#237 Great Spirit of Plankton

Image credit: Australian Museum

The Great Spirit of Pankton guides us to the currents of our own evolution in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in this episode of Gaia Translate. <y awareness was drawn to the great spirit of Plankton when I listened  to NPR’s Morning Edition  March 8th 2023 discussing a scientific study analyzing  the potential consequences of climate change for the ocean food web and its influence on  the migratory habits of  plankton, the tiny and essential base of the ocean food chain.



Great Spirit of the Plankton: There are those who are the first rung in the ladder, and perhaps even the second. That is how we are perceived, and it is not inaccurate. We are that which carries the vibration of Plankton. We have many expressions. Your species has designated us into that is accurate. There is the Phyto which is plant. There is the zool --, which is other than plant, a living organism that consumes the other. We are two members of a greater community of that which is biologic organism that has and knows itself surrendered to through requirement and will, the currents that have and would carry us to our destiny. 

There are other members of our species that are larger in mass. You may understand them as those that have and are of the jellies, for they too have and are carried in great measure upon the currents or the winds. If one was to approach the great ladder and to find the first and second step were missing, it would be difficult for many to gain access to the rest of the steps and to reach whatever was above that had drawn you to the ladder to begin with, yes? 

As that which is the first and second rung of the ladder, or the web, or foundation of food source and life source of that which you understand as the web of life in this plane, we would invite you to perceive what has and may be occurring under current conditions as they carry us along. From the smallest to the greatest life form in the waters, there is a sacred bond. We are that which has and supports in greater measure than may be perceived by your species, much of all that has and is within the waters. And while you may perceive yourselves and your, well, the consequence of your behavior has and dominates certain biophysics of this plane, you are not members of the community that has and claims the greatest majority of this plane. 

The Great Waters, which you are aware cover the majority of the surface of this planet have and are host and home to billions and [0:05:00.0] billions of organisms of life. Some you have been introduced to. Many have remained in that which is realms that have yet to be explored. 

We have and serve in ways that are just beginning to be revealed to your clan. It is timely to embrace that which is the exploration and greater comprehension of how we serve before your own will-based actions cause that which is yet another rung of the ladder of sustainable life in this plane to be removed. We are not only that which serves as resource for those who have and are other members of the clan of life in flow. That is as it is in this plane, yes? Are we not also that which while we may appear quite unimpressive in our physicality, yet we serve, if you will, above our weight that which is the cleansing and balancing of the atmosphere of this plane. 

We do not only serve one master, as it were, and we are served by that which is the great balance of relation with one and all. We may appear to be quite numerous in our populations and that could be said to be the same for your own species from [0:07:54.5] our perspective.  

We are not imperious to the shifting of the temperature of the waters in which we live, nor are most others. And as we are essential to that which is the great web of life within the waters, and we also know ourselves within the soils and carried upon that which is the currents of the winds, the air, as well as other members, other life forms such that there is a great distribution of what you have and claim as plankton in this plane. 

We are aware the Channel has sought to invoke the attunement of those of our nature that reside within the Great Waters, the oceans. And so, we will return to that aspect of our awareness in service to this attunement. We offer that which is a song of fair warning, brothers and sisters. While we may be a resilient collective, when one knows oneself burdened from all direction by that [0:10:00.0] which is contaminate that has and is poured into the waters by that which has and is carried upon the currents of the winds and then discharged from the clouds as rain into the waters from that which is the discharge of your vessels and your factories and your waste product that appears for you to magically disappear when you place it beneath the waves where it is not fully visible. And further and most urgently we would offer that which has and places the finger of its presence upon that which is our potential for continuance, that which is the increasing in the median temperature of various parts of the Great Oceans. 

There are parts which are not so affected and that is a requirement for the greater expression of relational flow to continue. And yet, much as when one has a glass of water, if you were to drop that which would be a little bit of poison into it, is it not the nature of water to welcome and to disperse it throughout every part of its field? 

We would invite you to claim that which is your plankton nature in this aspect. We are blessed to serve. We are aware that we are a part, an integral part, one that is most useful if not most massive in our physical expression. And for you, each and all, to perceive yourselves thusly, we may consider the great clan of the humans as that which are plankton in this manner. There are many, many of you, and many we feel in your heart to not comprehend yourselves as having much individuate usefulness, as much agency in relation to the greater flow of life in this plane. And while you may find yourselves carried upon the currents of the current storm of circumstance, it does not confirm that you are not essential in your nature to the greater survivorship of all. 

We would invite each and all of your species who is and are willing as they have been, to accept [0:15:00.0] the light that has and is within each and all of us and that has and is in each of you. If we were to take a rather larger view, we might see ourselves and you, and all of life in this plane simply as a tiny speck, a planet in that which is a single solar system in that which is a greater system, in that which is one of billions and billions and billions of systems. As such, that does not deny the light within. We offer this, for in a manner that which you understand as Gaia, that which you understand as the Earth, is as a plankton in relation to the greater seas of life in form in various expression across many planes and dimensions of awareness. 

We may be small in relation to your own physicality, and smaller still in relation to other members of our own communities within the waters. And yet we carry a wisdom we seek to impart upon you and that is ‘tis not the size of the container; it is what is held within that has and is essential, that has and is a part, no more or less than each and every other as you have and know yourself in right relation, as you have and seek to serve, not from a place where you have and deny your own need state from a place where you have and claim your need state in respectful relation with all that is required for your sustenance, however tiny you may perceive the individuate expressions of the greater organism of awareness that one or another vibrates with. 

It may not be an invitation to the great palace that we offer you, where you sit before a king or other ruler who holds that which you find most appealing and you hold deep admiration for, and therefore respect, and in some cases fear, we feel. Yet, there is no king without a kingdom. There is no life without the members of that which is the biological component organisms who through and by their relation are what has and steadies that which is the recycling of life in form in this plane. 

We have and would bestow upon you [0:20:00.0] the blessing of our wisdom. We do not doubt the light we hold within. We do not judge it by the size of the physical container. This is a challenging concept for those of your species to claim, and yet perhaps as you have and turn to your own evolution, you may be aware that you are not the largest or most massive, or in truth most well-equipped in your physicality to have and claim the apex position. And yet you hold within you the blessing of the light of intellect, the blessing of the light of attunement as you seek to claim it. And in this point where there is the current of potential that also has and flows in this plane, and that current has and through the will of many seeks to carry all towards that which is the great sea of evolution. You do not need to accept this. It is simply the direction of the current. For while we may not be able to navigate as many against or in cross-purposes, we have and are most grateful to feel this current and to be carried within it. For therein lies the hope of many. 

As you have and are so willing to embrace the light within you, do not diminish it as you are willing. Rather, seek to hold it and to be in joy-filled gratitude for your awakening to its power and its grace. The physical scale of a being – and we would invite you to take a look back as your distant relations, those who were of the dinosaurs. They held great physical presence, and yet when there was an imbalance in the flow of life in relation, they were unable to be sustained in physical form. Is that not accurate? 

We have and know our own species to have suffered greatly in past points where there have been great shifts in the biology of this climate. And yet there were those who have and remained small and that served us well, willing and accepting without the need to be other than that which is carried willingly upon the current of right relation, and that is the blessing we have and would invite you to embrace. This is not an invitation to simply remain in statis or to know yourselves as unable to take swift and directed action in that which is the required rebalancing, cleansing, and [25:00.0] purification of the Great Waters, the soils, and your own heartplace we might gently observe. 

We invite you to consider that you are a worthy member of that which is the organism of life in flow at this point in the history of the Gaia, as you have and know yourselves willing to be. We are not suggesting, as it may feel, that we perceive your entire tribe as holding malintent within your heart. That is not what we feel at all. In truth, we feel more there is a lack of a sense of your own worth, your own light, and that which is the ability to harness your light and to claim it in concert with the current of evolution, rather than to struggle against it when so many suffer in and outside of your own particular species of life form. 

It is a shift, a paradigm shift for some, as you have and perceive yourself as that which may be understood as useful, as contributing, as respectful, and as joy-filled, as a member of flow. And in this, you cannot imagine the numbers of fellow life forms in this plane who will turn to you with the light of deep and profound gratitude and welcome in their heart. 

We have and offer a prayer of profound gratitude for the blessing of your opening the eyes of your heart and bearing witness to your own light, for it is quite lovely and it is that which is part of your nature, each and every one, however you have and perceive yourself held within the shadows of denial. As you know yourselves as you are, beings who hold the light within, it is our expectation and that which we have and hold great anticipation for that you will turn and in great joy seek to embrace the other members of the greater clan of your family where all members of that which is this tiny speck, the Mother Gaia, as she and all within have and are in their own plankton nature – if that – in the greater sea of that which is the awareness that has and binds the flow of all you have and perceive, and all you have and would possibly imagine [0:30:00.0] in that which is the web of vibratory relation. 

It is sufficient, daughter. We have and appreciate your willingness to receive that which is the blessing of your plankton nature, as you have and call forth your own awareness as a species, and that which is the light that has and burns within. 

It is complete. As you have and are so willing, we have and take our leave. 

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Plankton. Thank you for your wisdom and the blessing of the mantle of your attunement. It is received with deep and profound gratitude. 

Great Spirit of the Plankton: As we had and felt it would be. It is complete. 


#238 The Great Spirit of Color Orange


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