#206 The Great Spirit of the Tornado

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The Great Spirit of the Tornado and the secret to harnessing the unlimited power of our tornado nature.


Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. In light of the recent surge of tornadoes touching down across multiple states in the US and elsewhere I felt compelled to channel the Great Spirit of the Tornado.


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The Great Spirit of the Tornado: We are not unacquainted, daughter. We have attuned our awareness before -- is this not so? As you have and are aware, I am that which vibrates with the song of the Great Spirit of the Tornado. I had and sought your awareness, and you were a gracious hostess as you have and heard my knock and sought to answer it with great rapidity, and that is appreciated.

Channel: Welcome Great Spirit of the Tornado. Greetings and blessings.

The Great Spirit of the Tornado: And to you, daughter. We are not that which is known as common occurrence in your neighborhood. We do not speak of your neighborhood, daughter, rather the neighborhood of the particular area, the geography of that which is the North of America, yes? And yet, we have and would offer we will be and have and know ourselves called again and again through that which is the current environment. And so, you have and we may get to know each other in our physical outpicturing with more physical intimacy, I would offer.

It is a matter of respect when it comes to my presence, and I would clarify there is not that which is malintent within me. It is simply my nature. And am I not one who is known to be of great and powerful and if you will, transmuting expression? We feel you and we appreciate your willingness to hold back the reins of your will upon that which is the horse of your own desire to place this or that or the other adjective or word into our mouths, and we do and offer gratitude for your forbearance as you have and allow us to search and to seek that which is the most attuned expression through that which is your own language files, yes?

Channel: Yes, Great Spirit.

The Great Spirit of the Tornado: We are not offering you that which is a berating, simply an acknowledgement of appreciation that you held back those adjectives that your kind most often companions with that which is our expression. While it has and is so that our presence in the physical field or environs that you have and know yourselves members of may cause what is perceived as massive destruction and complete removal or decimation, as you would use those words, of a particular environment. We have and still hold that it is not through malintent that these rather unpleasant circumstances have and may be served to those who have and know themselves in that which would be our path of expression.

In truth, there is much that calls us and much that has and if you will, fills us with that which is the great winds of our potential. There is that which is the shifting and the readjustment, the realignment of the physical climate as you have [0:05:00.0] – you we speak of as the clan of human awareness – have and through your own actions, behaviors, and choices, seek to claim for yourselves in some aspect and in so doing, call forth that which may be unpleasant, unintended, or less than, if you will, in attunement, consequence to that which has and is called out of balance in that which is the sea of the Gaia’s will.

We simply know ourselves as servant to that which requires transmutation to that which has and is unable to be restrained through what would be considered common means. We have and are the outpicturing of the Great Tempest of that which is the emotional state that has and traverses most enthusiastically, we would offer, across this plane of existence at this particular point in our mutual history. And while this may be most foreign conceptually for some, yet we offer have you not known one or another of your own species to be as a “tornado of rage” or outrage, depending on the circumstance? And do you not find as you look around, as you stand within that which is the great upheaval, the great tornado of change that has and bears down upon this plane as that which has and is infused with a great, if you will, presence of emotional turmoil?

We are the outpicturing of that which is the emotional weather system to great degree and we have and would offer that you have and experience much that has and is brought forth now and there is that when it is brought forth, it calls through its own gathering and nature that which is our expression.

We are not threatened, daughter. We are simply stating that which is the natural consequence that has and calls us more and more frequently to be that which is, if you will, the consequence of certain environmental factors. And for us, we speak in the physical terms, that which you understand as the great power of the tornado, that which has and knows few limitations that have and are – if any – created or designed through your own intent and will, as in any manner that which has and would restrict, limit, or contain us. We would also offer that we have and are, if you will, fed a bit not only by the physical imbalance that is called forth through your own environmental actions or lack therein, but also by the great winds of your emotional upheaval. For they too in their own vibration have and are fed into the atmosphere, and while you may not acknowledge it in your outpicturing, we feel many have and shudder a bit as they feel in their heartplace these great and powerful winds of change and requirement as they would bestir within.

To acknowledge that there is that which is called forth that [0:10:00.0] in its own nature has and is unlimited in its capacity to transmute one physical form into another is to also acknowledge that there is that which has and is called forth through that which is the emotions, the intentions, and the will of those who have and would create all that has and is currently upon this small plane of existence.

We have and would know ourselves as that which has and is blessed to serve that which is the great wind of transmutation, invited or not, in one’s awareness to that which is  or other aspect of this physical plane, and we have and it is our nature to have and to be called forth when there are circumstance and condition, if you will, that have and feed us, that have and expand our potential, and you, each and all, those of the human condition have been most eagerly feeding that which is the great storm of emotional imbalance, fed in great part by fear, fed in great part by resistance, fed in great part by denial. Is it not wise and timely to have and to discern what portion of all that has and would and is in this great tornado of upheaval that this entire plane has and experiences at this point in our mutual history that has or may be of benefit or if you will, if not to some, perhaps to other.

To call back as you are willing, or in truth to seek as your intent a more balanced relation with those physical aspects of that which is the environment, the atmosphere that has and embraces the Gaia is of course a point of free will. And we have and would serve this small wisdom upon the plate of your awareness. For it is not, nor ever has been, our intention to have and to harm, to wound, or to destroy, rather it has and is simply the great winds of all that we have and are in our nature, as one who has and transmutes with that which is great efficiency all that has and would seek to be as obstruction or simply, if you will, in that which is the path of our own intent.

We offer this for while we have and are not, if you will, affected in the manner that those delicate structures and pieces of your own communities, cultures, and forms of life as you have and know it have and are simply, if you will, scattered as grains of sand before our own great nature. If you do not seek to know us as greater and more common companion through those and actions that are of your own making to great degree, we would simply offer you have and rest a moment in the stillness of high discernment wherein as you have and understand through our serving and that of those who have [0:15:00.0] and study that which is the physical relationships of that which is called forth upon this plane, those who are scientists, those who study what you call the weather, those who have and understand the relation between cause and effect and have and are, if you will, assigning with greater clarity the source that has and calls forth the greater frequency of conditions that have and bear the fruits of potential for our growth and frequency of visitation.

We do not threaten, for it has and is simply that which we are aware and it wounds our heart to know that there are those who simply as we have and are in our physical form are wounded, extinguished, and those environs and structures that have and serve them are, if you will, swept apart simply through that which is our presence as one who has and pays a visit and inadvertently knocks over that which is a part of the structure.

It is not with malintent as we have offered, and we are aware we are an unwelcome guest, and if this is so, and you, each and all, seek to hold yourselves in the high discernment of wisdom in service to that which is your own need state and the greater need state of all life forms here in this plane, is it not timely, those of you of the tribe of the human collective to perhaps recalibrate a bit, reassess, and to take action in a manner that has and would carry you upon the winds of rebalancing, the winds of reconfiguration of that which is the ecology, the environment and the potential for a return to a greater balance for each and all of those who have and know themselves in a physical expression. And in truth, many who have and are not in requirement therein who have and share this great plane, this great light of grace that is the sacred song of Gaia, the planet, as you would understand it.

We are much, much older relatives, if you will, who have known themselves as that which has and was called forth when there is much that was in upheaval and much that was called into creation through that which was the will of Gaia, and in this we have and serve, as we have and continue. We are in our physical expression as much a servant to those conditions that call us forth as we have and are that which has and carries within us those less-than physical aspects of vibratory attunement that have and in truth are cast off or discharged and are released through that which is the emotional condition, not simply of your own species, but of all living beings in this plane of awareness.

It may be difficult [0:20:00.0] and in truth, considered absurd or fantasy to embrace the concept that there is a physical expression that may be fed by that which is of emotional origin. And yet, we simply would sing the truth without distortion and we invite you to have and feel within the heartplace of your own awareness, one that has and is not so attached, if you will, to what your senses serve you, but rather to that which is beyond the physical and a part of the whole.

As you have in your collective and seek to know yourselves in a point of your own potential for great and beautiful evolution, we would offer it is timely to consider what part of the great tornado of emotions each and all have and contribute into that which is the vibratory field of this plane.

We have and are aware this is perhaps obtuse, perhaps, [nonverbal - 0:21:52.0] if you will, hard to grasp, and yet if you seek to understand and have an accurate visual outpicturing of the great winds and potency of that which is the discharge of the emotional condition of the human and other species on this plane, we are most willing to oblige. For we have and are that in physical manifestation that has and is the great power, potency, and vibrancy of what has and knows itself gathered up through certain conditions, and we would sing and repeat, if you will, our chorus, such that those who missed it the first go-around or were distracted by one or other that they have and were attending to. We have and invite you once again to listen deeply with the ears of your heart and to claim and lay claim to how each and all have and contribute to that which would be the weather systems and the environment, the climate, if you will, of this particular plane of life, existence, and dimension.

There are many who have and know themselves shaking within, filled with great fear, rage, distress, despair, and it is that which as the fragrance of a meal you might be preparing has and fills the home, so too the fragrance and the smoke, if you will, rises from each and all of your own hearts and contributes in one manner or another to what you have and bear witness to in this particular point in our mutual histories. And as you have and are aware, we are simply one of many examples of what has and is occurring. For are there not great and powerful floodings? Are there not great and powerful storms? Are there not great and powerful flames and [0:25:00.0] fires? And in this, they are simply and inextricably a part of all that has and is occurring in this plane of mutual awareness. For each and all have and vibrate, and each and all have and in this plane vibrate through will and intent.

To claim the great power of your own tornado nature is to claim that which has and is not seeking through malintent, but has and is beyond powerful, beyond forceful, and in truth in many circumstances, unstoppable, and we offer within you, each of you, there is not one who is not so blessed you carry this great power of will within your own heart, as you no longer seek to simply be one who has and is, if you will, in reaction to one who has and is rather in power of the direction your own [stammer - 0:26:45.8] of your own intention of how you have and would seek to sing the song of your heart. You have and will truly know yourselves able to rest fully into the untapped, for the most part, power, and grace of your own tornado nature.

Do not confuse what you understand as the decimation or destruction of the physical plane by our physical expression with the great power of your own emotional state, as you have and would seek to claim it, to direct it, and to own it, for it has and is your great blessing and your right. In this, do not underestimate that within you, each and all, there is that which is the song of such power, of such alignment through the marriage of your willing intent and action that there is nothing that you have and may not claim when you have and hold yourself in the full awareness of this alignment and attunement to that which is your own vibratory field in concert with your willing intent.

We offer this to you now for there are so many of you who cannot feel or believe or hope that there is anything within you own physical or emotional form that could, in truth, be that which could withstand or, in truth, direct the winds of circumstance that blow so forcefully upon you.

This is a distortion. We have and sing this song of grace bestowed as we invite and welcome that which is the claiming, the ownership, and the mastery that lies within as seed of will in the heartplace of each and all. It is a matter of understanding. There is nothing you have and bear witness to that is outside of yourselves in physicality that you have and may not call into attunement and alignment vibrationally as you have and so intend. [0:30:00.0]

It is a point of hope that while we have and offer you that which is the outpicturing of the great imbalance, both of the environment through those actions and inactions that have been claimed by some of your species, and there is also that which is the great imbalance of the emotional state of your species, and we offer it need not be so.

We invite you, each and all, to claim that which has and in truth is as seed that simply requires the watering and tending to by your own awareness gratitude and intent, as you have and would water your own tornado nature, not as that which is an agent of any malintent or destruction, but rather as an agent of great, powerful, and potent change. If you are not pleased, or do not seek to continue in this particular plane of expression as you have done, brothers and sisters, who know themselves in the human collective, you have and have always carried within you the capacity and the power to shift what you have and call forth. It is a matter of claiming that which is the birthright, if you will, of free will and to harness that and to be grateful for that and to understand the great power of the Spirit of the Tornado that has and may be harnessed, not through the outpicturing, rather from that which has and rests and seeks and would be joy-filled to be awakened within the heartplace of each and all.

As you have and may perceive, there are some members of your species who have and are most aware of how to and have employed their own tornado nature, as you understand and if not, we would remind you gently the direction of your intent is the direction that has and calls forth the flow of that vibration that is held within your heart as you have and seek to align to embrace and to invoke this great power that is within each and all of you, you may be surprised and in truth, greatly pleased, and we would encourage you to take this opportunity in a timely and efficient fashion. For while you have and may shift the winds of your own intent, as you have observed in a physical outpicturing, there is much that already rages, if you will in the current atmosphere of this plane.

All is not without hope, brothers and sisters. It is why and our great joy to have and confer this awareness upon that which is the heartplace of your knowing. And we have and are not unwilling to be invoked as we would serve the mantle of your own tornado nature that has and knows itself in the seed of its potential in the soil of your free will.

We have and appreciate your willingness to be in receivership of our light, daughter, and we are most hopeful and grateful for all who have and call forth that which is the vibratory field of their tornado nature in service to their heart’s intent.

It is this song of grace we have [0:35:00.0] and bestow upon each and all of you, and we have and take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am, Great Spirit of the Tornado. Thank you for your blessing, your wisdom, and your discerning light.

The Great Spirit of the Tornado: It is complete, daughter. Godspeed. Blessings be.

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