come to be thickly associated with certain cultural preferences or traditions, depending upon what part of the earth plane one has and hails from. Yet, in addition to these cultural outfits that we have and find ourselves placed with, or dressed in, we also have that which are singular and constant as part of our nature. And it is that we seek to remind your clan of.  

There are those who have a preference and identify their favorite color as this or that. There are those who have and are less favorably drawn to a particular shade or color, and we would offer that as also a useful piece of information. What we have and would suggest is not to deny yourselves that which is in intimate relation in your knowingness of what colors have and call themselves to you and when. 

Do not turn away from your attraction or your desire not to call to yourself a particular shade, for there is information that is your field in its own knowing has and may seek to align itself with in a form of rebalancing that may not be perceived in your conscious awareness. In other words, while we have and vibrate from the perspective of one particular bandwidth of the color spectrum that is visible to your eyes, there are points in your own histories where you may find yourself reaching for this or that garment which has and vibrates in a certain field of information of color, and then removing your hand and you are unable to quite put your finger on what it is that has you shift and to reach [0:15:00.0] for that which is the garment of another color. 

We acknowledge you have various color preferences for certain social and cultural events, and those have and are requirements, depending upon your point in your space-time and history. And yet, there are and may be great blessings of rebalancing and healing, of soothing, of comforting, of invigorating, and of support that have been, while vibrationally communicated through that sense or intuition or intuiting, I feel like wearing a shade of red today. I am drawn to things that are and hold the color blue. My favorite color is pink or green, and so forth. 

Your societies through the desire, we would observe, to market to you the next new thing in the fashion world often will shift that which is considered the color of the season, and while this is in part, we would most definitely concur, simply a desire to call forth the purchasing of that which is the new color of the season in service to that which is financial gain for those who have and manufacture such garments, or other household items. 

There is another aspect of that which has and would be the season of this or that shade or color that may be less understood. And that is a requirement or, if you will, an attraction by the collective field that calls to itself a particular desire to have and be enrobed with a vibratory field of this or that color. It is why you have and will observe that what you may call the spring fashions that were all in neutral tones the season before now burst onto the scene in great and deep vibrancy. Perhaps deep and varied shades of pink. Perhaps pale and vibrant shades of yellow, and so forth. 

In this, there is more than meets the eye to how these particular colors have and find their way into the collective field. And in this, for those who have and simply are carried upon the currents of that which would be the fashion of the day, there is benefit. For as they have and place upon themselves that which is a particular vibratory field of a certain color, there is an exchange of information. There can be no other when one has and places upon one’s body that which is vibrating in a field of alignment with a certain [0:20:00.0] frequency of color. 

The relationship of color to emotional state is not unknown by your clan. Is it not why certain shades or tones are placed upon the walls of your healing environs, your hospitals, to have and offer a settling or calming effect upon the emotional and energetic field of those who have and enter such structures? There is also that which has become associated with passion or with a heightened expression of intensity of sorts, that which has and may be associated with love, or with danger. That would be a shade of red for many. There is a vibrancy in the field of the color red that may be perceived and felt most profoundly when it has and is called into alignment with those of your clan. In several cultures, is not the color red that which offers great good luck, fortune, that which is embraced, for it holds deep and potent frequencies of what you may understand as the life force, and it is why it is that which has and is most prominent in some parts of your cultures. 

One may ask what is it that has and is held as the nature of that which is the frequency of a particular bandwidth, if you will, of visible light? And there are many who may not be able to state ah, that is pink. It vibrates with compassion, with love and acceptance. They may simply know they have a lifting of the heart when they have and view or are surrounded or placed that which is pink upon them.  

Of course, each and every vibratory frequency that has and expresses or is perceived through your eyes as this or that has the limitations of your rods and cones would offer it. It is one form of information that you have and would be well-served to attend to, and here is the blessing we have and would serve to you when you have and find yourself whatever the fashion of the day may be drawn to a particular color, or perhaps drawn away. Do not turn away from this knowing, choosing instead to simply adorn yourself in what is considered fashionable or current or that which has and would claim you in alignment with this or that particular field of “I am-ness”.   

We are not suggesting you do not claim this [0:25:00.0]. For example, is not the color green is that which is claimed by those of Irish descent, or simply those who seek to honor or acknowledge that particular day of St. Patrick’s in which you have and celebrate all that you have and comprehend, infused in this thought form.   

What we do suggest and perhaps it is the innermost layer of your clothing, or a scarf, or your shoes, or socks, some other part … if you have and feel yourself being called to a particular color, there is a purpose to it. Your flesh and your energetic field holds great wisdom, and so many of you, [0:26:16.5] we would offer, are afraid through cultural dictate to honor the wisdom of your hearts. Colors may heal, colors have a direct influence, both through their own nature and through that which is the connection of meaning that has grown from this or that social environ. They may be combined, much as you may take two colors, we will offer yellow and red, and the combination therein creates yet a third, orange, yes? 

And that is much as your own associations, as you have and associate a red rose with romantic love. The vibratory field with that which is red, the vibratory field of that which is rose have and create a third field that is the combination of the two. Is this not accurate? 

We do not seek your response; we simply offer that as a form of speech to underscore our meaning. However you have or may seek to adorn yourselves or to paint the walls inside or outside of your domiciles, your homes, your living spaces, we would invite you to shed distortion of that which has and does not perceive the great power and influence, the colors that you have and place against your own physical skin to contribute to your overall frequency, or to rebalance, or in truth to call further out of a balanced state of flow when you have and are in constant companionship therein. 

Each and every being has and is blessed with the ability to heal, to call forward that which has and is required for your own energetic field. It may be through the consumption of certain foodstuffs, or the cessation of so. It may be that which is a scent [0:30:00.0] that has and calms, much as the lavenders and other. It may be that which has and creates great stimulation, such as we would offer, our vibratory field and others. It may be that which has and holds you in a tender embrace. 

You observe the little ones, your children. They are quite straightforward as to their preferences, their likes and dislikes when it comes to color. And as with all, they may find themselves in various seasons of desire, and various seasons of like and dislike. In truth, those who have and are not denied these impulses are those who have and are feeding a particular need state in their energetic field that may or may not be understood by those who have and parent or caregiver. 

We invite you, not simply to claim the mantle of your orange nature, rather we have and would bestow the blessing of reacquainting yourselves and of honoring the power of color against your flesh upon you, around you, to have and to inform your energetic field physically and only in that which is the balancing of energetic, energies of emotion, of physiology, of psychology, and of other. And to re-know your relations anew and not to deny, not to consider them inconsequential. For there is great power in that which is the calling forth of color in service to your own need state, and that which your energy field has and requires at this or another point. Of course, all have and change; that is the nature of flow. And in such, much as you have and may wake up one morning and feel a bit under the weather, you may wake up the next morning and feel full of energy and light. And in each point of your knowing, you may be attracted to, or in truth, be well-served to wrap yourself, to surround yourself and in some aspect to heal or comfort yourself through the application, the presence of a vibration of this or that color. 

We understand that if you were attending a funeral, in some cultures it is a form of respect to adorn yourself in somber clothing. And this should offer you a suggestion as to the relationship of these particular vibratory frequencies and the emotions they have and accentuate. Yes, it is so as we have offered [0:35:00.0], color carries its own vibration and color is also that which carries the cultural identity of connection with certain meanings, certain states of grace, if you will, or behavior that are considered appropriate in this or that circumstance. 

Your relationship as a species with color has and changes; there is no doubt. Your own internal understanding of what has and would heal or soothe, what has and would offer comfort, what has and might agitate that which you have and are desiring to settle, has been less seriously considered the power of influence of this exchange of information, of light. 

We step forward, representing not only the color orange, yet all of the other bandwidths of the visible and non-visible light spectrum. For there are many who have and are life forms in this plane, who have a far greater or perhaps more diminished range of perception, as you would understand it. And yet, they have and feel the vibrations of our field. Perhaps not through their visual senses, yet through the eyes of their heart. In this, we invite you to embrace the greatly underutilized and at some times, applied in a manner that has and does not serve most efficiently, that which is the healing and rebalancing of the individuate and the collective flow. 

To attend to one’s own need state in what one might call the most direct method of soothing, of healing, of caregiving to one’s own field and those of other is to listen and to accept there is a knowledge that has and is not book-taught that comes from within. And you have and with regard to the colors, and in truth all stimulation, be it the sound or visual stimulation of other manner, be it the feeling, or touch, or sensation. In all aspects this is informing your field. It is engaging with it. Much as they say, “you are what you eat,” or we might say some would tell you “You are what you wear,” that is what your society has chosen to embrace in its intent to serve certain need states and choices.  

We would simply remind you to listen and to honor and in truth we accept that certain shades or colors may not be that which you may feel is complimentary to your skin tone, or your hair, or eye color. [0:40:00.0] And that is understood. And yet, even if a bright saffron yellow is not the best shade for your skin, if that is a color that draws you, perhaps you would seek to wear an undergarment against your skin that holds this vibration or to obtain certain household objects that hold this vibration, such as that which would be a platter or plate, that which would be a painting or wall hanging, something that has and may remain in your visual field of reference, and in this manner have and offer its blessing of healing light and in its own way the rebalancing of your flow. 

To embrace and to revisit your own relationship and the power of healing or shifting in some aspect of your own field, that which has and would surround you, that which has and would bathe you, do you not consider what it is that has draws so many to the beautiful turquois waters and white sands of some of the beaches and islands that you have and are so fond of going forward in your vacation destination choices. 

In this, there is that which in addition to your summer cocktails, the warmth of the sun, and the water’s soft caress, the color of these objects as you perceive them in of itself vibrates with great power to calm, to settle, to embrace, and to, if you will, recalibrate a field that may be a bit off-kilter in your own energetic flow. 

We invite you, each and all, to have and honor the deep knowing of your field of that which has and is your need state, and yes, we acknowledge if one has painted the interior rooms of your home and now no longer enjoy these shades, perhaps it is more than just a desire for a new look. In this, if you find yourself so drawn to particular colors in some manner or another, place them near you, be it the color of your coffee mug, or that which holds your pencils on your desk at your work. Be it several stems of a flower that has and vibrates the color that fills you with joy and delight. Be it a simple scarf which has and is filled with the colors that lift your heart. And if you do not seek [0:45:00.0] to wear these on the outside, consider wearing those as that which has and would adorn you in your sleep time, or in your private time. Perhaps wearing that bright orange shirt to bed if you are drawn to that color or that of the pale sky blue, you will find it will be most healing and that which has and benefits you far greater than you could envision in your thinking self.  

It is this invitation to reacquaint yourselves with the power of the vibratory field of light that you experience as color and to consider how you have and feel in your heart when you bear witness to that which is the rainbow and other expressions of all that has and vibrates as color in flow.  

It is the blessing of reacquaintance and of invitation of more intimate relation that we have and offer to your clan, daughter. You will observe that the color of pink, that which is compassion, has and is quite popular this season as we would perceive it. Perhaps there is a reason that those of your clan, at least in certain parts, without fully being aware are called to wrap yourselves in a color that has and is and vibrates with compassion and with upliftment and joy of flow. 

It is wise to honor your own heart’s needs and not always to wait until the public bus pulls up if you have the desire to arrive at the destination of your own relation with a particular color before the collective has and is called fully into resonance therein. 

It is this blessing and this invitation we have and seek to serve your clan, daughter. And you, who have and attend those exercise classes at that place with the great orange covering, you have and create as they have called you to it a new association, and yet it is not an accurate of increased vitality of flow. It is not a surprise that this health program that seeks to raise and strengthen the heart has selected orange as the color they choose to align with. 

It is complete. We look forward to a greater conscious relation with those of your clan, as they have and discover how powerful a simple placement in your visual field of a color that you are drawn to for whatever reason at whatever point [0:50:00.0] and as strong relation with the actual wearing of said color in some aspect of your garment, or perhaps in the privacy of your evening or your retirement has and may serve. We felt it was timely, for your clan experiences much upheaval and could use a bit of personal steadying with their own fields. 

It is complete, as you have and grant it, so we have and take our leave.  


#239 The Great Spirit of Wind


#237 Great Spirit of Plankton