#212 The Great Spirit of Encroachment

 In this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast uncovers the secret desires of the Great Spirit of Encroachment. 

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of Gaia Translate. Several weeks back coyote sightings began to crop up in my  quiet suburban neighborhood. Warnings to keep small pets indoors and a sense of uncomfortable trespass filled the air. I felt guided to reach out to the Great Spirit of the Coyote. Interestingly the coyote was graciously serving an introduction to another vibration , The Great Spirit of Encroachment seeking to engage with our human family.


The Spirit of Encroachment: We greet you. You are accurate. We have knocked upon the door of your awareness with the assistance of the Spirit of the Coyote, although in truth we have and would invite ourselves to sit at the hearthfire of your knowing as that which has and holds the vibratory field of the Spirit of Encroachment. It seemed the most efficient manner in which to introduce that which is our field to one such as yourself in your current circumstance.

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of Encroachment. Thank you for your cleverness in reaching out to me.

The Spirit of Encroachment: We admit it was an efficient method. It may seem curious that which holds the vibratory field of encroachment has and would seek the awareness of your clan through that which is an external four-legged, a non-human awareness. And yet, we would offer that while it may be perceived that it is the Coyote who in recent season would appear to be encroaching upon your own settled residencies, communities, and tribal arrangements, in truth from their perspective it is your clan, daughter, it is your tribes that have and with great hunger consumed the available landmass, the hunting grounds that have and support that which has and is required food stuff for these beings and therefore they have and perceive you as that which has and encroaches upon their homeland as it would be comprehended.

This particular species of life is not singular in carrying that which is the vibratory field of encroachment as they have and regard your species. Of course, in great measure it is the way of things in this plane, and we do not deny it. That which has and is in dominance may be perceived to encroach upon that which is the territory, if you will, of another. The traditional hunting grounds, the traditional dens or nests, that which has been in the lineage or the ancestry of this or that life’s form, and you understand this, we feel, for is it not so with your own?

You as a species are like a great and incoming tide that has and never ceases as you have and spread with further and further reach across that which was, if you will, reserved for many other life forms who now find themselves cornered into smaller and smaller parcels of landmass, that which has and in truth does not support their need state or that which has and is a part of the flow of that which would be the web of sustenance for and of one another.

The Spirit of Encroachment: As this vibratory field, we have stepped forward to simply offer that which would be, if you will, the other side of the coin, and to offer this small wisdom: it is not that we have and are, if you will, that which is held in exclusivity by your own clan in relation to other life forms who have and are members of the ecological communities that you have and from their perspective encroach upon. Rather it is that which has and reflects from both sides into the middle.

You have claimed as a species a great and vast quantity of the habitable landmass on the various continents of this plane and there is no denying that. we step forward as that which has and simply offers you a gentle perspective as who has and may embrace with an open and willing heart how it is that it may be you and your clan has and offers that which is the season of encroachment and therefore you call forth what you may perceive as the encroachment of those whose lands you have and claim.

We do not suggest that this is limited to those outside of your species, for in truth your clan or tribe has the habit, if you do not mind us observing, of simply encroaching upon the native habitat and the native inhabitants of those of your own species who may be perceived in the distortion of otherness, and there too you may not understand it as so. And yet, the vibration of encroachment has and is embedded deeply in the heartplace of those whose native plans, as it were, have been inundated by others of your clan.

To perceive that which your species has and claims for themselves and moves aside or eliminates or regulates to a small patch here or there, others who have and would suggest themselves as prior residents is not to be conflated with what you may assign as encroachment by those who have and are in the season of the great migration. We speak of all life in this plane. That season has and is upon you as the great imbalances of the atmosphere and the climate are as powerful in terms of their demands, not through malintent, we would offer, as they have and would push or encourage or require greater and greater numbers of your own and all other life forms into smaller and smaller quadrants of habitable landmass.

Is it not timely to consider that while we have and enjoy great popularity in the heartplace of many in this plane, we are more than willing to stand up from our long-held seat on the bus of your own distortions and to offer it to that which would be allowance, that which would be the vibration of accommodation, that which would be the vibratory field of acknowledgment that there is sufficient for all to cohabitate within and there would be additional, should your species choose to limit the great rising of the tide of your own decimation of habitable landmass through the choices you have and claim in terms of your various modes of consumption and disregard for that which has and remains.

It should come as no surprise that which has and calls forth the great rise of the tides of what you perceive as encroachment by other is in truth that which is hurried along by the hand of your own will, much as one has and would herd with the use or assistance of this or that, be it a four-legged, or one of your own kind, and a gathering, again and again into smaller and smaller pens of potential continuance. We have stepped forward to offer this small wisdom that the perception of “otherness,” the desire to claim and to place upon another the vibratory field of encroachment of or by is a distortion that is held in your field in great measure. That which has and encroaches in truth is born of the will to claim that which has and is not designated for one or another, yet in service to the all. When you have and release the confusion about who and what has and is the encroacher versus the encroached, it might be in higher discernment to simply claim allowance and some adaptation in the manner that has and makes room on the seat for all.

We realize it is a peculiar offering, that which you may not even perceive would have awareness, and yet when there are sufficiency of number of your clan and all other that have and claim this vibratory field of awareness, it is a great, if you will, establishment of presence in this plane. As a form of energy in flow, that which is the vibratory field of encroachment has and is thickly settled in our place of many We are not that which has and seeks to serve malintent, to harm, or to blame. We are simply that which has and may be claimed in a place that would deny the allowance of the greater flow of life in this plane, and in the denial therein, one has and places that which is a lock upon the door of greater continuance of flow for many of the species in this plane.

We are aware that many of you will still walk away, patting gently your own packet of encroachment or sense of encroachment, if you prefer, and making sure it is held carefully within your pocket when you have and turn your awareness away from this small wisdom. And yet, we would invite you to consider the willing release of this field of vibratory resonance and the embrace of one that has and will in truth serve all with greater ease, that of the vibratory field of allowance, acceptance, of respect and acknowledgement, those who have and were and are the prior residents on this or that aspect of the landmass of this plane.

We have and step forward simply as that which has and hears both, those of human and non-human expression, claiming again and again with louder and louder cries within their heart, “we are experiencing the vibration of encroachment by the other.” And as we have observed the other is also that which is held within the heartplace of your own clans in reference to other tribes or collectives. It is playing out across this plane, as I have and would offer it. So, it is not a new concept. Rather, we simply would suggest claiming a new perspective upon what and who is doing the encroaching, and upon how that has or serves the greater well-being of all involved, all life in this plane.

To offer the prayer of gratitude for all that has been served to you by that which is the vibratory field of encroachment as that which has and offers you a window into the heartplace of the other upon whose land you may have arrived, upon whose resource you may have claimed, upon whose history you may have crushed beneath the feet of your own expansion. That is a blessing we have and would serve upon you, the willingness to acknowledge that all who have and are a part of this plane experience deeply [0:20:00.0] and profoundly in great measure that which is the vibratory field or resonance of encroachment. And although we are not unwilling to remain in such great quantities, much as a haze that is so present you are unaware that you are perceiving through it, we are also not unwilling to take our leave as you have and offer us the blessing of Godspeed, not so that you may continue as you have done without claiming that which you have and behave within, rather that you have and no longer seek to call this field to yourselves or to create it as that which is the vibratory field held within the heartplace of the other.

From our perspective, it is both heart-wounding and a bit amusing, for in truth as you have and know it so, there is adequate landmass for all. And as one has and offers the honor and respect, the rebalancing, and reframing of perspective, all have and are well-served. It is a lonely place when one has pushed all other life forms, if you will, off the planet. For there is very little that can know itself in a place of independence in the flow of life without the other members of that which is the Great Web that has been so exquisitely created by the Gaia.

We would offer our gratitudes to the Great Spirit of the Coyote for inviting us to ride upon the back of their awareness, such that we may knock upon the door of your own, daughter, and that of your clan and many others. As such, we have and would take our leave, and we have and are most willing to receive the blessing of Godspeed, as you have and seek to rebalance the imbalance that has and calls our vibratory field so powerfully into this plane.

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of Encroachment. Thank you for your attunement and your willingness to knock upon the door of my awareness in the manner that you have. I’m honored to be in receivership of your light.

The Spirit of Encroachment: It is received. As such, we offer all the blessing of our timely departure, as we have and feel it is the season for a new dance partner. May we suggest allowance, may we suggest rebalance, may we suggest that which has and is the open-hearted embrace and respect for all who have and are a part of the flow of that which is the Gaia, yes?

Channel: Thank you, and blessings be.

The Spirit of Encroachment: It is accepted, daughter. And so, we have and take our leave.


#213 The Great Spirit of Methane


#211 The Great Spirit of the Palm Tree