#205 The Great Spirit of Possibility

 In this episode of Gaia Translate the Great Spirit of Possibility delivers the key to the greatest power of our human experience 

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in this special episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast you will be initiated into the secrets of the Great Spirit of Possibility.


The Great Spirit of Possibility:

The gates to all creation are that which is the vibratory field of possibility.

We greet you, daughter. We are not unacquainted. We seek to offer a reunion of sorts to those of your clan. For while there are many who have and walk in companionship, that which is the great key of possibility held tightly in their hand. For it is this key that has and will unlock the gate of all manifestation, all that has and is called forth into this field.

Many have and confuse that which they have never seen before, that which would seem to defy the physical laws that have been and the boundaries that have been pushed a bit, be it in that which has and is an expression of your own capacity, physically or intellectually or other, be it that which has and is the breaking of what is perceived as boundary of physical law, as has been historically understood, be it that which has and is so unexpected, so unusual, and so incredible that many have or would not have deemed it possible. And yet, there are those who do not walk without this key. As you have and would glance across what you may perceive as the great innovations or inventions, the great accomplishments, achievements, the records broken, the peaks scaled, physically, emotionally, or intellectually by your clan, we assure you there is not a single point of manifestation that was not companioned by that which is the Great Spirit of Possibility.

For those who have and find that which we would offer a bit confusing, we will express it quite simply. It is not that which limits the act of creation by one or another of you. It is not that which imposes itself from external source, even that which is perceived as physical law of nature as you have known it that has or would limit that which has and may be called forth into manifest expression in this plane. It is simply that without the key of possibility, that which has and is essential, held in the one who has and is in the seat of creation and there is not any one of you who is not able to sit in the seat of creation. However, it requires, as it always has, that which is the key of possibility for you to have and call forth that which has and is in your imagining, that which has and is in your envisioning, that which has and is in your will, and that which is your own creative flow in alignment with that which is the great field of possibility.

Many have and in truth, chosen not to follow the old limitations of that which has been or perceived as the outer limits of this or that potential. It is how records are broken. It is how fields of potential are called fullness— fully into their bloom. It is that which has and is constant companion to that which is the song of one’s imagination. If you do not believe anything is circumstance, a condition, or an invention is possible, is that not the same as shutting the door before you have a chance to enter into the room?

For many, one has and may perceive that which is impossible, simply because it has not shown itself in expression in prior circumstance, and we would offer that is no measure. That is simply that which has fallen, much as a fruit that has ripened upon the tree of potential, that one fruit has fallen does not imply there are not others that have and will come in their season into the fullness of their ripening in their full expression and their bloom. In this, it is simply to understand that there is nothing in this or any other universe that has and is held outside of the realm of possibility, unless and always if it is that which you have and claim and place there.

This should not be confused wherein one of your clan has and claims this is not possible; one cannot fly like a bird. One cannot speak to a loved one who is across the vast oceans. One cannot run a certain distance within the limits of a certain length of clock-time. It has never been done before and they in their denial of potential are not that which has and claims it to be so for all. They have, and most definitely claim that which at that point in their perception claim it for themselves as the limitation upon which they have and would walk.

There is no greater gift for those who have and are in a place where you have the freedom of will to call forth that which has and is unlimited in its nature, as you have and unlock the possibility through your own imagining, through your own envisioning, through your own faith with that which may never have been made manifest in this plane are offered example or already been a path that has been walked before may not be that which has and will be made manifest, or will be called forth into the fullness of creative manifestation, or will be that which as the one who has opened the gates of possibility has and holds it wide for the rest to flow through.

It is challenging, we acknowledge, when there is no template upon which to rest one’s faith, and yet as has not as we perceive it held back those who offer wide expanse for the perception of their own heart, their own imagination, their own creative flow. In truth, it is most joy-filled, we would suggest, to know oneself constantly held in that which is the vibratory field of joy-filled companionship with that which is the Great Spirit of Possibility.

In this, you are invited, for many have forgotten. It is not complex. It is not out of your reach. It is much as that which has and is been in your pocket and you simply have forgotten that it has been placed there. To claim the key of possibility without limitation and for whatever your spirit can imagine is to claim high alignment with the joy of free will in flow.

Whatever the physical circumstance may be that surrounds one, that enfolds one, that appears as great walls of limitation or of exclusion of potential, nevertheless, for those who have and place their hand deep into their pocket and pull out the key of possibility and hold it up to the eyes of their heart, there is in truth no door that will not swing open when this key has and is turned within it. It is in truth the most beautiful expression of your species, those marvelous creations that you have called forth into physical expression from that point, that spark of possibility that has and illumines the way for all else to follow.

There are many of your clan, daughter, who walk in great joy and companionship with that which is the key of possibility as that which they hold in front of them to illuminate the way forward into the unknown realms of potential. These are your innovators, these are your creators, these are your visionaries, these are each and every one of you, as you know it so.

Have there not been those who sit at the bedside of a child who is burning with fever, who rather than have and succumb to the belief that this is not that which the child may recover from, rather hold in their heart’s eye the vision of the child’s full recovery, the vision of possibility of that which is the rebalancing of the physical form of their loved one, however others may claim it has and will not be so.

That which is understood as faith is yes, a belief in the possibility of that which has and may not be present physically, which has and may be quite impossible if one were to measure the possibility by what has gone before. And yet, those who have and hold tight to the vision of possibility, not only for the wellbeing of these who are their loved ones, but for that which is the creation or the shifting of all that has and is of how your species has and relates to itself, each other, and all of life in this plane. As you, more and more of you hold the key of possibility of the rebalancing of this planet, of the rebalancing of your relation with it and each other, of the rebalancing of your fear, of the rebalancing and possibility of peace as that which also is rather than a distant and unimaginable dream, that which you hold and invite through your faith in its possibility.

It is in this manner all has and is called into manifest expression in this dimension to comprehend the incredible power of that which is the vibratory field of possibility is to accept that which is the unlimited, the unbounded and all that has and has yet to be imagined. The lack of a thing in physical expression as that which is an object, a system of belief, or any other expression of construct of human intent is not that which has a limited expression.

To hold the division and to feel it deeply, to have faith and to see it as it has and sails towards you from the distant horizon of your field has and is the manner in which you have and turn the key of possibility and unlock the door of potential.

There is that which was described in one of your stories that has been well read of late. There is that Room of Requirement in those stories that have and follow the young wizard boy. To comprehend what that is in truth is that which all that has and is in requirement that one has and may imagine in one’s field, it simply is that which as one has and knows itself is that which may be found once you have and place the key of possibility into the door of that which is the womb of potential, yes?

It is not every environment that has and vibrates with such a dramatic expression of the power of creative flow in form as has and is bestowed upon this planet and upon those who have and are of the human awareness who populate it. To walk with that which is the attunement of free will which has and is bestowed upon all and to forget to bring out the key of possibility from your pocket, which all have and are imbued with, is in truth to have and seek to sit down at a great feast and to have your hands tied behind your back, such that you may not commence the eating. Is it not a great opportunity and a blessing that we have and would bestow upon you to claim and claim again and again that which is your own mantle, your vibratory attunement with the Great Spirit of Possibility. We have and will please you as you have and choose to walk in joy-filled companionship with us.

There is in truth nothing and no other causation that has and would deny the potential possibility of any manifest or unmanifest expression other than that who has and sits in the seat of creation, each and every one of you, you all have and are blessed with the great light of unlimited possibility. Is it not efficient to claim it, to carry it, and take it out and look at it and to hold it up and place it into the door of whatever it is you have and could imagine you have and may envision, you have and seek however unexperienced it may be as a gift to call forth into this plane of your experience.

Can you know this is so? We speak to the collective. We feel there is a great upswelling of remembering and of those who have and feel their hand caress the key of possibility that has and remains within the pockets of their potential and to claim it, and this is a great season, worthy of great claiming, we would observe.

Many who have and do not seek to claim that which is your right, your birthright, and the right of all who have and experience themselves in a human form in this plane and that is the key of creation that you may call forward. And as we have offered, it is never called forward without that which is the vibratory alignment with possibility.

To hope that something has and is so may be experienced in a manner that has and is to envision it may be possible. It may also be that in which the key of doubt or fear is pushed into the lock and perhaps find that this is not what has and would open the door to great potential of desired outcome. Hope is not the same as possibility, and yet we are great dance partners when you have and you hold that which is the possibility together with that which is the hope of that which has and would seem, if not improbable, yet never before experienced under the current circumstance, you may find yourself or others within. It is a very powerful combination when you have and walk with the hand of hope and the hand of possibility and together there is in truth no door that may remain closed to this potential.

We invite your clan to take up again the greatest blessing as we perceive it that has and is bestowed upon you in this human experience and that is the blessing of your own force of creative flow.

It all has and begins with your imagining. It all has and grows when you place the key of possibility, such that you have and open the door of that which will call through your manifest intent in a manner that has and surprises many and in a manner that has and supports the light of manifestation from that which is the song of creation born of your will and your willingness to align with possibility, however outrageous, however new, however unimagined by others, that which you hold in the vision of your heart. It does not require others to accept your possibility, it however is most essential for you to claim it, to have and open the door of all that has and may be called forth from your own seat of creation, as you have and know it so.

We sought to step forward for there are great doings and goings on now, and there is much that has and may feel impossible that has and may feel unstoppable, that has and may feel inevitable, and that is when it is most useful to place your hand firmly around the key, the light of possibility, and to hold it up in front of you such that however dark or unexplored, that which has and would suggest is coming towards you in the unveilment of that which has and is the consequence of current conditions. You have and will illuminate your way most beautifully, as you have and hold the light of possibility before you.

Do not doubt its power. There is nothing that is more powerful than this vibratory node when you have and claim it, align yourselves to it and vibrate in that which is the great field of possibility. It has and is unlimited. It has and is as we have offered, the gateway to more than you can or have begun to experience as of yet in this environment of creative thought form expressed in manifest plane of flow.

We invite you all to feel the presence of that which has always been with you and not to simply pat it and leave it tucked away in the pocket of your potential, yet to claim it and hold it up and to use it as that which has and is unwavering, that which has and holds great illumination, and that which has as you walk in constant companionship with the light of possibility, you have and will navigate with greater ease than you may imagine through these turbulent points in your experience in this physical plane.

That which has never been is not denied unless there is no being who holds it up to the light of possibility. This is and shall be so. We bless you with the reminder of our presence in your field. We invite you and are joy-filled when we hear your heart sing. This may be possible, this I envision and I call forth into the field of possibility and potential through my knowing it may be so. We have and bestow this remembering from a place of joy in and to the heartplace to all of those of the human awareness, and many have and walk already with that which is the light of possibility, guiding them, and those who have forgotten we have and invite you to the dance, as it were, for there is plenty of room on the dance floor, and it is a joyful singing that we have and hear from the heartplace of each and every one of you vibrates in attunement with the light of possibility for all that you have and seek to call forward into manifest expression in this dimension of flow.

It is this blessing of remembrance that we have sought to place into the forefront of the awareness of your clan, daughter. It is timely and we felt, useful to have and offer gentle reminder of the greatest power that has and resides within the human field, individuate and yes, collective, as you have and attune to the possibility of that which you seek to hold in your heart’s eye. You have and plant the seed of its manifest potential. It is not the planting of the seed that which has and is required to call forth a mighty harvest, the garden of your heart’s intent.We feel we have, perhaps even redundantly offered this and that example, explanation, and invitation, to those of the human awareness. We have and are always joy-filled to be called into service by each and every one of your clan as you seek to create that which you envision, imagine, that which your heart seeks to be held in deep relation with, that which you seek to know.

We have and would take our leave, as you have and would serve it, daughter. We have and listen with the ears of our heart to all who seek to vibrate in the blessing of grace that is the key of possibility that is held in the pocket of every human heart.

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of Possibility. Thank you for that blessing. I am profoundly grateful for your light.

The Great Spirit of Possibility: We appreciate that, daughter, and we look forward to being, if you will, quite in vogue as those that have and receive this reminder have and enjoy a new reunion with the light of potential.

And so, we have and take our leave.


#206 The Great Spirit of the Tornado


#204 The Great Spirit of the Jaguar